For all you ninja fans...
I actuaally proposed such an idea in the thread now called "Hyperion Watchmen OOC"- check out the second page. Obviously people went with the SG concept that became the Hyperion Watchmen instead, but the idea is still a good one as far as I'm concerned. I'd prefer a Villain Group of Ninja myself (I dislike how long-running players automatically reject Villain RP, and their attitudes seem to become a self-fulfilling prophecy).
My own proposal, for those whon can't be bothered looking it up again, was for a Ninja clan that had once been in the service of a Daimyo back in feudal Japan. The Tsoo had wiped the Samurai clan out centuries ago, and the Ninjas now operate as independent mercenaries, but never forgot their feud with the Tsoo. They moved to the Rogue Isles for both the increased employment opportunities, and for the chance to undermine the Tsoo operations their.
My own image was of a Clan hundreds-strong, but with only a hanful of Elite Ninjas represented by the PCs. The "grunt" Ninjas would be a Mastermind's pets.
As a matter of fact, I'm planning just such a thing with my brother and a friend!
I've made a MM "ninja master" and they're doing some ninja stalkers.
We have a supergroup called Oriental Excess made up of samurai, ninjas, dragons and wizards originating from China and Japan.
Although it's not a rp group, several of us are roleplayers or roleplay friendly. If you went down the villain route perhaps we could be your nemesisesises (having difficulty with the plural of nemesis).
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
We have a supergroup called Oriental Excess made up of samurai, ninjas, dragons and wizards originating from China and Japan.
Although it's not a rp group, several of us are roleplayers or roleplay friendly. If you went down the villain route perhaps we could be your nemesisesises (having difficulty with the plural of nemesis).
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Indeed, ive had fun with that group, nice bunch.
The idea sounds good, but i really can only concentrate on one char at a time, all or nothing type thing. I would of thought the role suited CoV better though. One reason being the Ninja Mastermind, and Stalker sets. If you were all Ninja MM's you'd have an army.
interesting, i was going to be making soon a new villain to semi rp with, if GG got too quiet for my plot with drade, so i would be interested in this yes, but as what is yet to be seen
okay, had a read through what has been said, the Oriental Express thing sounds good but how much internal RP do you have in side the VG?
and yeah, villains would be better but i said heroes because i know that, as you say, many long-standing players may say no to villains, or that they will begin to break down slowly but surely, as i have seen happen with so many promising ideas.
I read through what you said Tantevilist and cool idea, maybe we could work in the family side of things to that? i just always thought the idea of a family working together could be fun and lend more to the RP.
The thing that always turned me away from the villains is the fact that many can get dragged down into plans for world domination etc. (P.E. here), i think a little evil is fine but i hate RPing the whole world domination thing =P if this did work though they could be just evilish and yet in the isles...? Therefore can be ruthless etc. without the extremely evil.
If did start a full RP group for this would anyone be interested?
The thing that always turned me away from the villains is the fact that many can get dragged down into plans for world domination etc. (P.E. here), i think a little evil is fine but i hate RPing the whole world domination thing =P if this did work though they could be just evilish and yet in the isles...? Therefore can be ruthless etc. without the extremely evil.
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Ive seen the idea (written in bold) seen people try it, and failed the RP just doesnt work, hard to socialise with others when all you want to do is make them your mindless slaves, just my two cents.
I know EVIL doesnt house many 'ninjas' used to, but it was decided they never really worked in the group too well. But a coalition might be negotiable, of course depending on IC viewpoints curcumstances etc etc.
okay, cool, i've had a couple of people now contact through IG or other forums saying they would be interested and yeah, depending upon IC coalition would be cool.
And yeah, i don't like characters that want to take over the world all control all, outside of a plot-line and in open RP in Pocket D for example they are pointless since if kept IC they will not be able socialise as well, and eventually everyone will just avoid them.
That's why i like the idea of Mercs for this or simply a more 'ruthless' family that is viewed as villains but rather maybe out for revenge or just to defend one another, meaning that they could be cold and cruel but still able to be nice and socialise etc. =D
The "Clan" idea incorporates the "Family" one, what with a Clan being an extended family. Just have a few families within the Clan, which are vaguely related. You get the family stuff, but at the same time make it easier to bring new characters in- they were posted elsewhere or still in training until now.
