Handbook of the Union Universe




Posted on behalf of Coile.


The last update of the year is upon us! Well, you, to be exact.

Before you go out to blast those crackers and rockets skyhigh why not drop by the Union Handbook and browse the two newly-chosen, mint crisp fresh featured characters?

The Hero of the week is Luminous Phoenix from the explosion loving Fletched Alliance!

The Villain of the week is Lucky Day from the artifact scavenging Rosetta Foundation!

Something to think of while getting ludicrously intoxicated: What if The Hyenas (the next litter) was after a giant monster in the same place that the Rosetta Foundation was scavenging for valuable old relics and the place was at the same time being raided by the Fletched Alliance? And how high would the mushroom cloud climb?

Have yourselves a fragtastic New Year with plenty of heroic and/or villainous deeds!



Controversial addition - Added a page to Community Plots for the Requiem War of 2006 earlier today, and linked it to every appropriate place I could find. Given that my memories of what actually happened 18 months ago are a little hazy at best (and trawling through the forum posts to find everything from that time is something I'm saving for work next week), any edits are naturally welcome.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



A nicely set plot profile Shadowe, looking forward to reading up on the Requiem War. Speaking of profiles, we're running categorical themes for the next couple months. January's character features will be chosen at random from the female pool! And February's from the male! Now without further ado, for the first week of the new year

<ul type="square">[*]Our featured Hero is Eci Hammer from the great city of London!
[*]Our featured Villain is the Shadow Huntress from the monster hunting squad, the Hyenas!
[*]Enjoy the read, and remember to keep up to date with the new Current Events section![/list]



Ok here I go, I have over the past few days added in two of my plotline stories from these borads to the handbook, A future's Past and Shades of Grey, and was wonder if anyone would be so kind as to give me feedback or such on these, i am fully aware that there are some chunks of info and story missing, but these bits are hidden deep in my chat logs, and will take me quite some time to find and remake into part of the stories, and of course some bits are said by other players characters so i would need their say so to place them into the story if need be.

They are both at persent under the Character plot heading since i didn't feel that there was much if any bit that made them more fit to the community plot area, but feel free to move them if they do.



Hey Shadower.

I have had a flick through the page you did.

My first thought was, why are you telling us ((OOC) at the beginning) exactly what your character is about to find out?

To me it's kinda defeating to lay it all out like that... "learning that there is more to life than money" etc.

These seem to be the sort of conclusions your readers should be realising themselves at the end of the piece of writing, based on the story, rather than you spelling it out for them at the start.

Atleast perhaps give it a spoiler warning? (You can use the {{spoiler}} and {{endspoiler}} tags to do this automatically)


I've gone through and editted the first part of the story, (Ghosts of a Past) as I'm afflicted with a condition that makes it near impossible for me to read through something with typos without either correcting them or just not bothering to read it.

It was my hope to have made improvements, but if you want to go back to the original text, I'm fairly certain that's easily done with wiki software.

I've not read further.

I have no idea if you are looking for feedback on the wiki presentation (which is good) or the actual writing (which needs work).





I am perfectly happy for any edits to happen, to either of the stories i have done, i am aware that there are quite a lot of typoes and mis spellings in them, but i am due to my present RL commitments of work and such unable to fix the pages myself. I do try to prove read each bit as i go, but when your writing them up quickly on these boards before entering into the game, it can be a bit quick glance, "ah it looks ok.." thing. which isn't the best thing for me to do..

Anyway i added in the spoiler notices on the OOC bit at the start of Sha'dower/Shade's of Grey. And feedback in always welcome, in any form, it's being quite some time since i did story writing so you may see an improvement as time goes on.



One of my pages seems a bit broken... this one

The content box is not there, any idea why?

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



I've had a play with it. It appears that if you have less than 4 chapters/parts, then it doesn't show the contents box.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I'm considering having Featured Profiles on a monthly basis as opposed to weekly, mainly because I'm too busy. Same as it went for this month, the next two profiles selected will be the welcome page for March, unless anyone wishes to help out with admin work.



Ok all... I am hugely annoyed by the RP Police.. Who the *^&amp;* is he to judge my characters.

I know Liz is based on an historical character... but that does not automatically make me a violation as she is not copyrighted and it doesn't make me a bad roleplayer either.

Same would go for my friend Dark Ebon Spider who roled Vladislav Dracule... It's major fun to roleplay those toons... and it doesn't hurt anyone.

A big part of the roleplay community hate my guts.. I have the maturity not to name names here... But this RP Police is set up as a new account.. to stay annonymous. If you want to attack me.. Do that face front so we can discuss it.

This is backstabbing!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



... Que? What happened?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I spotted that too. The quite frankly belligerent attitude displayed by 'the RP police' is a poor reflection on the RP community. True, copyrighted characters and thinly veiled rip offs are unacceptable in accordance with the EULA and looked upon with disdain by most RPers, however thus far I have only seen one character article on unionwiki that is such a violation and that article has been noted as such by others. And it isn't one of Liz's characters.
The RP police's assertation that the characters he's pointed out are unoriginal is based solely on his own opinion. By effectively vandalising other peoples articles, he is demanding we accept his view as gospel. Whilst whomever is behind 'the RP police' is entitled to express their opinion, unionwiki is not the place to do it, at least not in the manner in which he has done it. In my opinion, the RP police's actions are those of a bad RPer in the sense that he is unwilling to tolerate the ideas of others.
I don't know why Liz is found to be unpopular in RP community and to be honest its none of my business. But I agree with Liz that if 'the RP police' has a problem with someone it should be addressed in private, rather than spreading it about the wiki or the forums.
I play this game to have fun. Part of the fun for me is RP. If another RPer's views don't gel with mine then we either work it out in a civilised manner OOC or we go our separate ways. It's all about give and take, adhering to the accepted RP etiquette.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Hmm... Just had a look and I see what has been done now.

