Scavenger Hunt Community Plot Discussion




Its amazing how our chat turned into a comminity wide plot Brit, i'm loving it though, seems like a fun idea and as Brit said it would bring characters together who might not usually talk, very fun idea and it gives everyone something to talk about, even to people they might not usually talk to.

Echos infamous bright pink tassle is undoubtibly up for grabs. And countless other stuff, it sounds like a really fun thing though, and a very good ice breaker for some characters i'd assume, gives everyone a chance to get involved somehow.

Echo gets home "Where the bloody hells my tassle, i'm sure i wore it tonight" sigh



I'm interested in this. I'm entering with my brute, Deadstreet, for the hunt! And up for grabs is Efranof's hat.

As for ideas, names for the main villain in charge and/or an actual char? Also, IC reasons for this to happen. For villains, perhaps they get to keep all the items plus the price for then on the black market, for heroes, they get the locations of several bombs placed in Paragon, which will explode if a villain gets the items first.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Maybe not make it a Hero and Villian thing, meaning a Villian could take a Villians item, a Hero could take a Hero. The reward is the easiest thing i guess, that could be worked out i'd assume. Maybe the Media could offer items or money, afterall a 'famous' or 'infamous' character item could be eBayable, or something along them lines.



Think there was a misunderstanding somewhere there, if not, sorry.

What I mean is, that if a hero manages to obtain all the items then the hero would receive the prize of saving the city from certain doom, but if a villain collects the items they get wealth and fame for being the one strong enough to get the items and pretty much throw Paragon into chaos. Heroes can take from villains and villains from heroes, it's just they both get different prizes for doing so.

Perhaps throw a money prize in for the heroes so that those who think they'll leave the saving to the big heroes but need the money will want to join in, that way I think everyone will have a reason to take part IC.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



As I said earlier incentive can be provided through reward or threat. One of the conditions of the competition will be you cant tell any person why you need that item or you forfiet the prize. Players will know who other players are but not their motivation for playing.

That way if Game was a player (he wont be), he could be blackmailing into playing in order to protect the children of St Joeseph's orphanage, which he secretly sponsers.

Going back to the earlier example where Game confronts Love Angel. Love Angel will probably assume Big Game is in it for some sort of personal gain, and unlikely to give any quarter. also if either one was to tell the other why they needed Lunks socks then they'd forfiet their prizes being Little Billy, or the kids from St. Joes.

As for the main villain its still early days but im kind of partial to some sort of club, or small group with either the power, or resources to force the players to jump through hoops. I like the idea of a group so that similar nuttyness can be run by someone else at a later date, and I can be a player.

Also im partial to the sort of free for all set up so you could potentially have hero vs hero, villain vs villain etc.

But as I said still brainstorming at the moment so the concept is still open.



You can go ahead and sign me up for the hunt! Can't decide whether to go with Vergil or Shadow Pariah though.. Decision, decisions

I love the idea, sounds like loads of fun. Can't wait



Sounds like it'll be a lot of fun.

I like the idea that it will be a free-for-all rather than heroes vs villains. It's all about the interesting RP situations, and pitting characters against their friends and allies would certainly qualify there.

The incentives could be tricky to get right. Putting a loved one in real, mortal danger could have the wrong sort of effect on some characters, especially if the scarcity of items to retrieve drives them to desperation. A fun event about stealing people's pants shouldn't be marred by random, casual murder.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



I'm not sure if I qualify anymore...

I have a new character, Ms Adams, who would love to do this sort of thing.

I suppose Arctic Princess might be able to offer something... but what? Ah, I know - a pair of piston boots - her original method for travelling around.
She lives in Steel Canyon now, so could have some fun chasing people over rooftops.

PM me if necessary (on here) and I'll start using Messenger again, if I must.



I'm interested in this, I would like to see some of the other people's RPing styles, but I dont really have any clue as to how any of My chars would want to get these items, or if there is any special items related to them and so I cant really think of a way to fit any of mine in here



Or better yet, Crimson's techbow?



Yay! That outta be a challenge. He doesn't go far without, does he?



The incentives could be tricky to get right. Putting a loved one in real, mortal danger could have the wrong sort of effect on some characters, especially if the scarcity of items to retrieve drives them to desperation.

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This is what i meant about tone, and I am inclined to agree.

