102 -
Also, standing around in Pocket D in the evenings might find you some RPers
metas for hire
[/ QUOTE ]
It already exists and it's called HeroCorps. Not saying it as criticism, but rather because it would be an easy way to make it work; a sub-group within the HeroCorps organization. -
Onto more local matters, Zortel agrees with me that changing the system for our character-spotlighting Main Page to a request-based update, rather than random selections, would in fact, allow those wanting center-stage to get it directly, correct? Do *you* want to be on the front page? Thoughts please. (11934)
[/ QUOTE ]
Ooh, motivation for really doing something with your wiki! It's nice to know that when you've used hours and hours on creating a wiki page, you can request that it be put on the front page for all to enjoy, instead of waiting for the randomness. I like this idea.
*stamps approved all over the idea* -
Now that sure was a surprising turn of events. Pistol is in trouble ^^
((it's probably best to include those two as a seperate entry but perhaps put on the note that all Masamune blades are rivals to all Muramasa blades, able to undo wounds caused by Muramasa blades. Owners of one style of blade meeting an owner of another will automatically have an inherent dislike for one another, one cannot posses one of each sword, the very nature of the swords will not allow it...something like that? Keeping Juuci Fuyu and Yawaraka-te as seperate entries since they are historic rivals to one another))
[/ QUOTE ]
This then causes some problems.
Muramasa and Masamune are historical sword-smiths, so Muramasa and Masamune blades actually exist. They are surrounded by many myths, of course, but I would very much like it if you did not decide that one can not wield both.
For the sake of your characters, you may use whatever myths you like, but please don't it say that ALL of the swords are like that. I would prefer if my character could wield one of either kind, or even one of each, without having to conflict with anyone wielding another and without the blades having any other proprieties than being very fine craftmanship (not healing or cursing or anything like that).
I hope that does not cause problems for anyone.
In general, when operating with historical blades, you should be rather cautious. It is a lot safer to make up our own if the real sword is unique. Sure, there are multiple Muramasas and Masamunes, but there is only one Excalibur. If you were to create a character with Excalibur (I know Ms. Liberty has it, it is just as an example), you would effectively deny anyone else from doing the same. If someone should do it, and you met them, then you'd have a problem on your hands: two people, claiming that they are wielding the same sword.
I'm not saying you shouldn't, just take precautions and be prepared with an explanation should another do the same. -
Dead now because Britanic is gone? Or will someone else take over?
Thought I could use an update
Global Name:Mr. Erth
Server: Union.
City of Heroes/City of Villains
RP Characters (not exclusive):
Shadow Pariah, Ivory Isaac, Stormstruck and more
Type of RP: I prefer serious RP, I do both IC mishes, TFs and the whole standing-around-talking bit as well. Always got time for forum RP.
Can be contacted: The Militia Forums, PMs here or in game.
Times on: Online every now and then. Almost always Monday and Tuesday evenings doing SG stuff. Rarely online after 10PM.
Timezone: CET (Central European Time = GMT+1) -
Consider it your punishment for daring to leave. And now hurry off and get ready to comeback!
As said elsewhere, take care of yourself mate. We'll till you (hopefully) return. -
There is still the risk that the group will do something, or be blamed for something, that BaB or Blue Steel wouldn't wanna have their names connected to. Of course, if you keep that in mind you might be able to RP them dropping the connection or reprimanding you or something like that, as long as it seems plausible. However, it'd still be ideal to avoid using other's toons without permission wherever possible.
Perhaps one could PM the devs? I'd just hate to see this project get in trouble midway through because of a detail.
Now, if they only claimed it however, I see no problem at all^^
At least, that's my opinion. -
EDIT: You beat me to it!
I mean, You(netherwitch) and me both (lol'ed). -
It seems we made it just in time. Days after it was enabled they started signing up en masse. CURSE YOU, AD-LEGION!
Good point. I agree completely and I'll shut up now.
What about Nemesis? Certainly he uses the chaos to try and further his course. Why should he be the only one?
I don't know what went wrong here, but I'm sorry it turned into an argument. Here are my two inf on the matter:
The best thing I can mention about LORD is the fact that they're real, credible super villains. These Super Villains have a REAL grand scheme, to rule the world. I've praised this other where for the countless plot opportunities that result in, so I won't repeat myself here. However, to rule the world, naturally you would have to seize nations.
First point on this matter: All of this makes no sense and no difference if we all ignore it. No, NCsoft will not be making it game cannon or change the game world (why should they? You can't go there anyway) but neither did they make "Riot in the Row" or "Requiem War" game cannon and that didn't stop a lot of role players accepting these as genuine happenings. So, don't like it? Ignore it. The game canon is on your side, but you might wanna consider if you're wasting an otherwise great opportunity for some nice RP.
