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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    I r back.
    Imo, best blasted blastering is the blasterer ice/fire...ok, it's truly the most fun i had and why i say so...and what i say is teh truth. Serious damage, serious fun. Elec/ice pwns squishies, but ice/fire is teh 1337.

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    Boost Range, Build Up, Aim, Rain of Arrows, Explosive arrow, Fistful of Arrows.

    Where'd all the mobs go?

    (this is an argument that can go round and round and round and....)

    Besides, Magnesium's not a blaster, he's a blapper, If I'm remembering corectly. They're a subspecies of those who follow the one true path of ranged combat

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    What i should have put in there somewhere was /glib /endglib but hey.
    Oh and blaster <> range only...and that argument could go on and on too!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    @Kronos X

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    One and the same.
  3. Kronos_EU

    Global Friends

    Woot! The crowd is gathering again in Paragon!
  4. Kronos_EU

    A clown bows out one leaves, another 1 or 2 or 3 or more return!
  5. Little tip: In an ice/fire build, the dps from Ring of Fire is well worth slotting fully. 2acc/3dmg..1 range iirc from previous planning.
  6. I r back.
    Imo, best blasted blastering is the blasterer ice/fire...ok, it's truly the most fun i had and why i say so...and what i say is teh truth. Serious damage, serious fun. Elec/ice pwns squishies, but ice/fire is teh 1337.
  7. Kronos_EU

    Nuke Help

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    Nova is the best looking one imo. The mobs flying in all directions appeals to me (even if its not really useful). Inferno is propably the best blaster nuke though cause of its pure damage.

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    I wouldn't say inferno is the 'best' blaster nuke. It's advantages are the DoT at the end and the fact that there are few resistances to fire. Same with Blizzard.

    For me Sonic is the dogs. The stacked -Res and stacked disorient, coupled with by far the quickest activation time makes it the 'best for me'. Agree on the best looking though...for looks alone, Nova roxxorz.
    There's a thread Chaplain did here comparing damage for blaster nukes which showed it was a close thing between Blizzard and Dreadful Wail for top damage (scroll down for more uptodate calculations), Blizzard obviously with the no cap better for more than 16 enemies.
  8. Kronos_EU

    Nuke Help

    U should see Shnyets that's the fun way to do it!

    On the otherhand, a teleDreadfulWail, or just a Dreadful Wail, is a bit more effective, less likely to get you killed in the process and more likely you'll survive the aftermath.(triple stacked disorient...enough to keep those pesky bosses from hitting you when haven't quite taken all their health)
  9. [ QUOTE ]

    As far as PvP goes take aim and build up and hope your rage attacks, holds, and shiver are enough but a pure pvp spec Ele/Ice would be awful in PvE

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    Not really, although you can get a very nice mix with this as demonstrated below...a masterminds nightmare

    Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Blaster
    Primary: Electrical Blast
    Secondary: Ice Manipulation
    01) --> Charged Bolts==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) Dmg(5)
    01) --> Chilblain==> Acc(1)
    02) --> Ball Lightning==> Acc(2) Acc(7) Dmg(9) Dmg(9) Dmg(11) EndRdx(11)
    04) --> Lightning Bolt==> Acc(4) Acc(13) Dmg(13) Dmg(15) Dmg(15) EndRdx(17)
    06) --> Short Circuit==> Acc(6) EndMod(19) EndMod(19) EndMod(21) Rech(7) Rech
    08) --> Aim==> Rechg(8) Rechg(23) Rechg(23) toHit, toHit
    10) --> Swift==> Run(10)
    12) --> Combat Jumping==> Def
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump
    16) --> Build Up==> Rechg(16) Rechg(29) Rechg(29)
    18) --> Health==> Heal(18)
    20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(34) EndMod(43)
    22) --> Ice Patch==> Rechg(22) Rechg(31)
    24) --> Tesla Cage==> Acc(24) Acc(31) Hold(33) Hold(33) Rechg(33) Rech
    26) --> Stimulant==> IntRdx(26)
    28) --> Acrobatics==> EndRedx, end redx
    30) --> Aid Self==> Heal(30) Heal(36) Heal(36) IntRdx(37) IntRdx(37) Rechg(37)
    32) --> Thunderous Blast==> Dmg(32) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) Rechg(39) Rechg(40) Rechg(40)
    35) --> Freezing Touch==> Acc(35) Acc(40) Hold(42) Hold(42) Rechg(42)
    38) --> Ice Sword==> Acc, acc, dmg, dmg, dmg, rech
    41) --> Personal Force Field==> DefBuf(41) DefBuf(45) DefBuf(45)
    44) --> Temp Invulnerability==> DmgRes(44) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(46) EndRdx(46) EndRdx(46)
    47) --> Force of Nature==> Rechg(47) Rechg(48) Rechg(48) DmgRes(48) DmgRes(50) DmgRes(50)
    49) --> voltaic sentinel==> dmg,dmg,dmg

