VEAT video.




You mean: More Yoda like, that was. Again, you must try.

I really should do something about this signature.



Do, .. or do not - there is no try.

Besides, with my Sig. I think I'd better not



Grammar: Rikti :Beginners: The basics of

*edited to try and sound all Rikti

[/ QUOTE ]

My degree doesnt allow me to minor in Rikti, hence it's not very good :P



Anyone else almost forgotten about Cimerora and Midnighter in the midst of all the shiny goodness that's already been revealed about VEATS/power proliferation/slot purchase??

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Other features in i12? lol wut.



I THINK we get access to pretty much all the arachnos costume pieces no matter which VEAT we choose (except of course the backpack).

[/ QUOTE ]

Not true, it just looks that way because Crab and Bane Spiders share alot of the same sotume parts, but not all, as is the same with Night Widows and Futunata.

[/ QUOTE ]

But if you take a look at the Bane Spider with the neon green armor parts (at the 1:40 mark on the video), he clearly has the bladed forearms that only Crab Spiders have.
So I think at least some of these "exclusive" parts may be shared.

Jeg leser i h�nden, om tiden som kommer.
Jeg lytter til havet, og ser tiden som var.
Jeg snakker med fjell, og tiden st�r stille.
Jeg snakker med meg selv, og tiden g�r.
Jeg lukker et �ye, og ser halvt.
Jeg lukker begge, og ser alt.

La meg ligge...
La meg ligge...
La meg ligge...igjen.



All I could do while watching that vid was sit there giggling to myself in that way only a psychotic megalomaniac can when he/she has just discovered a sure-fire way to take over the world.

Now all I need is a lvl 50 villain .... hmmmmmmmmm

/em joins cries of PL PLX



with the statement by Major Tasker "If your of natural talent"
does this mean the VEAT's will be able to pick any origin rather than stick to one origin?



ow man i need to go and change my underwear now!

crab spiders MINE



with the statement by Major Tasker "If your of natural talent"
does this mean the VEAT's will be able to pick any origin rather than stick to one origin?

[/ QUOTE ]Nope, they're all natural.



Hmm no Widow little tail cape, wonder if they will get that or not



it just says "video not found" for me



it just says "video not found" for me

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah its doing that for me now... wasnt earlier though, maybe some website problem... think its mentioned that they were gonna put more info up later so could be related to that.. or could be we both have misbehaving internet!



with the statement by Major Tasker "If your of natural talent"
does this mean the VEAT's will be able to pick any origin rather than stick to one origin?

[/ QUOTE ]Nope, they're all natural.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where's that info from?

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



its from some pics that was posted a while ago that showed veats could only choose natural



I didn't see any helmetless Bane or Crab Spiders. Now, that makes me sad

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't worry you get 2nd slot at level 12 (possibly 10 my memory pwnz to hard to remember exactly). Mine will just be the crab spider backpack... and nothing else. Form an orderly queue ladies...


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



it just says "video not found" for me

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah its doing that for me now... wasnt earlier though, maybe some website problem... think its mentioned that they were gonna put more info up later so could be related to that.. or could be we both have misbehaving internet!

[/ QUOTE ]

you can also find the video here



i'd just like to say im really excited about this and also, some people say that fortunatas are just mind/psi domi's but i for one like the idea since ive never played one



I didn't see any helmetless Bane or Crab Spiders. Now, that makes me sad

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't worry you get 2nd slot at level 12 (possibly 10 my memory pwnz to hard to remember exactly). Mine will just be the crab spider backpack... and nothing else. Form an orderly queue ladies...

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't worry that I won't be able to pick what I want for my 2nd slot, I worry that I won't be able to choose a bare head in my first...



you can also find the video here

[/ QUOTE ]
thanks and omg i want 4 veats and i want them now!



its from some pics that was posted a while ago that showed veats could only choose natural

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, that kinda clashes with my concept of a cyborg Crab Spider...

Ah I can work round it.

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Hmm, that kinda clashes with my concept of a cyborg Crab Spider...

Ah I can work round it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Origin = Origin.

Origin =/= Present.

Your career originated from your stint as a Wolf Spider, and you went on to cyborginise yourself. Still have a Natural origin; just that your current self has changed.



I want to see powers list and numbers before I decide .




I suspect that the script writen for the trailer may possibly be better than the VEATs however would be nice to be wrong again come release date.