A clown bows out
Awwwwww *cries*
Losing the yummiest troller on Union, damn, who am i gonna annoy now at 3am when i cant sleep? :/
Well, good luck on "life" and i do hope you succeed in all you choose to do, i would say behave but i know thats impossible for you, so i'll leave it with be careful
Dont be a stranger :P
@Psychochill & @Psychochill.
Bye Jester.
I'll remember the missions during late, late, nights.
So much for the 'month off' eh?
Later, Jester.
The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
Arrr Jes sad to see you go
That night in manchester was fun, lets just say herding cats . . . whilest drunk
you know I'm starting to see a strange correlation between rl and in game here... but with out tp
If you ever get too lonely/board/twitchy you'll know where to find us.
PS E is so going to have a go at you when she finds out about this
Have fun in real life Jes, I will miss you even if we didn't speak as much as we should and you buy a mean G&T
As Pob said, you know where to find us if you want back, or just want a chat (maybe to describe to us this "real life" thing you are going to play for a while).
Good luck mate, have a good life! *Huggies*
Black Light, Electricity/Devices Blaster at Union
White Knight, Illusion/Radiation Controller at Union
Obscurum est absentis lux lucis. Ego sum lux lucis!
Well my old friend, I can't say I haven't been expecting this. I haven't seen you in game for ages.
Still, you're going for the right reasons. Being loved up really does rock, don't it.
I hope everything works out for you in the best possible way.
Feel free to come back any time.
All the best mate, take care of yourself. You'll be sorely missed.
Me and stoof still have the crate of booze planned for july so stay in touch mate :-P
And I was only just getting to know you...
Good luck out there, I wish you all the best.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

see ya mate, never talked to you much but have met your characters around IC and OOC, have fun
Well mate, I can't say I'm too surprised by this, I know RL has been more than good to you lately (regardless of the minor upset not too long ago)
However, I never thought I'd say this, but I'll miss you dude.
From drunken TF's at god forsaken hours of the morning with half the team too busy giggling over Team Speak to do ANYTHING (Free I'm looking at YOU! ) to 5 rather intoxicated gamers trying to direct a taxi home from Manchester.
The help you gave me getting Ves to 50, all the advice I recieved when I started out with PhantoMime, and introducing me to the whole LLOD crew, just a few things I'll remember you for in-game, but most importantly just you being a class fella to chat to at 2am (either in-game or over the phone)
You'd better stay in touch mate, because you know I'm gonna hae some serious celebrating to do some time this year, and it wouldn't be the same without you buddy.
Gone but not forgotten, "Send in the clowns!" will still be a battle cry to be feared by the mobs of Paragon, and will serve as a fine tribute to the darkest clown I ever met.
Good luck mate, and here's hoping that you're more than happy with whatever you decide to move on to.
Ach, and I thought we'd just about managed to convince you to stay a little longer. Gonna be less colourful wih you gone mate, but take care and all the best with whatever you get up to.
And as Ang says, dont be a starnger.
Did you ever get a round of drinks in that night
You'll have to keep your eyes open as we might very well have a reunion for the gang one of these days.
Awww see ya around Jest. We all know you'll be back, there's no leaving LLOD
OH.....MY....GOD!!!! *Cries* AND *Cries More*
*Slaps Self* I never look at these forums damn me, But Im gonna Miss You Jester!!! Since meeting you the game became such a more enjoyable place to be, Crazy Early morning TF's with you and Ves me drunk as usual giggling away Some of the best times on this game was with you!
Will miss you loads, wont be the same without you! But RL calls and well Inlove Eh wooooooo Go you!! Really Happy for ya Hun
Do stay in touch, ya got me number Take care and all that stuff, i wish you all the luck and happiness in the world! You will always have a special place in my heart JESTER YOU ARE ACE!!!! Enough said!
See ya soon maybe xxx
*Zomg!! Jester Your a Monkey!! 0(o.o)0*
gonner miss you jest hardly seen you much in recent months due to my own rl taking over.. i hope that where ever rl takes you that you will always remember us *points to everyone whose posted and the rest* because im sure il remember you ^_^ and like others have said keep in touch... cant remember if you have my msn or not..
