Scavenger Hunt Community Plot Discussion




Last night I was plot brainstorming with Echo for the pact when this potentially fun community plot idea popped into my head. What i'd like to do is give a brief outline, and get the rest of you guys to tell me what you reckon, give any suggestions on how to run it, as well as express any interest in being involved.

Basically the idea is this...

A villain (or small group so others can take turns organising similar events), along the same lines as CoX's Gamester from the winter events, is going to coerce several heroes, and villains into collecting tradewmark items from other heroes, and villains within a set time. To ensure participation the villain will either greatly reward, or greatly endanger someone to encourage the heroes, and villains.

As for the sort of stuff he is after it will be things like Partisan's golden mask (it won't thats just an example). However i'd like the items to come from all corners of the community's most famous toons (I already got my idea on a few people, and items I think would be great).

How the participants actually get the items that will be left up to them. However the person who actually owns the item will have the GM decision on whether an item is obtained or not.

Using Partisan as an example again if somebody said to me they want to write a story where their own toon breaks in to Partisan's private address and nicks his mask off the dresser, then it would be up to me to decide if it was plausable or not, and tell that person yes or no to if they get the mask that way.

Getting the items can be through stories, ingame RP, messenger RP, forum RP, IC PVP, etc, but must be evidenced in some way. So if you did ingame RP a short recap is needed.

Also once you have an item you have to keep hold of it until the end of the event leaving you open to losing it to another player.

What im hoping to achieve through this is to encourage some creativity, rivalry, and different RP interraction between characters that may not necessarily ever normally cross paths, as well as setting up an oddball npc villain/villain group for similar antics.

So please feel free to give your opinions, suggestions on better running the event, express an interest in being a player, or willingness to allow one of your toons items to be on the scavenger list. Also if any one else feels they might like to knock up a villain to be part of this group to run a future event, please say so here too.



I was just wondering, what's the tone of the event like? Is it going to be deathly serious, or is there room for some Tenacious D like escapades to try and get some of the stuff?



If I know Britanic right it will be rather humorous.

And if that's the case then GoodGuy's "classic" costume is up for grabs.



Then i'm bringing Shy back. Something like this is right up his alley. (If it were more serious i'd probably bring XV)



Im a big fan of humour in my RP, so despite the fact some poor sap is likely to be tied up hanging over a pool of man eating sharks with frickin' lasers on their heads to encourage some people's participation, id like to see some funny stuff.


Love Angel... "Sorry Big Lunk but I really need the rolled up socks you stuff your pants with!"

A red faced Big Lunk... "....Stu...stuff my pants! never....I mean they aint stuffed!"

Love Angel... "Sorry big guy but little Billy is going be blasted and chomped up by sharks if I dont get them!" Love Angel leaps on top of Big Lunk fighting a furious melee as she tries to get her hand down his pants "Stop struggling. Gimme!".

(Sorry Lunk, I couldnt resist )



Hahaha! Lovelly.

This is just the kind of stuff I was to expect from you Brit!





Love Angel... "Sorry big guy but little Billy is going be blasted and chomped up by sharks if I dont get them!" Love Angel leaps on top of Big Lunk fighting a furious melee as she tries to get her hand down his pants "Stop struggling. Gimme!".

(Sorry Lunk, I couldnt resist )

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we'll she's in for an embarrassing surprise, isn't she

Feel free to use Lunk's EVIL work shirt, the lighter he picked up in axis america, or a rikti blade taken from the portal room from the MMB attack (yes, pure fudge <_< >_> )



Headbreakers Cigars, he'd be lost without them...

They don't come cheap!



Ok it seems people are up for giving up their goodies, but im also looking for potential players who in fairness will be doing the actual work of the event.

Im also thinking that if you have a character who is going to have an item on the list then that person shouldnt be a player and IC unaware of whats going on. So if if I decided that Lunk's old EVIL shirt was an Item then Lunk wouldnt atually be a participant. (nothing to stop him using another toon though)

Lastly the items will be connected to media/community known figures. After all there is no point saying I want the belt buckle of Robo-Rawhide if nobody IC knows who it is. (Former concept character of mine, sort of Westworld meets the Terminator )



I hope that GoodGuy is relatively known in the RP community.

IC his identity is known since he got "outed" by his boss at the Paragon City Museum.
He is now working as a "tour guide" to the various historical places (History plaques) troughout Paragon City when he's not "on duty" patrolling the streets.

I don't think that any of my toons will participate in the actual hunt though (don't have the time nor any internet at home at the moment).



