AE has caused a resurgence of the word "Healer"




Had an issue with a more experienced "healer". Was doing a Manticore TF with 4 Scrappers, a Blaster, a Controller, an Empath/Rad Defender, and myself a scrappy human-only Peacebringer. I looked at his powers and noticed he had a nice balance of everything, so I thought he'd be fine. I take the lead to soak up alpha strikes since, between my shields and the Scrappers and Blaster, my resistances are capped and, since we're all primarily single target damage, I freely let loose mob-scattering powers such as Solar Flare. It isn't long before the Empath is screaming at us to tighten up and stay around him like good little puppies instead of chasing down and making quick work of the enemies. At one point I deliberetly got on one side of a target so I could watch him and noticed, despite having taken many powers from it, was completely neglecting his secondary. A little bit later, the leader, who was a friend of mine and could play an Empathy Defender very well, asked him to stop trying to order everyone around and learn to play. He got ticked, but did as asked. Later though he apperantly was telling one or more members what to do in tells, as an arguement spilled into team chat. He quit in frustration. We then went to finish the TF with even less trouble than we had with him on.



So the other day I'm sitting around in Atlas, bored and wanting to kill some time, so when I hear some guy broadcasting a LFM for a 52 AE boss mission, I send him a tell saying sure, 50 fire/kin controller, toss me an invite.

The guy (a 50 tank) sends me a tell back saying, "We need heals only."

Once I'm over my "..." reaction, I send him another tell, repeating, fire/kin. He replies no, they just need a healer.

I almost offered to come along and trail the team spamming Transfusion on autofire, doing nothing else, but I decided I wasn't that bored.



Originally Posted by electric_emu View Post
Seriously. I don't think I can pass through Atlas Park or Cap Au Diable without seeing "AE team lf Healer!!" What's more, someone will usually say "we need a healer" when I'm on an AE team. AE has created a new generation of noob, the kind that think the only type of worthwhile Defender is an Empath. Also, no one seems to realize, anymore, that a Controller possesses Defender primaries (albeit weaker version).

I know these people existed before. But why do they ALL have to come to the surface at AE? I'm getting tired of explaining that ANY type of Defender can be just as effective, even more effective in most cases, than an Empath. I've been asked "Do u heal???" when joining an AE team on my FF/Rad. And I've seen countless Rad/* and Kin/* overlooked because the leader "Wants a healer." What the hell? Is AE killing the Defenders?

I've seen this sort of talk even from high-end Brutes and Tanks (you know, soft-capped Shieldies, etc). Hell, I've heard DEFENDERS say "we need a healer." Why, oh why can people not see our usefullness!

Well, Defender board, what's there to do other than roll an Empath? =/
Four out of the nine Defender AT's are or come with heals/buffs/debuffs. The other five are debuff/buff sets. Of course some are fun to play, others just suck. The main problem with most, is that even if you bubble or "shield" the team, someone will always get hit more than once. Thanks to aggro cap, it doesn't help the situation if there's only one tank and more than one group of mobs.

So mitigation of life points is always requested. Especially now with the lvl 54 boss farms. I prefer both a bubbler/shielder of some kind, and a "healer". I love pretending im "different" from the "other" player when I pick a set, but I rather play the role of healer for my team. It's not really a matter of usefullness, Vet's know how good debuffs and buffs are. But sometimes you need that one strong heal.

My advice; Play a kins, strong heal and buffs. Or Play a Rad, debuff king, small heal. I know, you have the right to play whichever class you feel, in turn, people have the right to kick you or not invite you to they're teams. AE boss farms are Empathy and Kins riddled, start your own team and play door missions and or banks.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



Originally Posted by Amberyl View Post
So the other day I'm sitting around in Atlas, bored and wanting to kill some time, so when I hear some guy broadcasting a LFM for a 52 AE boss mission, I send him a tell saying sure, 50 fire/kin controller, toss me an invite.

The guy (a 50 tank) sends me a tell back saying, "We need heals only."

Once I'm over my "..." reaction, I send him another tell, repeating, fire/kin. He replies no, they just need a healer.

I almost offered to come along and trail the team spamming Transfusion on autofire, doing nothing else, but I decided I wasn't that bored.
He must be new to the game if he thinks Kin's don't "heal". I have healed TF's and AE''s with my /kin troller just fine. I'm assuming he has no idea what Fulcrum Shift is and how powerful Transference is. Regardless, you should have stated this to him and proved him wrong. "The hardheaded always need to feel it, to believe it".

