The Mystical Weapons Project.((OOC disscussion))
Description: Rival sword to a Muramasa blade (that is called Juuchi Fuyu in the legend, translated as 10,000 Winters and which may have been your inspiration for the Demon Muramasa blades). Created by Masamune Okazaki, Yawaraka-Te translated means Tender Hands.
Powers: The blade will not cut those Innocent or Undeserving, a blade of a true hero, it is the pinnacle of Masamune Okazaki work, able to cut through the thickest armour and even Council bulkheads.
Owner: Originally Masamune Okazaki but the blade is reportedly lost to the Annuls of history, no hero has yet come forward claiming to own this blade but such blades often find their way into the hands of a hero.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
(( Aaa yes I was going to include masamune, but wanted to use a villainous sword instead of swords of just heroes. Actually Twilight claimed to have used one when Dragonfly went rouge within the Militia, but rejected it after it wouldn't harm her. Adding to the legend of Masamune blades, some are believed to heal wounds created by the muramasa blades, or in general. Would you like me to include just that blade, or all masamune, leaving Juuchi Fuyu and Yawaraka-Te as serperate entries?))
((it's probably best to include those two as a seperate entry but perhaps put on the note that all Masamune blades are rivals to all Muramasa blades, able to undo wounds caused by Muramasa blades. Owners of one style of blade meeting an owner of another will automatically have an inherent dislike for one another, one cannot posses one of each sword, the very nature of the swords will not allow it...something like that? Keeping Juuci Fuyu and Yawaraka-te as seperate entries since they are historic rivals to one another))
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
The Swords Day and Night: Twin blades crafted by the same master smith. Day has a golden blade, where as Night's blade is ebony. Despite the materials used, they are balanced perfectly and seem unbreakable. They do not appear to possess special powers beyond that. How ever, the wielder of them have been observed to do so with great ellegance and with a similar style to the previous wielder.
It is probable, but never confirmed that multple sets are, or have been, in excistance.
Current wielder: Twilight Dancer.
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
The Swords Day and Night: Twin blades crafted by the same master smith. Day has a golden blade, where as Night's blade is ebony. Despite the materials used, they are balanced perfectly and seem unbreakable. They do not appear to possess special powers beyond that. How ever, the wielder of them have been observed to do so with great ellegance and with a similar style to the previous wielder.
It is probable, but never confirmed that multple sets are, or have been, in excistance.
Current wielder: Twilight Dancer.
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
I cant belive you missed out the most classic sword ...
the Vorpal sword ..carried by the unnamed hero who slays the Jabberwocky
The Vorpal Sword
Powers :the blade is well balanced for the old "one ,two" attack, the blade is horridly sharp , alowing it to go " through and through " the target . When wielded the sword makes a "snicker-snack!" sound . The power of the blade is such that it can cut the head off a burbling Jabberwock .
However it has the side effect of making the wielder galumph after a fight .
Worn by : many a poor hero ....
hmmm .. ponders ...thinking about mythical swords given that in the pet hate thread not keeping to CoX cannon was a comman pet hate .. what myths are clearly in-canon , and are any clearly non-canon .
excalibur is in the canon .. does this mean Merlin exesisted .. or is the Arthur Myth reconised as a fantasy story grown from confused history ramblings ?
Zues is in , so all the greek gods? what about the Norse , the Inca , the Thai ?
are real world fantasy legends and lore allowed in-canon the sword Stormbinger ? , the lord of the rings swords ? .
is there any canon agreement on what is in , where the line is drawn ...or can it be in as long as it doesnt break any exsisting canon ?
(( I would say real world blades only, as this seems to be a world were the old Gods actually once were, though ghosty is using the swords from a david Gemmel novel, unless he nicked them from some were))
((I would say real world legendary blades would be fine, such as those created by many Japanese Swordsmiths or even the legendary carved Oar Boken used by Miyamoto Musashi, attribute something fancy to it (say it's made of wood but can cut as well as any sword or some such) and away ya go!))
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
(( I would say real world blades only, as this seems to be a world were the old Gods actually once were, though ghosty is using the swords from a david Gemmel novel, unless he nicked them from some were))
[/ QUOTE ]
Indeed, although, they don't have the same 'powers' just the names come from there... it's not like the 3 versions of the inbook wielder of the swords I've seen running around....
There's loads of gods and such, if you follow the Banished Patheon arcs you're bound to stumble on a few. Adamastor seemed to be a God of the sea, until the Goddess of the sea expelled him to land, on Afrika no less, where it roamed until the Paragon cousins summoned him there. (if I recall his description correctly)
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
If you're going to include Durandal, better add these two:
Joyeuse- The Sword of Charlemagne, allegedly containing a fragment of the Lance of Longnius in it's pommel. A sister sword to Durandal.
Currently held by: ? Formerly Charlemange. (Possibly still held by him)
Cortana/Curtana- 'Sword of Mercy' 'Of the same Temper and Steel as Durandal'
This blade has no tip, it being removed by an angel to prevent a wrongful killing.
