Why Do People Hate Stalkers?
People hate 'em, mostly squishies that is because they can be taken out without even putting up much of a fight. But to be honest I don't see any less skill from them than I do with other sets, perhaps Controllers and Defenders are tougher to play, hero side that is, but the rest don't take much more to play than Stalkers really.
World of Jackcraft.
People hate them because they don't know how to beat them.
Heres a surprise, gonna disagree with ya again Kinslayer lol.
... They take no skill whatsoever to play.
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Surely you could label this at all AT's. I mean a scrapper for example, all you do is wade in, hit the buttons and then move onto next target
Stalkers can be very frustrating but to label that it takes no skill is abit much. Alot of heros thesedays have measures (especially when got a good team) to counter stalkers. Now taking down these people surely show an element of skill (im sure i remember a big thread about skill in pvp ).
I would say stalkers are one of the most easiest and forgiving ATs to use due to there nature. Thus most people could do well playing a stalker. However, some people excel (wont mention names) with this AT and you can definetly notice a difference between an average stalker and a great one (in my opinion).
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
I would say stalkers are one of the most easiest and forgiving ATs to use due to there nature. Thus most people could do well playing a stalker. However, some people excel (wont mention names) with this AT and you can definetly notice a difference between an average stalker and a great one (in my opinion).
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Good post, sums it up perfectly if you ask me.
World of Jackcraft.
Heres a surprise, gonna disagree with ya again Kinslayer lol.
... They take no skill whatsoever to play.
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Surely you could label this at all AT's. I mean a scrapper for example, all you do is wade in, hit the buttons and then move onto next target
Stalkers can be very frustrating but to label that it takes no skill is abit much. Alot of heros thesedays have measures (especially when got a good team) to counter stalkers. Now taking down these people surely show an element of skill (im sure i remember a big thread about skill in pvp ).
I would say stalkers are one of the most easiest and forgiving ATs to use due to there nature. Thus most people could do well playing a stalker. However, some people excel (wont mention names) with this AT and you can definetly notice a difference between an average stalker and a great one (in my opinion).
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But that's exactly WHY I say they take no skill. As a scrapper or any other AT, knowing when to attack and when to run does take skill. If you're going through the zone and are ambushed, being able to escape takes skill.
As a stalker, you can pick and choose your targets and deliberately pray on the weak. There is no fear of getting ambushed. If you approcha someone and they're not reacting, you know you've got an easy kill on your hands. If they do react by running or attacking, you know to run.
Other AT's are forced into uneven contests and that's where real skill shows. Stalkers can just ignore anything that's not going to be easy for them.
I have a lvl 45 scrapper and while he's good in PvP, he still get's killed farily regularly and still has to work for a lot of his kills. With my stalker, that just was not the case as I could bump my rep easily by simply being able to pick and choose my fights.
People may disagree but the simple fact is that in half an hour, my stalker gained more kills than any other AT i've played in PvP zones could in 5 times the length of time.
I have to agree. Stalkers are a very easy pick up and play AT and it does not take long to get "good" at them. They are also, imo, the easiest AT to get a pvp rep in.
However, they do have much more potential than that and I know some very good stalkers. These ones I respect because they use the AT much more than it basic, first look uses.
My pet hate though is when a "good" stalker comes along and thinks they're some god of pvp because they can hit build up, AS, placate, attack.
People hate them because they don't know how to beat them.
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I agree with you Xanthus, when I started PvPing I really couldn't stand stalkers, but now they are.....meh apart from 1 in particular *Cough* Stalk-obot *Cough*
I really dont see why people have such problems with them, as long as you are moving about they cant AS you and when the 50 zone comes it wont be an issue cause they will be seen by almost everyone.
when the 50 zone comes it wont be an issue cause they will be seen by almost everyone.
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Apart from other villains of course as they don't seem to have any equivalent of the focussed accuracy power that a lot of heroes have access to by lvl 50
But that's exactly WHY I say they take no skill. As a scrapper or any other AT, knowing when to attack and when to run does take skill. If you're going through the zone and are ambushed, being able to escape takes skill.
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Doesn't that count for Stalkers, too?
