Handbook of the Union Universe




With the immortal words of Manuel, "I know noothing."

I hope the issue gets sorted out. Changes are fine as long as the general usability of common features are not affected negatively.



Well, the layout is good. Nice work Only minus is the categories as FFM mentioned.

Keep up the good work



I'll be trying something a little bit different. I used the random page facility for quite some time to get 5 heroes and 5 villains to be featured. I will now list them here in the order I got them and intend to use them. This gives a nice heads up to the involved players to update and polish those entries.

Crimson Archer
Keening Banshee
Jessica Raven
Dee Dee Diablo

Iron Alligator
Fionn O'Sullivan
Prophet Mu'Remar
Sitania Matriarch

If the update time should be Saturday night I will start working on each new feature on that week's Thursday morning. Tht way I will have the work completed by the update time, and not have to fret about when the zerglings fall asleep and if I am needed someplace shortly.

This week, again, I'll slip from the Sat schedule. Looking at tomorrow morning, currently.



Featured people updated! Crimson Archer and Kassie are up and running!

However with the new skin the link color is still borked beyond endurance. I'd like to see those styles changed to same that other pages use now as well, namely dark background and white text. I'd try and fiddle with that myself but I dislike editing code that I didn't write and doesn't have documentation. Pious and Zortel, how about it?

It was also noted some time ago that the categories are at the bottom with the normal scheme and that is not optimal. Will this change? If the answer is no I know people will be disappointed but an answer would at least do away with the uncertainty.

With my resolution (1280 x 960) the last button (The Roleplayers) jumps to a second row while viewing a character page. On the main page the navigation row looks ok.



Thank you for the feedback. Here are the issues that will be addressed in due time. [6396]

<ul type="square">[*]List of categories are inconveniently placed.
[*]Equilibrium's hyperlink colour should be darker.
[*]Equilibrium's Body text colour should be darker.
[*]Character box background should probably be lighter.
[*]Equilibrium's menu shouldn't jump to a second row.[/list]Please appreciate that personal issues take the foreground in priorities, the Handbook will be polished, soon.



Good news. 1 - Categories will be repositioned under the banner. 2,3 - Kay is looking into darkening hyperlink and editbox font colour. 4,5 - Currently rethinking the Characterbox background colour and Main Page articles layout. Please, do take some time to show your appreciation to Kadekawa for all his efforts concerning the Handbook, and especially the new Equilibrium skin design.



Hey guys! Pious here, and with some good news!

<ul type="square">[*]Main Page has been relaid, with the categories linked at the top.[*]Newspapers and magazine coverage will be displayed appropriately in the Current Events section.[*]Removed the striped background of the infoboxes, to achieve a MonoBook/Equilibrium balance.[/list]That leaves only feedback points 2 and 3 unsolved but Kadekawa is indeed working on the hyperlink and editbox colours. As always feedback welcomed and appreciated, but I do hope this better meets satisfaction.




Due to non-serious but time consuming zergling health issues all during the past week the effort to concentrate happened only this morning.

Featured hero is Restora.
Featured villain is Iron Alligator.

Do you people have a preference as to when the featured characters are updated? I seem to slip from the Saturday evening slot more than I hit it, and Monday morning seems to be when things get done. Would it feel out of place to switch to Monday updates?




"Monday" is really just a label. Every day is like the other.

I'm happy as long as it gets updated on a "semi"-regular basis really.



Is it just me or do the different 'levels' of information show with the same font size with the new skin?

I mean this:

=A heading=

==Subheading 1==

==Subheading 2==

In the original look the headings were displayed with different font sizes which made it easier to spot the structure of the information. Now I can't tell the difference, tho it might be just so minuscule that I miss it.

If this is a functionality that was lost, it's something I'd like to see added back.



I think there is a tiny difference between the two, but nonetheless a difference. Not easy to spot with the naked eye though.



Hmm... Anyone else having problems reaching the Wiki? Seems to be down...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Its working okay from my end.



Works fine on my end too.

And lookin' fine 8)



Aah, tis back now. Most odd!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Most odd!

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, you are

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Most odd!

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, you are

[/ QUOTE ]

You say that, AFTER having worn your Mr Perfect tie at Memorabilia? Pot, kettle, black!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Oh yeah, a post to here as well.

Featured goons &amp; goonettes have been once more updated. Check out Keening Banshee and Fionn O'Sullivan!



In other news, featured hero is Jessica Raven and featured villain is Prophet Mu'Remar.



Loup Garou's roleplay roundtable has helped me arrive at this idea. The current events section of the Handbook has been used for community events, but it would also be the best place to list and update current plots, including community, supergroup or individual story arcs. I have changed the layout to demonstrate what I'm talking about. Have a look and let us know what you think. If you like the idea, then list your plots for others to read and/or join. Maybe even fill in a plot profile and include a link to it (like Supremacy).



New week, new featured characters.

Hero! Dee Dee Diablo

Villain! Sitania Matriarch

Go get 'em while they last.



Is there any kind of banner link which folks can use in their own websites to help promote the UnionWiki? or can Pious put one together?

Having added a portal page to The Militia's site, I'd really like to have a banner link for the wiki, but didn't want to just create one for my own use exclusively!

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Cheers matey! I'll get that added to The Militia page tonight.

Now I just need to poke ParagonWiki with a sharp stick and see if they have one too!

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Posted on behalf of Coile. (Being missed already. *snif, snif*)


&lt;voice from beyond the veil of cancelation&gt;

Out with the old, in with the new! This week's featured characters have been showcased and await curious passersby to learn more of them.

Hero: Feral Rein
Villain: O.R.A.C.L.E.

I also added a new character category: Inactive character. This should be used in cases where the character in question is out of play and probably the player as well. I have tagged Coile and Winter Heart with this, for example. As it can happen that people who drift away from the game do not update their own entries it'd fall on their friends or other knowledgeable to add this category to appropriate characters. I hope this proves to be useful.

One more update coming from me, next week. Then it's up to someone else to carry on.

&lt;the voice goes silent&gt;