Project Penance
Just on a side note, didn't Dian Wei stabbed to death allowing his lord to escape a burning castle?
Also he wasn't a samurai, being Chinese and everything.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
Correct , you know your history well
But hey , that's just the story they told everyone to fit in the plays and books
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
Yeah the time period made for some good books and games.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
Well this little girl is hoping it can be the base for a good RP sg
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
Like the concept ..
Could I play a reformed Freakshow out on paroul ?
Sure sounds exactly what I'm looking for
Just send me a tell if you need any help
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
I think the one issue that might cause problems that exceed the value added, is the idea that Back Alley Brawler and Blue Steel are personally involved, and actively sponsoring the groups. Those are both other people's characters, even if the Devs, and deciding their actions is arguably godmoding.
Sooner or later this could become a far bigger issue, if the group got negative press, or were made to look bad, and thus someone would have to actually decide whether and when the characters of Back Alley Brawler and Blue Steel would choose to question, discuss, or even cease sponsoring the group.
Its far easier, and carries no down-side, to simply invent two unique sponsors that are not anyone else's creation. That then gives you total freedom to decide what they do and do not support, how they react, etc.
Its a relatively small detail, but to many a very important one. After all, you'd not want another player deciding what your character had chosen to sponsor and support.
Hope that's helpful, as it is certainly intended to be.
Good point ...
So I should use completly fictional characters ?
realy wouldn't want any trouble with the devs or so ...
Anyone know , what the Devs would say ?
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
Probably something along the lines of... it wouldn't do to show favouritism to any particular player or SG, so in the best interests of everyone it'd be better if you made up your own characters to sponsor the SG.
Suggestion reclusive billionaire who funds the group as part of his public charitable acts.
In actuality the whole stunt serves him two fold it makes him seem like a good guy, and hes running a simulation to help him conquer the Earth.
Could do a whole 'Good Lord billionair playboy Tony Smirk is actually Iron claw leader of the villian group Basilisk!" storyline later on when you've got an active membership and everything.
Leads to all sorts of character conflict do they part ways, team against Iron Claw, join him, etc
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
okee , lesson learned ...
Ain't easy , I'll try harder *Bites lip not to cry*
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
Strangely enough had this idea a long while ago and left it as a free idea for anyone to take on, since I have little time to actively run an SG myself but this was AGES ago (talking a good four months plus here).
Basic idea was that a group known as 'The reformists' basically reformed villains with everyone having a character stylised (as best they can with the costume creator) after one of the signature villain groups.
The 'sponsor' wasn't a reclusive billionare but it was a government project in a similar vein to the 'Dirty dozen' where harden criminals, ex-cons and gangbangers are tasked with the dirtier jobs in Paragon in order to repay their debt to society.
The idea was to have the head of the SG as a gruff police sergeant or police chief who basically kept an eye on the group while they were hanging around in base and on missions, the reformees were tagged electonically and tracked via GPS to make sure they didn't 'do a runner' and make a break for freedom.
The other thing was going to be ranks would reflect their former 'bad guy' status. So a new member would be at an Underling rank. Once they got more established they moved up to Minion. Those who were veteran status and survived a few missions got to be Lieutenant and finally the 'persons in charge' of each subsection within the group (so the person in charge of the trolls, person in charge of the Family) would be classified as Boss. The police sergeant/chief in charge would simply have the rank of Sarge/chief depending whatever it was.
Those where my ideas about a similar themed SG a while back and personally I hope yours takes off because I think I'd be interested in playing a character for it. The question is always which of the bad guy groups would I want to play, so much choice...
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
Thanks for the feedback Dr_Mechano
Your idea is indeed close to what I was looking to make.
I would love to have you on the SG.
Specialy as I need some guidance
It's a big RP world out there for this little girl...
Oh and any thoughts on what the Devs would think as far as me using Back Ally Brawler and Blue Steel in the story ?