    Is a perfectly adequate pvp/pve build, might be over slotted planner so a cut and paste job.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Imo, best secondary for both ranged OR melee blaster is energy..

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    I thought that too, (mainly becuase I had a 50 Nrg/Nrg) but then I rolled an Arch/Elec, and must say, */Elec seriously kicks bottom.

    If I was going to roll a Blapper now, i'd pick Elec over Nrg.

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    Sod combo is where it's at in terms of blapping! (remember you can still use your ranged attacks when up close and personal!)
    Fire sword and fire sword circle roxxors!
  11. One of the problems you'll have with hover/flight is the inability to use ice patch unless you switch it off, which is a pain. I'd reccommend CJ/SJ/Acrobatics instead.

    I'd also say, especially for pve, you get ball lightning and short circuit. combine this with ice patch, chilling embrace and you have high survivability, and good aoe damage output.

    Get both frozen fists and ice sword if possible too.

    Aid self is certainly an option and a handy one.

    I didn't like shiver, found the options in the elec primary options were better and as a blaster you need the damage output.

    Oh, and avoid frozen aura like the plague.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    PS. Power bolt is imo underrated attack and is one power that Im currently missing in my current PvP build. Im planning to drop nova to get power bolt back.. Make of that what you will. Although the power burst change might change my ranged attack ability considerably..

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    Did some stats on this a while ago and Energy Torrent out performs Power Bolt for DPS. End cost is higher but that's easily overcome with conserve power and an end redx.

    Also very nice for laying waste to low level mobs for getting any badges missed.
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    Fire manipulation is not a great set, the improvements on damage wont help with the weaknesses of the set at all - it's a tweaked tanker set that just does not translate well to a squishy character.

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    I personally love fire manipulation - has alot of great damage which when used appropriately in pve and pvp are very very good. Electric/Fire is an awesome combo in PvE.

    By far my favourite blaster was ice/'s really quite the shiznits - but then any blaster combo is when played right and used with appropriate power choices in each set.

    Never liked fire blast though.
  14. Once you get to 35 and get powersink you'll be draining far more.

    Lightning field is a lovely lovely thing.
    A perfectly if not that often achievable team.

    1 blaster with damage aura and aoes.
    3 empaths
    2 kinetics

    This is aoe madness. Empaths fort the blaster. Blaster dives in mobs with auras on. Kinetics let rip with fulcrum shift. Blaster uses one aoe. Pretty much everything is gone.

    Add another couple of blasters with damage auras, perhaps a tank for added safety and you have the makings of an unstoppable pve machine.
    The damage output from 3 damage auras + aim,bu and fulcrum shift is insane.
  15. Kronos_EU

    PvP hero biased

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    The one thing dark has going for it is AoE heal, which boosts BG effectiviness a lot. Other than that... Not really better than poison for PvP.

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    What are you talking about?! Tar Patch is incredible if you have TP foe to get people onto it! -res, -jump and -fly means that it's really easy to just have your pets bash people up.

