Costumes and Helmets




Given the new costume pieces that come with I12, and of course the Roman set reward for completing the new TF, I wanted to ask a quick question about collectable costume pieces - specifically, pre-order Arachnos helmets from the CoV discs.

In short - you could get a pre-order disc from stores for CoV, which gave you a load of 'stuff', the ability to start on CoV before the rest of the world, and depending on the disc that you had, an Arachnos helment. There were four types, and apparently, they were not 'stackable' - so you couldn't collect all four discs and get all four helmets.

Since pre-order 'run' powers have become veteran rewards, wings can be invented (albeit different ones from the vets - yet still not as 'rare' as they were once thought to be), and the age-old merge of CoH and CoV wardrobes happened - I'm curious - are these special helmets going to become accessible to all, over time? A vet reward? Something to just be 'included', since the VEATs are now accessible (or am I too late and it's already happened?)

Also - how 'rare' are the 'rare' costume pieces? I have the limited edition DVD cape - is that likely to appear in the normal wardrobe soon, do you think? Part of me is quite proud to have a costume piece that you don't see on everyone. Gives your character a feeling of 'identity'.

[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]



I'd rather they make the pre-order helmets available to all for the sake of parity with the pre-order Sprints.



you do of course realise you have contradicted yourself.

wanting the preorder stuff you clearly odnt have

but not wanting to share the collectors edition stuff you do have

Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



you do of course realise you have contradicted yourself.

wanting the preorder stuff you clearly odnt have

but not wanting to share the collectors edition stuff you do have

[/ QUOTE ]

Got a point there, reminds me of the whole vet rewards wings Vs craftable wings.

I myself however think that it would be fair if the pre-order cape and helmets are released through vet rewards or craftable items or if the devs feel like it just release all of them to everyone. I know my Nightwidow would appreciate being able to ware her helmet on her other costumes



Well seeing as the EU could only get one type of helmet as we only had one store doing the pre-order deal I say unlock all the Arachnos helmets.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



you do of course realise you have contradicted yourself.

wanting the preorder stuff you clearly odnt have

but not wanting to share the collectors edition stuff you do have

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Got a point there,

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Well seeing as the EU could only get one type of helmet as we only had one store doing the pre-order deal I say unlock all the Arachnos helmets.

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and sign'd

but even if they are we will probably have to pay or wait like 5 years for vet reward as they're just going stupid with vet rewards IMO



Well, since they already work with costumes, how about a comprosmise - unlocking SoAs also unlocks the pre-order helmets account wide, both CoH and CoV side. Sound fair?

@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"



you do of course realise you have contradicted yourself.

wanting the preorder stuff you clearly odnt have

but not wanting to share the collectors edition stuff you do have

[/ QUOTE ]

I must have an eyesight problem because I don't see anywhere in the OP's post them saying that they wanted the helmets to be available to them. They just asked if they were going to be made available.

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Well, since they already work with costumes, how about a comprosmise - unlocking SoAs also unlocks the pre-order helmets account wide, both CoH and CoV side. Sound fair?

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I say sell the pre-order sets as a pack, with maybe another set of Arachnos armour to make it worthwhile.



I say sell the pre-order sets as a pack, with maybe another set of Arachnos armour to make it worthwhile.

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And maybe use the money from it to bring forward the VEAT bug fixes to Issue 27?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Strange to hear GG talking about VEAT bugs, since when are you ever going to play one? :P



Hey, gotta look at the big picture too

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GG's just being open minded
though I agree to some extent and I love the idea however wouldnt that make the costume peice less unique like the Vet wings?



Hey, gotta look at the big picture too

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GG's just being open minded
though I agree to some extent and I love the idea however wouldnt that make the costume peice less unique like the Vet wings?

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It's already common, you can use them as long as its on your first slot and your a VEAT.

The Americans got a choice between three helmets depending on where they preordered the game.

We got the wolf spider helm, if we did.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Well a least my pre-order wolf spider helmet's lights work now

It's not running away. It's advancing in reverse!



(I noticed the lights last night - very nice! If only the could fix the glowing/humming/lit-up items in bases!)

I suppose my point was this - costume pieces would be nice for everyone - and obviously the other three helmets were never available.

In my OP, I pointed out that I liked having a limited edition cape, and so what I didn't make clear (and I apologise) was that it's just a bit of a shame that there's no way of getting the other pre-order helmets. If someone today went out and bought the DVD edition and registered it, they'd get the cape. Simple. So it's accessible. However, you can only have *one* of the four pre-order helments, because that's how they designed it. That was my question - sorry if it wasn't clear - are the helmets going to become VET rewards, since they were never all accessible to people (unlike the cape, which is, in a way).

[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]



Personally, I don't like the idea of loads of Arachnos "heroes" running around Paragon City, but equally I'd like to see all this stuff made available to players.

So, to reconcile both of those, I'd be happier if this stuff was (and maybe some Arachnos themed weapon skins and a new jetpack?) were made available as a paid-for add-on for those who wanted it.

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



That's not a bad idea. I agree with Crimson. It worked with the extras from the good vs. evil pack (and the wedding stuff).

Part of me thought they would just be made available to all when the VEATs were released. I think you'd have to bundle them together with some other stuff (or make'em cheap, lol) as there's not much there to buy. Unless you released all four together now that the VEATs are available to allow you the (payable) option of making your toon a more realistic look. Hmmm...yeah, it's a good add-on to sell with I12's release, now that I think of it.

Granted, villainous heroes may not be what's wanted, but some RP'ers out there may want to build an 'arachnos disguise' for missions, or maybe running around RV? Who knows? I know that I tend to use my 5th cossie slot for 'themed' costumes. Xmas, Halloween, Rome, etc.

[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]



As I said in the suggestion thread is seems a little unfair on those who actually got the pre-order pack to just give away the special bits they got. Just as I was a little miffed that the collectors edition sprint powers were turned into a vet reward.

Make it a paid for expansion, then it won't be available to everyone who logs in... and the revenue can be used to add genuinely new unlockables that everyone has the chance to work for.



Well, as demonstrated by the wedding pack, paid-for extras seem to be a good idea. Especially if it's something innocent like this that doesn't affect actual gameplay. More money for the devs for more content for us!



While we're at it, can we add a "Walk" toggle to the fantasy add-on pack we're building too?

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



As I said in the suggestion thread is seems a little unfair on those who actually got the pre-order pack to just give away the special bits they got.

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Why? You didn't pay anything extra to get them after all.



Fair or not, why shouldn't NCSoft raise a little extra revenue by selling these things on now, if it's a non-game breaking addition which people are willing to pay for?

Some people got it free for investing in the game a little early; good for them! If the some more people now want to share in these items, then why shouldn't they remain at least a little bit elitist and be for those who want to invest a little in NCSoft to get them?

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Tbh, I agree with the payment idea.

Before I posted this, I was looking for ways in which to acquire the other three pre-order discs, before I realised you couldn't 'stack' them. I would've paid for them (ebay, perhaps) just to get the helmets. Why? I'm a nutter when it comes to 'completeness', and I have no other vices ;o)

Well, some. But none that should be mentioned here P

[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url=""] The New Guardians[/url] - [url=""] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]