Thanks for all the help
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
Hmm... An intersting idea, though one that has been used several times in different ways by others. One such is the MYRS project thought up by Zortel (which was based off an idea by Wordmaker, a long since left RPer); it's kind of a youth reform project where powered delinquents get a monitoring chip implanted (that can shutdown their abilities), and signed on as probationers with established SG's in an effort to reform them. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't put your own spin on criminal reform. I would, though, strongly consider having regular heroes running the SG, and reformed criminals being "probationers", as that'a a more likely scenario.
I would try to avoid directly using canon game characters like BAB and Blue Steel myself. You could easily end up in a sticky situation when you want to do something that they just wouldn't allow. Also, as others said; it's usually considered godmodding to use other peoples characters without consent. You CAN, however, get away with using them by inference. I don't know if you read my Rikti Invasion story, The Line; but in that I clearly am using Sunstorm later in the story, but I never refer to him as anything other than the "red and gold clad hero". It's clear in the story WHO he is, but as I never name him I had a level of uncertainty there that gave me greater freedom of how I used him, and avoided the whole "You can't use a canon character" issue.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Thank a million ..
Time to Edit I gues
I'll get there , just you wait an see
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
Okee, just so I don't get into trouble with Back Alley Brawler or any of the other big time heroes here's the edit version of the Project Penance SG
Project Penance:
Project Penance was originally created by Lazarus Ego. He, together with Black Smith, are silent sponsors of the SG. Although they closely follow all aspects of the SG, they aren't active members themselves.
Project Penance was formed for heroes who'd made grave mistakes and for reformed villains (on probation). It would offer them a second chance to prove to the community, and the world, they regret their past errors and want to make amends.
Lazarus Ego contacted the Drowning Samurai (bio follows) after watching him in the field for a while. A lengthy discussion demonstrated to Lazarus that they'd found the ideal man. Drowning Saumurai would be their laison; a go-between for the new recruits, Black Smith and himself, as well as providing day-to-day management when Lazarus was busy.
The Drowning Samurai bio:
As a Captain in the Wu army, Dian Wei made a name for himself during the "Three Kingdoms War" 331 B.C.
During a battle with the Shu army he swiftly followed the fleeing enemey warlord into the nearby sea, intent on finishing the coward.
The Shu warlord had thrown away his armour and sword, and unencumbered was swimming away rapidly. Dian Wei didn't pause to do the same, but simply followed him into the water. Such was his focus, and his rage, that even when he started to drown he did not stop. He didn't turn back or even try to swim. He started slashing the water with his sword, convinced in his fury that he could carve a path to his enemy. Combined with his pride, he entered a state of mind where he believed himself invincible, knowing that not even the water could beat him.
... But he was wrong, and the sea ineveitably claimed him.
As his body sank into the depths, a great Spirit of Vengeance appeared before Dian Wei. With a hazy gesture the being put life back in to Dian Wei, granting him a kind of immortality and charging him to do good.
He must now never forget that pride comes before a fall as he learns to appreciate the gift that life is in his cursed existance.
After spending some time in Paragon City he was contacted by Lazarus Ego and Black Smith to form Project Penance.
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
Oh and any thoughts on what the Devs would think as far as me using Back Ally Brawler and Blue Steel in the story ?
[/ QUOTE ]
I always find things work much better with compromise.
Here's mine:
BAB and Blue Steel can be involved because they have very minor character parts in the cities story and none of the RP heroes really pay much attention to either of them.
What you do, is have BAB and Blue Steel backing the SG in the same way any famous celebrity would back a project like this... They're mostly putting their names on it for authenticity, and to have the group work closely with PPD.
That way you can have Brawler and Blue Steel 99% detached from the group, so you would never have to RP them, but you'd still have them as a name-drop. Essentially, then you could just have the group working for the Paragon Police Department. If you were going to use The Brawler or Steel to give orders, it could be spoken through a lower ranking Police Officer who isn't owned by anyone.
