VEAT video.
lol why are longbow giving lectures in RWZ?
love the video
love the costumes
Threat level 24 you say
I want a widow!!!!!! AWESOME!
Looks good to me.
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Hahaha! That was great! Some interesting info there. Looks like Crab Spiders will have a nuke and Bane Spiders' summons will be useful
Also loving the amount of customization available
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Oh. My. God.
NCSoft, take my soul. TAKE IT.
As per Augury's suggestion, my Crab Spider shall have a "CHARGING MAI LAZORS" macro.
I can't pick between Night Widow and Crab Spider... Maybe Bane spider? D8
Although do the spider paths lose access to the machine gun? That would be much sadface.
It's all looking pretty good
I can't pick between Night Widow and Crab Spider... Maybe Bane spider? D8
Although do the spider paths lose access to the machine gun? That would be much sadface.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm unable to choose either. Not sure whether to go for a crab spider, or a fortunata. Or perhaps even a bane spider... good thing we're getting those extra slots...
Hahaha! That was great! Some interesting info there. Looks like Crab Spiders will have a nuke and Bane Spiders' summons will be useful
Also loving the amount of customization available
[/ QUOTE ]
Nuke and Dull Pain.
"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."
Ummm!, Major Tasker said the 'B' word! (and i don't mean BloodWidow)
((hehe, best voice-over acting yet - love the concept for that trailer.))
Top Marks NCNC. 5/5
so where the action figures??
Edit: anyone know for sure if we get 4 path or 6 as carrying on as Blood Widows/Wolf Spiders?
Hey all ... we'll have a Soldiers of Arachnos forum opened up tomorrow for you to discuss everything VEAT.
Crab Spider... Longfang... much blasty blasty...
WANT!! WANT NOW! So glad I have a villain at 50 ready
"Hard pressed on my right. My centre is yielding. Impossible to manoeuvre. Situation excellent. I am attacking." - General Ferdinand Foch
I love the way issue 12 is being promoted, lots of thought and enthusiasm behind this project .
�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from
EU, Union mostly.
"Try not to embarrass my fine organisation with your inevitable ineptitude!"
Love that Tasker
holy mother on a mud stick. slap me silly and call me a hero.
thts it. thts sorted me. im soo defo making 4 VEATS
woooooo. damit Devs give me I12 NOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
*licks lips. rdy for kick a$$ issue*

Hey all ... we'll have a Soldiers of Arachnos forum opened up tomorrow for you to discuss everything VEAT.
[/ QUOTE ]

Yep was impressed with that video although like many now got the task of deciding what path I shall be taking. Dull pain and a nuke might just shade it.
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute -
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Edit: anyone know for sure if we get 4 path or 6 as carrying on as Blood Widows/Wolf Spiders?
[/ QUOTE ]
well im defo making 4 VEATS. if they do carry on then he11, ill be making 6

I dunno,.... theres just something for me that doesn't 'fit' with being a male BloodWidow or Fortunata, its right up there with male nannys and flight attendants.
Will they have the male or female run-style when they specialise?
Yep was impressed with that video although like many now got the task of deciding what path I shall be taking. Dull pain and a nuke might just shade it.
[/ QUOTE ]
lol i taking all. but now i dont know what my fav one will be
tht sucks

my only question is:
why lvl 24 till we get to decide?

all i know is Major Tasker has got a Major crush on us so i think he show up alot of time trying to woe us lol
my only question is:
why lvl 24 till we get to decide?
[/ QUOTE ]Why not?
Couldn't see this anywhere else on the boards here goes.
(and THIS is where I got it from)
Jeg leser i h�nden, om tiden som kommer.
Jeg lytter til havet, og ser tiden som var.
Jeg snakker med fjell, og tiden st�r stille.
Jeg snakker med meg selv, og tiden g�r.
Jeg lukker et �ye, og ser halvt.
Jeg lukker begge, og ser alt.
La meg ligge...
La meg ligge...
La meg ligge...igjen.