I am sorry, am I irritating you?
You're not doing anything wrong (Apart for being stone tank instead of ice )
Scrappers in general are feral, antisocial creatures. When hunting in packs they can swiftly become irritated by the very fact that other animals are nearby. If the only comment the scrapper came up with in that scenario was "Shut up I don't need told what to do" then your team must have been going very smoothly indeed.
Scrappers have been known to become annoyed at:
+ Anyone drawing their weapon before the Scrapper does
+ Tanking successfully for long periods (an insinuation that they couldn't take the mobs alone)
+ Any other toon generating bigger orange numbers than them - including another scrapper.
+ Being healed, buffed or helped out in any way. This includes others attacking the scrapper's target.
+ The fact that the team is moving too slowly. (Dammit there's more over here!)
+ The fact that the team is moving too quickly. (We missed some, I'm not done here yet!)
+ Them being the only scrapper on the team
+ Them NOT being the only scrapper on the team
+ Being bored, hungry, or simply wanting to attack something else.
+ The rest of the team not pulling their weight (That controller/blaster/defender is doing nothing!)
+ The rest of the team outperforming them (See "helping in any way" for buffers)
+ The "poofy colours" of the defender's costume.
+ Not dying every few minutes (these guys are no challenge!)
+ The enemy/blaster/tree "looking at them funny" (usually an invitation to be attacked)
+ Being told off for attacking a random mob/AV/tree for "looking at them funny" after the puller says "inc".
+ Being surrounded by people who are obviously completely incompetent (otherwise they'd be scrappers!)
Commenting from a scrappers PoV, I much prefer it when the team's tanker lets the rest of the team know exactly what's going on, where they're pulling to, and in the event of something going wrong yelling a warning so the rest of us can prepare for what's to come.
I personally do the exact same thing myself when teaming with a few friends if we don't have a tank ( /Invuln keeps me standing long enough to hold aggro from a fair sized group of mobs ) because if the rest of the team know what's going on things run a whole lot smoother.
Ignore the clearly foolish complaints of one impatient person. If the rest of the team have no issue with you yelling out a running commentary then I don't see what the problem is.
i can see it as the stereo typical thing stone tanks do. however mostly its also associated with a 'im best center o fthe team' attitude that turns people off stone tanks and other tanks to a lesser degreee.
yes its good to inform people whats happening but almost all of the stone tanks i've ever seen come bundled with a im that invincible everyone listen to me and do what i say or im gonna have a go or whinge because i cant play how i want to play.
most evident when the team actually doesnt need a stones gathering of mobs to do the job.
my experiences of teaming with bad attitude stone tanks has turned me off making one (and thus ruining my goal of having one of each type) and also turned me off teaming with them either.
it really doesnt help that i've seen an increasing amount of stone tanks playing just awful - the reason they made stoners? well its because the died all the time on their blaster aint it, so they made stone because they are invincible...
I'm a scrapper.. I like hitting things.
Ok, there are two things I have to say:
First, Maelwys´ post just made me laugh... which is actually quite strange since the described facts should be widely known.
Second, I probably know which kind of "stereotypical stone tank" the scrapper in question was talking about. There are quite some stoneys (tanks and brutes) around who somehow seem to get the allusion that since they are so hard to kill they must be the best players around. The worst case was a stoney who demanded "speed" from my kinetic corruptor as soon as the icon started blinking although everybody else on the team knew that I make a point of perma-speed-boosting everyone on the team if by any means possible. He even demanded "speed" when he could clearly see that I was fighting for my life against half an enemy spawn (for a team of 8), because he was utterly unable to hold aggro against my kinetic magic. Even as I started buffing him last and considerably later than the rest of the team he obviously didn´t get the message. This moron even told me to "get up" as I faceplanted once during the mission although enemies were stomping all over me and I didn´t even have a rez. Unnecessary to say that I left after the mission.