Really, not hard. I think the difference between having random people behind it, or the Brawler and Blue Steel would be massive. If anyone's really that [censored] off about it all well, they can go play somewhere else. Just make sure you do it without trying to tread on peoples toes. Primarily, aim to have fun!
I wouldn't take any offence to a group claiming to be backed by a Signature Hero. Would anyone here?
Strangely enough had this idea a long while ago and left it as a free idea for anyone to take on, since I have little time to actively run an SG myself but this was AGES ago (talking a good four months plus here).
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, it spawned my favourite character, the Reformed Lost Pariah: "Found"
Who, would be absolutely ideal for this.
The problem I have, however, is being unable to login to the game until AOL Tech-Support put someone on the phone who isn't reading from a script and knows what they're talking about. (Phahahahahaha, fat chance.) So I'm only good for sporadic forum Role Play.
It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.
I wouldn't take any offence to a group claiming to be backed by a Signature Hero. Would anyone here?
[/ QUOTE ]I'd be the same.
One of my villains is the daughter of Lord Recluse by accidental inclusion of his DNA into her genome.
Can I use this circumstance? Yes
Will the Devs acknowledge this? Hell no.
See I can use Lord Recluse in this way but if I do and they later say that he has no descendents my explanation will get tossed out the window and I'll have to recrete my character's backstory to something else.
So I can use the characters I want but in the long run it might mean a lot of ret-coning when the devs decide to expand the character in some way.
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
There is still the risk that the group will do something, or be blamed for something, that BaB or Blue Steel wouldn't wanna have their names connected to. Of course, if you keep that in mind you might be able to RP them dropping the connection or reprimanding you or something like that, as long as it seems plausible. However, it'd still be ideal to avoid using other's toons without permission wherever possible.
Perhaps one could PM the devs? I'd just hate to see this project get in trouble midway through because of a detail.
Now, if they only claimed it however, I see no problem at all^^
At least, that's my opinion.
Yeah, it spawned my favourite character, the Reformed Lost Pariah: "Found"
Who, would be absolutely ideal for this.
[/ QUOTE ]
Would LOVE to have you aboard
Thanks to all you guys for the constructive input and advise.
I'm sure with a little more work on my part this could realy take of.
And maybe I shoud PM the Devs to ask about the Back Alley Brawler involvement. But which Dev should I contact best ?
Thanks a gain for all your help guys.
You guys know how to make a girl smile in the morning
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
And maybe I shoud PM the Devs to ask about the Back Alley Brawler involvement. But which Dev should I contact best ?
[/ QUOTE ]Short answer would be none of them.
Long answer: Most won't answer or will simply say no. The concerns they have will be if they say yes it will probably open a floodgate of PMs from other users about using other characters and they don't want that. For reasons stated they probably won't care either way but most players might not accept it if you do something that they feel wouldn't happen if the real BaB knew about it.
It's politics and legalities. If you've ever heard about J.K. Rowling over in America at one of her book signings - she kept being handed story ideas but her legal rep snatched them away before she could even touch the envelope. After a few hours of repeatedly snatching these envelopes away she asked what this rep was doing. They explained that it was to protect her in case people had written ideas based on Harry Potter and she handled them that they could claim it was copyright infringement and sue her.
You'd be better off asking here if someone wouldn't mind letting their own hero 'sponsor' this group. At least it would be more actively discussed and less restricting.
Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Again good advice.
Thanks a million.
So her goes ...
What big time hero (retired or active) outthere feels like sponsoring (maybe just in name) this band of ruffians ?
It's a good cause guys realy
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
Okee guys this is the finaly origin of Project Penance
Project Penance:
Lazarus Ego wanted to create a place for those who needed a second chance. For those led astray by the trials of life that can fall prey on any unsuspecting victim. He believed there were many outcasts out there (currently shunned because of past misdeeds) with great potential still inside them waiting to be released.
The dream that was to be Project Penance had been born.
It was chance that bought word of the project to the ears of the multi-millionnaire owner of the Benedict Trust. William Benedict, sole owner of the multi-national comglomerate, was inspired by the idea and quickly agreed with Lazarus to be a silent partner; offering his considerable financial support to get the project started..
