Love Knock Out Blow




I love what KO blow does, I hate how it looks doing it.

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Hey, if we're really lucky, i16 will allow alternate animations for our powers.

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Knowing BaBs, we would have to be astronomically lucky.


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Ummmm, what does that mean, exactly? BAB does a lot of good work for animations, and a pretty thorough job. With Shields, he did a lot of extra animations that he didn't need to do. There are variations on attacks from the Super Strength set, different taunt animations, etc.

That doesn't mean I'm saying we will absolutely have different animations to choose from (as that's even higher degree of customization difficulty than weapon and some color changes), but ummmm, there seemed to be some negative feeling to BAB with that, which isn't warranted.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I love what KO blow does, I hate how it looks doing it.

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Hey, if we're really lucky, i16 will allow alternate animations for our powers.

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Knowing BaBs, we would have to be astronomically lucky.


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I think I know me, and I have no idea what you're inferring.



I love what KO blow does, I hate how it looks doing it.

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Hey, if we're really lucky, i16 will allow alternate animations for our powers.

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Knowing BaBs, we would have to be astronomically lucky.


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I think I know me, and I have no idea what you're inferring.

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I know both of you, and I have an idea.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I love what KO blow does, I hate how it looks doing it.

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Hey, if we're really lucky, i16 will allow alternate animations for our powers.

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Knowing BaBs, we would have to be astronomically lucky.


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I think I know me, and I have no idea what you're inferring.

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I know both of you, and I have an idea.

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Underneath a mountain, a siren sudden screams.

"Defcon 1, we are going to Defcon 1 - ATHENA has an idea!"

Nothing personal, mind you. It just sounded kinda ominous. Like the lady I met the other day saying "My party went great! Now, let me explain..." to a coworker of hers.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



I love what KO blow does, I hate how it looks doing it.

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Hey, if we're really lucky, i16 will allow alternate animations for our powers.

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Knowing BaBs, we would have to be astronomically lucky.


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I think I know me, and I have no idea what you're inferring.

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I know both of you, and I have an idea.

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Underneath a mountain, a siren sudden screams.

"Defcon 1, we are going to Defcon 1 - ATHENA has an idea!"

Nothing personal, mind you. It just sounded kinda ominous. Like the lady I met the other day saying "My party went great! Now, let me explain..." to a coworker of hers.

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Also, given J_Bs posting history it's pretty clear what he means.



Awesome power I agree...but the wind-up is very cartoony.

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Part of the charm, IMO. I wish my tankers could eat a can of spinach right before the windup.

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Some times when i had my SS/SD Brute i would here Pop-eye's laughter as used that power, reminds me when a was little back around 1995(not fully sure on the year).


Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



I love what KO blow does, I hate how it looks doing it.

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Hey, if we're really lucky, i16 will allow alternate animations for our powers.

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Knowing BaBs, we would have to be astronomically lucky.


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I think I know me, and I have no idea what you're inferring.

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You know, if you feed them BaBs, they'll never go away.




I like KO blow, it's cheesy sure, but it is a fairly unique animation (can't think of any other powers that use it, but there might be some). When at times it feels like every second melee power is using the haymaker animation (it isn't really that common, but always pops up on sets I play) KO blow is a nice breath of fresh air.



I love what KO blow does, I hate how it looks doing it.

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Hey, if we're really lucky, i16 will allow alternate animations for our powers.

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Knowing BaBs, we would have to be astronomically lucky.


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I think I know me, and I have no idea what you're inferring.

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I think he's saying the odds of getting lucky with you by I16 are astronomical.

I think he's right .... for once.



I love what KO blow does, I hate how it looks doing it.

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Hey, if we're really lucky, i16 will allow alternate animations for our powers.

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Knowing BaBs, we would have to be astronomically lucky.


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I think I know me, and I have no idea what you're inferring.

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I think he's saying the odds of getting lucky with you by I16 are astronomical.

I think he's right .... for once.

