Opposite sex toons
No problems here, 99% of girls in game aren't, I always assume everyone I meet is a guy unless I'm told otherwise.
In fact what gender you are IRL rarely comes up as a discussion, doesn't seem so important here.
In fact anyone who treats a game as a dating site probably needs to get some help. Or reach the end of puberty ....
Goes back to the old A/S/L days ... ah how pants they were!!
I've got one character - Dusk Orchid - that's a female. I've had no questions or been in any awkward situations.
the role players are ok about it, partically as it doen't seem like your would claim to be a girl OOC.
my SG all seemed fine with it, which is good as i can't stand how male avatars look in most games.
In fact anyone who treats a game as a dating site probably needs to get some help. Or reach the end of puberty ....
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i didnt realise this till a long way in game that for some people the treating of you as a female character because your toon is and chatting them up is part of the roleplay. However rather than be subjected to it on any new server i go on when asked if m/f i say i am a "player" as some guys i dont think actually have really matured.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
as some guys i dont think actually have really matured.
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Or ever will
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
i've never found any problem with it, i almost think whats worse is some people who full stop won't make a female toon because they think it is sexist or wrong or something or another. Although occasionaly players do treat ebon different from say when i play on Gauisus Somnium (more team invites etc.) although this could just be because she is a defender the more likely answer.
In the comic you get when you buy the game they have a little bit on this as well and as i think they (not got a copy with me atm lol) 'if i'm going to have to look at someones backside all day it might as well be a nice one'. As for r/ping female toons it's not that much harder at all...
oh well there's my 3 cence or whatever the expression is
I have male characters.
I have female characters.
I don't expect it to matter much to people which gender I am, and neither does it interest me what gender the people I play with are.
I understand why some folks have trouble roleplaying the opposite sex and that's cool. What I don't understand is when someone *else* playing opposite sex toon is a problem to someone *else*. I might be generalizing but I don't think there's much point playing with people like that.
I have 24 toons, about half male and half female. The sex of the toon depends on the type of character I want the toon to be, backstory and what I feel would be better for the "look" of the build.
The only thing I noticed the first time I had a female toon was that finding a team seemed to be a lot easier.
Now 16 months into the game a lot of peeps know who I am anyway.
Oh, just remembered someone did try and hit on me once. He ran to the hills screeming when I pointed out that "just because the toon is female, doesn't mean I am"
Apart from that no problems at all. Besides, the amount of time spent playing this I'd rather stare at a female backside than a male
as some guys i dont think actually have really matured.
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Or ever will
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Some gals too, apparently
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
I've got a mixed bag of male, female and robots (who generally use the huge option.
Before I roll a new character, I spend a few minutes coming up with a bio for them. Usually, their gender is determined during the story.
If anyone asks what sex I am in game, then I'll respond that they can find out if they give me their credit card number. Usually shuts them up!
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
Ah, it's time for this topic again.
95% of my characters are opposite gender from my own. I've had no problems with it.
I simply prefer the female models
Had to smile to myself the other day when it suddenly dawned on a couple of my SG mates that I wasn't female in real life. Only took them 15 months to figure it out, bless them
There has only been 1 occasion when I have had a problem from another player over playing a female toon and that was back in the early days. Quit the team and placed the player on ignore. Problem sorted.
Most of my toons are female.
Once I said I was female in RL, once I said I'm male in RL, mostly I just don't answer.
I had a guy flirt with me over /tell the time I said I'm female. It was kind of fun until he started mentioning wanting to meet.
Beyond that.. no problems.
I have found that when gaming with my tanker, I also take some of his RP qualities without actually choosing to... I become a little more protective over female toons then male ones...
@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity
If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.
I'll throw my two pennysworth in here. About two thirds of my characters are female. I don't know why, I just seem to enjoy roleplaying with them more (plus I'll go with the 'what kind of butt do you want to stare at more argument ). I've had a fair few attempts to chat me up, including someone who thought that the bio on my toon was actually about me rather than the character. (Although I certainly don't recall being chopped up by Dr Vahz...!
I honestly don't think it matters in the slightest. If you can play a female toon then that's how I'll treat you when in RP. If someone really desperately wants to know if I'm female in real life, I would be questioning why I'm even playing with them, this is a game not a dating agency. Sometimes I tell them the truth, sometimes I lie, it depends on how much I feel like winding them up. I really don't think it's a big issue although I'd be curious to know if any of our female players have ever had the same situation the other way round.
In all, I think it's how you play that matters rather than who's behind the image.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

Hello, odd question this, I was just wondering how many of you out there have a toon that is opposite gender to yourselves?
How have you been treated?
What's it like to roleplay?
