Personal Space




How about the RPers that grief other players that does not grief?

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To the best of my knowledge, RPers don't actually bother ANYone... Of course, I can only speak for myself and the friends and people I RP with.

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One of my characters was threatened with non-consensual sex by a couple of RPers recently.

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ICly or not, that's... Not nice!!! I do hope it wasn't any of the GGers!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



It was right next to GG, so... probably.

Your group of friends may be nice, but the same can't be said for all RPers. Nor can you say anyone who uses acronyms or smilies in RP isn't an RPer.



It was right next to GG, so... probably.

Your group of friends may be nice, but the same can't be said for all RPers. Nor can you say anyone who uses acronyms or smilies in RP isn't an RPer.

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Nobody said all roleplayers were nice. Hell, the opposite has been explicitly stated a couple of times.



One of my characters was threatened with non-consensual sex by a couple of RPers recently.

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Hope you reported them.

My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464



It was right next to GG, so... probably.

Your group of friends may be nice, but the same can't be said for all RPers. Nor can you say anyone who uses acronyms or smilies in RP isn't an RPer.

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I've come across nasty people in RP, and I've come across idiots in RP. You get them in ALL groups. As a generalisation though; the majority do tend to be nice people who don't bother others.

As for the smilies, I don't know of any RPers who use them, and when we come across the rare one who does, it's often handled thusly.

Me: Hi, nice to meet you!
Them: Hey there lol!
Me: Um... why did you just say 'colon close bracket lol semi-colon close bracket'? Are you alright?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



One of my characters was threatened with non-consensual sex by a couple of RPers recently.

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Hope you reported them.

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I did. I went away for a few days the day following though, and the ticket was closed and I really can't be bothered to re-open it; but I have screenshot proof just in case.

And Syra, it was the second half of my post that was the most important. That RPers who use acronyms and smilies aren't considered RPers.



How about the RPers that grief other players that does not grief?

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To the best of my knowledge, RPers don't actually bother ANYone... Of course, I can only speak for myself and the friends and people I RP with.

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One of my characters was threatened with non-consensual sex by a couple of RPers recently.

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ICly or not, that's... Not nice!!! I do hope it wasn't any of the GGers!

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I'm with FFM for this saying that whoever did this were in no way representing the RP scene and those who are a part of it as a whole.

If I was there when it happened I would have wanted to knock their teeth out.

And I am not meaning IC!

Although wanting to and being able to are entirely different. But I would have most certianly looked to getting it reported along with your own report.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"




And Syra, it was the second half of my post that was the most important. That RPers who use acronyms and smilies aren't considered RPers.

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Not all roleplayers think this way.




And Syra, it was the second half of my post that was the most important. That RPers who use acronyms and smilies aren't considered RPers.

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Not all roleplayers think this way.

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... I'm well aware of this. Being one of those RPers who doesn't think that way.

The whole, "Why did you say colon, open bracket, hi," in my mind can also be applied to: "Why did you say I apostrophe m ok thanks comma you question mark".




... I'm well aware of this. Being one of those RPers who doesn't think that way.

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We're also well aware that not everyone who bumps into people is doing it on purpose, and that not every roleplayer is a good person. Yet it's still being pointed out.

Just figured I'd bring a balance to things, s'all.



For a start, RPers will NEVER "LOL" or use smilies when it's an IC conversation...

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Heh. I take it you're not a regular on bad_rpers_suck, then? Roleplayers will do that, and worse.




Heh. I take it you're not a regular on bad_rpers_suck, then? Roleplayers will do that, and worse.

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Don't ever question the sanctity of my half-Draenei werewolf. Thanks.



Don't ever question the sanctity of my half-Draenei werewolf. Thanks.

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As long as he isn't named Sepiroth (or Drizzt), I don't have a problem.



For a start, RPers will NEVER "LOL" or use smilies when it's an IC conversation...

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Heh. I take it you're not a regular on bad_rpers_suck, then? Roleplayers will do that, and worse.

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That community is the only reason I have a Livejournal. My favourite ever entry was the self-cleaning, ahem, female genitalia.



That was a good one. As was the saga of the guy who's insane on the Astral plane. And the saga of Neil the Paladin.

I digress (and goad Syra's halfbreed lycanthrope. Besides, my Half-Blood Elf, half-Night Elf Death Knight is way more awesome and beautiful. And she's the illicit daughter of Kael'thas and that Tyrande Whisperwind! ... And possibly a princess of Stormwind.)

Anyway, on the topics of smilies in RP, I'm not really a fan of them. The example you gave Stasis, of 'I apostrophe m' isn't really valid in my opinion, because we can say that. We can't say or that well. (Okay, we can say XD, but I get odd looks when I say that.)

As for LOL and such, there are exceptions. Fusebox has been known to el-oh-el, or be-ar-be on occasion, but she's a gamer chick.

Non-con RP sex as you experienced? Not okay in my books, that kind of thing at least needs OOC notice or prior discussion, unless you're in some kind of DM'ed or other such group where things have been agreed on as being possible at conception.

As for personal space, while I've noticed that people tend to follow personal space trends as they would in real life, yes, you do get the people bumping into you, knocking you out of place (Like those stupid Peds...) or interposing during conversation (That happens in PD a fair bit I've noticed. Especially at the side of the bar. And not in the interposing to order at bar type, they'll just get in the way and start talking to someone else.)

I can't think of anything else to cover, so... um, yeah! Carry on.

And beware of Gazebos.



And beware of Gazebos.

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Gazebos are tricky, but it's the head of Vecna you really need to look out for.



FloatingFatMan i totally 100% argee.
ok it can be fun, when everyone is involed however out of kindness i cant stand when ppl do tht.
i rarely rp. (due to having no toons yet where im happy their a nice lvl n have made a story to stick with) but getting booted by NPCs and then Players is beyond me tbh

i would love to see personal space made into something right, where NPCS, and players can push u to aside ( pets however is fine)