Handbook of the Union Universe




just a quick question for you all, where should i put the Plotline write up for Drade's plot: Darken Skies.
Would it be character or community? since it not a SG one.

Considering that there are many other character involed in it and it has run for quite a long time (i do believe nearing a year and a half, but i might be wrong, might be longer.)



I'd say it qualifies for a community plot quite nicely.

At the same time I suggest that all the plot categories are merged into one, seeing how much thay have been used so far.



Alright, one assistant moderator stepping in.

Last evening Pious showed me the ropes of front page wiki-fu. He chanced upon Mesoc, I hit (after several, several misses) gold with Azarath. I'll be revising the front page text about my target, mind you, maybe tonight or tomorrow.

I'll be picking those random heroes and villains of a week on Saturday nights, as a rule. If there should be deviations from that the "will be done" range will run from Sat morning to Mon morning.

Thanks to Pious and Zortel for their hard work. Nice to be able to extend a helping hand and assist with a few no-brainer but yet time consuming chores.



Just wanted to let you guys know how great I find this wiki. Spend more time toying with my own character page today than actually playing. If I overcome my inner swine now and actually design a storyline and pulling it through I could make perfect use of it. For now, toying with my character page is fun, too though.



Just wanted to say another character has been added to the growing pages Have to agree with Marksmaid, I've spent about 3 hours creating that page, then twicking it, adding a picture... yes Paint When I start writing I can't stop, it just keeps going, but i think I've got it just right.

Anyway please go check out Kendaen's page and tell me what you fink



Anyway please go check out Kendaen's page and tell me what you fink

[/ QUOTE ]

Honestly, I love it. The profile is well written, I especially like the layout, its the way profiles are best written in my opinion; one fluid and descriptive piece sectioned into relevant paragraphs. Also, you've kept the information basic and to the point. Lastly, the character himself is very well drawn, I am a fan of shape-shifters myself (Pious is a parasite and shifter) and also martial artists. You've classed him as 6/Fantastic which gives the character plenty of stronger, more powerful adversaries and also gives him plenty of room to grow above and beyond his limits. I look forward to the developments of Ken. Have fun playing as him, I'm sure!



Wiki front page updated:

* This week's featured hero is Joe Hill.
* This week's featured villain is Tina Onders.

In order to bet for the winner in a hypothetical match between Joe and Tina call your bookie!



Umm... Is anyone else having problems loading the wiki? I get nothing but a blank page.. Totally blank.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Even with forced refresh I see a normal first page with both Firefox ( and Internet Explorer (6.0 and lots of numbers).



Nothing here.. Even tried a reboot, all I get is an empty white window.

The default style hasn't been changed or anything, has it?

EDIT: OK, I've just tested from my Pocket PC and it's working fine on there; but IE7 in Vista is refusing to load it. It's also working fine in Firefox on Ubuntu Linux. So has anything been changed in the stylesheet lately that's disagreeing with IE7?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Just tried it, and the UnionWiki is working fine for me.

Sorry FFM, might just be you...

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



As far as I know I have changed only these things:

* The two separate pages about the featured characters.
* Replaced the old names with the new names in the front page code.
* Added the featured characters in their respective listing in the Talk section.

I checked the code and the two parts where I edited the front page code seem to make sense to me.



Just to test, could you undo the code changes so I can check if those are the cause?

OK, sorted it!

Seems the update to the IE7 Pro plugin (ad blocking etc), was treating the entire wiki site as an advert!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Hmm.. Stinky IE.. Firefox ftw!



I actually miss reading up on community recaps and personal stories the media brings to light, so the question is, should I re-open the news and magazine columns? I originally closed them from lack of input and my own limited free time.



I'd definitely like to see that section back, it was a way of keeping up to date with community events and celebrating the creativity of players. I think there's enough content to have something new every three to four weeks; there was a great Off/Switch magazine created by Kompi and a New Inquirer piece on Zenya that I'd like to have seen on the page.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



I can help updating those sections too, but some little proactivity from others would not go amiss. If you have made an article you'd like to see on that page PM me with a link to the ready graphics and the article in text format so compiling the front page gets a tad easier.

Pious and Zortel still call the shots tho, I'm just a flunky monkey. If they say differently, it goes.



I received an in-game tell from someone in the Pocket D circle, I can't remember who, Synthet probably, asking for a page deletion. Remind me which page, character or article this is please and I'll get it done asap.

Also, theres some discussion about targeted vandalism on the Main Page, I'll look into this with Kadekawa and get back to you. There are ways to stop spam but as always, make back ups of your pages people.



I'm not sure, but logic would point at Laugh Riot, as he's moved all data from that page onto the character's new incarnation, Headliner.



Ah, yeah that was him. Thanx.



Updates! More characters featured again this week:

* Hero: Vergil
* Villain: Red Sickle

I intended to do this update early in the morning when zergs got up to watch cartoon but bad internetz trolls had eated my DNS. By the time I got it back I was already on the move and just an hour ago family life quieted down enough for me to do some serious updating.

I have material for newspaper/magazine sections lined up but I'd like to get a green light for it from either Pious or Zortel.



I've spoken to Chief Administrator Kadekawa about the small problem of targeted vandalism and advert-spamming from non-members, which was brought to Admin attention recently and we've decided to restrict page editing to members only. I know for a some people, this means tediously logging in for quick edits, if working from different computers, but lets face it, thats highly unlikely and the security of your pages outweighs the inconvenience of logging in.



I agree completely, Pious. Far better a tiny bit of inconvenience than wholesale vandalism.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Prepare to be blown away. From the design team that brought you the information mega-library Handbook of the Union Universe. We present to you an amazing new skin with a more polished, professional facade and a contemporary atmosphere. Pushing the boundaries of technological and artistic balance we bring you, Equilibrium!! Release date: November 10!!

http://union.virtueverse.com/images/Skin.jpg](171kb version of the screenshot image)

http://union.virtueverse.com/images/Skin2.jpg] (800kb version of the screenshot image)


