Adieu for now
bye mate you will be missed , i hope RL resovles itself and you can come back soon .
*wishes you luck* Get well soon.
come back damn you!
trust me you will be missed by me both ooc and ic
*The Doc and Steve salute you*
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.
very sorry to see you go. good luck and i hope you're back soon
@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters
Damn, this is a blow. I think I can safely say that you made the biggest impression on the community in the least amount of time out of anyone I've ever come across. You will be sorely missed, and I hope we get to chat again sometime.
I think I can safely say that you made the biggest impression on the community in the least amount of time out of anyone I've ever come across.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't blame yourself for 4th Wall either, you did the best you could. I mean it's a good refuge from the Tools at Pocket D, but otherwise Pocket D will always be the favourite, as Villains can go there too and you don't need an invite to get into Pocket D... At best you have, what, 12 people at Pocket D? If half of those are heroes, half villains, then half of the Heroes decide to frequent 4th Wall, even though there are 9 others at Pocket D, then you're only left with 3 people anyway.
I know I've said it a few times, but I don't think 4th Wall is going to work for a number of reasons. Me? I simply haven't been able to login all that much since December, and when I do get online, I want to RP fighting stuff.
a place shouldn't be interesting only if you can spotlight your own characters and cliques in it.
[/ QUOTE ]
You're right, it shouldn't be. But then people shouldn't lie, be jealous or fart either. I mean, Role-Players develop ego-like attention needs to showcase the hardwork they're putting into their characters for others entertainment. Showcasing characters for the lulz, is pivotal to the reason people RP.
Don't complain about not having a place to go when you can't be bothered to use the space someone creates for you.
[/ QUOTE ]
I haven't seen anyone complain about that. We know it's there and we're grateful for the effort.
Anyway... comeback as soon as possible, because we effing love you, you cooky trend-setter, you. I mean, who's going to look after/further the old RP Roundtable?
*Glances Around*
Guess I'll give it a go...
Once again. Wuv u. Get well soon. <3
It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.
In the words of GLaDOS from Portal,
"You shall be...missed!"
First person whose leaving, since I started playing the game, that I know the name of.
I didn't get opportunity to get involved with Fourth wall, as I'm a RP newbie who's testing the waters at the moment. But I have read much about it, as well as most of Jean-luc's stories.
I'm in the process of joining the Hyenas, and had hoped once I'd settled in there, to see if there was a coalition spot left so I could go to the Wall too. Perhaps a possibility I can persue with whoever takes it over.
Hope RL sorts itself out well for you, and quickly, even if it doesn't bring you back.
Happy RL'ing.
Loup, health has to come first. I hope the break will help you sort that stuff. All the best.
I'm in the process of joining the Hyenas, and had hoped once I'd settled in there, to see if there was a coalition spot left so I could go to the Wall too. Perhaps a possibility I can persue with whoever takes it over.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hyenas are on CoV, and 4th wall is a hero SG base. Coalition is utterly impossible. Only a hero SG can have a hero SG in coalition.
Bah, of course... haha, would have realised that sooner or later, and it appears it's sooner. Cheer Ammon.
In the words of GLaDOS from Portal,
"You shall be...missed!"
[/ QUOTE ]
I love that game and in turn that quote so much I'm actually going to re-write the closing song in honour of Netherwitch, sorry, I'm bored and pent up with creativity like a full bladder. Go forth and bask in the the whizz of my mind as I relieve myself!
"This was a phailz!
I'm making a note here:
"Oh. eM. Geez!!"
It's hard to overstate
my dissapointment.
Cee-Oh-eX Roleplay:
We play who we want
because we can.
For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who are tools.
And there's no sense crying
over every mistake.
You just keep on trying
till you run out of cake.
And the ArrPee gets done.
And we have some neat fun
with the people who play
I'm not even aaangry...
I'm being sooooo, sincere right noooow-
Eeeeeven thoooough you broke my heart,
and pwned me.
And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
Aaaaas they buuuurned it huuuurt because
I was so happy for you! (But this is not really true!)
...Now, when Loup fought Hate
it was a beautiful time.
Now, he's in the shadows.
And he's causing more crime.
He's glad Loup reeeeetired-
Even though he was admired-
by the people who play
Go ahead and leave me...
I think I'd prefer to stay inside...
Maybe you'll find someplace else
to ArePee?
Maybe in Star Wars? (Galaxies)
That was a joke! HAHA!! FAT CHANCE!!
Aaaaaanywaaaaay this caaaaaake is Great!
It's so delicious and moist!
Look at me: still singing
when there's AarPee to do!
When I go outside,
I just get COVered in dew. (Sorry)
I've got plots left to run.
There is ArrPee to be done.
With the people who play
And believe me we play
I'm doing arrpee and it's
I feel fantastic and cos it's
While you get well I'll play
And when you're better I'll play
Click for the Original YouNube
It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.
The cake isn't a lie...we had some...but Hates at it all...
...I lol'ed.
Hahaha, happy to help.
It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.
EDIT: You beat me to it!
I mean, You(netherwitch) and me both (lol'ed).
Hatesman is my new hero... ahem. Well you know what I mean.
Adding my 'lol' to the pile.
Right...I tried to figure out how to put this, but there's no easy way, really. Due to health issues, I am having to concentrate on real life a fair bit. I shan't go into detail, it's boring. But as a result, I am going to be retiring my characters and my storylines for a while. I might return at some point, but it's undecided.
The Fourth Wall, essentially, will still be run for those who care to use it. However, I'm a little annoyed at the lack of interest with it - a place shouldn't be interesting only if you can spotlight your own characters and cliques in it. Don't complain about not having a place to go when you can't be bothered to use the space someone creates for you. That's all I'm saying on that score. It's open, use it if you like, try not to be twits in it. I'll debate who to hand it over to for paying prestige and so on in the near future.
Jean-Luc is retired from hero work...he's made the choice, though he might be involved with working on the villain rehab project in some way or another. Jam is studying and taking care of things with SOAR behind the scenes. The others were just faff characters.
Thanks to everyone who gave me some really fun arpee. I enjoyed my time here, and I'd continue on with it if it was possible, but I'm going to be spending a fair bit of time away and it's just not possible right now.
Wish me luck, and mayhap I'll see you in the near future.