New roleplayer on union
Hey there and welcome to the game! Great forum handle btw!
You'll find loads of great RP SG's on Union incl Unity Vigil, The Militia and R.A.P.I.E.R among others. Most are recruiting, it's just a case of picking one that suits
Have fun!
Also try turn up at Galaxy City from 9pm onwards, near the Galaxy Girl statue. Great place to introduce someone new!
GG is a good place to go and stand about and chat.
Good place to introduce yourself, observe for a bit how others play, even if that's not your cup of tea.
The Handbook of the Union Universe is a great knowledge base, even if some things might be a bit out dated, sadly.
The Supergroup page is of particular interest to you, I imagine. Have a read to see if there are any that strike your fancy, then contact them (usually listed how) and see if you mash ingame as well.
Have a great time
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
Thanks for the welcome, I will check out GG and see whats happening, hard to find a MMORPG with roleplayers, usually get treated like the plague elsewhere!
Thanks for the welcome, I will check out GG and see whats happening, hard to find a MMORPG with roleplayers, usually get treated like the plague elsewhere!
[/ QUOTE ]
Welcome to the RP community.
I beg to differ slightly on your last point, several of the newer games specifically cater for RP'ers, releasing RP specific servers no less - LOTRO has em, and so does AoC.
But RP'ing here is much better, 'cause we can do this:
*Flies off into the sky with rocket boots*
Also, standing around in Pocket D in the evenings might find you some RPers
Welcome aboard! There's still quite an active roleplay community here on Union and pretty much everyone is friendly and welcoming. A lot of RP occurs in Supergroups although there are plenty of open social events around as well such as Pocket D and Galaxy Girl (behind Hero Corps in Galaxy City from about 9pm I think). Also if something here on the boards takes your fancy, sending a participant a Private Message does no harm.
Feel free to stop by the Militia forums ( ) to say hello although most of our boards are hidden unless registered to prevent spammers.
Thanks for the welcome, I will check out GG and see whats happening, hard to find a MMORPG with roleplayers, usually get treated like the plague elsewhere!
[/ QUOTE ]
Fortunately doesn't happen too much here but if it does, /ignore is your friend.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Welcome to the Rpers of CoX, and like many have said the Galaxy girl meets on Union server is one of the most public RP happenings in CoH, villain side I believe is more group based.
There are many Groups that are Semi Rp, RPSG about I run two myself and have one in the R.A.P.I.E.R. group. I have the Hunters Guild, a magical based semi RP, or theres my newer one which is O'BrainTech, which is mostly Tech/nat/sci based.
Hey Grim,
Welcome to the community. I am still quite new to the RP community and I am still establishing characters. Let me know your global I will be happy to be an npc for you too .
see you online
@Wild Red
"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red
Welcome to Union Roleplay. My globals are in my sig (along with a desperate cry for employment) so chuck me a message and I'll introduce you to some fine and quality roleplayers I know. That list is long.
Also to add to the roleplaying supergroup lists, there's the New Heroes Union, and the Fourth Wall. Both of which have a solid core of fine talent. Send a tell to @Verto for NHU application, the group's an ecclectic mix of practically anything, so you're likely to be able to make almost anything fit in there.
@Loup Garou owns the Fourth Wall and would love to chat with you about ze arpee.
If you run villains, then The Corporation could make a good home for any type of char you might have, send a tell to @Riled or @Quildo for talkies there.
Don't forget to add yourself to the list, it is stickied in our beloved forum
Fresh meat! *rubs hands together*
Wait! I mean.. um... Welcome to our lovely community!!
Hey RC, you done with the BBQ sauce yet?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Fresh meat! *rubs hands together*
Wait! I mean.. um... Welcome to our lovely community!!
Hey RC, you done with the BBQ sauce yet?
[/ QUOTE ]
Naughty Floaty.
Don't use up the BBQ Sauce
Welcome in otherwords
Doomed. Dooooooomed.
Hi. Welcome. Here's your hardhat. Watch out for falling chainsaws, orbital lasers, randy catgirls, talking animals, the occasional demon, and maybe even a plot on occasion.
The heroic cannot be the common, nor the common the heroic.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hiyas ...remember every thing you hear is true ..
Hey mate, glad to see you last night and I hope you enjoy your rp time in the Fourth.
Reading material for you so you know what's what:
The Fourth Wall Rules and background. Just so you know what's expected of you in the SG. Understand it's primarily a place for roleplay, and you're free to group wherever. If you do find a roleplaying Supergroup you really like you're welcome to join them as well, but the Fourth Wall is coalitioned with several of them in any event, so it's all like one big SG in the end.
Roleplay tips and tricks. Main post is vital reading. The rest is more in depth stuff once you have the basics down. Will give you a good start.
It was my pleasure to introduce you to the NHU folks - lots of rp going on, so it might have been a bit overwhelming but you did well! I'll try and get you introduced to a few contacts from other guilds as well so you can get a feel for decent rp.
Again, if you've got questions, just ask, and remember "VOLUME."
Grim quiet as mouse.
Grim quiet as mouse.
[/ QUOTE ]
There are a fair number of catgirls around. Being mouse-like isn't recommended!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Welcome to Paragon City Grimspire!.
Grim quiet as mouse.
[/ QUOTE ]
There are a fair number of catgirls around. Being mouse-like isn't recommended!
[/ QUOTE ]
I recommend going to Portal Corp in Perigrine Island and asking one of the technicians to set co-ordinates for the 'City of Kittenz' parallel dimension.
Something tells me you'd be very popular there Grimspire!
<licks lips>
Extending welcomes.
Revising Statement.
Extending welcomes If You Are Arch-type Villain.
Else Extending Death.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
I see the flesh is spoken for... I don't mind. As long as I can have the blood...
Aside from the court of the blood countess which welcomes starting roleplayers as we keep it casual and are not too strikt in rules yet... I am also greatly enjoying the International Hero Idols (who may need more people soon), The Cadre (and the playable NPC's that go with it), The Militia (if my cat hero ever gets in... hmm... makes it tasty if you show you're face then), R.A.P.I.E.R. (just starting up). Some are even groups that are not registered and will never be like the League of Righteous Destroyers. But then again you wouldn't expect the overlords forming a secret illuminaty to register I hope.
For most of these there are forum rp sesions on this forum you can read through. They make a real nice paperback novell.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

Thanks to all for their welcomes and I really look forward to meeting you all and getting some really good role-play here in Paragon City.
OOC: Hi I am fairly new to COX and would like any advice as to how I should find a good rp group, I am always IC in game and would like to meet other IC players (I have tried in game but usually get told 'I dont do that rp thing') anyone interested in someone willing to NPC for a plot?