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



Originally Posted by Lacrymosa View Post
He must be new to the game if he thinks Kin's don't "heal".
Perhaps, perhaps not. If one spends the whole game doing AE farms, one may very well come to a reasonable conclusion that kins don't heal or buff. I mean, well, have you seen the kins on AE farms?



Seven pages of this thread and I haven't the patience to read pass the first... anywho, I too have been seeing a lot of Defender "Issues" resurface lately.

Let me set this up. I have up to 4 years in Vet. badges (yet only 10 posts on the forums, yeah I don't come here much). My first level 50 was a Storm Summoner/Energy Blast Defender (I'm Luna Eclypse on Virtue ^_^). All those years ago when she was still being leveled, pre-exp arc adjustment I might add, I got non-stop complaints from almost every team I was in. Why? They did not understand my power set. And I would explain it that Storm is most entirely debuffs, the knockback is a side-effect that they just have to live with. No dice.

For a while, I wasn't getting invites because they'd send a /tell beforehand and ask what I was. So entered my "Unorthodox Stormie" build as I called it for a while. O2 Boost six-slotted for 3 Heals/3 Rech and Aid Other (also six-slotted) from the Medicine pool. Add in Resuscitate with some timely recharge time and I became an improvised pocket healer. And for a long, long time I would get invited to teams of 8 and be able to keep them all alive as the sole support-capable AT in the group. Either they tweaked it a bit or I got slower over time, but I can't seem to do that anymore... not as efficiently as I used to anyway.

My Storm powers were at a minimum... Snow Storm, Freezing Rain & Lightning Storm for debuffs, Steamy Mist running on the team, Hurricane only where applicable. I was never one of those Stormies that keeps it indefinitely running. I found that to cause more problems than not. And Tornado as a quasi-getaway power. Only used it for debuffing on AVs since it couldn't throw them around.

Consequently, this is still how Luna is built after all these years. On the occasions where I ever feel like using her, people get a taste of the Unorthodox Stormie... now with knockback-alicious Nova. ^.^ My healing tends to stay to a minimum nowadays though. I try to keep an eye out for whoever is nearby and not getting any love from the other heal-capable Defs/Trollers in the group. I usually stay shoulder to shoulder with the Blasters anymore. Toss out my debuffs and blast'em into next week.

Not sure I had any particular reason behind my rambling, just using myself as an example of how you can show your usefulness regardless of your build.

And, lastly, let's not forget the magical phrase that you should use if you're a Defender/Controller with any healing powers, this is for the unruly noobs that cause you grief. It's never failed for me: "I'm not healing you because you won't learn anything if I do."

"Later, Ace!"
Robin Everheart

(Global: @Robin Everheart)
(Server: Virtue)



Originally Posted by Captain_Wacky View Post
Always look at the powers before a task force.

Especially for the situation he was talking about (the 17 kin/arch AE bunny with Siphon Power and no other primaries). Even if you're not screening newbies, you do need to get an idea of which powers are going to be driving the team: mez? buffs and debuffs? heals? non-traditional utility e.g. Siren's Song? zerg and Vengeance?

Re: Robin

Interesting story about your stormy with medicine pool. Although there's some overlap with Aid Other and Stimulant, the sets must still have great synergy with each other, what with all the knocks and repels and range debuffing and recharge and tohit flooring.



My Empath Defender is by far my favourite character, but I can't get over how everyone refers to him as a "Healer". It seems that everyone has generalized Empaths with healers when healing is only half of what makes them so unique. Less experienced players seem to overlook the pressence of the multitude of other powers Empaths possess. In fact, I feel I haven't done a good enough job at Defending if I have to heal. I prefer to protect my teamates rather than heal up the ones I didn't. So if you hear people calling out for a healer inform them of the much more important services you can provide.



If anything, I'm noticing as much "we need a kin" in the AE these days, particularly last weekend. Now, sure, given that around half the characters in AE are Fire/Kinetic Controllers, they're not that hard to find, but it's still stupid. Had a situation where we had a 7 man team looking for one last member. I was on my Ill/Rad, we had a Fire/Rad and a Rad/Rad Def. Our glorious leader - a tank - refused to start until we found a kin. After 20 minutes, 5 of us disbanded, reformed, picked up a new tank (a fire one at that) and a couple of blasters, and it turned into one of the fastest moving teams I've seen in AE...

