For all you ninja fans...




hehe the warrior of the family?



no, i mean as in what is he to everyone else, we've got the family idea as listed above with brothers cousins fathers uncles, sisters etc. where would he fit into this?



hmmmmm Eldest brother...........mabye?



Actually if you wouldnt mind I will changew all that could I be the mother? mother will be quite old is that ok?



a mother would be great =) so the mother of the Leps and Cobra's characters?

and don't mind, by oldish i guess you mean around mid-late 30s?

also had better check with Feyth in game when i meet her so sorry but no promises yet, i don't know whether she'd want her character (the father) with a relationsip/in marriage right from the beginning, so when she comes on i will check with her okay? =)

and eldest brother spot is taken... sorry =(



hehe I like mother idea good and yes, even if he/she doesnt want a relationship there could be some action (divorce) between them or I could be a wise "old mother" (grandmother)



cool, well i will get back to you IG or on the forums when i know from Feyth what she decides =) or, if you want to act someone that age then you could say that your character is sister to Feyth's and Fri's characters? so an aunt to the others? which could work as well

and what's your global? then can talk to you easier =)



lol ok its @Frost Taint



okay, another update, all really getting together now =D

Tant -
Speccy - another cousin, sister to fangs and daughter to Fri's, (mid 20s)
Feyth - father (mid-late 30s)
Cobra - younger sister (12/14)
Havoc Fang - cousin to mine and Cobra's chars (17)
Leprechaun - older brother (18)
Fridan - uncle, father to Fang's character (43)
Dusk Knight - father to Lep's Cobra's characters and wife of Feyth's




Dusk Knight - father to Lep's Cobra's characters and wife of Feyth's

[/ QUOTE ]
Father AND Wife?

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Dusk Knight - father to Lep's Cobra's characters and wife of Feyth's

[/ QUOTE ]
Father AND Wife?

[/ QUOTE ]

rofl, okay, thanks Shadow, being hastily corrected
i'll also get an easier to understand family tree of this up asap =P

Tant -
Speccy - another cousin, sister to fangs and daughter to Fri's, (mid 20s)
Feyth - father of Lep's and Cobra's characters, husband of Dusk's character (mid-late 30s)
Cobra - younger sister (12/14)
Havoc Fang - cousin to mine and Cobra's chars (17)
Leprechaun - older brother (18)
Fridan - uncle, father to Fang's and Speccy's character (43)
Dusk Knight - mother to Lep's Cobra's characters and wife of Feyth's



This be fun many caltrops...



oh, and just incase anyone was confused, (cause i know i am a bit) here is a, hopefully easier to read and understand, family tree, hope there are no mistakes, look forward to adding more to it

Family Tree



Looks like the obvious family spots have already been taken while I was without an internet connection. Wasn't too sure about that aspect anyway, so I guess my Ninja will be from one of the Clan's other families. I picture each "Cell" of the Clan being made up of a core family (more than one for big ones) and several Ninja from other branches anyway.



This is not going to sound good, but..

I think I am going to have to pull out of this. I am going to have very hectic stuff going on over the next few months, which means I may not be in the mood to RP at all..

Even so, my current RP mains take up all my spare time as it is. I do not mean to sound selfish, but to be honest, I do not think I would have the time nor devotion to give to this VG. If I did end up joining, the chances of me playing the character in-game, level-wise, are slim.. and even less so for RP purposes.

Sorry. Better I do not join at all than join and do it half-arsed.

Sometimes, even heroes need saving.

"For truth, justice and apple pies!"



okay Tant, sorry if the connection was down =( you can still have other sisters/brothers to main spot characters, grandfathers? lol, and just add to that tree as you wish if you wish.

and sorry to here you are going Feyth =( was looking forward to having you around, but can't be helped, hope things get better soong =)

people who have sent me mail with wanting to be in since Feyth isn't going to be using her spot any more would someone take it? this would help a lot if someone could, thank-you in advance, maybe Tant if you want a main spot?

oh, and we now have an OOC chat channel if you wish to talk to others, NinjaOOC, see you all IG =)



No problem here Feythy,i know what its' like...*looks at his unused RP alts,unused leveling alts and all unused alts in general*



Okay, we have ahd a couple of new people join, namely Solar, who is now going to RP Sterpahs wife and mother to Kumo and Suzume and Hawkblaze who's place in the family is still uncertain.

To both of you, as i have already said in PMs, welcome and great to see you both =D

Now, been thinking about the family name for this and assumed that the sg name would be 'The ****** Clan' with the stars obviously representing the chosen name, and since i am getting closer to 10 with my ninja alt i've been asking people to think about names

the only one i have thought of is that of one of the most well-known japanese swordsmen, Musashi, who's family name was Miyamoto, which, personally, i quite like.

Any further suggestions or ideas?



I like Asaku...dont know why,it just popped into my head...



okay, lvl 10, can actually make the VG now, but first we need a name =)

so far we have a few suggestions, my favourite now being Shimura, suggested by Kun =) anyone else got any suggestions or ideas? want to make it soon so please input from everyone =D if you want to help with the choice



I'm happy to be placed pretty much anywhere in the family, I can adapt, as I dont have a story yet




okay guys, have decided on the clan name of Shimura and when i get in game, back when the servers are up, i shall make the SG and start inviting people.

Below is an updated family tree for those who are confused, anyone who is reading this and wants to get involved the '???' places are where it would be nicest to have new members fill, of course if you don't wish to fill these and do wish to join then by all means do but these are places that would be nice to be filled, as long as everyone is happy with that =)

Family Tree

i would just like to say for anyone about to make characters there is no fixed leveling at the moment, as i know with this many teams break down, only being able to get characters to one level can dull the experience, so currently we have a spread from lvl 10 to lvl 1, look forward to seeing you all in game =D and remember to join the NinjaOOC channel if you still have a slot open ;]

currently the name is: 'The Shimura Clan'
The Motto is: 'Those who are born by the sword, live by the sword and die by the sword' ((open to be changed, it was just a quick idea))
And the ranks are:

-Clan Leader
-Feild Commander

and these as well are open to change



Konnichi wa, Stalingrad san.

Tantvalist mentioned this matter in passing this evening, and I was immediately interested. The toon I was playing at that moment has long been rootless and uncared for, since she really should be a ninja stalker, yet I cannot face that lonely path. Thus, she remains a frequently remade Scrapper. I would love the chance to experience a good RP SG/VG once again. (Since the Cirque de la Lune passed I have been homeless, though the Silent Tempest have been kind enough to put up with me sometimes.) And yet, I am afraid, I am an inconsistent RPer due to time constraints. Because of this I would not think to ask for a full place at your family table. I would be honoured, however, if you would allow me to show interest and a passing association with your family.

My main Villain is a Ninja MM, and would be a more than passable "family ghost" (or demon?) I would have thought. Else, I would like my young ninja disciple to have a chance to find that family at last.

In all such things, I am sure that only time will tell.

In any event, I wish you every success in your undertaking.



Subito, my new Ninja alt, is ready to join the group- as soon as I can find someone to get an invite from. I decided to go the route of him being a member of a different family branch that is too distant to show up on the family tree as drawn.

I'll probably drop by tomorrow afternoon, after taking notes of what the globals of members are.