I think the scrapper in this case had some unpleasant experiences with stoneys like that and out of confusion overreacted a little bit. However, I think it is a good thing to tell your team what you are doing if it affects team tactics as a whole. I have been surprised more than once by a tanker who pulled enemies to a corner behind me while I was thinking he would pull them to the corner in front of me.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
id rather have a tank saying what theyre doing than not. After teaming with 2 the other night, and my blaster dropping 3 times in succession vs an AV, after both tanks seemed unable to taunt, give me the informative one every time.
I think there's a fine line between telling people what you're going to do, so they don't get any nasty surprises, and telling people how they're going to fit in with your plans for taking the mobs down.
Typed chat being as limited as it is, people can often take things as if you'd meant the latter even though you only intended the former.
In a good team a simple signal of running to a point and back from it and out simply suffices because they have got the picture after a couple of runs unless its a pull not too similar. If someone isnt too bright ya just have to start telling people nicely your intentions again.
I like the tanks with whistle combined macros as its well cute.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Hey - Take it like a tank. He used the wrong word, probably meant boring. As a tank I prefer to wade into a mob, take the alpha, slap them a bit (to grab as much aggro), and then watch the health bars of my team mates to see who needs any help. Who are always itchin to get into the action and have some fun. Not and never have been keen on "herding" large or small mobs.
@Boy Wonder
Quantum Flash - Ill/Kin Controller
Leader of the Legion of Heroes
Aha that old chestnut again. Scrappers geting bored of waiting to herd. Unfortunately, its not somethign that will change really. When i tank, i like to herd, purely because it really is the safest option because its easy to identify which ones have been aggroed and which ones havent. When i first started playin i built a scrapper, and hadd no idea about tanking and used to get fed up with waiting around for that slow tanker to sort himself out, however now im a tank junkie and i understand what its all about. Best thing to do is not get drawn into a dispute about it and let the scrapper have his own way for a mob or two, soon enough a scrapper with that attitude will get themselves face planted, then they will moan about you Not doing your job, which then gives your a self made point proven situation.
Scrapper like to kill things and they believe that they are the best at it, and love little competitions with other ATs. It seems taunt doesnt just annoy the bad guys. Ive actually had a couple of scrapper leave my team before because i was out damaging them on my fire/em tanker and was making them feel surplus to requirements.
If youwant to have a quiet life, let the scrappers have their 'Moment of glory' once in a while, and just keep an eye on their health so you can take back the aggro if they get into trouble.
Too right Thundorn, I say treat scrappers like children. Give them enough to stop them moaning but not more than they can handle, and always keep one eye on them.
And if they insist on biting off more than they can chew let them. They'll either leave in a huff or calm down for a bit before that itchy clicking finger syndrome kicks back in
If he knows, he'll just say. Or maybe so he's thinking, ''Stupid Tanker! Scrappers are MUCH stronger than Tankers!''. If you were the leader, I'd suggest you kick him if he gets on yer nerves.
All this has now changed since I grew into godmode. Now the scrappers are left behind as I port in, taunt and port out around a corner. No more need to chat up the team much ;-P
You're not doing anything wrong (Apart for being stone tank instead of ice )
[/ QUOTE ]
The rest of the team arent necessarily weak and can handle the odds however if one person, in an attempt to show off, and show how good they are supposedly are, is doing things in a way that compromises someone else or makes them less effective I get annoyed.
Yes the game is meant to be fun but its about the team too, all of whom matter and are key to and equally responsible for success and are equally responsible for failures. Someone playing in a way that makes someone else less effective (usually comes from nobody knowing what the other person in team actually does) or put at greater risk from saving their n00b behind isnt very considerate.
Some things done by a scrapper could look like showing off but isnt because maybe for example they are basically running into next mob early to build up hate to keep aggro long enough for when team join in but in a team with a tanker its wholly unnecessary and possibly more beneficial for others in the team for the tank to group up and get as many in a debuff zone under taunt control as possible and let the teams aoes multihit and stack so well you all end up wondering why ya took stamina.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
As I play both AT's in question, I can see where your comeing from. The scrapper was a bit of a jurk IMO. Like a lot have said, I would rather know whats going on then be comfronted by a huge angry mob. And I would rather that then someone spamming the chat with the same "witty" comment over and ovor again. I had it once and this guy said the same thing with 95% of the foes he targeted Arrrgghhh!!! annoying!.
