Is aid self in PvP overpowered?




I don`t have aid self. I primarily play a Tanker and found it to be counter intuitive.
I know I could get it but somehow it doesnt sit right.

BUT when I PvP, especially solo, no matter how well I`m doing, if my opponent has aid self, unless im really lucky,
I end up worn out and in the end they take me.

I`m clearly superior a lot of the time, easily winning the actual fight but they just keep popping aid self and eventually i run out of steam.

Something about that particular power just doesnt sit right with me because there`s very little super hero basis for it.

In standard teaming it`s one thing, especially as its interruptable, but in solo PvP, there is always a moment to fire it off and your opponent is up and running again.

I`m not saying it`s a cheat as such, and i definately arent implying that players who have it are cheating. I understand it`s a players choice and good luck to them. (unless I`m fighting them that is.)

I just am not sure it should really be an optional power (especially in pvp)in the first place. Or maybe it should be higher on endurance or offer less of a heal.

Am I alone here?

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



Aid Self is just fine as is - you have to sacrifice an extra power to get access to it, it is interruptible, and isn't a full heal by any measure.

I'm happy with it in there as is.



People who have it are sometimes harder to defeat - so the answer is "maybe"

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But if you don't take Aid Self you get two extra other powers that you can take.

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People who have it are sometimes harder to defeat - so the answer is "maybe"

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But if you don't take Aid Self you get two extra other powers that you can take.

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That's why I said "maybe"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



People who have it are sometimes harder to defeat - so the answer is "maybe"

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And so are people with shields... and with de/buffs... and... wait, let's just nerf them all!

CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>



People who have it are sometimes harder to defeat - so the answer is "maybe"

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And so are people with shields... and with de/buffs... and... wait, let's just nerf them all!

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I would suggest that in PvP zones (including the Arena) everyones skills except Brawl are disabled and everyones health is set to the same amount. That should ensure that it's all properly balanced and give nobody reason to complain



People who have it are sometimes harder to defeat - so the answer is "maybe"

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And so are people with shields... and with de/buffs... and... wait, let's just nerf them all!

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I thought about that point and my opinion is thst it`s not the same thing. The buffs etc you refer to are part of the AT set generally. And, you could argue they`re consistent with the super hero theme.
Plus, you balance out your powers against someone elses so it kind of levels out.

Aid self though (bear in mind i`m really highlighting PvP)to me, comes out differently.

To fight someone who at the touch of a button can regen a great portion of health ends up being almost pointless. And the fact it`s interupptable is almost irrelevent in solo PvP.

Maybe I feel it more than other ATs because, as a Tanker, my outright damage is limited so maybe I can`t quite hit hard/fast enough to deck someone before they fire the damn thing off.

But, aid self just seems to give my opponent an advantage that strikes me as unfair.

My only alternative is to take it myself and long haul them which, to me, would be a shame because I don`t feel the concept fits my char. (although that is one power I don`t really fits any char conceptually.)

What brought this on was a fight I had against a level 40 in RV.

I was beating him easily throughout the fight, yet every time I got close to dropping him he would employ aid self, no matter how much I tried to interrupt. In the end he chipped away at me after about 15 minutes of me having the advantage.

I just came away thinking, that given how dominant I was in the fight, and how dominant I was as a 50 it was just weird that he had this kind of "save me" button he could press, almost endlessly, until he finally managed to catch me. (in frustration I turned on unstoppable so my stamina stayed up. I was hoping if I hit him non stop he wouldnt be able to fire the damn thing up. I saved the drop but was a bit weak after that and he nailed me.)

Like I say, it`s just my opinion but yes, to me, aid self gives one a massive advantage in PvP.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



Ever tried using Aid Self against a Spines Scrapper? It's not nice on the Edurance, let me tell you that. Aid Self is one of those powers that you just have to beat in a different way that just smash the opponent and hope it interrupts. Like attacking a Granite Tanker with Super Strength, or an Electric Brute with Electric Melee or whatever. There are many ways to beat it, because it doesn't make the person invincible, but yes, just like a "save me" button, but it can also be the thing that kills ya. It isn't the least Endurance heavy power in the world, and interrupt it three times or whatever and it is a noticable amount of their endurance gone. Also Tankers aren't famous for their PvP ability.



I was beating him easily throughout the fight, yet every time I got close to dropping him he would employ aid self, no matter how much I tried to interrupt. In the end he chipped away at me after about 15 minutes of me having the advantage.

