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  1. star was limp and blooded,broken,my armour barely saved me from the initial onslaught,i tried to suppress her but to little effect!!i lay here weeping with my comrades blood on my hands,battle armour is powering down,im de-icing,my armour is now becoming my prison,comrades i leave you this message..search and destroy us angel,she is dangerouse,on a power level of an a.v.!!take revenge on her for she has been our destruction,and is hell bent on destroying the iron curtain forever,
    dasdivonia..(gasp...wheeze..puff.)(long death scene)!!

    i lie here fallen by my brother comrade northern-star,
    we were patrolling in wahburg,when from nowhere,us angel super jumped behind us,i know not where her enhanced powers were betrothed to her,but she struck at comrade star with the force of a comet striking the planet,
  3. chill matey everyone has there own style of play!!
  4. Hello Komrades!
    the bitter winter has crept in to my cabin,ive been spending my days looking for that devochka moya U.S.ANGEL..she has been eluding me of late,and is hiding herself from me, as i have grown more strong since we met last,she is fearing me and does not want confrontation as she knows her kapatalist purpose is crumbeling like sand through fingers,i put challenge to her!for another duel fighting for our differant countrys honour, i wait for her answer,dover' sya mne..you are finished US.ANGEL..USPEHOV..

    "The brightest one"
  5. Born in a small fishing village in Gelendjik,in the north western Caucases region of Soviet Russia,Pautov Cherchechyn was born,he grew up an idilic life, fishing was his family buisness and hunting in the woodland areas was his most favourite passion,from 12 yrs old to 20 Pautov was spending most his life in this manner,until the year 1960 came to pass ,and the cold war cuban missile crises came into play,Pautov was enlisted as a private in the Soviet army,he was a marksman of uncanny ability,and was deposited and trained within the Soviets sniper division,as Pautov climbed his ranks for battles that were won with his interjection,he was awarded medals of valour and bravery for his country,the army monitored his abilities throughout his various missions,the general put him through to a speacial secret project called Codename:Northern-star,
    Pautov was barricaded within a coccoon of cemented walls and top secret espionage security systems,kept undercover while mother russias top scientists and bio mechanical experts designed a new force that would oppose the kapatalist super powered heros of his era,
    A star is born......
    coveted in his bio mechanical Dago battle armoured exo-skeleton,Pautov was reborn,with nrg photon beams hissing from his hand mounted compression units,and an nrgised melee anti offense system,booted into the battle armour,a star is born..NORTHERN-STAR..the adamantium alloy wings fitted on the rear of the suit allow him to fly ..and soar he does..he lets rip and catapults himself into the night, when you think he is gone,look up into the night and wonder if he is there all you need do is wait for a sign of his nova blast..and he is the brightest of stars amongst the glittering diamantes ...that shines bright for MOTHER RUSSIA..!!
  6. bridger thats the first time you have ever replied to a reply,infact thats beaten my record of 2 emails i sent to you of which you didnt reply either,glad to see your hearin is without prejudice..
  7. Hi my name is SNOW YETI stone/stone..anyone old will know me..i just goto say this, that scrappers a [removed],and if i was there i would have took all agg to him and stopped tauntin,infact i would go out of my way to demoralise him as if you cant tell when someone is helpin ya, you goto be a [removed],you did nothin wrong matey,and should keep on doin what your doin [removed] em!!scrapper should learn his place..and thats in a tanks shadow..

    SNOW-YETI-lvl 50 stoner
  8. soz im SNOW YETI,FIRE YETI,AND WAR YETI..was wonderin which one of my alts this was and realised its not mine ,its the only other yeti thats been made other than my family,i remeber meetin you in cov donks ago,well gz on 49 and pre gz on 50,if you want somethin dont need slottin get recall friend.