As a stalker, you can pick and choose your targets and deliberately pray on the weak. There is no fear of getting ambushed. If you approcha someone and they're not reacting, you know you've got an easy kill on your hands. If they do react by running or attacking, you know to run.
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The same applies to Scrappers.
World of Jackcraft.
[...] as long as you are moving about they cant AS you [...]
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[censored]! I can move around as much as I wish, but if I happen to be within range of a hidden Stalker for the splitsecond it takes them to initiate the AS attack, the AS hits me.
when the 50 zone comes it wont be an issue cause they will be seen by almost everyone.
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Apart from other villains of course as they don't seem to have any equivalent of the focussed accuracy power that a lot of heroes have access to by lvl 50
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Why would a villain need to see a Stalker in the 50 zone?
They would be on the same side
...perhaps Controllers....are tougher to play...
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You have to be kidding right. Find a squishy, spam holds till said squishy is out of breakfrees, attack. V difficult.
[...] as long as you are moving about they cant AS you [...]
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[censored]! I can move around as much as I wish, but if I happen to be within range of a hidden Stalker for the splitsecond it takes them to initiate the AS attack, the AS hits me.
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A good point. and oh how i hate it
One other thing Kinslayer. PvP zones are just one form of PvP. Try doing it in a teamed arena battle with people that actually pvp. In most cases you will see a different story. The stalker is the one being stalked due to his squishy nature
Maybe this is where skill comes into play alot more. It is defintely far more challenging. I would say pop along but I think your stalker would be eaten alive (due to his low levelness). Practise pvp sessions are normally held on wednesday nites (almost completly heros fighting at the higher end of the spectrum i.e. 50).
People may disagree but the simple fact is that in half an hour, my stalker gained more kills than any other AT i've played in PvP zones could in 5 times the length of time.
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Oh and having lots of rep doesnt really mean jack! I dont look at anyones rep and think they must be a great player/pvp'er. Its a well known fact that stalkers get the most kills but come the higher pvp zone, I reckon stalkers (your average one) will have a much much tougher time!
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
...perhaps Controllers....are tougher to play...
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You have to be kidding right. Find a squishy, spam holds till said squishy is out of breakfrees, attack. V difficult.
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And whilst you are spamming mez on someone who has breakfrees, you're getting your [censored bum] handed to you. The nature of controller combat is similar to stalkers, I admit, its an all-or-nothing deal. Controllers either completely lock down the opponent, or they have no substantial effect at all. The difference is, even if a controller can lock you down, you have breakfrees, and the chance to find a way to escape/fight back given that their damage output isnt exactly great. With a stalker, either they floor you in a split second or they dont. The reason why controllers arent quite so despised as stalkers, is because with controllers at least you get -a- chance to play a part in the outcome of the fight.. rather than randomly being handed a letter of noticed that someone removed your lung and you have to respawn
I really dont see why people have such problems with them, as long as you are moving about they cant AS you and when the 50 zone comes it wont be an issue cause they will be seen by almost everyone.
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The problem is most people HAVE to stop moving. My scrapper stops moving everytime he attacks, as does my blaster and PB. The latter two are fliers which offers SOME immunity (not many stalkers with fly - too easy to bring down and a stalker needs a good getaway) but the scrapper is a jumper and when involved in a fight with someone else is prime stalker target and that's wny I hate them. I'm in a good fight with someone else, along comes the stalker, knocks off over 75% of my health and I faceplant. Fight and fun over, back to hospital.
(O.O) Bunny: Our time is coming
(> <)
I like playing against stalkers - it's a nice challenge when you're facing a good one and a huge spur to improve your own PvP skills/build when you're facing a great one or a tag team of good ones.
Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen
In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!
People hate them because they don't know how to beat them.
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I know how to beat them, but there's no way for me to do so without a team.
A stalker with hide+stealth is -impossible- for me to see, even with Tactics, IR Goggles and two medium sized yellows.
Now, a soloing stalker with hide+stealh can take out any soloing hero, and a lot of teamed ones too.
Stalkers has so many trix up their sleeves you'd be pretty stupid to fail more than 20% of the time. Stalkers has so many things going for them it's silly, compared to just about any other AT in the game.