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    And the ToHit Debuff on Darkest Night. Oh, and the ranged Stun. And the +Res from Shadowfall, which when combined with the PPP Shield (if it's res based), which is nothing to be sniffed at.

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    This is probably the one combo that comes close to winning a duel against a /ice blaster. Gotta love seeing all those pets flopping up and down on an ice patch though!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    I personally wouldn't use chilling embrace - there's a lot of other slow potential in the build anyway, and as you say, endurance can be an issue. In addition in mele you already have ice patch and freezing touch, to deal with anything that closes you.

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    I know some people are not big fans of CE, but I find it quite useful. With 2 EndRdx the end cost is quite manageable.

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    Indeed it is. Also the -DMG is really quite handy too! :P - my favourite power of the ice secondary by far!

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    I thought only the tank version had -dmg

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    Not according to the text. Not tested it but just generally i noticed i took less damage with it on. Easy enough to test though.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    I personally wouldn't use chilling embrace - there's a lot of other slow potential in the build anyway, and as you say, endurance can be an issue. In addition in mele you already have ice patch and freezing touch, to deal with anything that closes you.

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    I know some people are not big fans of CE, but I find it quite useful. With 2 EndRdx the end cost is quite manageable.

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    Indeed it is. Also the -DMG is really quite handy too! :P - my favourite power of the ice secondary by far!

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    If I was going to put a to hit buff in aim or build up (I don't, but I've thought about it at times), I'd put it in build up, as the to hit boost on that is lower (62.5% against aim's 100%) and alternate them which, with two accuracy enhancements in all powers, will give you extremely good chance to hit

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    Good point. At the moment I still have a PvPish build which was great for stalker-hunting in Siren's, but has become much less so because of changes to toggle-dropping and the fact that CE doesn't interrupt AS anymore . But for PvE, you're probably right.

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    Personally i'd always use Aim for hitting stuff, BU for doing more damage. It all depends on the level you are fighting. If 53 is going to be the max you may get away with it but i'd always stick a TH in Aim as you get a better return on your investment.
    Oh and the 65%/100% figures are incorrect for SO slotted. They're lower. But you still get a better return by slotting Aim.

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    I'd put an endurance reducer in CJ not a jump, it's not a particularly high end usage toggle really, but it all helps with ice/ice.

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    Not convinced about this. The cost is really tiny, and I prefer the extra maneuverability.

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    Agree...the end cost of CJ is stupidly small. 2 end redx in Acrobatics however is a real boon. Quite a bit more end intensive than you realise.
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    Many blasters like the Leaping pool because it has Combat Jumping and leads to Acrobatics. Fly is OK too, but slower and less useful (in most cases) for PvP. When fighting, you would probably need to switch to Hover anyway (Fly uses a lot of endurance).

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    /energy is the one blaster set where you can use Fly and fight, due to Conserve Power - 2 end redx in Flight and it's fine, especially now with the further reduced end cost.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I wouldn't take cold mastery with that build, I'd take force, flame or electricity.

    Give yourself a ranged hold and/or make yourself tougher.

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    Disagree about that. I took elec epic on my nrg/nrg - for pvp i wish i hadn't - the synergy with it is ok but force or ice are better options imo.
    1 hold is almost pointless in PvP - you really need 2 at least.
    Also, with /nrg, you have access to powerboost - which boosts Def but not Res.

    From that epic, i'd take Snow Storm, Hibernate and Frozen Armour.

    Snow Storm - 2 end redx, 2 slows (optional)

    Frozen Armour - 3def, 2res, 1end redx or 3def, 2 end redx, 1 res if you don't slot endurance redx in attacks or don't have conserver energy.

    Hibernate - 3 recharge
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    True Shock, i also find that in the movement centric PvP environment the large amount of time need for a snipe allows people, especially regenners and empaths, to run and heal up, this is compounded by the melee focus of my own and many other blasters. Hence my comments on Zapp dont only consider DPS and DPE but also positional advantage and tactics.

