6 -
Same thing happened when The Burning Crusade came out for Wow (that was the last time I played Cox-but back now:P), I doubt many will stay on CO, well apart from those with spare cash that is
It really feels like a console game, I feel it's been aimed at the wow-types mainly...the first time the game asked me to hammer the "z" key to free myself from a hold I was confused-had I loaded streetfighter IV instead?
I get the nasty feeling we are being used as the beta for the impending console release...
It certainly does not feel like an mmo, some hit the nail on the head when they said it was a hybid of AoC and Diablo.... -
Hmmm I would be interested in that, grab me on @kylrapture!
Hi guys, fully agree with the above points, and I fully accept it's the nature of the beast. Yes it is a buzz to know you're in danger but....
The other day me and a few team mates went to bloody bay after the meteors there, fair enough we knew there was a risk of being attacked, fair play. I'm a lvl 17 brute, I got ganked by 4 or 5 lvl 25+....repeatedly. They just would not leave me and my team alone, they had their fun the 1st time round, surely they could leave us alone after that?
I ended up logging out in frustration, as I couldn't even try to leave the zone and do something else as I was dead inside 100y.
I logged back in yesterday and appeared where I fell the last time, and bingo, there they were again, I made off to leave and guess what? GANK! I couldn't even try to fight back, couldn't even run away, well at least it saved me the effort of swimming=)
If you want to splat a lowbie, ok, I'll even stand there and let you, but please leave me alone after? -
Thank you very much for all your replies, some interesting points there!
Samy_Merchi...my apoligies for digging this up again...I just could not find it through "search"
I was just interested to see how the community here differs from the Matrix online one... -
Hello, odd question this, I was just wondering how many of you out there have a toon that is opposite gender to yourselves?
How have you been treated?
What's it like to roleplay?
I myself have just come from Matrix online where I had a female character called Kylrapture, when I told people I was male, a fair few <males> utterly freaked....
Anyone have any similar experiences? -
Hello all! I'm an ex matrix online player looking to get a bit more integrated, so here are my details...
Global Name: LaughingDead.
Server: Union.
COH: The Patron Saint...(Defender-Empath/Psionic).
COV: Ruleghoul...(Dominator-Mind/Psionic).
Type of RP: Casual, In missions, Supergroup and character based.
Can be contacted: In game mail, Forum PM's and MSN Messenger.
Times on: I casually play between 18:00-00:00.
Timezone: GMT.