Personal Space




This is technically more of a roleplaying topic, BUT, as many of those guilty of it are NOT actually roleplayers, I thought I'd post it in general.

I'd like to talk about something called Personal Space. We're all familiar with it. It's that region in a persons immediate vicinity where we don't like strangers getting any closer. It can also be considered the space between 2 or more people when they're having a conversation, and it can be extended to your in-game avatar too.

The reason I'm bringing it up? Well, in everyday life, MOST people have the decency to actually respect personal space. You don't just shove people aside as you walk past, and you don't plonk yourself in between people that are having a conversation. So I can't help but wonder, why is it so damned difficult for people to do the same in game?!?

I've lost count of the number of people, RPers and not, who just walk straight in to you, shoving you off your spot (REALLY annoying when you've spent the last couple of minutes buggering about with various sit emotes and getting the position right), or even worse, just stand right between people who are having a conversation, often pulling dumb emotes or bouncing around; anything to try to distract you from whatever it was you were doing. It's bad enough when NPC's just shove you aside, it's REALLY annoying when it's other players doing it!

Why do people have to do that? Is there something about being in a computer game that makes people forget basic manners or something? Why do people have to be so damned RUDE!?

( BTW, this is a semi-serious topic. I'm only slightly annoyed by this. I'm more just curious as to why people feel the need to be all shovey when in game, when they wouldn't do it in real life. )


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Most people don't consider it something that irks people that much. Heck, I didn't until i read this.

(*unmacros dance6, drumlow, alakazamreact*)

Edit: though from a non-rp POV, and this may just be me, but I do find it very eerie when people walk right up to your character, almost treading on your toes. I kinda wanna say 'mind stepping back, please', in local...but the ol' english passive-aggressive-polite nature of mine means i just find another spot to balance my /em wallllean



You see! You're a non-rper, and even you feel it! It's an invasion of personal space!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Lag, rubber-banding, not knowing exactly where the character's boundaries are (I can knock someone off of the Atlas plaza from the ingame equivalent of three feet away), it being the quickest route from A to B, they've been shoved out of the way by someone else, they've managed to get stuck between you and the other person/wall/mob.

Pick one.



You see! You're a non-rper, and even you feel it! It's an invasion of personal space!

[/ QUOTE ]

Except it isn't *really* is it? . I'm just an overly touchy person, who is a bit awkward w/personal contact i find it eerie when replicated onscreen



I'll agree not to bump/shove/emote in your general direction if RPers consent to moving out of local distance of contacts and npcs I'm sent to talk to, it gives me a creepy sensation when I arrive at these people and some seriously weird text starts to creep onto my chat panel.



RP'ers don't bring anything to the economy, they should be forced to do missions.

..isn't it Friday yet?



This is technically more of a roleplaying topic, BUT, as many of those guilty of it are NOT actually roleplayers, I thought I'd post it in general.

I'd like to talk about something called Personal Space. We're all familiar with it. It's that region in a persons immediate vicinity where we don't like strangers getting any closer. It can also be considered the space between 2 or more people when they're having a conversation, and it can be extended to your in-game avatar too.

The reason I'm bringing it up? Well, in everyday life, MOST people have the decency to actually respect personal space. You don't just shove people aside as you walk past, and you don't plonk yourself in between people that are having a conversation. So I can't help but wonder, why is it so damned difficult for people to do the same in game?!?

I've lost count of the number of people, RPers and not, who just walk straight in to you, shoving you off your spot (REALLY annoying when you've spent the last couple of minutes buggering about with various sit emotes and getting the position right), or even worse, just stand right between people who are having a conversation, often pulling dumb emotes or bouncing around; anything to try to distract you from whatever it was you were doing. It's bad enough when NPC's just shove you aside, it's REALLY annoying when it's other players doing it!

Why do people have to do that? Is there something about being in a computer game that makes people forget basic manners or something? Why do people have to be so damned RUDE!?

( BTW, this is a semi-serious topic. I'm only slightly annoyed by this. I'm more just curious as to why people feel the need to be all shovey when in game, when they wouldn't do it in real life. )

[/ QUOTE ]

Game engine limitations?