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Rofl I think this is just a rant there nothing wrong with aid-self with my /SR scrapper it is a critial power to have.



I don`t have aid self. I primarily play a Tanker and found it to be counter intuitive.
I know I could get it but somehow it doesnt sit right.

BUT when I PvP, especially solo, no matter how well I`m doing, if my opponent has aid self, unless im really lucky,
I end up worn out and in the end they take me.

I`m clearly superior a lot of the time, easily winning the actual fight but they just keep popping aid self and eventually i run out of steam.

Something about that particular power just doesnt sit right with me because there`s very little super hero basis for it.

In standard teaming it`s one thing, especially as its interruptable, but in solo PvP, there is always a moment to fire it off and your opponent is up and running again.

I`m not saying it`s a cheat as such, and i definately arent implying that players who have it are cheating. I understand it`s a players choice and good luck to them. (unless I`m fighting them that is.)

I just am not sure it should really be an optional power (especially in pvp)in the first place. Or maybe it should be higher on endurance or offer less of a heal.

Am I alone here?

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I can sorta see where you are coming from mate, but with the very fast nature of the arena, it's only natural for me (and other blasters may agree with me) in my squishy state at low health to run to a safe place and shove on power boost+aid self. Sometimes I rely on Defiance, but with the way it's currently structured it's a rare occasion when I can use it to it's full advantage. Aid self, just like alot of other powers is just another power and another power people don't hold back on. If you're low on health, you use it. I mean, if you were facing a regen scrapper, it would be pretty darn obvious that they would heal if they were badly hit.



I would suggest that in PvP zones (including the Arena) everyones skills except Brawl are disabled and everyones health is set to the same amount. That should ensure that it's all properly balanced and give nobody reason to complain

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And was that your constructive addition to this debate?

I`m not talking about balance actually. I know the game can never be fully balanced.

On a personal level I don`t like Aid self because it doesn`t generally fit the super hero theme. In Pvp I don`t like it because the bearer of it seems to have a massive advantage against someoner who doesnt have it.

If my Tanker manages to bypass all your defences and downs you, that`s great. If you manage to bypass my invulnerability and down me thats more power to you.

But if one of us can endlessly throw up aid self every minute or so... not really a great achievement winning that fight then is there?

Of course, if we both have aid self, then we`re on an equal footing.

But is there any other pool power that gives the player so distinct an advantage in PvP?

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



The unfortunate thing about PvP is that it's not fair. There are no rules in PvP so if your fighting someone who has aid self, why not pop a red insp so you can take him down before aid self has recharged? Or blue insp when your running low on end. There are many ways to counter aid self, the trick is to find them and use them appropriately.



Also Tankers aren't famous for their PvP ability.

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Come here and say that!

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



People who have it are sometimes harder to defeat - so the answer is "maybe"

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And so are people with shields... and with de/buffs... and... wait, let's just nerf them all!

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I thought about that point and my opinion is thst it`s not the same thing. The buffs etc you refer to are part of the AT set generally. And, you could argue they`re consistent with the super hero theme.
Plus, you balance out your powers against someone elses so it kind of levels out.

Aid self though (bear in mind i`m really highlighting PvP)to me, comes out differently.

To fight someone who at the touch of a button can regen a great portion of health ends up being almost pointless. And the fact it`s interupptable is almost irrelevent in solo PvP.

Maybe I feel it more than other ATs because, as a Tanker, my outright damage is limited so maybe I can`t quite hit hard/fast enough to deck someone before they fire the damn thing off.

But, aid self just seems to give my opponent an advantage that strikes me as unfair.

My only alternative is to take it myself and long haul them which, to me, would be a shame because I don`t feel the concept fits my char. (although that is one power I don`t really fits any char conceptually.)

What brought this on was a fight I had against a level 40 in RV.

I was beating him easily throughout the fight, yet every time I got close to dropping him he would employ aid self, no matter how much I tried to interrupt. In the end he chipped away at me after about 15 minutes of me having the advantage.

I just came away thinking, that given how dominant I was in the fight, and how dominant I was as a 50 it was just weird that he had this kind of "save me" button he could press, almost endlessly, until he finally managed to catch me. (in frustration I turned on unstoppable so my stamina stayed up. I was hoping if I hit him non stop he wouldnt be able to fire the damn thing up. I saved the drop but was a bit weak after that and he nailed me.)