Amusingly enough, it also highlighted the "healer" thing. When we recruited the Rad def, the tank announced something like "at last, a healer". A remarkable display of ignorance, seeing as not only was the defender a Rad, he hadn't actually taken his heal (I asked him why, and he said he was going to pick it up later, but he wanted to get his debuffs, AM and some attacks first - he was mid-20s IIRC).



Originally Posted by Amberyl View Post
So the other day I'm sitting around in Atlas, bored and wanting to kill some time, so when I hear some guy broadcasting a LFM for a 52 AE boss mission, I send him a tell saying sure, 50 fire/kin controller, toss me an invite.

The guy (a 50 tank) sends me a tell back saying, "We need heals only."

Once I'm over my "..." reaction, I send him another tell, repeating, fire/kin. He replies no, they just need a healer.

I almost offered to come along and trail the team spamming Transfusion on autofire, doing nothing else, but I decided I wasn't that bored.
Originally Posted by Cavatina View Post
Thats why you stack multiple shield based defenders. because other than cointrollers, not much else matters.
Being very specific to the case of lvl 54 boss missions, things go a lot smoother if there's a little healing to top people off. Looking at +def as the only thing that matters is just as narrow as healz0r thinking.



Apart from what already been said,

If im on my granite, i dont need a sonic or ice, i dont need a FF. I have trashloads of defense myself already (basicly capped resist), i need healing. Nothing more, nothing less.

So i wont ask for a defender, i will ask for a healer. Controller empath is good too

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!




Sometimes heals is just what a team needs...granted most in AE are not that kind of team...but when I build a team I build for a good mix of control/debuff/dmg/buff/heals...I could have all of what I want...and be short my healer.

So yea if my team needs a healer, I may go looking for one. Now every defender is not a heal...yea I get that...But sometimes all we need is the green numbers...anything else you do is just gravy.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Apart from what already been said,

If im on my granite, i dont need a sonic or ice, i dont need a FF. I have trashloads of defense myself already (basicly capped resist), i need healing. Nothing more, nothing less.

So i wont ask for a defender, i will ask for a healer. Controller empath is good too
you want a Kin for teh "healing"



The sad thing? The AE is breeding a new type of noob defender who isnt empath either. This week i teamed with a FF defender who made me want to cry. The team i was in was punching above our weight but i felt pretty safe since we had 2 defenders, 1 being dark and the other was a FF - our tank was also shield ('Great!' im thinking, capped def for our tank and some protection for my blaster').

Then we start the mission...

At no point does anyone get a deflection or insulation shield, neither does the defender put up dispersion. I know they have them because i always inspect every player when i join a team to know what im getting. After the first couple of deaths i ask if the FF can remember to bubble the tank and squishys if they dont have time to do everyone (which from playing FF, i know they do...) and keep dispersion up since alot of our team was def based it would help greatly - the 2 scrappers were SR and Shield. Nothing...

Tank dies again. So i politely ask again and in response the defender pops up FORCE BUBBLE sending the mobs everywhere while the confused tank tries to catch up to the mobs...

After sending a PM to the defender telling them which bubbles i meant they dropped the 'g2g' in chat and left!

Oh, this person had 45 months of vet also.

Im sorry, but there is no way that would be possible without PL. My first toon was a defender, FF at that. You would have to learn what your bubbles did by the time you hit steel or have been kicked.

So yeah, no wonder people think healers are win if the non-healers in AE teams are giving good defenders a rap like that!



Originally Posted by Mr_DJ View Post
you want a Kin for teh "healing"
Yeah, when you've got nearly capped def and res, you don't need much more protection of any form, so go for defenders that boost the team's damage - kin, rad, storm etc - over a "healer". Those three can all heal to counteract what little damage gets through, and the group in general kills stuff much faster.



Originally Posted by Scorpious_EU View Post
The sad thing? The AE is breeding a new type of noob defender who isnt empath either. This week i teamed with a FF defender who made me want to cry. The team i was in was punching above our weight but i felt pretty safe since we had 2 defenders, 1 being dark and the other was a FF - our tank was also shield ('Great!' im thinking, capped def for our tank and some protection for my blaster').

Then we start the mission...

