The Mystical Weapons Project.((OOC disscussion))




((it's probably best to include those two as a seperate entry but perhaps put on the note that all Masamune blades are rivals to all Muramasa blades, able to undo wounds caused by Muramasa blades. Owners of one style of blade meeting an owner of another will automatically have an inherent dislike for one another, one cannot posses one of each sword, the very nature of the swords will not allow it...something like that? Keeping Juuci Fuyu and Yawaraka-te as seperate entries since they are historic rivals to one another))

[/ QUOTE ]
This then causes some problems.

Muramasa and Masamune are historical sword-smiths, so Muramasa and Masamune blades actually exist. They are surrounded by many myths, of course, but I would very much like it if you did not decide that one can not wield both.

For the sake of your characters, you may use whatever myths you like, but please don't it say that ALL of the swords are like that. I would prefer if my character could wield one of either kind, or even one of each, without having to conflict with anyone wielding another and without the blades having any other proprieties than being very fine craftmanship (not healing or cursing or anything like that).

I hope that does not cause problems for anyone.

In general, when operating with historical blades, you should be rather cautious. It is a lot safer to make up our own if the real sword is unique. Sure, there are multiple Muramasas and Masamunes, but there is only one Excalibur. If you were to create a character with Excalibur (I know Ms. Liberty has it, it is just as an example), you would effectively deny anyone else from doing the same. If someone should do it, and you met them, then you'd have a problem on your hands: two people, claiming that they are wielding the same sword.
I'm not saying you shouldn't, just take precautions and be prepared with an explanation should another do the same.



Nebulous The Elemental Blade, it is said that the wielder of this blade, can call upon the power of the various natural elements i.e. fire, air, earth, water, light and darkness to overcome his enemies.

Current Wielder: Blackest Knight

(This is my own created blade for this character)



Ah yes, I recently begun to reread my book on Japanese Swordsmiths and it's noted that several current Japanese companies actually OWN Muramasa and Masamune swords (though they are extremely rare and virtually priceless).

The best would be to have Juuci Fuyu and Yawaraka-te as lone entries since they ARE mythical swords and as such nobody can confirm their very existence (though historically Muramasa and Masamune could never have met) and nobody claims to own them.

These two blades could be imbuded with the mythical qualities.

I merely introduced Yawaraka-te as an answer to the Muramasa Demon blades.

Of course it is safer to create a Masamune sword with similar legendary qualities (or none at all, merely an incredibly fine sword with a very, very sharp edge) while granting it a unique but probably name, Masamune swords tended to (though not all) have softer names (like Tender hands) than the harsher sounding names of the Muramasa blades (like 10,000 Winters).

This way, as you mentioned, you don't run into the problem of having a the same sword.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Sword of Bast
A charmed short sword blessed by the Egyptian goddess Bast herself. The sword is sometimes referred to in ancient text as 'the Claw of the Huntress'.

The sword has an Tempered, enchanted unknown metal, double-edged blade and the visage of Bast herself is placed upon it in gold. It is kept at her home on the wall above a small altar with perfumed oils.

The sword is over 3000 years old and still in perfect sharp unrusted condition. Enchantments placed upon it might make it near indestructable. When its near the natural enemies of the gods of Heliopolis the eyes in the visage of Bast will glow with a green light.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Ina Adaru Asar

The legends surrounding this almighty and horrific blade are sparse. Its secrets have been closely guarded for millennia. The earliest known legend regarding the sword was discovered on an ancient Sumerian tablet. The deciphered cuneiform tells that the sword was forged from mans deepest and most primal fears. It is said those who gaze upon the blade see those fears reflected back upon them, magnified a hundred fold. There are a few other tales that have emerged down the millennia regarding the swords prowess in battle, which attribute the deaths of thousands to it.
The origins of Ina Adaru Asar are shrouded in mystery, as only one being has ever been known to wield it - the Knightmare. This has led to speculation that the sword was the creation of the Knightmare himself.
The Knightmare was banished to the Void in the late 10th century AD. Ina Adaru Asar is believed to have been banished with him. There are whisperings however that the sword may still be in this world.

----- Union's finest underachiever -----
Farewell CITY of HEROES
The First, the Last, the One.

Union: @ominousvoice2059