    SNOW YETI - LVL 50
    WAR YETI - LVL 40
    FIRE YETI - LVL 33
    and the rest ...
  9. she takes footage of NORTHERN and BEAR in compromising positions..by lenins eyes she is one tricky beast,she has tricks ..under every sleeve,however the result is un questionable..you are not sore loser admitadly komrade ANGEL ,but your booty is sore and im happy with that..be happy for challenge again..once you are out of hospital of course..Bah!!
  10. US ANGEL ..may try to reinvent the paragraphs of truth that are carved in stone at a later date..but my mentor komrade NORTHERN has keeked her bot bot!! he tell mee it feel very good to do this..we are rejoicing at ULTIMATE HQ..,she is too above herself and was good she get dropped peeg or two..if you know what i meaning,as im not sure i am,bah english very difficult..,perhaps we will meet with you tonight US ANGEL,after i sure you have spread your words of falsehoood around..
  11. Hello komrades my name is codename:NORTHERN-STAR..i was flying around pocket d in my russian goverment funded drago battle exo-skeleton,where i see ULTIMATE SOVIETS arch nemesis..US ANGEL..she look good i think i cannot let my eyes trust what i am seeing as she looks like a few femme fatales i have met in the past..i draw closer to her cautiously..she says to me i have just battled your captain SIBERIAN BEAR..and now i want to battle you,i laugh at her and tell her im KOMRADE SIBERIANS battle mentor,if you couldnt beat him then you will not stand a chance against me komrade..she states to me she knows all about me as she has my info on file,and that her moles keep her well informed of my movements...now she has got my atttention..you dare to mock me ..dare to tell me that you have spys in our midst..prepare for battle US ANGEL if you learned nothing by your draw against the bear then you will learn a lesson by my hand,we teleport to a wooded area, trees,lakes very serene very beautifull,US ANGEL appears blasting at me i set off build up,set snipe before she gets within 2oo m,i set my snipe sight on her and let rip ,as she continues charging she slumps at my feet with half her health cut from her existance and layin on her back,like good little american hero,with the few seconds i have left on my build up charge i let rip with a few nrg blast and tear into her remains,she is beaten,she respawns again away from the action ,and we continue our campaign of utter contempt for the our oppossing political standpoints!she snipes she blast she hits me a few times,i return the favour,our health is both feeling the bite of battle, i go into evasive flying mode i dodge her blasts as they barely miss my adamantium poly metallic drago wings(dont aske what my wings are made of another time as i will probably forget lol),and return fire due to US ANGELS superjump she is grounded and not as mobile as me ,unfortunately she paid the price for such mistake and got leveled into oblivion again,before i can recover she is respawned and on me,i dodge, i weave, but her blast s track me with the precision of the finest marksman amereeca has to offer,i go down reverbarating from the shock waves,i respawned keeping my distance,set off build up again aim my snipe and set about her,once again half health goes down i fly at her for all my worth,and go into melee attack, power thrusting and power punching her to hell,she rocks and wilts before me..the battle continues for a while longer both dying and respawning,the conclusion was NORTHERN-STAR (ULTIMATE SOVIETS) 5...US ANGEL 3..,it was an utter defeat for her at the might of kapatalism..,before i could question her about her mole she tped out of the battle zone and disappeared..but one thing is certain she may not have kidnapped some of my komrades..but she is spying on us..she does have a mole..and ..she may be connected someway with this mastermind..that is causing us many problems ..but right now im having vodka with my komrades smiling at her defeat by my hand mua ha ha ha!!!
    Dasdivonia...komrade NORTHERN-STAR...
  12. There i was after breaking out from my captors in gulag,cleaning up the streets of freaks in talos,low and behold in the thick of battle down swoops US ANGEL from the skyscraper above,she states to me "YOU ME ARENA KNOW",i laugh at her notice she has gained lvl 23 and is a level higher than me..i check her power board and see that if fight in a cagey style i may be able to best her,i teleport to pocket d behind her lead,when i reach there she shouts at me "WHERE ARE YOU,I WANT YOUR A** RIGHT NOW",now i dont know if thats a come on komrades or not however i try to please women of all political spectrum..and appear before her in minutes next thing she teleports us to a wharehouse..US ANGEL charges at me with her fists glowing as bright as her rage,she pounds on my armour to find her fists are not making full contact against my wet ice,i retaliate with frozen fists,damage breaks from her health she backs off and tries a new approach the "chase me chase me" tactic , i play along for a while,suprising her with my fleet of foot,she is in shock i see in her eyes her head is saying how the hell did he clear that 100meters so quick,i chase her around pounding on her battle armour,her health falters ,she lets rip with as many nrg blasts as she can let off in 8 seconds,little damage occurs to me,i jump kick her a few times and bloody her,she is blooded once again in a fight against the bear and realises she is in a battle of her life..with eyes wide open the fear was detectable she runs and hides behind wharehouse objects,i followed to my folly as my endurance was low due to my monumental onslaught,i take chase, she blast me a few times, i strike,my toggles go down im defencless for the first time in my career against usangel,her end isnt much better but she has a few shots left in her i make a strategic evasive withdrawel around the map,she is on my tail blasting at my behind with the venom of a perturbed rattlesnake,i now use the same tact of running and hiding,i gain some end, armour up and face her down,we are toe to toe, man o a man o,the pace of time comes to an end with the 2 of us slugging it out,i just nipped her to the post with the damage as she was shaking off the stars not only upon her kapatalist costume but around her head also!!i was exhausted i think i need to sleep for a week after that she was tough and honourabel i look forward to battle her again,i get a communication from my colleague COMRADE BRO who relays to me that SIBERIAN DAWN and SOVIET HAMMER were not captured by US ANGEL and her supergroup but by a far more sinister mastermind whose identity is yet to be revealed..our intelligence is working on it at present they can run but they cant hide from our soviet grip..