Ash aka Mistress...
Take care of yourself mate and hope you have fun in so called RL. Have had some great fun doing TF with you
Remember to keep in touch and let us know how your getting on out there
FireBlazer Level 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
New Blood Foundation/Rebellion
Dark Merchant Level 50 Ninja Stalker
Global Chat: FireBlazer
Bye bye Jest... We knew this was coming, in the vague way, but still... And I have high fever right now and can't think of anything smart to say.
I hope things go great in RL and being loved up (And hah! What did I tell you?)
I remember meeting Jester for the first time and Pyr being all freaked out, and everything else that followed.
Thanks for all the good times and take care!
My Lord ... </e bows>
Long hath I know this day was coming, when the garish purple and yellow light would be extinguished from this fair City of Paragon and once again more muted colours reign. Yea, into a metaphorical grey and shadowy place are we cast without thee. Does thou see my tears?, more yet than those painted on my Clown Mask, for the passing of an age of such melodrama. I have ever stood alongside thee since the coming of my virtual presence to this place of heroes, and with thy fading shall my own spirit also be much dimmed.
Yet, unto the realm of real life are thee bound, a place wherein I am often to be found, and they say that with great romance comes great responsibility; I can only look ahead to that blissful day whence marriage and fatherhood hath dulled thy passion, blunted thy rod, and once more the call to adventure will tug at thy loins more strongly than some winsome lass. Until that time shall I know thee only like some spectral shade cast into limbo, a Ghost perhaps of some ancient elder, ... like unto Jaga have I often been and such shall I remain.
The Code of Thundera will live as long as you carry it in your heart, my friend.
My Lord ... </e bows once more and leaves>
Well Jest I think you've left on a high note by setting a record for makeing LLOD'ers post on the offical forum
Well Jes Mate what can I say that hasn't already been said?
It will be a quieter place without you both in colour - as the only other yellow and purple mix fan out there - and in words ( where blue was definitly the tone :P )
Glad you're loved up well - what a way to go! Stay in touch and as always Enjoy!
Lifeline (Union)SL50 Kin Defender- Darkwings
Corten (Union)SL50 SR Scrapper- Agency
Lylyth (Union)SL50 Triform Warshade- DarkWings
Wanderer.(Union)SL50 Rad Corruptor- Talons of Darkness
And Many More...
Jest my man, what can I say? Well, hang around on Tempest forums, you have your very own section dedicated to your and Inny's goofiness.
It was a pleasure and honour to meet you. Even if I missed the high noon of Cirque I'll still look up to it as an inspiration in quality.
Safe trails.
Tempest legion? :]
Tempest legion? :]
[/ QUOTE ]
Nah, Silent Tempest. Tho the section in question is hidden from unsuspecting world due to the content. Clowns hugging is not for everyone.
As for the Tempest legion, I seem to be in the wrong Tempest!
A story as old as time. Geeks and Cat Girls..
Thanks everybody for the kind words n all that! Not 100%sure when my subs run out. (how do i check?) If i get the chance ill pop in game and say some real goodbyes.
Well its been over two years and one hell of a ride! Thanks to all who have been there on the way. Made some great friends and met some right prats and i know ill miss most of you, For a day or two anyway

Thanks for all the laughs and late nights/ early mornings
Thanks to the Darkwings for taking me in and showing me how to kick serious evil butt!
Thanks to the last Line of Defense! You guys rock. Getting drunk with you lot in the middle of Manchester was ace!
Thanks to all the Cirque De La Lune. We rocked. Nuff said.
Thanks to GGOOC. LLOD_NBR. Gossip. BSS.
If you need me il be learning to snowboard or spending all the money i now have from quittin smoking!
Hope you all have as much fun on this game as i did, But now my real life is just more fun!
(might be a little loved up as well)
Take care Y'all
Jester Styles