The Mercenary aspect is the one that should work the best for RP purposes- I prefer to do villains who are Amoral rather than Evil. Note also that the Japanese code of Bushido tends to be a lot more ruthless and pragmatic than Chivalry, so being noble and honorable, whilst still being villains, is very possible. After all, both Anime and Japanese Samurai films are full of examples of righteous and just characters who serve evil causes- to the Bushido-influenced mind, RIGHT is what your Lord tells you it is, not what the rest of the world accepts as such.
As you can possibly guess from my posts on this, you can count me in if a Ninja-aspected RP Villain Group does take off.
On Topic:
I would love to join this but sadly i have my main character in EVIL and one mildly neglected character in TLF
Though i am tempted to set up a VG of Pirates as your arch-rivals.
Off Topic:
To be honest most villains don't actually want to take over the world. I think this is a misconception that has been created by the Hero side, sure SOME villains want to take over the world but most are too busy doing other things.
Sure the Doc talks big but he knows he's:
a) Not powerful enough.
b) lacks any form of resources for doing so.
Yes he did ship a hideously large amount of drugs to the isles but the hero community rose up and squashed that business within two weeks.
Most know they can't 'actually' take over the world so they leave themselves content to potter around and do other villainous acts.
Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!
okay cool,
so i think we're gonna go with the clan/family idea, perhaps though if to get it started we begin with one solid family and then if players wish to join then they can either make another member of that family or a separate side to it maybe related cousins etc. etc.
As far as attitude i'm guessing they're going to be mercenaries of a form, although it might be nice for them to have some other motives as well. Maybe if they fight for the money and to improve their abilities, like another kind of training, just so they can become better?
Right now if we include Tant then i think we have 4 players up for it,
Myself - i'll play whatever is needed to balance things at make it either, although i'd prefer to play and older brother.
Feyth - who tant knows i know and said she will gladly join up
Mystery Girl X - who plays Lady Cobra and lots of other ninja characters is also interested
and then Tant - who is interested as you say.
How many players do you think we will need to get this started with a solid base? considering some people can make two alts to bulk out some families or start others? I would be thinking 5, and then we can get to making the characters and beginning the grind?
also, just in case anyone is reading, are we limiting this to just ninja like characters or will there be other oriental fighters, all from the same clan of course but including magicians, samurai or other types of japanese (i'm guessing we're making them japanese not chinese?) warriors of any age etc. cause of course, having young apprentices etc. to any older characters could also be good fun =D
oh, and if anyone wants to talk in game about this then i am @Leprechaun. (full stop at end)
i would love to play a part, but i am a little busy with the drade plot, which at this rate may take a while to play out to the next chapter of it.. but don't count me out once i get to a point in the plot or people completely either balls it up or gets bored of it then i will come over to the dark side for some rp fun
Stal, you forgot me on your list! More than happy to join!
woo =D
okay, so we have Tant, Speccy, Feyth, Cobra and i, that's 5,and perhaps Shadower as well once your done with your plot? maybe you could be the beginning of a new branch so to speak.
now then, who wants what places in the 'family'? there doesn't nesecarrily need a mother and father, maybe just a father or just a mother with brothers and sisters
also, what kinda of ninja are these, are they going to be all in black as most people know them, more modern or more casual, which i personally i think allows for more variation, instead of black all over, so jackets, trousers, jeans etc?
And the me...dont forget the me...
Ninjas! NINJAS AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE!!!...*ahem* Yes,ill join.
=D up to 6, now before getting started what places do people want? below is what i know so far, with the age and where they are in the family:
Tant -
Speccy -
Feyth -
Cobra - younger sister (12/14)
Havoc Fang - cousin to mine and Cobra's chars (17)
Leprechaun - older brother (18)
if you can if you want a place repost with the family position and age =) sorry, just trying to get it all sorted so can get round to the fun =D
okay, =D and update on where we are so far with ages etc.
