Handbook of the Union Universe




A 'newspapers' subcategory in the 'items' category is a good idea.

I didn't write up an NPCbox because theres really no way to standardize an NPC, by fields in a templatebox. Some NPC's have AT and powersets etc because they are superheroes that just aren't played out beyond plot-tools like Dragonfly. Some NPC's are ordinary civilians like Sir Micheal Wayne and yes, for him a CharacterBox won't work. Basically, I think we'll need several types of boxes each with specific fields ommited if we're going to do it that way. Personally, I would suggest people write NPC or PC boxes to their preference, but I don't know if its worth the hassle?



Basically, it'll work like this.

You have Category:Items. Then in there is the Newspapers Category. Click on there and it'll show The Paragon Metro, Paragon City Post, the Inquirer, The Paragon Times, et cetera. Click on one of them to to go to that newspaper's page, where there'll then be a list, like is done with Nightsparrow's Scrapbook.

[/ QUOTE ]
the list is the full viewing list... rather then an article list.
It's mostly pictures (.jpg) if I recall correctly.
do they HAVE to be shown, or can they be a link TO the jpg?

Basically, the idea is that you don't have to go over the 1,632,452,462,462,345,542,345,246 full articles to estimate the one you're looking for, by date? (ok, optemistic/pessimistic exageration, but you get the idea)

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



aaah good... I thought you meant as on the forum, listed in full view...

My mistake

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Written up an NPC profile for Sir Micheal Wayne! Man, I have my work cut out; I have only done 2% of all information I need to upload, from PC's to past plots, to Militia, to the Gang... man, its gonna take me a month. Hehe, doubt I'll even have time to play the game (not until they give us name changes anyway, they're taking long but I'm patient... so far). How you guy doing with uploads anyway, done everything?



Well.. I only start with the roleplay actually.. and never wrote any stories. So I just make this up as I go.

The Council of X is nearly done.. I add screen looks of all NPC's on it by making dummy characters on the french server and taking the shots.. Lots of work.. but cool to have.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!




Thank you Goodguy for putting up the walking toaster article, spent AGES looking for a pic of one but couldn't find anything suitable so hadn't put it up yet.

Yes everything that's there is spot on.

Edit: Just put up the story '1000' which is the story of the walking toasters defending Galaxy city, originally posted in War stories but now up on the wiki for everyone to enjoy.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




Thank you Goodguy for putting up the walking toaster article, spent AGES looking for a pic of one but couldn't find anything suitable so hadn't put it up yet.

Yes everything that's there is spot on.

Edit: Just put up the story '1000' which is the story of the walking toasters defending Galaxy city, originally posted in War stories but now up on the wiki for everyone to enjoy.

Will be posting an NPC article on Terrance soon.

[/ QUOTE ]
You're welcome my friend! </e bow>

I must say that the story of Terrance and the army of toasters is your best story so far.

But I'm biased.

I feel like Terrance's god-father, since I kinda gave him his voice.

I'm looking forward for his Bio.



Terrance's profile is now up in the NP character section along with his backstory and (made-up) primary, secondary and epic powers.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Just a suggestion an easier way to have people understand the power level system would be to have them ranked by class of metahuman. Such as...

1- Below Average ( A chav's fighting skills are below average)
2- average
3- Above average ( Tim Drake as Robin has above average Martial Arts skills)
4- Olympic level ( Green Arrow has olympic level archer skills)
5- Peak human level ( Captian america is the peak of human development)
6- Enhanced Human (Spider-man has enhanced human strength in the ten ton range)
7- Super Human ( Wolverine can regenerate at superhuman levels)
8- Legendary ( Professor X's mental powers are legendary)
9- Monstrous ( The Hulks strength and durability is monstrous)
10- Demi god, Godly ( Zeus is godly)



Just a suggestion an easier way to have people understand the power level system would be to have them ranked by class of metahuman. Such as...