Hi my name is SNOW YETI stone/stone..anyone old will know me..i just goto say this, that scrappers a [removed],and if i was there i would have took all agg to him and stopped tauntin,infact i would go out of my way to demoralise him as if you cant tell when someone is helpin ya, you goto be a [removed],you did nothin wrong matey,and should keep on doin what your doin [removed] em!!scrapper should learn his place..and thats in a tanks shadow..
SNOW-YETI-lvl 50 stoner
I have a 50 Scrapper and a 31 Tanker.
I have to say that as a scrapper (or any other AT for that matter) I like knowing where the Tank is going to take the mobs to and more importantly that they are actually herding and not waiting for the rest of the team to go to his/her position.
The only bind I use, when playing my Tank is this;
"Herding to here"
I have found some Stone Tanks to be a bit ... excessive with the binds but thats just down to the individuals that are playing them.
I've also noticed that some Stone Tanks even insist on herding single mobs, that have no other mobs around them, which I find a bit pointless and tiresome.
What actually annoys me is when a Scrapper (it normally is a Scrapper) jumps in too early and fragments the herd.
Bottom line is by all means let the team know whats going on but don't use 10 binds when one will suffice and don't go into herding auto pilot when a simple TP in and hold aggro wil do.
My parting point is ... Stone Tanks with Granite Armour and no TP travel power. As an Ill/Kin Controller I actually avoided teaming with Stone Tanks eventually.
I once got an invite to a team with no less than 3 Stone Tanks - all without TP - all with Granite Armour and all wanting Speed Boost even before it ran out.
I think I lasted almost 15 minutes in that team
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
As a tanker i get irritated by people up my $%^&. Do i need to draw a picture? People seem to be aware of their own cone attacks and aoes and pbaoes but do not take into account that the enemy might actually have them too
Do i need to draw a picture?
---/__FIRE__\ <--- ITS A CONE RIGHT?
Nobody in the taking down an AV other than the tanker has to be in that cone. There are plenty of other beauty spots to stand. It could be a gunslinger just because a tanker is standing in front of one doesnt mean a good place to stand is behind the tank. A tank is not that kind of meatshield.
If the tanker gets aoe'd upon then all those close get aoe'd upon so whats the point in you taking hits for the team if your gonna bring the one-hitter-to-team aoes upon them anyway? Perhaps you took taunt so that you can control the placement of attacks and so ya kite to make those aoes land upto 70ft away or make cones of 60ft range not happen and what does someone do? They come and stand next to you! Was your view worth sharing? Was you lonely? Did you need some company? Its just like all those people at hamidon ya may of seen they have to run up to the hami taunter for their picture taken.
Jaegers pbaoe when they BLOW, ya got a mate whose on their last bit of hp and so ya stop yaself from hitting the jaegers that he is close to, so that he may back off but whats he do? He hits them! Then he asks why and what hit him and this is him on his way to getting his 3rd 50.
I knew a hovering empath who hovered above jaegers spamming heal aura who kept moaning about being in debt all the time yet still rinsed and repeated the hovering low over jaegers mistake.
I know some people support the Darwinian theory to survival but after 2 years of playing this game ya think some people would of worked stuff out by now. A tank can redirect the LoF as much as possible but its upto the individuals in the team to not keep jumping in it. Sometimes you cant even taunt without thinking your in a packed night club, getting to the herdpoint is like trying to make it to the bar.
The lack of understanding with cones, aoes, pbaoes, range and the word "Ready" really gets to me. Why range? well if ya could taunt from so many ft nothing can touch you and anything taunted cant actually try to hit anyone else. What range you can get may make you untargettable with the heaviest attacks as well as minimise likelihood of pbaoes.
Why Ready? cos so few people have a clue when to best time their powers of intervention for their own safety and mess herding. They either attack or are seen by untaunted and get hit for no reason. Basically they cant keep their xp pants on for that extra second or have that need to poke their head out of the train window to see if their is a tunnel up ahead. I worry about those that shoot round blind corners crossing the road.