I mean it can be hard to position your self when your lowest speed is around 20mph.

/e demands walk toggle!

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Nah, I'm not talking about people accidentally doing it. I'm talking about what we RPers see regularly. People deliberately shoving, or getting in the way of a conversation, or doing the funkymonkey in your face.

We have a name for such people. They're called Tools. Generally, there entire purpose in life seems to be to irritate RPers, just because we're doing something different. We do all we can to ignore them, but they can make it awfully hard sometimes, especially when they start spamming power effects on top of everything else.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Oh I thought you meant RPers doing it to other RPers.

No the reason other people do it is because they are [censored], enough said.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



You'll hate Seven, FFM, she has no clue about personal space, modesty, a number of other perfectly normal human reactions to other people. Not in her programming.

It only really bothers me if it's of the "stand between two people and do stupid emotes" variety. That isn't people being overly touchy, or game mechanics problems, that's just plain rude and deliberate disruption of other people's enjoyment of the game.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I'll agree not to bump/shove/emote in your general direction if RPers consent to moving out of local distance of contacts and npcs I'm sent to talk to, it gives me a creepy sensation when I arrive at these people and some seriously weird text starts to creep onto my chat panel.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, putting the GG meets right beside Charlie Sparks was, perhaps, a mistake from that perspective. It also gives people the chance to annoy the RPers by spam-clicking Charlie. But considering Atlas was pretty much taken up by the costume competitions and other highly OOC activities, GG seemed like the perfect place.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Even though I don't RP, I can understand where you're coming from with this FFM. One thing that does happen to me that irks are when people want to get a good look at your cossie and go as close to your character as the engine will allow. Ironically they'd get a better effect if they walked PAST you and rotated the view around, but hey.

Rudeness in game happens simply because there is no consequence. If someone is rude to your face they're likely to get a bop on the nose, in game they know they're untouchable.

In an ideal world consequence would make no difference, and it'd be a simple matter of common decency. Unfortunately, as we all know, both this world, and the virtual one are far from ideal.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



You'll hate Seven, FFM, she has no clue about personal space, modesty, a number of other perfectly normal human reactions to other people. Not in her programming.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doing it ICly can be dealt with ICly. By first explaining, and then emote shoving. It's the non-rpers which get my goat.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I can't say I've really experienced this in game too much but WW can get really crowded.

As to why it happens, it's basically simple, it's all about fear. In game you cannot make eye-contact nor can you actually slap somebody if they come stand between you and your friend, whereas in the real world you most certainly would.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



You'll hate Seven, FFM, she has no clue about personal space, modesty, a number of other perfectly normal human reactions to other people. Not in her programming.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doing it ICly can be dealt with ICly. By first explaining, and then emote shoving. It's the non-rpers which get my goat.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll be watching for you being at the statue. *evil malicious grin*

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Im kind of the opposite to this, if im in a public place (in the game) and having a conversation in local chat then this to me means that anybody can take part of the conversation.
For example if im in atlas talking to another guy in local about oh i dont know . . . . . . . . "how long do pineapples take to blow up in a microwave?" and somebody decided to just say hello or join in the convesation then i honestly wouldnt mind, means one more person to talk too

It can only be classed as rude imo if your in a "non known hanging point" talking in local and somebody butts in or if you ask politely can they stop yet they carry on.

(honestly im just rambling on because waiting for microwave to go DING)

Can see your point though and i would be annoyed if i was a RPer too, but im not so im kinda 80/20 on this at mo Convince me!!!!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I(honestly im just rambling on because waiting for microwave to go DING)

[/ QUOTE ]

Ding, or the wet explosion of a pineapple.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



I(honestly im just rambling on because waiting for microwave to go DING)

[/ QUOTE ]

Ding, or the wet explosion of a pineappleS .

[/ QUOTE ]


@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Get over it.



Get over it.

[/ QUOTE ]

A very deep and insightful comment there, FireKitty. Thank you so much for your insight.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



No problem. But seriously, there are bigger things in life except people pushing your character a couple of feet in a game.



I'm on Defiant. There are other players???



I'm on Defiant. There are other players???

[/ QUOTE ]

No, you're the only one unless I come on there with an alt.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.