[/ QUOTE ]i think you're right. Weird, that means J_B's post had two points instead of just the usual one at the end to prevent total pointlessness.[/snark]

Based on what i've read about how the engine handles powers and animations i'd sort of expect BAB to run screaming into the night if he was told that they were adding alternate animations to all the powers. (Assuming the process of making Going Rogue doesn't actually include redesigning the engine from the ground up and free anti-psychotics for the Developers.) Still, just adding the ability to change power colors is a pretty major change, so who knows?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Also, given J_Bs posting history it's pretty clear what he means.

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I'm very familiar with Johnny's campaigns and posting history, but I'm just not clear on what the inference is.

Whether or not any powers ever get alternate animations has nothing to do with luck. I've never personally been against the idea of having alternate power animations, quite the opposite. We've simply lacked the tech to do that and the time to create said animations.

The infamous knockout blow animation wasn't even something that I animated, so I have no attachment to it and don't feel any need to defend it's quality. I happen to like it, I know plenty of others do as well, and I know a great deal of people who don't.

What any of that has to do with 'knowing BABs' and the likelihood of this happening at any time is where I'm confused.



I'm guessing, "the devs are idiots, they never do what I want" was the general gist of the post.
If post history accounts for any pattern, that is.

I think KoB is unique, I've always liked it. If there were any alternate animation changes in the future, I'd love to see distinct weapon attacks, rather then the copy paste of axe/mace/bs.




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Greek goddess of War/Honorable Combat and Wisdom.

Since Arcanaville is a female, Apollo would not be that appropriate.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Based on what i've read about how the engine handles powers and animations i'd sort of expect BAB to run screaming into the night if he was told that they were adding alternate animations to all the powers.

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Technically speaking, whether I16 allows alternate animations for powers is a separate question from whether BaB is asked to create a large library of options for us to choose from. The game engine has no real limitation on the colors that you can assign to a costume piece, but that doesn't mean we are actually presented with the complete RGB palette.

As to the workload involved, BaB's primary job is to make animations. Its all the same to him which animations he makes. If he's told to spend the next ten weeks making new animations for player powers its no different than being asked to spend the next ten weeks making new animations for new critters for I18. When BaB says the level of effort would be very high, he's not saying its too high for him to do, he's saying its high enough that its not a task that would be assigned to him (tying him up from doing anything else) lightly.

But its not like BaB makes up his own tasking: if Positron said to go make custom player animations, that's what BaB would be working on tomorrow. To get the level of customization most players desire though, could take a single person years to create without additional assistance. My guess is that if customized animations are ever introduced, they will be phased into the game in batches, much like customized weapons were. Although there are some kick-start opportunities: its possible to make a database of all non-weapon "blast" animations, for example, and allow players to swap animations of equal or longer animation time.**

** If the devs allowed players to pick animations that had *longer* rooted times than the standard one, rather than just exactly equal, in effect the players could be essentially getting a damage debuff for customization. Har, har, har.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Also, given J_Bs posting history it's pretty clear what he means.

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I'm very familiar with Johnny's campaigns and posting history, but I'm just not clear on what the inference is.

Whether or not any powers ever get alternate animations has nothing to do with luck. I've never personally been against the idea of having alternate power animations, quite the opposite. We've simply lacked the tech to do that and the time to create said animations.

The infamous knockout blow animation wasn't even something that I animated, so I have no attachment to it and don't feel any need to defend it's quality. I happen to like it, I know plenty of others do as well, and I know a great deal of people who don't.

What any of that has to do with 'knowing BABs' and the likelihood of this happening at any time is where I'm confused.

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J_B has consistently misinterpreted all red name posts stating that something might be either "hard" or "time consuming" as being, therefore, unlikely to occur as if you and Castle picked your own daily task list and decided to avoid the toughies instead of, say, doing what your presumptive bosses might have assigned to you that week.

I'm picturing something like:

Positron: BaB, I'd like to you work on power animation customization.

BaB: But that's hard. And it would take up like my whole day.

Positron: err, well, how about just making a new sit emote and taking the rest of the day off?

