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  1. Graventite__EU

    MoG or Revive?

    [ QUOTE ]
    One unbuffed EM stalker can reliably 2-shot a non-Dull-Pained Regen if that Regen is standing still. If the Stalker has some yellows or the FoN accolade (or a few applications of "Forge"...) then MoG is not going to help the Regen in the slightest... if a Stalker can hit through PFF, they'll certainly be able to hit through MoG...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, but if they have that you're probably going to be dead anyway. I never said it was a "Ha ha, I can take anything you throw at me" power, it's situational, and not many Stalkers have FoN in Warburg.

    And if you're a Regen, you probably won't have two movement powers, but even if you did, I did say three EM Stalkers, which could do a bit more burst damage than one EM Stalker.
  2. Graventite__EU

    MoG or Revive?

    Yeah well, when you have 3 EM Stalkers trying to kill you at once you might change your mind between Revive or MoG.
  3. Graventite__EU

    MoG or Revive?

    It all depends on your play-style and how much you die, and, of course, how much you like/hate MoG. To be honest I've found MoG far more useful in PvP terms, and in PvE, as the only use I found of Revive was to get back up when I died in the old Hami Raids.
    MoG requires more slotting to be useful, as Revive only needs the one slot to make it an effective power, while MoG needs some defence enhancements to avoid you being killed by every other minion.
  4. What? Regens aren't scrappers now? Regen's are also horribly favoured by IO sets being able to have perma-DP, amazing regen, loads of HP etc.
    And my regen is finished, build only cost 100 mil inf.
  5. Graventite__EU


    Not sure about the health cap but I'm pretty sure there's no regen cap, and, based on what I've found of Mid's, if there was a cap, you'd know about it when making the build.
  6. Fire/Ice is great for PvE taunting, but rather poor for PvP as Ice Melee is quite weak compared to Super Strength, Energy Melee or Stone Melee.
  7. Just got back from holiday so missed saying a big Gratz earlier... So I'll say it now... Gratz mate!!
    You're always a fearsome sight in Warburg and Recluse's Victory!
  8. Global Name : @Graventite
    Server : Union
    City of Heroes/City of Villains: Both
    PvP Characters:
    Dark Graventite - Brute
    Light Graventite - Scrapper
    Graventite X - Corruptor
    Cold Waste - Corruptor
    Type of PvP: Any
    Can be contacted: A la Global, or email, or anything.
    Times on: Usually in the afternoon through to night.
    Timezone: British Standard Time.
  9. Clear Mind doesn't do anything to Placate, but the Placate bug means that if the Stalker has had an effect on you (such as the defence debuff from Ninja Blade or the Stun from Total Focus) and Placates, you can still target them.

    Also if a Stalker is confused they become perma-hidden and always hit Criticals, lovely.
  10. PB's (from what I can make out) are far more solo'able and can easily just go around in human form, having Dull Pain and a self heal.
    Warshades are far more reliant on teams and dead bodies, while their human form is rather weak, in the low 40s they really shine through and in teams become the most awesome thing ever!
    Warshades are very mob-reliant, the Black Dwarf heal needing an enemy, Eclipse needing a mob, Stygian Circle needing dead enemies. While Peacebringer has Light Form, like Unstoppable, a self heal, Dull Pain etc.

    Peacebringers are better at low levels, but once Warshades get their pets and big explodey purple powers of D00m, they become Gods amoungst Super-Powered Beings.
  11. Sorry, didn't notice your post, and also sorry, I can't help that much with numbers. I suppose many people don't like CAK because it has such a long activation time, about the same as EC, but not the same damage. I know I don't like it on my Regen Stalker, as it leaves a long time in which I can't heal or do anything, which ain't very good when you haven't got much HP to start with!

    I must admit I don't like CAK amazingly, as I don't think the animation is very good, as it takes a long time to fire off, as I've said... Yet I have it because it does more damage than TK and as I have a 4-attack chain, I kinda need all the damage I can get.

    On my Scrapper I've got both Tough and Health, and not TK (too weak for my liking), which (with my IO build) gives 574% Regeneration and a nice 26.1% Smash/Lethal Resistance.

    P.S. MA/Regen FTW!
  12. If you hold down Control while clicking on a power a green circle appears around it. This means that the power will fire off every time it's recharged. This can only be used on 'clickie' powers, that aren't interruptable (such as Aid Self). So for instance you were having a Brawl fight, you could just hold down Control and click on Brawl once and it would activate every time it is recharged (and in range, of course).

    Hope that helped!
  13. Ever tried using Aid Self against a Spines Scrapper? It's not nice on the Edurance, let me tell you that. Aid Self is one of those powers that you just have to beat in a different way that just smash the opponent and hope it interrupts. Like attacking a Granite Tanker with Super Strength, or an Electric Brute with Electric Melee or whatever. There are many ways to beat it, because it doesn't make the person invincible, but yes, just like a "save me" button, but it can also be the thing that kills ya. It isn't the least Endurance heavy power in the world, and interrupt it three times or whatever and it is a noticable amount of their endurance gone. Also Tankers aren't famous for their PvP ability.
  14. /Nin has a heal, but no knockback protection, but it does have fear resistance.