  13. well soviet komrades i am back,the bars could not contain the bear for too long,i was left in a cell for a few days,i took stock of my life, of when i was a young boy in moscow scavenging for food due to the touch of the cold war!!of when i become teanager and joined the red army,becoming the best that the army had to offer, i was introduced to an assassination speacialist sqaud called lenins omegas!we represented the red armys final defence..against any odds me and my komrades would be the end of all adversity,no mission was too challenging,until we were sent on a mission to locate the kapatalist skums espionage unit that were infiltrating the kremlin,we were in pursuit of several agent s in the premises,they were high tailing it to there evacuation point,me and my men were upon them when one of there crew leapt down from the chopper and nova blasted the whole team,they had caught us, and whole of soviet by suprise,they had escaped with stolen information,all my men were dead,i clung to life by a thread,and was rushed to the hospital...AAARRRGGGHHHHH..my memory still burns with the torment of my initial failure,the only way the speacialist doctors could save me were to encase me in the thermo nuclear soviet goverment funded hydrolic bionic bear exo-skeleton,at this point in my cell i remebered i must be free again to join my komrades in there fight against kapatalism in paragon!! i used frost on the bars of my cell..they turned crisp and frail like ice,i smashed them with my ice fists and made my escape,i am back komrades and look forward to hearing your origins and motivations..
  14. he he thats a story in the making komrade..thats kool..i like the storys of old also..the storys that the minstrals sing and mind is jogged to remember also..i love them all!!i liked the fact you could read the book and you would feel how they felt you would give them a voice in ur head,totaly mesmorising..cloak and dagger reading an issue or 2 of those 2 komrades would give me an eerie feeling,kidnapped as teanagers,drug tested ..experimented on..escaped and vengefull,cloaks mysteriouse dark void within him which was a constant hunger for light that only dagger could feed..she was like a firework exhibition..he was just pure shadowy mysteriouse sultriness..real sexy the two of them..remids me of da/dm brute i have shame he doesnt look as good as cloak komrade..but i enjoy to try and make a hero or villain as genuine a product as i can imagine..wont give it a funny internet name..not that theres anything wrong withthat as evryone has there own perception which is fine by me..just the mold is set in my head an era of heros and villains has been marked there.
  15. for the record if anyone wants to talk about comics at anytime then please feel free to waffle in the forum or in game as there is absolutaly nothing i like better than being reminded of some of those heros and there adventures that i havent remebered for soo long..
    many thanks ..
  16. katinas1

    beki dings 50

    GRAAAAATTTZZZ nursey...ahem mean beki,look after yourself good new year and all that,glad to see your alive see you along your journey of the next 18 mths bud..
  17. katinas1

    New Age Tankers

    elo im snow yeti and im an old skool tanker from when tanks were gods,I WILL NOT TALK ABOUT ED I WILL NOT TALK ABOUT ED,soz my therapist has told me to do this when i get stressed,if a player cant tank ie taunt herd hold the agg and do some damage in the process,then hang up your cape hero,as you completely lost the plot on what a tanks about,if u wanna be experimental with the tank and scrank and stuff thats not a problem,just tell the team your not a stereotypical tank and listen to team tactics before bein a glory boy,as holding a tank title comes hand in hand with the expectation of doin what your toon says on the tin,other than that i love tankin played many ats but tanks are what i always come home too,and if people go all freaky and wanna play a dodgy hand ie holdin a spread herd or blastin an uncontrolled mob before agg is consolidated on the tank well my answer is if you spank it you tank it baby!!
    SNOW YETI-50 rock tank.
  18. GRAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTZZZZZ BATTLE you old mucker,guess its just another cog in the great machine of coh,wat can i say except thanks to your parents ,to god ,to your agent (SNOW YETI),to your stylist,your production team,and your sponsors weetabix,to getting you to the top,well ill see you in the coh pension que you old git,later,
    SNOW YETI-lvl: aged rock tank.
  19. katinas1


    i want dam and acc i got acc and mez..ty
    snow yeti