Secondly, if we do accept it for a fact even though it won't become cannon, then we face the next problem. Some people are uncomfortable with taking action against a real country. While such should be respected, I'd still like to point out why I don't really understand this.
Paragon City is in the USA. USA is a real country. Yet no one has the slightest problem killing, maiming or threatening to exterminate the civvies herein. Why then the hassle about doing so in a real (or fictional) country IN THE GAME?
Besides, another thing mentioned already, the game world is likely a completely different one from the real world. Take a look at the time line! Or think about the simply fact that Meta Humans exist: that is easily enough to completely change the world! Game world does not equal Real world.
It's. just. a game! I, for one, don't understand why IC and OOC can get so mixed up? I wouldn't have second thought about nuking anywhere in the world IN THE GAME because it's not real! I find it slightly frightening that people react so strongly over things in a game.
And then there is the 'bleed'. People who are capable of really going in character often feel the 'bleed'. I feel that this may be the only reasonable argument I've heard so far. It's a game. If doing something specific in the game can make you feel uncomfortable, then don't. It's not worth it. So if that's your argument then I'll accept it completely.
That said, that is STRICTLY the way I feel and I know we're not all the same. I can only try to see things from the only perspective I really know: mine.
I know I've probably insulted someone and for that I apologize. I'll take it back if given a sufficient reason.I'm pretty tired right now, but I just didn't like how this thread turned out.
Lastly, can the conversation at least be kept at a proper level? Please, no matter how annoyed you get, do what you can to keep it out of your posts to keep a proper tone. -
Sorry for interrupting as I'm not part of the LORD but I have a suggestion. Unless it's too confusing, why not have two threads? You could set one up elsewhere where you can scheme and keep things secret while this could then be used for that which we are all allowed to know. For example, planning plots, involving more players, setting up confrontations or just allowing us a view of the "behind the scenes" bit.
This is, of course, only a suggestion. -
Just wondering, if I were to hire some mercenaries, who would be available and how would you be contacted?
To pick an example, the LORD discussed taking over a smaller country. Now, while there is effectively no way of doing this in game, doesn't mean that they can't do it in here and reactions can then come in game. If we think outside the box, there are really close to limitless things we could do. All it would require is consensus. We have to accept what they say they've done. Likewise, the LORD is NOTHING if people don't recognize them as dangerous. So that's the good thing about having believable bad guys: consensus should be easier gained and we'll really have something interesting to react to, something to talk about.
So, if we recognize them as dangerous, that is if/when they become that a little more known (perhaps it is just discovered that there are someone, without specific names), then all of a sudden we have multiple plot hooks for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IN THE GAME! Every can get involved because, obviously, LORD is a force to be reckoned with whether you seek to stop them because they're evil, because they're rivals or perhaps seek an alliance with them. IF you can find them. The fact that LORD has potential to spawn HUNDREDS of character plots and several community wide plots is what really makes my jaw drop. This. Is. Wicked.
Of course, at this stage everything is just possibilities and nothing is certain, but it looks like this is gonna "super-duper-mega-awesome and stuffs" (TM) and even better than what I dreamed of when I posted about a global threat 3 pages back (or so).
Once again, kudos to you guys and good luck with the project! To all you others, I can only encourage support for this and when LORD decide something happen, then accept it for a fact (if it is credible, of course) or this thing will hit the floor. -
Well, since it's still in the early stages, we really can't know yet. And even should it never come to more than a show to which we are the audience, then it is still a show worth seeing ^^
I like that fact that it was invite only, because I can only imagine how much that scene would be destroyed be letting anyone interested in. How it unfolds from, time will tell I guess.
That being said, as sweet as it looks, I certainly hope it'll allow some interaction. -
I disagree. That is not the only way of being evil. I can easily imagine someone who is feeling terrible and simply lives to make others feel the same. That wouldn't make him happy, just less sad by comparison.
Although it is an interesting point, and it may apply to some, then I can hardly imagine all from the LORD (as another example) being happy and at the same time I don't think you'll find a much better example of evilness. -
Now THIS is what I'm talking about. The League of Righteous Destroyers is just the kind of threat I was talking about! A genuine threat to Paragon City that'll require that heroes and supergroups unite, a threat that'll make for some interesting reactions from the villain side as well ^^
Only problem? As any smart villain, they're doing it all in secret. Well, that only makes things more interesting
And, I might add, the League of Righteous Destroyers is probably that most brilliantly written thread I've seen so far. Mind-numbingly intense, intimate and intelligent; Kudos! -
Sounds like Tuesday is good day. And sorry I was a bit slow, but I just wanted to be absolutely sure. I really like to have a bar free of the tools and whatnot that hang out in the D. It's a really nice initiative.
I also agree with Ammon that perhaps two nights would be ideal, as it'd allow more to use the place than if they are so unlucky that it's only open on the night they're busy.
I appreciate you doing this Netherwitch