Tanks irritate me too:
Now a tank going toe to toe with an AV may seem the more macho thing to you but if its doable without the blappers (who do more damage than you, and so in terms of dps are more important) from being defeated then maybe the defense set is taking the hardship out or the lvl of AV isnt that extreme so...machoness gone. If the blappers are being defeated cos you like to use your jab, then you with your low dps must for some reason come before their high dps...i think brains over brawn wins, its better for the damage dealers to be able to maintain the damage without defeat than for you to show what ya can take.
Or what about "oh that AV i can take it!" *runs straight in, team follows without the defender getting a chance to buff the team...
Its just a game it shouldnt annoy me but its $£%^ i have seen so many times before.
The idea of the tank, is not to have someone that can be cheered at for being the last one standing it is to help prevent the squishies from being in debt and one of many things like make aoe debuffs more effective by allowing the defender survivability to not only add more debuffs but keep groups in them and make the team more efficient. You could make squishies built like tanks too but that just removes challenges to the game that people might appreciate and make the game even more mindless and unchallenging than it was before ED for most.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
And I thought I was grumpy!
I really should do something about this signature.
I would personally get annoyed at you. You seem to think the people you are teaming with are blithering idiots who are blind thus not being able to see the screen.
"pulling to here behind this corner"
"inc mobs to here behind box"
"boss, charging in"
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes ok we can see that also, congratulations on learning how to waste time by typing.
Hi my name is SNOW YETI stone/stone..anyone old will know me..i just goto say this, that scrappers a [removed],and if i was there i would have took all agg to him and stopped tauntin,infact i would go out of my way to demoralise him as if you cant tell when someone is helpin ya, you goto be a [removed],you did nothin wrong matey,and should keep on doin what your doin [removed] em!!scrapper should learn his place..and thats in a tanks shadow..
SNOW-YETI-lvl 50 stoner
[/ QUOTE ]
Please don't try to get members of your team killed - it won't help matters and could leave you open to being /petitioned for griefing.
If a member of a team is causing problems or behaving in an unwelcome fashion, the leader of the team should politely ask them to stop. If the player doesn't, the team leader should politely make it clear that if they continue to behave in this fashion, they will be kicked from the team.
If your team leader isn't willing to do this, I would suggest that the simplest and easiest thing to do is to leave the team yourself.
If at any time the 'problem player' becomes abusive or otherwise violates the EULA, /petition and then /ignore them.
Oh, and katinas1, bad language is against the rules on these boards, and that includes words with '*' instead of letters. If you don't feel your point is strong enough without swearing, try to think of a better way to phrase it.
I would personally get annoyed at you. You seem to think the people you are teaming with are blithering idiots who are blind thus not being able to see the screen.
"pulling to here behind this corner"
"inc mobs to here behind box"
"boss, charging in"
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes ok we can see that also, congratulations on learning how to waste time by typing.
[/ QUOTE ]
The first one is needed, in my opinion - "pulling to here behind this corner" - or something like it.
Doing that will prevent any confusion for the rest of the team.
If I don't see anything like that, I assume that the Tank is simply going to run into the mob, grab aggro and stay where he/she is.
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
Has this happened to other people?
I am tanking for a 5 man group and as normal I call the pulls I do:
"pulling to here behind this corner"
"inc mobs to here behind box"
"boss, charging in"
After about 15 minutes of this and some nice smooth xp (not the lumpy debt riddled kind), the scrapper pipes up:
"oh please shut up, you are irritating me. I dont need direction all the time!"
Jaw on the floor I try and tell him that nowhere have I told him what to do, merely communicated what I am doing.
He then tells me that I am being the stereotypical stone tank that tells everyone what to do.
Is this the case? I just tell the group what I am doing so they can be aware of why I am always running back to corners etc.
Am I being stereotypical? Is the slowness issues of rooted and granite responsible for a change in tanking that people must be made aware of all the time?