For all you ninja fans...




Like...cousins uncles brothers wifes son? i dont even know why i said that...




Konnichi wa, Stalingrad san.

Tantvalist mentioned this matter in passing this evening, and I was immediately interested. The toon I was playing at that moment has long been rootless and uncared for, since she really should be a ninja stalker, yet I cannot face that lonely path. Thus, she remains a frequently remade Scrapper. I would love the chance to experience a good RP SG/VG once again. (Since the Cirque de la Lune passed I have been homeless, though the Silent Tempest have been kind enough to put up with me sometimes.) And yet, I am afraid, I am an inconsistent RPer due to time constraints. Because of this I would not think to ask for a full place at your family table. I would be honoured, however, if you would allow me to show interest and a passing association with your family.

My main Villain is a Ninja MM, and would be a more than passable "family ghost" (or demon?) I would have thought. Else, I would like my young ninja disciple to have a chance to find that family at last.

In all such things, I am sure that only time will tell.

In any event, I wish you every success in your undertaking.

[/ QUOTE ]

well it would be great to have you along PT, as you can see we're just getting started at the moment, having only just got a character high enough to actually make the VG, but now that it has i think we're going to start going strong.

As far as time constraints on RP that is fine of course, and either or both of your characters would be welcome, they don't need to be a main part of the family if you do not wish them too, maybe a 'contact', family friend kinda thing, although i am afraid i am not completely sure what you mean by a family ghost or demon? =S

and as far as the people, i know everyone except for 1 or 2 people who have joined the VG so far and i know they are all nice people and good r/pers and am much looking forward to the meetings and the r/p that's been done so far, if quiet, has been interesting =]

well hopefully i can talk to you further in game, and as you say, only time can tell. =]



hello again,
the subject of all of this came up again on the GGOOC channel so i am putting a post on here to find out who is still interested since it seems at least a few still are

so, who still wants to help with this?



Hidden Lotus is still on board



Me somewhat.
When my computer arrives.
Did i mention its from the company that makes Alienware?
Oh yes...and with my new computer (coming tommarow if planned right) less lag...oh how life will improve...mostly as my Ninja gets a LOT of lag on the compaq...*gazes at the now 100% broken compaq across the room*

...Did i say anything about what i get to do to the compaq is it cant be repaired at all? it involves Mr. SledgeHammer,Mr Mallet,Mrs Chisel and Sir blunt force...

Point is: im still as in board as i can hope to be