BaB: Ok. But just for males. I'll do the female version next tuesday after my morning nap.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Also, given J_Bs posting history it's pretty clear what he means.

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I'm very familiar with Johnny's campaigns and posting history, but I'm just not clear on what the inference is.

Whether or not any powers ever get alternate animations has nothing to do with luck. I've never personally been against the idea of having alternate power animations, quite the opposite. We've simply lacked the tech to do that and the time to create said animations.

The infamous knockout blow animation wasn't even something that I animated, so I have no attachment to it and don't feel any need to defend it's quality. I happen to like it, I know plenty of others do as well, and I know a great deal of people who don't.

What any of that has to do with 'knowing BABs' and the likelihood of this happening at any time is where I'm confused.

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J_B has consistently misinterpreted all red name posts stating that something might be either "hard" or "time consuming" as being, therefore, unlikely to occur as if you and Castle picked your own daily task list and decided to avoid the toughies instead of, say, doing what your presumptive bosses might have assigned to you that week.

I'm picturing something like:

Positron: BaB, I'd like to you work on power animation customization.

BaB: But that's hard. And it would take up like my whole day.

Positron: err, well, how about just making a new sit emote and taking the rest of the day off?

BaB: Ok. But just for males. I'll do the female version next tuesday after my morning nap.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wasn't that I10?


P.S. - J_B is the best troll ever ... even if he doesn't know it.



My Golem would agree I love whacking foes with K.O. Blow. And while I don't "hate" the animtion, the winding fist was kinda corny, but the end justify the means. Would I like a better/different animation? sure, but its not as serious as with Energy transfer's "girlie push" animation.

On that note, I find it funny B.A.Bs getting all defensive, we all know he ain't gonna change it. Thats like asking for a 1 hour positron TF....very mother Fawking unlikely.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."




Whether or not any powers ever get alternate animations has nothing to do with luck. I've never personally been against the idea of having alternate power animations, quite the opposite. We've simply lacked the tech to do that and the time to create said animations.

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Funny how you say that in past tense. It's almost as if your subconcious was screaming that you now have the tech and the time and that we may see this in I16 along with color customization.



Whether or not any powers ever get alternate animations has nothing to do with luck.

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We have no idea the extent this upcoming "customization" actually is. Luck only comes into it, when our speculation(and hopes) actually match what is coming.
We all have different ideas just what Power Customization would be. I remember that different animations was one such desire.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Thank you for the dev interpretation. Handy as always.

In another thread Moonlighter said:
Things that really should be banned (temporarily):
~ If your response makes assumptions on what the devs are thinking instead of the changes they implemented you need a break.
~ If your response is more about the devs and less about the change you need a break.
~ If your response is driven by self righteous indignation you need a break.

~ If your response word smiths or twists the devs words when my 8 year old nephew understands exactly what they mean you need a break.
~ If you waste time actually fabricating a fictional exchange in the Paragon office then you *really* need a break.

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Greek goddess of War/Honorable Combat and Wisdom.

Since Arcanaville is a female, Apollo would not be that appropriate.

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Don't forget, Athena's the godess of Crafting, namesake and protector of Athens, and doesn't go for traditional childbirths.... I could say she likes taking long walks along beaches, but then again, that's part of how she was born.



I hear Jackie Gleeson yelling "Bang! Zoom!"

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hehe a very good idea for a bind although it would probably get annoying to the team after awhile. lol "One of these days Alice, one of these days"...

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Awesome power I agree...but the wind-up is very cartoony.

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Just imagine hearing "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME!" during the animation.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



BaB: Ok. But just for males. I'll do the female version next tuesday after my morning nap.

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ZOMG! They get morning naps!?!?!

(Don't take me seriously here A-ville.)




Whether or not any powers ever get alternate animations has nothing to do with luck. I've never personally been against the idea of having alternate power animations, quite the opposite. We've simply lacked the tech to do that and the time to create said animations.

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Funny how you say that in past tense. It's almost as if your subconcious was screaming that you now have the tech and the time and that we may see this in I16 along with color customization.

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Now you're just baiting.

Some say you're a master of it.