8ngaHroSndwch dings 50!
congratulations 8nga
Gratz :O)
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
Hey thanks a lot Morty, my mentor, and game introducer! You have been teaching me pretty much everything I know, from the early MMO manners, to what the alphabet acronyms mean. Sheltering me as a noob, to building mini team toons, its been great, and great to play with you.
Im not all that in PvP, but those sandwiches keep coming to me, via TP foe or just trying to eat me back.
Thank you to all I have played with, eaten, and been eaten by. Its been quite a ride. For the peeps who doubt the power of a good trapper, send a tell @Dantethestoic, and I will try to show you how to work the traps for max set bonus's and opponent -recharge. Hitting over -200% recharge with stock traps and patron powers unslotted is easy!
Thanks again to @Morty(dedicated a biography to Norty Morty), @DAN, @Wharfadelic, @FoxyBimbo, @SepticSoul, @PowerDoll, you all are great players, and have helped me out a lot.O yeah, and "MothersLove" for always being a great PvP sandwi.. I mean PvP sport.
I know there a lot I am missing, but its early for me.
One Love CoX Union Crew!
Private Dancer
Grats dude.
You got a monster character there, im not stupid enough to try take you out on my own .
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
Grats dude
Go Trappers! (I'm sure the TNT posse will be equally proud of ya)
Grats mate
grtz dude
good thing u have yet to eat my scrapper
You crazy *******....congratulations.
And thanks for introducing me to PVP.
Congratulations dude
O yeah, and "MothersLove" for always being a great PvP sandwi.. I mean PvP sport.
[/ QUOTE ]
Congratulations 8ngaHroSndwch.
Enjoy your reign in Recluses Victory while it lasts! .../em,shakesfist
Hope you've sorted out those stacking holds of yours...For Mother is 20 million off completing her last LOTG set bonuses and when she returns its 'perma-bed-e-byes' for your foul minions!.
Congratulations mate. Been a pleasure to lose to your MM . Whats next on the evil side ?
Aww you silly sod! It's always a pleasure sandwich... we help you, you entertain us... the world is a happy and more villainous place!!!
Gratz hunny!!!
grats again sandwich
Thanks for the numerous demonstrations of, full to zero health in seconds
Just got back from holiday so missed saying a big Gratz earlier... So I'll say it now... Gratz mate!!
You're always a fearsome sight in Warburg and Recluse's Victory!
Grats sandwich.
Now put down the PvP and back away slowly
Gratz 8nga.... I remember a time when we teamed and my Brute was 2 levels higher, obviously lagging behind now...wd anyway!!!
Main 50 & Badger Nine Claws Claws/Regen/Body
Other 50's Ph10x Brute Unjust Law Tanker Samantha Urai Scrapper Codename 1250 Scrapper
Cepheus Defender Nilus Scrapper Electro Field Blaster S.PONGE Tanker
Please join me in a hearty GRATZ for our favorite (or most hated) Union MasterMind!

That's right, 8ngaHroSndwch has made it to 50!
While best known for his amazing PvP abilities, he is also a darn good PvE player and it has been a pleasure seeing him lvl through his infamous career.
Keep on munchin' them Heroes there Sandwich.