Like I say, it`s just my opinion but yes, to me, aid self gives one a massive advantage in PvP.

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It gives one an advantage in one-on-one PvP. However the game is really based around team and zone PvP where it isn't that much of an advantage really. Anyway the focus of the game is PvE for the most part and its well balanced there I feel.

PvP isn't balanced and one-on-one PvP certainly isn't. Its due to the sheer array of powers and builds available in the game and it makes for a much more interesting PvE game (imo).

What sort of Tank were you? Even if you don't want the medicine pool most get a heal anyway. And can't Tanks get an aura capable of interrupting Aid Self?

The %chance to heal PROC might be useful to you, as might +regen set IOs (you only need 2 for Regen bonuses usually).

What AT was he btw?




Rofl I think this is just a rant there nothing wrong with aid-self with my /SR scrapper it is a critial power to have.

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Well, in a way it is a rant I guess.
But should a pool power really be critical?

And yes, that applies to stamina too but that`s another topic..

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



But, aid self just seems to give my opponent an advantage that strikes me as unfair.

[/ QUOTE ]This is a pool power that you have to sacrifice another power for, so they person who takes the medicine pool set is being disadvantaged if anything.

To even up the score, we should do away with all pool powers, then you'll have something to complain about. When your endurance as a tanker has gone in 30 seconds, because you can't have stamina, you'll whistle another tune. Then there's the fact you won't have acrobatics (extra mez defence) or a travel power..... [unnecessary and unhelpful comment removed, Bridger]

Live without pool powers would be much harder, than just fighting someome who has aid self?

As a side note, does your tanker have any AoE's....they are very effective at interrupting aid self!

Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body

Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Defender Nilus Scrapper
Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker



Tankers are wusses! I pwnd several royally at the last official Brighton meet; with my PB too!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Well, in a way it is a rant I guess.
But should a pool power really be critical?

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Unlike PvE pvp is a whole different ballgame and there are some pvp techniques that are common in every mmo and are essential to winning.

Damage Spiking

Spike Healing



PvP Defensive Pressure

PvP Dps Pressure

In this game Spiking is no 1 and unfortunately there is no interrupt in powers to effectively counter with few exceptions which aint that important.

aid self and in general spike heals is the best counter against spike dmg and the only one that devs have provided to pvp players. the other one is defense which is ofc waaaaaay to easily countered with a bunch of yellows and BU+AIM.

In other words aid self is working as intended in PvP and is definitely not overpowered.

IMHO always.



Tankers are wusses! I pwnd several royally at the last official Brighton meet; with my PB too!

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Ahh but you weren`t up against Power Lord. (Dont run aid self do you?.)

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



So duelling a brute with Healing Flames is fine but if a dominator has Aid Self, it's unfair??? Don't get it...

CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>



Tankers are wusses! I pwnd several royally at the last official Brighton meet; with my PB too!

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Ahh but you weren`t up against Power Lord. (Dont run aid self do you?.)

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I'm a triform PB; I have 3 self heals.. Why would I bother with aid self?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I feel the need to qualify my point here.

It `s one thing to play an AT with all it`s various powers. It`s a player choice. Even if there was one all powerful At and I fought him I wouldn`t complain against losing because I chose my char for a reason and I fought this AT knowing how tough it was.

So, yes, if you have mezzes, well I have unyeilding. If you have terrorise, well, hopefully I`m tough enough to take the punishment till it wears off. If you`re a healer and you can endlessly heal yourself...well the trade off there is that you`re unlikely to hit hard enough to rteally put me out.
we`re forever pulling out our own tricks to counter each others which is pretty much the way it should be. Some ATs own me. I own other ATs and so on.

But my issue is that aid self is a pool power. Pool powers shouldn`t be decisive like that because, as with the case of the SR scrapper (maybe myself if I`m honest) you feel you have to take it to keep up. And I don`t think pool powers should do that.

Honestly, in a one on one fight, aid self can be a massive advantage and imho, a pool power shouldn`t give that.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...




And the fact it`s interupptable is almost irrelevent in solo PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]Depends. If you put something like snow storm, radiation infection etc. on the player, AS becomes useless.



So duelling a brute with Healing Flames is fine but if a dominator has Aid Self, it's unfair??? Don't get it...

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Healing flames isn`t a pool power.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...