    Thanks for the kind words, and your blaster is a fun 1 to fight, blasters are some of the most fun ATs to duel against the same AT due to balance and high scores on both sides, fast paced is what its about for spectator sports

    oooh, and I'd go as far as saying that HOs work harder for your money in VS too than Zapp


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    Just to help back up what Plight is saying here:

    I just tested this out; both Zapp and Voltaic Sentinal had 3 Damage, 2 Accuracy and 1 Recharge SO.

    And so without further ado, the facts.

    Zapps brawl index: 15.12 Energy Damage
    VS brawl index: 43.83 Energy damage

    With BU and Aim Zapp gets: 22.8
    With BU and Aim VS gets: 54.43

    Case closed on whether Zapp is more useful than Zapp for a single target encounter such as PvP

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    But Zapp does that damage in one hit.
    Also BU and Aim don't last the duration of VS - do i doubt the actual total is anywhere near that - and even if it is, it's done in 10 or so attacks by VS.

    Against a squishie that huge damage done by Zapp can be an advantage.
    However in a prolonged fight, i'd VS is probably more useful.
  21. Kronos_EU

    Who's Top gun!!?

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    PvP is imbalanced between ATs - but there are good AT combinations and player skill doesn't have a great deal to do with success in this instance.

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    aye but it wud if there was 5 of them as well but ur good urself and i dont recall ever seeing a bad defender in WB or any pvp zone tbh as not many ppl like pvp'in with defenders so i wud have thought skill did play a part

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    There were more than 5 - at the time it was at least one team of 8 and a goodly number of assorted others - around about 15-20 in total - but it was mainly scrappers, blasters and tanks with the odd 'troll - defenders ftw in this case!
  22. Kronos_EU

    Who's Top gun!!?

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    Funny how alot of these names mentiond here got pwned in Warburg by a 3 defender and 2 blaster team - even with greater than 2-1 odds against!

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    eerrr u were in a 5 man team in warburg with 3defenders and 2 blasters and u speak like thats a bad thing?! my empath and gatling can clear warburg so 3 defenders and 2 blasters shud be unstoppable...

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    Absolute tosh - clear Warburg? - hyperbole ftlaugh! Nice quiet night then.
    Yes it was a team of 5 - not it's not a bad thing - yes it was pretty much unstoppable - making the point that so called 'great' PvPers in this instance stand no chance due to decent team make up - even if the numbers were not in our favour.
    PvP is imbalanced between ATs - but there are good AT combinations and player skill doesn't have a great deal to do with success in this instance.
  23. Kronos_EU

    Who's Top gun!!?

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    I really don't think anyone is even close to being in a position to create a list like this. It's not very specific either, 1v1, teaming, petad, etc? everyones better in defferent fields.

    tbh all this shows is a list Pydocks most active pvp pals...

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    Funny how alot of these names mentiond here got pwned in Warburg by a 3 defender and 2 blaster team - even with greater than 2-1 odds against!

    The right team makeup can make all the difference.

    Jum, will have to give you a bash before my account expires. Plight too! And any other blaster for that matter.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    MaXimillion - the ice patch is almost perma with 1 Recharge.

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    Insurance never hurts at higher levels where critters with -Recharge attacks are more common...

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    3 is way overkill - especially with Hasten in there too.

    And no Chilling Embrace Max? That and Ice Patch define the ice secondary - even in PvE.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    watch those status effects;vc=1

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    Some of the posts in that thread are hilarious

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    Kinru says:
    I'm guessing that the change to Placate was to keep it from becoming too powerful, but to me Placate is SUPPOSED to be powerful. In a stalker set we automatically have to take 3 I REPEAT 3 attacks in order to be effective. Then we automatically take hide. THAT'S 4 POWERS THAT ARE ALREADY CHOSEN FOR US!!! Making one of them less powerful isn't fair.

    Now I think that this issue DEMANDS a redname post.

    On a sidenote I say that Hide becomes an inherent as well as Assassination as it really is only fair.

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