Tant -
Speccy - another cousin, maybe from other side to Fangs, (mid 20s)
Feyth - father (mid-late 30s)
Cobra - younger sister (12/14)
Havoc Fang - cousin to mine and Cobra's chars (17)
Leprechaun - older brother (18)
Tant, you got any ideas for where you want yet? then i can try and get to 10 quick and get things started =)
Stalker,MM or Corr...i will pick eventually
ohhhhhh ninjas ooooooh ooooooh and more ooooh what server?
Either some anem like Blind..... cos my Idea was to make a chap who was blinded by some tsoo or somthing or just a amazin warrior
Made my ninja, ended up calling it Suzume (Sparrow,all the names to do with Moon were taken >.< ).
ohhhhhh ninjas ooooooh ooooooh and more ooooh what server?
Either some anem like Blind..... cos my Idea was to make a chap who was blinded by some tsoo or somthing or just a amazin warrior
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okay, we're on union atm and as you can see we're just starting up, if you want to come along talk to me in game at @leprechaun. and we'll see =) the only requirements for this VG atm is that you are a member of this family (name still to be decided) meaning that the VG is held together by family instead of just money etc.
thats good I prefer union, I made my char called Crimson Khana the story goes that he was a famous gladiator who won all of his matches, but one day someone found out his secret, he used poison to win! He was banned from all future tournaments and he vowed to kill the tsoo (the man who banned him was tsoo in disguise) its a little.....very bumpy and bad but thats just because I just made it up :P hope you like it
s'cool but how does it fit into the family idea we are using?
oh, and sorry for double post, but an update on the list =)
Tant -
Speccy - another cousin, maybe from other side to Fangs, (mid 20s)
Feyth - father (mid-late 30s)
Cobra - younger sister (12/14)
Havoc Fang - cousin to mine and Cobra's chars (17)
Leprechaun - older brother (18)
Fridan - uncle, father to Fang's character (mid-late 30s?)
welcome on board Fri!
Hello there! This is just an idea that may or may not fall flat on its face but it might be nice for everyone to consider it =)
I have seen a lot of ninjaesque characters running around, or oriental magicians, Im sure you all know what I mean, its good fun for the whole mysticism and theyre fun characters to play. What I havent seen though (to my knowledge) on either CoV or CoH is an SG/VG made specifically for this type of character. I know a few people who I will try to talk to IG who I think might be interested in the idea so I decided to make a post here.
Basically the idea is simple, making an SG (preferably in my case since villain ninjas tend to be cold and hard to RP properly) which is based around ninjas, samurai, magicians etc. of oriental descent. Below are a couple of ideas I came up with for the background.
Theyre for hire, a group of them have got together in the hope of employment, it just so happens that at the moment theyre on the good side. They are a new business, but have made themselves known to factions like Malta, KoA and maybe even EVIL (European villains immorality league) which would be the main competitors in such a field. Theyre here to make money and learn, improve techniques and get better etc. etc.
Theyre an extended family. Theyre all from the same family or clan, uncles, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, all of this. The moves and skills are passed down the generations, taught by word of mouth from father to son and mother to daughter. Now theyre going to try and make a difference and are going to register as heroes. This may sound a bit strange to begin since hero families I know of consist of matching spandex and capes on kids but think about it. The possibility of having one character, complete with a family of others could be fun RP, and say mother and son, or brothers and sisters at PD or GG might add more depth. Obviously this idea would need to branched upon a lot but I still think it had potential?
A training group, a group of martial artists who practice in their spare time have been doing so for long enough or with magical help to reach amazing levels and have decided to register as heroes. They stick together to help eachother and improve, basically the entire SG relationship can begin with them working together to get better, then maybe becoming more tight-nit as characters get to know eachother.
Personally my favourite is the family idea but I know some people may disagree or have ideas of your own. If you are interested in this please leave a post behind with any ideas or characters or anything like that that you think may be useful. Please feel free to input even if you don't want to help, i just feel that this could be fun since of all the ninja characters i see around, with no SG in particular for this =D
Thanks in advance =)