1- Below Average ( A chav's fighting skills are below average)
2- average
3- Above average ( Tim Drake as Robin has above average Martial Arts skills)
4- Olympic level ( Green Arrow has olympic level archer skills)
5- Peak human level ( Captian america is the peak of human development)
6- Enhanced Human (Spider-man has enhanced human strength in the ten ton range)
7- Super Human ( Wolverine can regenerate at superhuman levels)
8- Legendary ( Professor X's mental powers are legendary)
9- Monstrous ( The Hulks strength and durability is monstrous)
10- Demi god, Godly ( Zeus is godly)

[/ QUOTE ]

This is much easier for it yes. Also... we should have a different table like this for blast power etc.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



1- Below Average ( A chav's fighting skills are below average)
2- average
3- Above average ( Tim Drake as Robin has above average Martial Arts skills)
4- Olympic level ( Green Arrow has olympic level archer skills)
5- Peak human level ( Captian america is the peak of human development)
6- Enhanced Human (Spider-man has enhanced human strength in the ten ton range)
7- Super Human ( Wolverine can regenerate at superhuman levels)
8- Legendary ( Professor X's mental powers are legendary)
9- Monstrous ( The Hulks strength and durability is monstrous)
10- Demi god, Godly ( Zeus is godly)

[/ QUOTE ]

No. Not everyone is familiar with the Marvel Universe and this is after all, the Union Universe, I think the current list is working fine.



Those were just examples besides three of those characters were DC ones you could use CoH characters if you want, but i feel the current system is a bit vague, leading to people over or under powered beacuse they aren't sure what it means exactly. Using terms like Olympic level and or ehanced human might help as they are more defined. Most non metas would now be above,olympic, or peak, but gives you a better idea of their truer RP power. However this is a suggestion and the finally say is yours and zortel. However if alot of people find this way easier, I think it would be wise to use it no?



Gonna be a delay on the newspaper box, sorry Coile. I'm trying, but I can't seem to muster the focus needed to work on the Wiki at the moment. Still up for answering questins though.

RE: Attribute box/power levels - I still don't use the system and don't plan to, quantifying powers so in such areas isn't my thing. Especially as it's based in mostly in game terms. Makes me want to get out dice and roll opposed checks for Melee vs Defense.



No hurry at all with the papers, Z. Take your time. I have a gazillion things to fiddle with anyway, like the next bit in Coile's entry - Reputation.

About NPC templates: I would have a use for a sidebar which lacks such game mechanics as levels. In fact most of the information that is either necessary or just nifty for a player character are not relevant to be listed for most of my NPCs. Like eye color. Would it be helpful if I listed down what I see most relevant for NPCs from my point of view and offer such a list for one possible template to be used?



That'd work. Perhaps replace all the individual description categories with just Description, for people to enter their own information into. So instead of Height: Weight: Et cetra, you have Description:?



That'd work. Perhaps replace all the individual description categories with just Description, for people to enter their own information into. So instead of Height: Weight: Et cetra, you have Description:?

[/ QUOTE ]
I think that would work. When I post up my NPCs, then it means I'm happy for other people to use them, but to use/describe them in a way which doesn't break what has gone before.

Describing them down to the Nth degree, as with the PC's CharacterBox, doesn't matter so much to me, but so long as another player/writer has the defining characterstics correct (both general appearance and personality), then I, for one, would be happy!

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!




Just a suggestion an easier way to have people understand the power level system would be to have them ranked by class of metahuman. Such as...

1- Below Average ( A chav's fighting skills are below average)
2- average
3- Above average ( Tim Drake as Robin has above average Martial Arts skills)
4- Olympic level ( Green Arrow has olympic level archer skills)
5- Peak human level ( Captian america is the peak of human development)
6- Enhanced Human (Spider-man has enhanced human strength in the ten ton range)
7- Super Human ( Wolverine can regenerate at superhuman levels)
8- Legendary ( Professor X's mental powers are legendary)
9- Monstrous ( The Hulks strength and durability is monstrous)
10- Demi god, Godly ( Zeus is godly)


This is much easier for it yes.

[/ QUOTE ]

One supporter! My many gripe is that Fanstic excellent and the such is different compare to everyone's views. However most people have an idea what Olympic level means, or if their fortitude is that of a fighting man (Above to Peak) or a meta human (Enhanced to legendary-ish). I might think "Yeah my fortitude is quite brillant!" when I can dodge bullets and give it an 8 while some else thinks the same when they can resist a nuclear blast.