Project Penance was formed.
The money flowed in and Lazarus Ego wasted no time utilising it effectively. In his spare time, he began the search for the all important initial recruits. If the project was to be successful, he needed these first few to be effective. He knew, no matter how much of Benedict's money he flung at this project, if he didn't gain some public support quickly, it'd all be for nought. He needed public trust, and to get it, he needed recruits that would genuinely repentant.
He looked closely at many heroes who'd made grave mistakes, and at lists of reformed villains currently on monitored probation. After careful, but secret evaluation, he chose his first two recruits. Black Smith, and Drowning Samuarai. He would offer them a second chance to prove to the community, and the world, they regret their past errors and want to make amends.
Black Smith, the veteran hero forced into retirement after his rage fueled massacre in Brickstown, proved very keen to have the opportunity to show Paragoon City he too was a real hero.
Lazarus Ego contacted the Drowning Samurai after watching him in the field for a while. A lengthy discussion demonstrated to Lazarus that he'd found the ideal man. Drowning Samurai would be his liaison; a go-between for the new recruits, Black Smith and himself, allowing him to take a backseat in the project and continue his other works.
Although Lazarus Ego closely follows all aspects of Project Penance he isnt an active member and leaves the team in the hands of Black Smith as official leader providing day-to-day management when Lazarus was busy.
There you go
A BIG thanks to Smeester and Tyger for their input
And a massive thank you to Cold Hawk for the work he's doing for the SG.
We're growing slowly, but I'm glad to say it's working
And yes we are still looking for sponsors (be it in name or deed) and for new members.
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)
Hi everyone,
So I'm a longtime CoX player but pretty new to the RP part of the game.
I've come up with this idea for an RP SG
Project Penance:
Project Penance was originally created by the Back Alley Brawler. He, together with Blue Steel, are silent sponsors of the SG. Although they closely follow all aspects of the SG, they aren't active members themselves.
Project Penance was formed for heroes who'd made grave mistakes and for reformed villains (on probation). It would offer them a second chance to prove to the community, and the world, they regret their past errors and want to make amends.
The Back Alley Brawler contacted the Drowning Samurai (bio follows) after watching him in the field for a while. A lengthy discussion demonstrated to Brawler that they'd found the ideal man. Drowning Saumurai would be their laison; a go-between for the new recruits, Blue Steel and himself, as well as providing day-to-day management when Brawler was busy.
The Drowning Samurai bio:
As a Captain in the Wu army, Dian Wei made a name for himself during the "Three Kingdoms War" 331 B.C.
During a battle with the Shu army he swiftly followed the fleeing enemey warlord into the nearby sea, intent on finishing the coward.
The Shu warlord had thrown away his armour and sword, and unencumbered was swimming away rapidly. Dian Wei didn't pause to do the same, but simply followed him into the water. Such was his focus, and his rage, that even when he started to drown he did not stop. He didn't turn back or even try to swim. He started slashing the water with his sword, convinced in his fury that he could carve a path to his enemy. Combined with his pride, he entered a state of mind where he believed himself invincible, knowing that not even the water could beat him.
... But he was wrong, and the sea ineveitably claimed him.
As his body sank into the depths, a great Spirit of Vengeance appeared before Dian Wei. With a hazy gesture the being put life back in to Dian Wei, granting him a kind of immortality and charging him to do good.
He must now never forget that pride comes before a fall as he learns to appreciate the gift that life is in his cursed existance.
After spending some time in Paragon City he was contacted by the Back Alley Brawler and Blue Steel to form Project Penance.
Well there you have it.
I know it ain't much, but I would love to hear some feedback and hope some of you would like to join.
Ps: sorry if my english isn't perfect I'm from Belgium and try my best to spel correctly :s
Thanks to Smeester for the edit
@Drowning Samurai
Currently playing
The Drowning Samurai (Villains)
Sugar Calavera (Hero)