Personal Space




Yup. A lot more than on smelly Onion. Politer too.

See what I did there?

@ His Rotund Wadlliness: some people just like to get really, really close to you. So that they can touch you. Sometimes inappropriately too. Or just to see you wobble like so much jello. You should see this as a good thing. I guess.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I am trying to understand why people would do such a thing and I can't imagin why. Besides being a generally antisocial person to begin with.

Just give everybody space. Be they roleplayers, farmers, pvp'ers or badgehunters. The servers are not so crowded that there is any reason to be anoyed with people minding their own business.



I can see your point, but what really bugs me are when civilians are shoving me aside on the pavement while I try to listen to the funky 3D virtual police band radio! Me a level 35 Stone Tanker! Even the cars do their utmost to swerve out of the way - but civilian pedestrians - oh no.



I can see your point, but what really bugs me are when civilians are shoving me aside on the pavement while I try to listen to the funky 3D virtual police band radio! Me a level 35 Stone Tanker! Even the cars do their utmost to swerve out of the way - but civilian pedestrians - oh no.

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Thats another topic. But yeah that is plain rude. Naturlly I need to remind those who is boss and have my thugs beat the culprit to a puddle of goo. But alas we cannot do such a thing!



Nah, I'm not talking about people accidentally doing it. I'm talking about what we RPers see regularly. People deliberately shoving, or getting in the way of a conversation, or doing the funkymonkey in your face.

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Could you send them my way then, I need to know how?

I didn't think it was possible to deliberately shove people in game (other than by sodding pedestrians) and I've been trying for years to do it to people I play with. When I appear to be shoved by someone afaik from their perspective I'm shoving them.



Here sounds like you RPers and the PLers could scratch each others back here.

Why not join there farm, sit at mish door and do your RP thing, wont get no-one pushing u then....and you wont be taking up air space for non RPing Players.



Just a quick question, is it considered rude to watch roleplayers (at a discrete distance so as not to interfere)? I find it a bit like very cheap theatre.

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



NO and if it is it shouldnt be. Theres places they can go if they really didnt want a audience.



Depends who you talk to and how secure they are.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I don't RP so this sounds fairly minor to me, but I'm not shocked it happens if it annoys you so much: Griefers only need one justification to grief - that they know what they're doing will annoy the heck out of the other person in real life. Unfortunately you've just confirmed to these pushy non-RPers how much they're getting to you - you better hope they don't read the forum or things are likely to get worse. In fact this would be hard to report as harassment, takes no prep-time, could be done with a L1 character on a trial account, carries no in-game risk for the griefer, and thus it's almost the perfect grief.

Just ignore them, or log to a different character and do something else, until the griefer(s) get bored and go away.

Just be aware that some griefers have very high boredom thresholds. In other MMOs I’ve seen or heard of griefs that took weeks/months to come to fruition. In EQ and WoW I several times witnessed players killing quest-giving NPCs non-stop all evening purely to stop PvEers being able to do the quest (usually newbies too). And I’ve witnessed griefs that were so widespread, frequent and infamous that the Devs actually made major game changes to stop that specific grief. I’ve even seen a whole guild of griefers corpse-camping a guy for an entire week non-stop just so that his corpse would decay with all of his hard-earned equipment on it (that was on Sullon Zek in EverQuest too, just like the previous example).

By comparison this is pretty minor. Best you can do is try not to let it bother you.



Just a quick question, is it considered rude to watch roleplayers (at a discrete distance so as not to interfere)? I find it a bit like very cheap theatre.

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I've often wondered that, as I've sat, or stood and watched the GG RP'ers from a building across from the statue...

I often think to myself too.. I wouldn't mind giving that a try, but i can't get into character as well as the existing RP'ers do.

Being mostly a non RP'er myself, i occasionally find it annoying when someone buffs me in atlas when im just standing there chatting, as from the conversation they know im not ready to 'fight anything'. However having said that, im also guilty of moving quite close to characters to check out their , normally superb, costumes.



Just a quick question, is it considered rude to watch roleplayers (at a discrete distance so as not to interfere)? I find it a bit like very cheap theatre.

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I've often wondered that, as I've sat, or stood and watched the GG RP'ers from a building across from the statue...

I often think to myself too.. I wouldn't mind giving that a try, but i can't get into character as well as the existing RP'ers do.

Being mostly a non RP'er myself, i occasionally find it annoying when someone buffs me in atlas when im just standing there chatting, as from the conversation they know im not ready to 'fight anything'. However having said that, im also guilty of moving quite close to characters to check out their , normally superb, costumes.

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This is indeed what i do, hence why i asked the question. I hope i'm not offending anyone by listening in though!

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



From my point of view, it's public roleplay, you can't stop the public listening in.

It's interfering with it that's the problem.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



In real life i go around groping people at every given chance.If you see me close run for cover in game



Is this a no clipping plea to the devs?

I only invade virtual personal space if I can get a glimpse of their virtual panties



In real life i go around groping people at every given chance.If you see me close run for cover in game

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You're attracted to large, floating men?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



In real life i go around groping people at every given chance.If you see me close run for cover in game

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You're attracted to large, floating men?

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Fail much?



In real life i go around groping people at every given chance.If you see me close run for cover in game

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You're attracted to large, floating men?

[/ QUOTE ]

Fail much?

[/ QUOTE ]

Right now, that's pretty relative

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



persoanly i get annoyed with plp spaming local chat with drivel while im trying to push someone of a wall

Anyone for a hug



In real life i go around groping people at every given chance.If you see me close run for cover in game

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You're attracted to large, floating men?

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Fail much?

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Right now, that's pretty relative

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No incest is pretty relative.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



In real life i go around groping people at every given chance.If you see me close run for cover in game

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You're attracted to large, floating men?

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Fail much?

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Right now, that's pretty relative

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No incest is pretty relative.

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None of my relatives are pretty. It's amazing that I'm as attractive as I am considering that gene pool.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



The Greater Internet F***wad Theory

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I was wondering when someone would post that.

As for personal space. I know what you mean. It even irks me at times. I know there is little we can do about NPC but I have had people walk into me when I have been on a rooftop. I mean come on, there's a whole rooftop and you just have to walk into me.



We just love you sooooo much we want to be near you.