Which blaster blasts bests?
But seriously, I suggest giving Ice/Energy a go, the potential ST/DPS damage from that set is crazy! Would be nice and refreshing from the AoE madness of Fire/Fire.
If that's too common for your liking, then try Ice/Elec or something similar.
yeah I was thinking of a sonic/energy blapper of somesort would be quite interesting to see...
EDIT: Also curious to know does the Ice/energy blapper do more damage than a PB? as i'm not too fond of them (hence why i'm addicted to nictus!)
EDIT: Also curious to know does the Ice/energy blapper do more damage than a PB?
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Err..is this a trick question?
I think so. He wants us to be creative and think of a blaster that makes less damage than a PB. Go all pool powers I say.
And on a sidenote: For a good blapper I would probably toss a coin between sonic and ice primary. Both sets offer great single target damage. I have played an ice corruptor to 40 and a sonic corruptor to 50 and both are very strong, with IMO ice being slightly better against "normal" bosses and sonic pulling a good deal ahead against EBs/AVs with it´s -res debuffs.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
EDIT: Also curious to know does the Ice/energy blapper do more damage than a PB?
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Err..is this a trick question?
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Possibly not....
Although I love my squiddy... his ST damage doesn't come close to blaster level, let alone NRG blapper level.
At least, not when he's soloing. With Cosmic Balance buffs on big teams, it can be another story...
I'm currently trying out a new Fire/Ice blaster, haven't quite gotten used to it yet (it's barely two days old)... but from the build I've got planned they look to be fairly safe to solo, and great at ranged damage.
I'd say that the Sonic, Fire and Ice primaries would be the best ranged damage sets... Electric and Energy secondaries appear to be uncontested in ST melee damage, and Fire secondary wins at AoE damage.
If its a pure ranged blaster your after then Ice/dev might be the way to go. Devs gives you TD which lets you drop an acc in exchange for a recharge in your ice blasts. Ive mine slotted 3dam 2recharge 1 end red. You dont have build up which means you lack the burst damage of of other sets but TD gives a perma damage buff as long as the toggle is on. It, aim and the extra recharge in your attacks makes up for the lack of BU imo. Plus you get caltrops and web nades which is great for staying at range.
Hmm thats an interesting powerset Ice/Dev never really thought about that... and about the PB stuff no its not a trick question... (or is it? )
as I said I'm just not much of a fan for PB's (WS lover here! ) and I was just curious if you just went all out blapper (Squid/Human) vs an Ice/energy who would win that one?! y'know?!
You dont have build up which means you lack the burst damage of of other sets but TD gives a perma damage buff as long as the toggle is on.
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I thought it only damage buffed Assault Rifle Snipe (or is due to).
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I was just curious if you just went all out blapper (Squid/Human) vs an Ice/energy who would win that one?! y'know?!
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The Ice/Energy, no contest.
Even leaving the base damage difference aside, the blaster has loads of slow/recharges and disorient attacks.
The only chance the PB would have would be in light form, if the blaster's daft enough to stay in melee range.
I was just curious if you just went all out blapper (Squid/Human) vs an Ice/energy who would win that one?! y'know?!
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The Ice/Energy, no contest.
Even leaving the base damage difference aside, the blaster has loads of slow/recharges and disorient attacks.
The only chance the PB would have would be in light form, if the blaster's daft enough to stay in melee range.
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Im not sure if you factor in PB's inherent. Put him/her in a team of 7 tanks, for instance and things may be rather different?
Not quite sure if any of you remember FFM's arena duel against FG. A PB vs a AR/Fire, the AR/Fire won guys.... the AR/FIRE WON!! O.o
Im not sure if you factor in PB's inherent. Put him/her in a team of 7 tanks, for instance and things may be rather different?
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I didn't factor it in... since "a toon versus another toon" implies the toons would be duelling each other.
Not quite sure if any of you remember FFM's arena duel against FG. A PB vs a AR/Fire, the AR/Fire won guys.... the AR/FIRE WON!! O.o
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Bah... AR gets that nasty disorient beanbag thingy, that must have done it...
That or he was hiding a voidslayer rifle behind his flamethrower nozzle...
you mean AR gets quantum peices attached to there hardware now? thats awsome!!
If its a pure ranged blaster your after then Ice/dev might be the way to go. Devs gives you TD which lets you drop an acc in exchange for a recharge in your ice blasts. Ive mine slotted 3dam 2recharge 1 end red. You dont have build up which means you lack the burst damage of of other sets but TD gives a perma damage buff as long as the toggle is on. It, aim and the extra recharge in your attacks makes up for the lack of BU imo. Plus you get caltrops and web nades which is great for staying at range.
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I have an Ice/Dev at level 36. Targetting Drone is nice, I only have 2 powers slotted with ACC, Freeze Ray and Bitter Freeze Ray, not because they are inaccurate, but because I want them to always hit. Also it means that if I get mezzed I can still use freeze ray effectively.
I've found that with Hasten I can get a pretty constant stream of Ice blasts going ( Ice Blast, Ice Bolt, Bitter Ice Blast and Freeze Ray ) with an occasional break in order to use Frost Breath.
He is not as effective a damage dealer when aggro is tightly controlled as my Fire/Fire blaster, who decimates mobs with AoE after AoE, but he functions far better in a PuG and solo.
@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.
Throw Fire FTW!
fire / elec ftw, made one the other day, spammed its way to 26 already. dmg n dps is great.
fire / elec ftw, made one the other day, spammed its way to 26 already. dmg n dps is great.
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h4xx0rZz :P
Agree though, you ditch out a awsome ammount of damage.
I would say, situation based and personal preference I prefer my AR blaster of team groupwhiping above a Fire blaster, i just love the sound of FullAuto
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I have a Sonic/NRG Blapper which i roam around Sirens with
The burst damage is insane! And you get a nice ranged stun
Fire blast is awesome damage per end but can plough through its end bar fast, having powersink to replenish it just makes sense. The blasting potential is something id say is possibly number 1.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
And on the other side.. the blaster set that blast worst of em all, i nominate nrg/ice (or any nrg/..).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
And on the other side.. the blaster set that blast worst of em all, i nominate nrg/ice (or any nrg/..).
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*thwap* Energy blast ftw =P
On the subject of odd builds for blasters though, have a go at Sonic/Ice or Energy/Fire. For fun though, elec/fire blaster, you get to make bzzzt noises AND cook things!
I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc
lolz beet :P
Meh, nrg has way too long execution of powers, 2 main powers have 2 seconds casting time and the other 1,76sec casting (as ice only has 1 2sec power, rest is around 1sec). You cant really spam those powers as other sets (outside TA perhaps, even AR can burst faster due higher damage).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Yep - still break out my En/En for a bit of a laugh on occasion, especially to annoy Tanks
BTW, I watched FG vs FFM's match "live" and it was a VERY close run thing - both down to fractional health repeatedly...
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

hey guys I really want to make a blaster but I cant seem to make up my mind on what to make! I also seem to be having trouble even picking the origin for this toon! so can any one give me any idea's? I quite like the Ice/Fire and Ice/Energy blappers there fun to play! My first lvl 50 toon on the US was a Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster was muchos fun!
like uum Sonic/Energy? )
Any suggestions is grateful! (prefably something new and uncommon and something not many would think off if you would please
*goes back to playing his stalker*