I'd certainly like to be part of it. I don't think any of my characters are anywhere near well-known enough for anyone to go looking for their stuff, but it sounds like far too much fun to pass up.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Like I said, Shy will most definately be bumbling around people's houses at night with a badly drawn map, trying to find where they keep their sword/gun/armor/shoes.



I have a new guy under works who could do just this kind of senseless stuff and have fun with it.

I know you mentioned Coile's eyeplate as a possible item. I thought of it and realized that the plate was probably lost in the robot world when it malfunctioned and fried part of Coile's brain. There's his cape, for example, tho.

Just that I am not so sure how safe it would be for anyone to try and break into his apartment. When Andreas was born Cirque de la Lune placed some really nasty shadows / demons to guard the place and some baddies got already eaten because of their villainous intentions.



Oh that would just add to the fun!
A good magician can probably get around said enchantment though.

Aaaah! I love RP!



if character transfer comes though i have a charater that would be interested in taking part.



I might, depends on if I can get my game working again, or arrange something out of game. *Muses*

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Thats the beauty of this, the method people use to get the items will be largely left to them (with obvious consent of the owner of course). Doesnt necessarily need to be done inngame. Plus im still in the brainstorming phase at the moment so it wont be ready to go for a while yet. Any luck you will be back properly then Z.

As for being involved. While the items will come from high profile heroes, and villains the participants dont need to be.

Having Shydow sneaking about to get bits, or Wavekite having a crisis of conscious on how far she is willing to go to get something makes for great RP in my book.



Sneaking isn't the only weapon in Shydow's arsenal! There's also begging, borrowing, stealing... So long as it's in the general spirit of having a laugh. He's not going to actually HURT anyone... Tenebrous does that for him



Dunno what my guys have to risk/offer...

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



I'll join in. I'll offer Miss Teen as the famous character with the item and take part with another character.
One thing I was thinking is, with a finite number of items and infinite number of people after them, many people will end up with no items at all. Maybe at least some of the items should be things that the named character has lots of, for example an arrow from Crimson Archer or a disgruntled ex-girlfriend from Coile.
Would characters also be able to team up to pool their resources?

Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko



I'm interested in the idea of having confrontations between characters who may never have met, but I'm not sure I quite understand exactly how this is going to work smoothly.

I'd be happy to offer some of my characters items for fun though.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Dunno what my guys have to risk/offer...

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Hehe, already had something in mind concerning something from Tygerboy, but il have to speak to you separately about it.

a disgruntled ex-girlfriend from Coile.

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Do you really want it to be that easy?

One thing I was thinking is, with a finite number of items and infinite number of people after them, many people will end up with no items at all.

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Also once you have an item you have to keep hold of it until the end of the event leaving you open to losing it to another player.

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Love Angel finally gets the socks Big Lunk stuffs his pants with , and is running to save little Billy when...

Big Game..."Hiya babe. Thanks for going in there. Lunk may be a pal of mine but there was no way in hell I would of gone rooting around for them socks. How's about you hand them over nicely?"

Love Angel pulls the socks close to herself, and turns away slightly in order to guard her prize. "No way ruffian, you cant have em!"

Big Game..."Jeez, why cant anything ever be easy? Hate to do this with you being a pretty hot chick, and all that, but I need them socks." Big Game pulls out his baseball bat, and advances on Love Angel.

(Sorry but I soooo love to use examples! )



Big Game pulls out his baseball bat, and advances on Love Angel.

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...your a nasty piece of work Brit...



but I'm not sure I quite understand exactly how this is going to work smoothly.

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Hence this discussion thread. Its not just to see who is interested but also to help brainstorm ways of running it.

A key element will be item owners providing GM assistance over their own stuff. Basically if player A is going for an item from player B. Then player A should contact Player B with his plan so Player B can decide how feasable it is. This becomes especially important, as player C decides to throw a monkey wrench in the works. However once an item has been passed on, its new owner gains GM responsibility over the item.

Remember although this will be set up as a competition the reality is this is more about the RP than actual result so dont be too proud to lose. If needed artbitration assistance could be on hand if anybody really thinks its needed.

However this thread is also for suggestions so speak up.



a disgruntled ex-girlfriend from Coile.

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Do you really want it to be that easy?

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Yes, it is easy if you have a shovel. All but one of the past loves have gone, as they say, boobies up, so some creative grave robbing is needed.

Although I must admit that someone aiming for Emmily's skull would fit the upcoming seasonal festivity when we go trick or treating for cossie salvage.