To be honest, it looks to me more like a childish attempt at a prank, rather than a serious slur on the RPers involved, though I CAN see how it could be perceived that way. I absolutely can see how offensive it must feel but you are, if I may suggest, making a mountain out of a molehill.

Wiki entries get sabotaged by random people all the time, which is why there is version control. I advise contacting the wiki mods to have this RP Police account closed, and revert to the earlier version of your pages. All you're really doing here is giving the person responsible the satisfaction of knowing they've upset you.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



*Dusts off admin powahs*

The offending category and (hopefully) the category links in the targetted profiles have been removed.

If anyone else notices such edits, bring them to attention on the thread or through PMs, please.

As for account blocking...

*Presses button*
*Divides by zero*
Oh snap.



I can see what you're saying, but I don't think it is a prank. Childish, yes, but not a prank. If you look at the discussion on the RP police user page, the comments he has posted do not seem to be jovial in their intent.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



Please dont spam the community Wiki with stuff like 'The RP Police'

It really isnt needed, if you think a person is godmoding, or is a renowned Godmoder, either /ignore ingame or speak to them and tell them where their going wrong, keep your opinions to yourself. Going onto the community Wiki and stamping your authority around wont solve anything, judging by peoples reactions here all this person has done is cause a fuss over nothing, as FFM said "Mountain out of a Molehill."



The RP police also saw fit to add a GodModer category in order to list those players known to godplay. So far its empty of names, but still, I do not believe it has a place in the wiki.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059



No I don't think it was a prank either (more the fool me if it turns out it was).

I wouldn't call Liz or Vlad unimaginative characters. And they certainly aren't copyright violations!

If you'd called your vampires Lestat or anything from the World of Darkness on the other hand, they would've been.

A lot of characters are based of historical and/or mythological characters. I can't see anything wrong with that.
Hell, alot of characters are near rip-offs of existing supers as well! And the "RP-police" didn't react on that.

As I see it the so called RP-police is just jealous that he/she didn't register the characters first.



No I don't think it was a prank either (more the fool me if it turns out it was).

[/ QUOTE ]Well I ain't laughing. It seems to be several of the key figures of the Council of X which have been targetted, mostly the vampiric and the wolfian.

Hell, alot of characters are near rip-offs of existing supers as well! And the "RP-police" didn't react on that.

[/ QUOTE ]And the user-talk reflects that. No punctuation, commas, every, other, word, l33tsp34k.

They did make one good point...[ QUOTE ]
Without pointing out mistakes, and where improvements should be made, those mistakes continue to be made, the n00bs stay n00bs, and the role playing stagnates.

[/ QUOTE ]...which is something that could be resolved with private messages both on the forum and in-game.

All stunts like this do is provide a reason AGAINST elitism.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I wouldn't call Liz or Vlad unimaginative characters. And they certainly aren't copyright violations!

[/ QUOTE ]

Aye to the last bit, due to being historical figures/public domain literary characters.

And therein lies part of the problem when these characters are played by people.

What if someone started playing George Washington, Lincoln, any of the founding fathers, Queen Victoria, or any figures like that? Einstein? Tesla? Eddison? Franklin? Nelson? Napoleon? Attila the Hun? Caeser?

Now, I have nothing against people refering to them in their backstories. But when someone takes such a character and starts to play them in game is when we risk toes being stepped on. I don't think it's happened as of yet, but imagine if there was some character who had backstory that refered to a historical/PD figure who was played in game?

What if someone else comes along and decides to play Historical/Public Domain character A when someone else is also playing that character?

It's a bit like when people do those remembering past lives things. Can all those people -really- be Nelson or some other famous person?

Having trouble expressing what I mean on the matter. I'm not saying to those who might play such a character to delete them or anything, just that these are some of the issues that can result from people playing them.



one clear issue with all historic figures that they are product of their times george washington today is reguarded as a good man ,a hero figure , the father of a nation based on freedom , but he owned slaves .. something normal in his day ...
Translating a historic figure into a modern setting is very difficult because the moral , social and political landscape is very very different ... matters like the death penalty for crimes SHOULD be a major conflicts to such people and the modern citizens ....To claim they have adapted is frankly poo , just look at any old person , they retain the moral , social and political view and vaklues they had in their youth .., and to say the historic person has changes really means they are no longer thet person , just a moden day person with the historic name.

so if your claiming to be a historic figure , they should to a large degree act the same as they did in 1123 Ad or what ever .. which normally means might is right

ok now quasi historic vampire villians i think we can treat as a different case , lumping them in with king arther , merlin , robin hood , and the like and i have no problem with characters given a "real" world historic back ground given that they are clearly fantacy figures and every one should accept them as such .

\rambling words off



This is just my personal pennys worth, RP a semi-real character who is reknowned for their historical acts doesn't really fit in.

Okay so your Vlad The Implaer welcome to the digital age telling everyone you are Vlad Tepes immortal vampire or even jsut Vlad Tepe means your just one google search away from a trip to the sun or a nice crey.arachnos lab stay.

Thats without things like Angels and Divinly Powered Psychics wandering around.

If your going to RP a historical figure you should at least use a fake name, otherwise you wouldn't have much chance after a mob of super heroes looks yah up in the libary.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Added me, yay. Finally worked out how this thing works, and will be adding some of my others toons over the next few days.
A great project and cant believe i haven't dug into it sooner.



Are the previously-discussed characters unoriginal? Not touching that one with a ten foot bargepole.

Was the response overboard? Probably, yes. I'll admit it was somewhat funny at the time, but on the whole, it is inappropriate for what we're trying to do here.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.