Handbook of the Union Universe




Just an idea, has it been talked about getting a link put on the City of Heroes, city of Villians hompage, like a write up type.

For example in the Community news currently on the Villians homepage is 'Freshly Squished 3 - Freind or Foe' suits perfectly because it is community news, i think having the Wiki website up there would promote it even more, and Roleplayers looking for something other than the typical fantasy WoW / EQ, type setting can see the homepage and see that theres a dedicated Roleplaying community.

Just a thought, if its already been suggested, my bad.



Announcements: 16/09/07

<ul type="square">[*]In The Newspapers - Paragon Herald by Crimson Archer, Rogue Isle Protector by Echo_Hammer [*] In The Magazines - The New Inquirer by Romanov and Nightsparrow[*] Featured Hero - Sword of Redemption[*] Featured Villain - Headbreaker[/list]



...getting a link put on the City of Heroes, City of Villains homepage...

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats an interesting idea. Creative Genius awards are publicized and player-organized PvP events are also advertised on the homepage, never seen a roleplay event spotlighted on there though. But, how would we propose this idea to the Forum Moderators, the Wiki isn't exactly an event.



Also, the Wiki is mostly known to those who visit the RP forums, putting it on the main site would lead to more people seeing it, but there's also the downside of more chance of attracting vandals.



A quick question: 'Capes' has been mentioned a few times and appeared on the front page as a magazine dealing with hero issues etc. Who runs it OOCly or is it available for all to use? I ask as I have an article for when I finally get an internet connection back and I'd rather put it in there (with permission) than create another magazine for it.


@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Capes belongs to Blackdove. Easiest to reach through Tempest forum.



Aww. Coile, you no longer have The Number.



Capes belongs to Blackdove. Easiest to reach through Tempest forum.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's what I did! That Militia retrospective just didn't seem right for a newspaper, and Dove was kind enough to lend permission for using it as a Capes article.

Mind you, I wasn't sure if there was a defined interior design, so I used Newsweek as the model for mine!

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



I ask as I have an article for when I finally get an internet connection back and I'd rather put it in there (with permission) than create another magazine for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Capes is my creation and I would very happy to receive articles for it. I created a wikipage for Capes. When you get your connection back, send me the article and we'll talk.



Thanks! I will do, just as soon as I've given some broadband engineers a beating.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Main Page needs updating but I've been caught up at University. Should have free time tomorrow evening.



Main Page needs updating but I've been caught up at University. Should have free time tomorrow evening.

[/ QUOTE ]
Any chance you could update the Hero/Villain Spotlight? I became addicted to reading those for a while, then it seemed to stop after Sword of Redemption and Headbreaker.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Aye...it does need updating a tad.

As much as I like my character having the spotlight, I don't want to be seen hogging it, please, for my sake, update when you get the chance.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Main Page needs updating but I've been caught up at University.

[/ QUOTE ]

We all understand just how time consuming university can be. With just 2 mods, and one now very busy with slightly important RL learning, perhaps it might be an idea to consider a third mod for the wiki? Preferably someone who is both well known, and knows how to work the software.

No, NOT me!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Actually, I have been discussing this with Zortel just yesterday, that we should ask out loud for anyone willing to help update the Main Page more regularly. Its very simple and easy to learn if shown how. Who's interested?



I can do small chores, as long as that does not broaden to include actual responsibility of making large scale decisions. I do not wish to be a real mod, but I am willing to help with specific tasks.



Any chance you could update the Hero/Villain Spotlight? I became addicted to reading those for a while, then it seemed to stop after Sword of Redemption and Headbreaker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah i'm bored of seeing my self too!



Thanks Coile. If you could help out with with just pasting information on the Main Page and stuff, that'll be marvelous. Your assistance won't be necessary elsewhere. I'll send you a PM.



I also offer help if its needed for any other tasks, i think the Wiki is just brilliant, i love the amount of effort put into it, and plot help its given. I'd be more than happy to help out. Working only part time gives me alot of spare time.



Working only part time gives me alot of spare time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lucky for some!



I'll try harder to keep our main page updated. Profile updates shouldn't take much time actually. I've done next weeks one now. Villain was Bambi Delight. Hero was originally Dee Dee Diablo which would have been awesome, but its sort of empty . The second randomization revealed Lady Cobra! Congratulations both of you! I'll update News and Magazines when and if anyone provides new material.



Well that will teach me not to finish wiki entries I've started. I'll get Dee's done this weekend so she will be ready when her turn next comes around

Maybe I could nominate the New Inquirer piece on Zenya for the in the papers section.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



...Villain was Bambi Delight...

[/ QUOTE ]

Fame at last! Thankyou very much To celebrate I've reverted to the old Bambi avatar



Phew, after several weeks of being empty, Dee Dee Diablo's entry is now finished so she is ready to be cover girl next time her turn comes around.

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



Should wiki front page be updated on Sunday?

I don't think I have received any instructions how I could help with this task. If I have, would you kindly point me the right way?