    /SR has knockback protection, but no heal, and confuse resistance.

    All depends on your preferance.
  15. Hehe, it's great mate.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Hm, yeah. I really wanted to try and get away without Stamina, since for once I might be able to on a /regen. But I'm worried that hasten + the many attacks I have might increase my eps as compared to a build with less attacks (which I usually see). I should probably sit down and work out some attack chains and math from the eps perspective.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ooh, how boring. Lol.

    As I said you can get by without Stamina and with IOs that's more possible than ever, but, whatever works, I like just being able to fight forever lol, well, not when against Carnies, Malta Sappers... Thermal Corruptors... Elec Brutes...Elec/Elec Blaster... Think that's it, lol.

    [ QUOTE ]
    That's helpful to know. What lvl did you start playing with Tough included? Would be great to hear opinions on this from more regen scrappers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, to be honest I respected at level 50 to have it at level 35, basically means I'm really quite hard to kill in warburg!

    Regen is great and I wish you luck leveling yours!
  17. Graventite__EU

    Pvp brute

    Have to say I havn't noticed. Except when Power Sink gave you 70% Fury, now that was a nice bug...
  18. EM requires next to no skill to use, as you can two-shot most Archetype, while DM has ToF which has awesome -acc.
  19. Well, I bet you're gonna enjoy MA/Regen a whole lot more when you get Eagle's Claw!

    Ok, on topic, lol, I would consider either going with Build 3, for Stamina. Stamina and Quick Recovery on Regens means that you don't even have to look at your Endurance bar when you're fighting.
    Or, as you said, could drop a kick from Build 2 (drop Thunder Kick if you're going with this approach) and get Tough. I've got it on my Scrapper and it increases my survivability a lot.

    Stamina isn't a must, per se, but it allows you to fight longer than practically any other Archetype when combined with Quick Recovery.

    Tough is worth it in a Regen, though some people don't like it but hey, just play around with it and see if you like it.

    3-slotted Health does increase your regeneration a bit, thought Fast Healing has more regeneneration, not really sure what the exact numbers are but ever little helps, lol.

    Hope I've been of some help, nice builds ya got there!
  20. Hehe, same reason I'm not showing off my Scrapper's build.
    And it's fine, if you don't want to do a fight I can't force ya into it, oh well...
  21. I wanna fight your regen with my regen KS!
    But I've just got a little question about your build KS, on Maneuvers, why have to two level 40 Red Fortune IOs? Wouldn't it be better to replace one with a level 50 Luck Of The Gambler to have another HP increase?
  22. Ok, so with my slotting, Stone Skin'll give me an auto 11.6% smash/lethal resistance. With Tough that becomes 29.7%. With Granite on and not Tough, I've got 69.4% smash/lethal resistance, with Tough that becomes 87.5%.

    The numbers have won over you argument I'm afraid lol, I'm sticking with Tough, make me even harder to kill.

    And all these percentages are from Mid's.
  23. Wow... I don't think I've ever made such an impression on someone.

    And I only have 1 Brute at level 50 with Tough, but I'll say no more about that! *Covers up Enhancement Screen with body* My build!

    OK, just for you I'll play around with not getting Tough, and about Numina's Cal-something-I-can't-spell, those are yes, very useful and give a nice regen and recovery bonus, but costs about 20 million per enhancement, I just don't have that type of cash!

    And I'm mostly gonna be in Granite, which is why I haven't got any other armours other than Stone Armour. And my mate has a 240 million inf build, very nice regen, I can drool at that.

    I'll try and fiddle around with the build, see what Tough does and see if I can get some Taunt IOs in my attacks, thanks for your help!

    Oh yes, and thanks for the compliments about my Scrapper, I didn't think he was that good!
  24. Well, I havn't got anything else I'd like other than Tough, and I have it on two of my level 50s and it makes a huge difference. I kinda made this char as you said, to be able to tank RSF but also back people about with reasonable ability in PvP!

    Only a great disliking to Weave has stopped me getting it, and lack of slots.
    I've talked to a couple of mates who have Tough and Weave and they say it makes a noticible difference, and I like it.

    I would like to slot taunt in the AoE attacks but that would mean reducing my damage output, and Taunt enables me to tank the Heroes in RSF easily.

    And thanks for the compliments, means a lot!
  25. Graventite__EU

    Pvp brute

    Fury is bugged in PvP? Since when?

    Anyway, EM/Elec mean's you won't run out of Endurance, due to Conserve Power and Power Sink, your powers have the handy little 20% recharge reduction due to Lightning Reflexes. Oh yes, and when ganked by 3 scrappers in Warburg, Power Surge looks a hell of a lot cooler than your dead body on the ground.

    Oh yes, and Elec is amazing.

    What? I like elec.