At no point does anyone get a deflection or insulation shield, neither does the defender put up dispersion. I know they have them because i always inspect every player when i join a team to know what im getting. After the first couple of deaths i ask if the FF can remember to bubble the tank and squishys if they dont have time to do everyone (which from playing FF, i know they do...) and keep dispersion up since alot of our team was def based it would help greatly - the 2 scrappers were SR and Shield. Nothing...

Tank dies again. So i politely ask again and in response the defender pops up FORCE BUBBLE sending the mobs everywhere while the confused tank tries to catch up to the mobs...

After sending a PM to the defender telling them which bubbles i meant they dropped the 'g2g' in chat and left!

Oh, this person had 45 months of vet also.

Im sorry, but there is no way that would be possible without PL. My first toon was a defender, FF at that. You would have to learn what your bubbles did by the time you hit steel or have been kicked.

So yeah, no wonder people think healers are win if the non-healers in AE teams are giving good defenders a rap like that!
Yep, seen several Bubblers not use their bubbles. Probably the worst was a MM (in RWZ) that would only bubble his pets and refused to bubble the team, despite the fact that the pets were almost never getting attacked due to us having two good tanks keeping aggro between them...

Same with Empaths and Fort (though they seem to be OK at using the RAs) and Kins and SB. The latter might keep it up on the Stone tank, but the chances of an AE'd kineticist keeping the whole group SB for most of the time is negligable.



Originally Posted by Scorpious_EU View Post

At no point does anyone get a deflection or insulation shield, neither does the defender put up dispersion. I know they have them because i always inspect every player when i join a team to know what im getting. After the first couple of deaths i ask if the FF can remember to bubble the tank and squishys if they dont have time to do everyone (which from playing FF, i know they do...) and keep dispersion up since alot of our team was def based it would help greatly - the 2 scrappers were SR and Shield. Nothing...

Tank dies again. So i politely ask again and in response the defender pops up FORCE BUBBLE sending the mobs everywhere while the confused tank tries to catch up to the mobs...

After sending a PM to the defender telling them which bubbles i meant they dropped the 'g2g' in chat and left!

Oh, this person had 45 months of vet also.
That goes beyond stupidity or ignorance and reaches the realm of just plain wierd. Given the vet badge the argument could be made it was even griefing.



Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
Yep, seen several Bubblers not use their bubbles. Probably the worst was a MM (in RWZ) that would only bubble his pets and refused to bubble the team, despite the fact that the pets were almost never getting attacked due to us having two good tanks keeping aggro between them...

Same with Empaths and Fort (though they seem to be OK at using the RAs) and Kins and SB. The latter might keep it up on the Stone tank, but the chances of an AE'd kineticist keeping the whole group SB for most of the time is negligable.
I agree with the bubbler because bubbles are what defines the set but I think SB is not always required on a kin, tranference and fulcrum shift are really 2 big assets of this set and the 2min duration of SB make this power really annoying.

I'd understand a kin that only boost the stone tank or half the team, i mean this power is always down, as a kin i don't want to spend my time doing this ... especially if i'm a controller (i know i know ... defender forum here but kinetics is a defensive powerset )



Originally Posted by _Starbird_ View Post
I agree with the bubbler because bubbles are what defines the set but I think SB is not always required on a kin, tranference and fulcrum shift are really 2 big assets of this set and the 2min duration of SB make this power really annoying.

I'd understand a kin that only boost the stone tank or half the team, i mean this power is always down, as a kin i don't want to spend my time doing this ... especially if i'm a controller (i know i know ... defender forum here but kinetics is a defensive powerset )
I probably wasn't clear. I'm not saying Kins should have to take SB. But these kins inevitably do have it. Yet thy don't use it. That's what annoys me. Not bad builds, or people skipping powers or so on, but players taking these powers and not using them. Even if I met a FFer who didn't take the bubbles an instead focused on knockdown/back, then I'd accept it (though, of course, I'd prefer one with bubbles). But if I met a FFer who had bubbles but didn't use them, well, thats asking for a kick.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
Apart from what already been said,

If im on my granite, i dont need a sonic or ice, i dont need a FF. I have trashloads of defense myself already (basicly capped resist), i need healing. Nothing more, nothing less.

So i wont ask for a defender, i will ask for a healer. Controller empath is good too
I am confused. If mobs are supposedly not hitting you due to your already high defense, why would you need a healer?