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Playing the opposite sex is often difficult due to eople not knowing a thing about the opposite sex, ad the temptation to play your dream guy/girl, where you will promptly prove how unlikely your dream guy/girl is to exist
Thank you very much for all your replies, some interesting points there!
Samy_Merchi...my apoligies for digging this up again...I just could not find it through "search"
I was just interested to see how the community here differs from the Matrix online one...
Okay, here's my 2 penneth.
Shadowe: Male
Psychonova: Male
Luminescence: Female
Helena H Mk 1: Female
No other toons that I play right now (mostly female on that list, well, 2 out of 3, anyway).
Most people who come to GG will know that I'm male (and I'm not ashamed of the fact, in case you hadn't guessed), though I could swear that a few people got really concerned when I was playing Luminescence and occasionaly made an OOC post about my wife (who happens to think that Luminescence is a fantastic character, and prefers me to play her, I think, though I prefer Shad)
I have empirically (not rigourously) determined that female toons get more team offers, help, trade offers etc than male ones. I could be wrong.
I enjoy playing all my toons in RP (not that Psych has had much of a run at it), and don't see that the gender matters. Shad, Psych and Lum all come out of Shad's backstory, and HH has been introduced as a result of developments while RPing.
No point to this post, just thought I'd put it up.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

I tend to refer to male characters' players as "mate" and female characters' players as "hun". I don't treat them differently other than that. As for RPing with a female character, it's the character NOT the player thats the factor involved.
one thing i want to say, in my old SG i had a friend named Furusawa Chiyoko, sadly i don't see him very often but he played 6 female characters outta 6 for the following reasons as he told me.
A. He thinks it is hilarious when his tiny chinese little chracters take down an entire freak mob with nova blast
B. On his lvl 10 character he had been given in total 1 mill influence... my lvl 30 has been given nothing, and these weren't guys he knew, but perhaps there is something about a young girl that you must give money to.
C. He prefers the female costumes, he didn't make any slutty characters, no extremely revealing cossies etc. just that bracers, etc. were nicer with the girls
D. He played a group of 6 sisters, been treated bad, older ones stood up for the younger ones etc. he rped this and as he said 'do you find it easier to feel pity for a a girl or bloke? it helps my story'
These are just a few points to add to my last i just thought they were some good points
although I'd be curious to know if any of our female players have ever had the same situation the other way round.
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You mean if any of the female players were playing a male toon and someone was hitting on them and dying to know if they really are male in RL? ... I don't think that is very likely Despite there being quite many male toons played by females, EVERYONE assumes male toon is played by a male, unless it's a previously assumed it's female.
Me, I play both male and female toons, although my mains are mostly female. I don't recall people asking my gender nor flirting with me more than usual (= in a way that would be annoying) no matter what characters I have played.
It is universal fact that girl toons have it easier on gifts and teams. *shrug*
Edit: I prefer to watch female toons backsides as well ^^ Something about the way males run is not so pleasing.
My main is female, and at first, she was hit on by both men and women alike.
a). Because there are still some people who assume female characters are played by women.
b). Because my way of talking is rather masculine, both in and out of character - so some girls/guys thought I was a male playing a female character.
There was also one memorable occasion when I pretended to be a bloke, and when I came clean about my real gender, wasn't believed .
In the whole game, there has only been one person who I wanted to know that I was a woman playing a woman - other than that, I don't mind one way or the other if people think I'm male/female. No matter your real gender, you are likely to be hit on whether you play a man or a woman, so it's probably best to just let it wash over you.
And it's always fun to try and work out if the player is male or female when you run across one of the typical huge chested, tiny waisted female characters.
I have empirically (not rigourously) determined that female toons get more team offers, help, trade offers etc than male ones. I could be wrong.
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I've been given 3 Hamidon enhancements so far - all totally out of the blue, from players I've never met before, each one accompanied by a "here you go, sweetheart" or a "have this, darling" - quite clearly it was gender-based gift giving.
I gave all 3 away, as I like to my rewards by what I do, not by what I am - I think it's wrong to exploit male players in this way, no matter how keen or willing they are to give you stuff or "help" you.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I had people guessing for a number of months, simply because I never actually out and out said ooc "I'm male" or "I'm female." It changed over when I finally opened up and said that I was Gideon on the forums. I simply never made an issue of it, and people thought what they wanted to think.
I say it every time this subject comes up, but I play mostly female toons, simply because I prefer the costume options for the female models, and the male one looks kinda deformed.
(As an aside, I'm the one who was told "you must be a girl because guys don't giggle.")
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Hello, odd question this, I was just wondering how many of you out there have a toon that is opposite gender to yourselves?
How have you been treated?
What's it like to roleplay?
I myself have just come from Matrix online where I had a female character called Kylrapture, when I told people I was male, a fair few <males> utterly freaked....
Anyone have any similar experiences?