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  1. Konnichi wa, Stalingrad san.

    Tantvalist mentioned this matter in passing this evening, and I was immediately interested. The toon I was playing at that moment has long been rootless and uncared for, since she really should be a ninja stalker, yet I cannot face that lonely path. Thus, she remains a frequently remade Scrapper. I would love the chance to experience a good RP SG/VG once again. (Since the Cirque de la Lune passed I have been homeless, though the Silent Tempest have been kind enough to put up with me sometimes.) And yet, I am afraid, I am an inconsistent RPer due to time constraints. Because of this I would not think to ask for a full place at your family table. I would be honoured, however, if you would allow me to show interest and a passing association with your family.

    My main Villain is a Ninja MM, and would be a more than passable "family ghost" (or demon?) I would have thought. Else, I would like my young ninja disciple to have a chance to find that family at last.

    In all such things, I am sure that only time will tell.

    In any event, I wish you every success in your undertaking.
  2. Don't wait on me. There's so much content and trials and TFs I ain't seen it ain't be making no difference to me, no sir, not one bit.

    But, true, I see the DWs passing through again. Gonna havta be a cheesey little SK mostly seems.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    On a related note, your post led to a truly horrifying thought.... Moon and Brutal having a conversation. Polysyllabic would most definitely not be the word to describe it...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah. me and Brutal talk. talk good. lots even. me thinks fun.


    On the other matter... we spoke in game...
    I'm having "real life matters" at the moment.
    Best not to make any promises at the moment that I can't keep.
    Don't worry about little old me.
    See you when I see you.
  4. Purple_Turkey

    A clown bows out

    My Lord ... </e bows>

    Long hath I know this day was coming, when the garish purple and yellow light would be extinguished from this fair City of Paragon and once again more muted colours reign. Yea, into a metaphorical grey and shadowy place are we cast without thee. Does thou see my tears?, more yet than those painted on my Clown Mask, for the passing of an age of such melodrama. I have ever stood alongside thee since the coming of my virtual presence to this place of heroes, and with thy fading shall my own spirit also be much dimmed.

    Yet, unto the realm of real life are thee bound, a place wherein I am often to be found, and they say that with great romance comes great responsibility; I can only look ahead to that blissful day whence marriage and fatherhood hath dulled thy passion, blunted thy rod, and once more the call to adventure will tug at thy loins more strongly than some winsome lass. Until that time shall I know thee only like some spectral shade cast into limbo, a Ghost perhaps of some ancient elder, ... like unto Jaga have I often been and such shall I remain.

    The Code of Thundera will live as long as you carry it in your heart, my friend.

    My Lord ... </e bows once more and leaves>
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh I'm perfectly cool ...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cool? In that Santa hat?!? I like it. I must make a Purple Turkey in Xmas suit if you will not think too much of a plagarism.

    </e panic> But of course. </e slaps forehead> December has set in. Have not contrived amusing Santa costume options for my toons ... where did I put those veteran reward tailor visits...?

    </e browsing> ah... new costume options... girls in skimpy Santa suits FTW!!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    That's funny, cause I don't see any negative responses on here... And even if there were, people are entitled to their opinion, as long as it's within the forum and game rules.

    If you're having problems with players in game, I suggest you either sort it out in PMs, or /petition and let the GMs sort it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As I understand it, not on here. From other sources. In that context, Inago's post was a reasonable public call for continued peaceful co-existence, restating the aims of this thread. Lets all be cool
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Now I'm just waiting for headlines "A Famous Hero Defeated By Cunning Ramp In Arachnos Base" XD


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, if that happens Coile at least can narrow it down a bit who told it to the press.

    ...at least the lift door didn't get him.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If that is the incident that I think it is then I was standing right behind you. That ramp was definitely defective. There was a 75cm gap at the bottom and the rubber covering was worn and unsafe. No wonder you fell down and knocked yourself out just as you entered the base. I have gathered clear forensic evidence from the scene that should be admissable in court, should you wish to pursue a civil action against the Arachnos organnisation. I know some effective accident litigation lawyers, if you wish their contact details.
  8. Share the cake?

    No likely.

    Me no share cake some jumped up clown wannabe. Even if him cool as designer shades and says nice things.


    Maybe, just maybe, agree share cake on ratio of body mass. Yes, me think that fair. Me need those cake calories more.

    ((Gratz mate. Should have posted before now. Thought I might have been around for that one, but you're another one who seems to play at funny early hours in the morning. Maybe next time...))
  9. Um. Ta. A long, winding road. Final dash. Sort of thing.

    Well, I guess that's it... the game completed. Nothing in it for me anymore...

    </e throws box into corner of room>

    Time to switch to WoW...

    </e muses>


    It's a long shot but it might just work...

    A Warshade called " The Purple Turkey "??
  10. The creature that is called The New Moon sits alone at night upon some ruined building near the Rikti crash site. He thinks, head resting on his fist, in an eternal artistic pose. Part mortal monster, part immortal deity, his thoughts ebb both slow and slick, briefly lucid but also often with moronic interludes.

    He thinks back to the life he now leads amongst the heroes of Paragon City. How the Circle of Thorns once bound him, how the soul of one young girl saved him from the pit, and another brought him into the light. How the Cirque de la Lune took him into their family and how, in time, they liberated his mystical twin, The Full Moon. Family and friends, yet still some loneliness affects his heart.

    He thinks upon much squishing done of bad men and monsters in dark caves, dusty warehouses and bright laboratories. His contacts tell him that he has done much good. Yet still some meaning eludes his life upon this Earth.

    He enjoys remembering his squishing times with new friends too. The bold and baldy one called Coile and the athletic, long-legged lady Sword of Truth are kind enough to let him help them in their private quests; ladies Dustine and Phiseeque also show him kind words and bright powers that keep him safe from harm. Yet he is not part of their mortal lives. His past associates more akin to those like Keening Banshee; his dark demeanor more common with that quixotic gentleman they call the Harlequin Noir.

    He looks to the Heavens, to the orb that is his mystic signature and domain. To return perhaps to that blessed state? He looks down upon the shattered cityscape, as soldiers stuggle with alien warriors amidst the folly that that mortals are ever drawn to create for themselves.

    "To be or not to be,
    That is the question..."

    [Enjoyed being back in the game last night. Thanks for the RP team. Hope I get the chance to tag along now and then before you all out level me, hit 50, and leave me for pastures new. ]
  11. I have just been hanging around in Cap Au Diable and watching you lot roleplaying again.


    Seemed like more fun and more friendly than the usual GG thing. Perhaps the Villains are going to be more fun to play and - because they are more tongue-in-cheek - there may be less of the angst and "friction" that I saw in GG. Might make it a little more inclusive for a wider audience and a more casual RP-er.

    /emote clap Silk Noir. Holding court well. Generating a nice environment for everyone to RP. And that whole sexy-lady-in-charge thing.

    /emote slap Loco. Gah. What an annoying child! Who let him in. [lol. i like it... Goes off to make up a big mum-sey child abuser alt who can slap children IC.]