That'd work. Perhaps replace all the individual description categories with just Description, for people to enter their own information into. So instead of Height: Weight: Et cetra, you have Description:?

[/ QUOTE ]

This is my personal take on the matter. This would work for me. I do not claim this would be universally the best solution.

These are good. Basic info about the character in question.

| image =
| caption =
| name =
| player =

These are useless to me since NPCs to me are just people and in-game mechanics information adds nothing that I find useful.

| origin =
| archetype =
| primary =
| secondary =
| epic =
| level =

These two make sense, especially if the NPC is entangled with the hero business.

| realname =
| identity =
| aliases =
| species =

These I would group together into one single "Physical description" field.

| dob =
| age =
| height =
| weight =
| build =
| eyes =
| hair =
| skin =
| features =

These I would group into a single "Background information" field.

| medical =
| finance =
| religion =
| sexuality =
| marital =
| relatives =
| nationality =
| ethnicity =
| legalstatus =
| birthplace =
| education =

And these I again find useful. Maybe not for every single NPC in my stall but useful often enough to warrant the fields existing.

| occupation =
| affiliation =
| base =
| residency =
| powers =
| abilities =
| equipment =
| awards =
| license =
| icaccess =

Would such a template be useful to others, enough that it'd pay to make it available in Wiki?



Cheers Coile, I'll draw up an NPCbox with those fields and may even write up a guide to customizing a personalized InfoBox, its really quite simple. Expect these later this week.


<ul type="square">[*]Aug 27 'In the Newspapers' is the Paragon City Post by Britanic.[*]Aug 27 'In the Magazines' is Vogue China/LADY by Pious.[*]Aug 27 'Featured Hero' is Zortel.[*]Aug 27 'Featured Villain' is Big Game.[*]Aug 27 'Page Banner' is the Globe by Stephen Strange (Balthory).[/list]



Altered the Paragon City Post page to a similar format to Nightsparrows Scrapbook, using links rather than embedded images to help cut page loading times.




I just want to say that I think the Handbook is amazing and you have all done a brilliant job. I wanted to ask if it was ok to register as a member to the handbook and gradually add my hero/villain profiles I want to roleplay. I thought it might be impolite to just go ahead so wanted to check/ask first. Hope that's ok.

Many thanks



Announcements - 03/09/07

<ul type="square"> Sep 3rd 'In the Magazines' is Capes - Death of a Superteam by Crimson Archer.
Sep 3rd 'Featured Hero' is Anathema.
Sep 3rd 'Featured Villain' is Roselin Thorne.[/list]



Just like to say, great work on this, it's really a great resource for the community. Congratulations to everyone involved with setting it up, and Kudos to anyone who's written a page on it so far, they're all looking great and it's a marvellous read to kill a few hours.

On that note, I've been adding minor articles of my own, but I just wrote one in particular that I thought should be noted on this thread.

Major Addition 03/09/07
<ul type="square">[*] [u]Pocket D[u]

I've added an entry for Pocket D here: http://union.virtueverse.com/index.php/Pocket_D just to get the ball rolling.

As Pocket D is an important venue for a large majority of Union Roleplayers, I felt it was necessary. If anyone would like to clean up, edit or improve my entry do feel free to do so by all means! I mostly reworded the entry from ParagonWiki.com and adde a little of my own knowledge, so it may not be inclusive enough for everybody. So as I'm not the most common regular of Pocket D, I'd like to welcome anyone to enhance or improve on it and fill in any gaps I may have missed.[/list]Small Additions
<ul type="square">[*][u]A.I. Character Category[u]

Also added the "Artificial Intelligence" category for Robotic Characters and Computer NPC's that don't strictly fall into the category of a simple "Machine" or a Half-Man-Half-Machine "Cyborg". An example would be an entity like Hal 9000 from "2001 a Space Odyssey" or Reed Richard's computer "H.E.R.B.I.E." from the Fantastic Four.
[*][u]Detective Character Category[u]

Added the "Detective" category for all those budding Maverick P.I.'s out there.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.