I've tried stalking and the only thing you have to worry about in both PvE and PvP is random AoE and PBAoE, and apart from that, it's just plain sailing.
Of course it takes skill to excell as a stalker, but it takes no skill at all to be merely good at it, and in this the stalker AT is alone.
They're harmless really, though my favs are flying stalkers (or any flying target).. I might not be certain that I can defeat them, but I can hit them with screach and watch them fall out of the sky like a drunk sparrow
It might not be as dramatic as a block of ice/terror or an impale, but it makes me laugh.
To be honest I don't like enroling stalkers and I don't like playing witth or against stalkers.
Enroling: Simple reason is that squishy archetypes shouldn't be in melee range taking all the aggro, this makes it hard to play against higher level NPC for better XP.
Playing with stalkers: When we're always getting ready and organised for an attack they have to sue thier stupid AS ans tick off all the NPCs.
Playing against stalkers: They always hide away like little wimps, and with concealment power pool you can't stop them, they alwya bully other arhcetypes, especially masterminds.
So in conclusion they suck.
To be honest I don't like enroling stalkers and I don't like playing witth or against stalkers.
Enroling: Simple reason is that squishy archetypes shouldn't be in melee range taking all the aggro, this makes it hard to play against higher level NPC for better XP.
Playing with stalkers: When we're always getting ready and organised for an attack they have to sue thier stupid AS ans tick off all the NPCs.
Playing against stalkers: They always hide away like little wimps, and with concealment power pool you can't stop them, they alwya bully other arhcetypes, especially masterminds.
So in conclusion they suck.
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There are good stalkers out there, honest. Just seems like bad stalker teaming experience.
Also to your last comment, I much prefer corruptors
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
depending on build stalkers take a lot of skill to play, take one squishy AT (stalker) take no defence and still ahve a jolly old time in pvp is my recipe
They blow in PVE though.
Im having fun with my Fire/dev blaster from the US making stalkers lives very difficult, to be honest I feel quite bad for them when im in the zone
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault
Anyways, the reason I hate the stalker AT so much is because they make the perfect ganking tool. And the reason they make such great gankers is because the stalker AT is so easy to be good at, and that they have all the right tools for ganking.
They blow in PVE though.
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No they don't. They just have to be played right.
In a big team with lots of mobs there is some skill involved, but they can be played with great success. They are created to be able to assassinate tough mobs. The best way to play them PvE is to be behind the mob group and take out the peripheral mobs with AS. You can't deal constant damage with them, you have to AS, plactate, do some other attack, wait for hide to kick in and AS again. By applying guerilla tactics the stalker can be VERY successful in PvE.
Im having fun with my Fire/dev blaster from the US making stalkers lives very difficult, to be honest I feel quite bad for them when im in the zone
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But to be effective against stalkers as a blaster you HAVE to have */devices, while a stalker is effective against almost any other AT no matter what powersets they choose. To me, this isn't very fair.
Personally, I've had a bee in my bonnet about stalkers for a long while. They are horrid to play in PvE and every bad experience I have had in PvP zones has been at the hands of them.
I played one on Beta up to lvl 19 and avoided them like the plague since but, on a whim, I decided to roll one and get him to 20.
So, Felarn get's to 20, rather easily as he just stealthed kill boss missions, hardly challenging. Then I toodle off to the PvP zone, and find out why they are so disliked..
... They take no skill whatsoever to play.
I walked around and got more kills in the half hour or so I was there than I've got with my lvl 40 since CoV went live. It's also worth pointing out that I was only lvl 20 as well so was still on DO's, would have been even more of a breeze if I had SO's.
There is no skill in picking the build, no skill in the playstyle, it's simply about following a few people around and waiting until they're distracted before running in with the AS and walking away with the easy rep to find another victim.
Of course, you may miss but that's not a problem as you just hit TP and wait until Hide kicks in before another attempt.
I'm still relatively new to PvP despite a year in the game but, all in all, playing as a stalker for just short while showed that pretty much any fool can successfully PvP one and it's no wonder other palyers get so frustrated by them