(Ps, that wasn't a critiscism, more a suggestion)



I offer one of the most sacred things known to any of my characters...Arc's red leather trenchcoat!

As for who could be in the actual hunt...Arc or Tabaam (The rest of my main RP toons arent as frequent or known :P)

This sounds fun, especiially if two people are after one thing...Could be some good Add-on PvP.



I guess I could throw up Bolt's helmet as one of the possible targets for the hunt, but he isn't too well known tbh. Still, he bloody depends on the thing to hide his "ultra-secret identity" and I can imagine some pretty funny RP when he looses it xD

As for my dudes who could be involved, either Kat Kommando or Gator would fit nicely considering their wacky attitudes, Kat's slight kleptomania and Gator's mercenary nature.

Really hope to see this go forward, could end up being infamous on the server's history in the future :P



I never worked out where Doc's stuff ended up after the MMB event, but feel free to use his reticle and gauntlets...some form of graverobbing may be required

MY only other established char is Antipode, and she doesn't really carry any signature equipment...possibly her cape?

Oh...and can I go out on a limb and guess this started out as a discussion involving Games tiger pants?

@Shadow Phoenix - Union roleplayer and number-cruncher



The incentives could be tricky to get right. Putting a loved one in real, mortal danger could have the wrong sort of effect on some characters, especially if the scarcity of items to retrieve drives them to desperation.

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Thats a good point, because (serious) retaliation would probably be taken, atleast from my chars, so then it becomes a bit bitter which would probably take the fun out of it. I guess things have to be done carefully.



i would say blackmail, the promise of a secret revealed would be closer to the sort of incentive you could use, certainly for heroes. as moneys not likely to be a big incentive.



I can see a 'secret community' of bored multi gazillionairs looking for some fun and a better feel of power.

Each picking 'their champion' to do the scaveging. Each picking one or two targets. Selected for challenge more then probablility for success.
Each picking the 'means of control' over their champion.

Picking a start (like Halloween) and a end date (like... Christmas or new years?)

Maybe even a hidden target for the champion to take, but unknown to the champion which it is?

I'd be more interested in being a mark then a hunter... Grav's hat would be a valid target.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



I can see a 'secret community' of bored multi gazillionairs looking for some fun and a better feel of power.

Each picking 'their champion' to do the scaveging. Each picking one or two targets. Selected for challenge more then probablility for success.
Each picking the 'means of control' over their champion.

[/ QUOTE ]

Read 'button Man' recently?

'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!



Never heard of it

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Or a black-and-white horror movie - Particpants are sent fancy invitations to meet, intitially, in a castle or some other standard of the horror genre.
The marks, obviously, would not be present - perhaps the group or person responsible for organising this has a dislike of the marks (for some fudgetastically linked reason) and would like to see their lives made more difficult?
Or, perhaps, said organisation/person is merely looking to pit people against each other and this could continue as an 'excercise' until the 'plot' develops further and we realise why all this stuff is important?

Just a few ideas.

As for the 'protagonist' - my vote goes for a Truman Capote-esque character from the cult flick 'Murder By Death' .



Or a Hero Fan, who wants to amass a huge collection of Hero items to make a mueseum!



I actually like Havoc's idea!



One thing to consider is that while villains most likely have next to no qualms about stealing, it could be an issue for a hero. Even if the motivation is in place and the illegal act happens for a greater good it might still compromise the hero's moral standing.

An obvious solution is that people offer only heroes who have no big issues over it afterwards, or heroes whom they want to end up with a spot on their conscience. Everything works well as long as people realize what is at stake and involve only characters that they are comfortable with being in such a situation.

For example, I would not put Coile up for this, but Stratocaster would be having a laugh.



One thing to consider is that while villains most likely have next to no qualms about stealing, it could be an issue for a hero. Even if the motivation is in place and the illegal act happens for a greater good it might still compromise the hero's moral standing.

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But you don't necessarily have to steal. And part of the fun is seeing how characters of total integrity go about acquiring stuff that's not theirs in a desperate situation.

For the IC masterminds of the event, I know it's kind of been done, but how about a Mxyzptlk-style trickster, just out to toy with the heroes and villains? Having that sort of powerful figure behind it all allows you to explain away any weirdness that arises from the setup (because weirdness is pretty much the name of the game).

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.