Currently held by: ? Formerly Holger Danske.(Possibly still held by him)
Two too awesome not to include:
Caladbolg- The sword of Fergus mac Róich It was said to be a two-handed sword that made a circle like an arc of rainbow when swung, and to have the power to slice the tops off hills and take out several men.
Presently held by: ? ((Though I'm tempted to make a character with it.))
The Will of Heaven.
According to legend, the sword possessed magical power, which supposedly made the wielder grow very tall. When used, it grants the wielder the strength of a thousand men.
Currently held by: ? (Formerly Lê Thái T&#7893
In your dreams, I'll still be there with all the days that never came.
And I'll be just a story.
That's ok, we're all stories in the end...
is not Caladbolg belived to be the origin of excalibur via the early welsh Arthur tales ?
the problem with excalibur is seperating the myth from the later fiction write about Arthur et al , i mean Geoffrey of Monmouth book as much new fiction as history or recounting of myths
one could pick a varity of excaliburs depending on which tale one says is canon .. Arthur or CoX
Right, im guessing then i wouldn't be able to add the "Shadow Blade" or "The Shinning Blade" (which together formed "The Blade of Destiny") since they were made pure my me to going along with my character Drade, as he is the one who uses them.
Yeah, Cadalbolg is the 'original', though wiki says that there's another irish legend that probably head it first.
In your dreams, I'll still be there with all the days that never came.
And I'll be just a story.
That's ok, we're all stories in the end...
Right, im guessing then i wouldn't be able to add the "Shadow Blade" or "The Shinning Blade" (which together formed "The Blade of Destiny") since they were made pure my me to going along with my character Drade, as he is the one who uses them.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not at all. Player made mystical weapons are more than welcome!! Remember you can add mystical flintlocks, axes, shields etc not just swords.
(( In that case.. ))
The Immortal Blade
Origin: Created by Efranof at an undisclosed time, known to be at least 500 years ago. Efranof incorporated his blood in a now unknown ceremony binding the sword to himself.
Powers: The sword is believed to be indestructible, unable to be dented, scratched, bent or broken. When it's original creator wields it he has a symbiotic relationship and is able to send his demonic abilities through the blade itself, when wielded by others it is only indestructible.
Current owner: Efranof
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
Ok here goes:
Name: Gáe Bulg meaning "notched spear" or "belly spear".
History: The signature weapon of Celtic mythical hero Cúchulainn.
It was given to him by his martial arts teacher, the warrior woman Scáthach, and its technique was taught only to him.
Made from the bone of the sea monster Coinchenn, killed fighting another sea monster, the Curruid.
Appearance: A spear or javelin made entirely of bone with seven viscous barbs along it's length, and a length of fine rope attached to its bottom.
Powers: Upon impacting a victim it's seven barbs would split into thirty making the only way to dislodge the spear to cut away all flesh entangled in it's barbs.
Some legends state it as heart or gut seeking, but agreeing that on a sharp tug on the guide-rope would pull out whatever organs it's entangled in.
Another legend states that the barbs once in a victim detach and wander into every joint in the victims body.
Any weapons, it's just most mystical weapons so far are swords
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
The Page: Forged at the start of the American Civil War, this blade was created by the first costumed crime fighter known as The Moral, and is now held by the 7th in line to the title. Through some amazing technique of forging, inscribed on the blade are the teachings and words of the first Moral, dictating the code that the bearer of the sword has to live. 'Reading' the blade takes a lot of concentration and practise, and can take a lifetime to master.
First, another real weapon (and hell, not a sword):
Gáe Bulg
The spear of Cúchulainn. Branches out into multiple barbs inside the targets body after penetration. Tends to be nastily fatal. (there's more, but typing out all those accents is a pain )
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
First, another real weapon (and hell, not a sword):
Gáe Bulg
The spear of Cúchulainn. Branches out into multiple barbs inside the targets body after penetration. Tends to be nastily fatal. (there's more, but typing out all those accents is a pain )
[/ QUOTE ]
Heh, guess I too a while too long to post
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Dragon Sabre is a dual-blade katana forged by a Japanese swordsmith centuries ago. Rumour has it that it contains two magical crystals which renders the wielder of the sword invulnerable to physical pain. It is said that the blade can fly of its own accord and spout fire from its tip. It can manipulate the stream of time, causing the owner to move and heal wounds at incredible speeds. The sword itself is said to be unbreakable and was presented to the a Chinese War Lord and his wife, who eventually divorced, and consequetly seperated the sabre into two, the Golden Dragonfly katana and the Soaring Dragon. Only an heir to the San family bloodline can wield the sword and currently, the two swords lie in the hands of David Tai San, son of Sabrina Chung San, once known as Dragonfly.
Sword of Leviticus is a longsword forged by the prophet Moses. It is the embodiment of God's Word, able to discern between a corrupted soul and an innocent one. When it strikes an evil soul, the pains and horrors of that person's past victims are directed upon him. Men do not die from the blows of this sword, for it was made to vanquish the demons within. The sword of Leviticus is currently in the possession of Reverend Pious Hunter, also known as the Priest.