For me if they are hitting me it's because I don't have enough defense.
Having done +4 TFs with a bubbler on my Ice tank... I can tell you that 80% defense to all makes a lot of difference.



Originally Posted by Arondell View Post
That goes beyond stupidity or ignorance and reaches the realm of just plain wierd. Given the vet badge the argument could be made it was even griefing.
Originally Posted by _dEOS_ View Post
I am confused. If mobs are supposedly not hitting you due to your already high defense, why would you need a healer?

For me if they are hitting me it's because I don't have enough defense.
Having done +4 TFs with a bubbler on my Ice tank... I can tell you that 80% defense to all makes a lot of difference.
80% to all? That stopped making a difference after about 45-ish. Because once you have enough defense to floor the incoming hit rolls, more is wasted. Beyond that, you have to look at other forms of mitigation such as resists and heals for the attacks that do get through. Defense alone isn't the whole picture.



Originally Posted by _dEOS_ View Post
I am confused. If mobs are supposedly not hitting you due to your already high defense, why would you need a healer?

For me if they are hitting me it's because I don't have enough defense.
Having done +4 TFs with a bubbler on my Ice tank... I can tell you that 80% defense to all makes a lot of difference.
Sonic = More Defense + Easier to kill mobs + Positioning.
Storm = Easier to kill mobs + positioning + a light heal.
FF = More Defense + Positioning.
Cold Dom = Easier to kill mobs + buffs + More defense.
Kins = Easier to kill mobs + buffs + positioning.
Dark = Easier to kill mobs + controls + a light heal.
Trick Arrow = Easier to kill mobs + Controls.
Radiation Em. = Easier to kill mobs + Controls + buff + a light heal.
Emapthy = A lot of healing + Health/Endurance buffs + a def/dmg/to-hit ST buff.

Honestly, if I have a good tanker, anything with more defense is an added bonus. Especially if it's a armor set that's either all +def or +res. Then look at what else they can do. Most Stone/ tankers don't really need the healing because of their Defense/Resistance, the +health buff takes away nearly all need for healing for a good Stone/, and both the Def, to-hit, and Dmg buff is better on other members of the team. Assuming the tanker is keeping the aggro from the enmies, only the to-hit and dmg really matters on any member of the team, thus low level characters and those with high damage should get the buff, not the tanker. Granted, this isn't always the case and I always say to alter your tactics to the team (as everyone should on the team so they actually gel), but with this general idea, you'll be well on your way most of the time. So why would a Stone/ tanker want an Empath when he can take another power set that offers something more to the team even more so in the easier to kill mobs version or the +def/res power sets for when the teammates happen to pull a bit of aggro from the tank?

Empathy, though useful, isn't really ever *needed* on a usual team nor task force.

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



Originally Posted by SkeetSkeet View Post
80% to all? That stopped making a difference after about 45-ish. Because once you have enough defense to floor the incoming hit rolls, more is wasted. Beyond that, you have to look at other forms of mitigation such as resists and heals for the attacks that do get through. Defense alone isn't the whole picture.
Quite true. But defense alone wasn't what I was commenting on in regards to the odd behavior of the FF defender mentioned. The individual wasn't turning Dispersion Field on? Then when asked to activate dispersion field he activated force barrier instead at a poor time and then left the team? That is more then a defense issue.



I do not team with emp defenders. If my team NEEDS an empath, its time to log and sleep off the booze. In this game strict heal's are a waste of a party spot. Trollers at least can troll when not healing. Rad, Termal, Kin, Dark can heal AND do other things like buff/debuff. And I love TA/A or bubblers any day of the week. And ive known a few of those that will add medicine for heal other, stim, and rez, and use them only in dire circumstances. then again ive known blasters to get those powers too.



Originally Posted by Haruu View Post
I do not team with emp defenders.
Narrow... minded.

If my team NEEDS an empath, its time to log and sleep off the booze. In this game strict heal's are a waste of a party spot.
If the set were "strict heals" you might have a point. Since it isn't...

Trollers at least can troll when not healing. Rad, Termal, Kin, Dark can heal AND do other things like buff/debuff. And I love TA/A or bubblers any day of the week. And ive known a few of those that will add medicine for heal other, stim, and rez, and use them only in dire circumstances. then again ive known blasters to get those powers too.
Teams don't "need" any of those sets in particular... teams need a role filled, a role where any of them can get the job done when played properly.