Flintlock pistol of the demon Nasfahtu is almost 400 years old. Somehow, the gun does not actually lock and load and instead of gunpowder, the ammunition is propelled by the demon's dark miasma. The ammunitions are also pellets of dark energy, capable of killing instantly. The mystical gun releases both single shots and multi-directional fire but its dark power is easily resisted by strong will and the bullets do little physical damage. It is currently in the possession of Lord Alicia Barzini, aka Pistol, who insidentally, is possessed by Nasfahtu.
((These three magical weapons and their history are a complete fabrication of my own imagination, as are the characters they belong to.))

(( All of the weapons in this post are of my very own making, as such most are held by one of my characters or somewhere ingmae hidden away.))
The Shadow Blade
Legandary Sword of Drade's, made long ago in the past when the First Realm war raged, part of the set of Swords made as part of a pact to help solve the war. This one was made by those from the Shadow Realm, as a way to bring peace between the Shadow realm and the Hub Realm, which is also known as Human Realm (Earth). It's whole blade is pure black, and is said to only be weild by those who have full self control, the hilt of the sword is simple and covered in Runic writing. The Swords holder is also covered in Runic, it appears this tells of the final battle of the Sealers, those of which the blade was made for.
This is also a part of the Legandary Blade known as the Sword of Destiny.
Held by: Drade, of The Hunters Guild.(missing)
The Shinning Blade
This Blade is said to be the sister sword of the Shadow Blade, and is complete oppersite, it's blade is said to shine of that of the purest beam of light known. It's Blade appears to be Silver, with Runic writing running along is surface, it's hilt is golden with more runic writing. No holder as yet to be seen for it. Said to of been made at the same time as the Shadow Blade, and weild be the once Great Sealer Mittelthuleaus,also known by another name Dei'testin, but now was held by the late Drade, of The Hunters Guild. Made by those of the Light Realm as a symbol of friendship and pact of Peace with the Human Realm.
Secound part of the Legandary The Sword of Destiny.
Held by: Drade, of Hunters Guild (missing)
The Sword of Destiny
Little is known of this Sword, part from what has been writen down in books, Said to belong to the Great Sealer Mittelthuleaus, and said to have the power to ripple the very air around it, and only hurt thoses who time has come. It's wounds are legandary and said to instantly destory any who are of evil, yet this is not known if true.
Not seen by many as such noone can say what it truely looks like apart from the rumours that it is a twin bladed sword with mystic energy flowing freely from between the blades.
Held by: Unknown.
I was wondering if anyone mind if I made a brief list of mystical swords, they're fictional powers, who has one ((such as Ms. Liberty possesses Excalibur)) with of course people able to add their own made up ones, or their name next to claiming they MAY ((with of course with the exception of the cannon all of us have to do if they are historical)) possess that specific one. Also we can discuss, describe or exchange ideas of what does what etc. If it takes off I'll add it to the wiki if no one minds.
I quick suggestion, if you are adding something to a historical blade other than "pure" legend, a variation, or your own interpretation please do so in OOC brackets, especially if more than one of the blade was made, (Example muramasa and masamune made several, you could say that yours has a unique power the weaponsmith forged into that particular one.)
To start of..
Powers: Sword is unbreakable, able to temporarily blind opponents and wounds do not affect or cause the user to bleed whilst the scabbard is worn.
Worn by: King Arthur, Hero 1, Ms. Liberty
Demon Muramasa Blades
Powers: Able to supposedly cut throught anything, even the very air itself, it causes the user to become murderous, bloodlusting berserker. Blades are supposedly demonic (May contain the spirit of an oni, transform it's wielder into one, or simple unleash his/her demonic self), enhancing their abilites. ((Semi-sentient)), the blade cannot be sheathed until it has tasted blood, or it would cause the user to commit suicide, unless tamed by it's master. Worn by: Twilight Shinobi
Crocea Mors
Powers: Able to kill anyone it struck, called the Yellow death, Nennius wounded by it, died 15 days later ((possible one could say it was poisonous or curses the person struck by it, I assume that means even if simply cut you would die within 15 days?))
Worn by: Juilus Caesar, Prince Nennius of England.
Powers: indestructible, possesses in it's hilt one tooth of Saint Peter, blood of Saint Basil, hair of Saint Denis, and a piece of the raiment of the Blessed Virgin Mary. ((one could assume this blade would be divinely bless and therefore devastating to demonic and undead beings))
Worn by:Roland
Powers: Unable to be blocked by armor ((I would assume other mystical swords, or even unmystical ones could.)), and grants the user the ablitiy to control the wind.
Worn by: Manannan mac Lir and Lugh Lamfada
Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar
Powers: Only weapon able to kill the demon Fulad-zereh, wearing it was a charm against magic. A wound inflicted by this sword could only be treated by a special potion made from a number of ingredients ((Can stop regenerative powers?)), including Fulad-zereh's brains.
Worn by: King Soloman
I hope I included a health mix to start us off, feel free to add!