Love Knock Out Blow




Do you have some kind of chemistry issue that makes it physically impossible for you to be happy? I haven't seen one positive post from you anywhere.

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Just last week I spend several paragraphs almost gushing about the ITF, the Faultline arcs and to a lesser extent, the RWZ arcs.

I've also gone on record as saying the game's lore is top notch, if a little self-contradicting and having been muddled over the different media it's been featured in.

I think Hero 1 does an awesome job for the most part and that Manticore is very cool for the Q/A thread thing he's doing lately. Jay is awesome and he'd be more awesome if he found the time to add an unzipped version of the Racer jacket for Males/Females and Huge. I'm a fan of War Witch's zone work. I've praised the concept artists in general and David Nakayama's art specifically.

I've got nothing bad to say about any of the community relations people and moderators I've had contact with for both negative and positive reasons.

I thanked BaBs for increasing the size of Hurl's projectile. I thanked Castle for Invul's buffs.

That's just stuff off the top of my head.

All in all, I think I praise a greater number things than what I criticize. I just criticize those few things so often and so heavily that's what gets seen the most.

Regarding i16, I said it was a good start. I'd like to see it expanded upon in the near future with alternate animations for every power, the ability to pick emmination points (having an Ice Blaster who's ice attacks come from a freeze gun, etc), including pool and epic powers to the list of customizable powers (Tankers, Scrappers and Controllers should be able to get pink Fire Balls and blue Laser Eyes too) and allowing players to add and remove effects to attacks like screen shake and debris.

And maybe, just maybe, down the road, the ability to change performace aspects of some powers. Being able to change a -def debuff effect to a -res effect. Being able to remove knockback from a power and add extra damage. That is the longest shot of all, IMO.




I would think the code in CoH is also effected by the constant revisions. Any program that is constantly revised becomes much more complicated than it was originally, unless you are willing to take the time to completely rewrite it.

Typically no one rewrites everything for every change. They patch and tweak until things get too hard to maintain then they redesign the whole thing from the ground up knowing what they are trying to achieve from the start.

The trick is knowing when to rewrite and being willing to pay for it. Most companies I've worked with (non-software companies) basically wait until the system is all but unusable, complain about it and replace it with a whole new package bought from an outside vendor (which is often inferior to the original system).

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



The i16 info actually vindicates me.

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What a surprise. Let's review:

Allow me to clarify.

Knowing that:

-You've implied in the past the animation and power systems effects were held together by Elmer's glue and thumbtacks, and that changing animations was cumbersome.

-Cast times for animations are not standard, greatly cutting down what animations could be swapped around without impacting power balance. Unless a system was created to auto re-time them and assuming they still looked OK...or unless you created dozens of versions of the KO Blow animation to fit every conceivable cast time, I wouldn't see the work involved being worth it just for something as minor as every attack having one alternate animation.

-You're already swamped with work doing just the particle effects tinting aspect of power customization, which as far as we know is the extent of the customization i16 will offer(the already existing weapon customization system not withstanding).

-Melee sets without weapons are the minority. There's more bang/buck ratio for putting work in to custom weapons and tinting particle effects.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you assert that:

1. The code that connects powers to animations is fragile enough to make changing it unlikely.
2. Cast times would be a problem or restriction for alternate animations
3. There's too much work with color tinting to allow for the creation of custom animations
4. Melee sets without weapons are a minority not worth working on.

I16 proves you correct that we'd have to be astronomically lucky for I16 to "allow alternate animations for our powers" because in I16:

1. They added relatively simple code to allow for powers to call alternate animation and FX sequences
2. They did so in a manner that always preserves cast time
3. They decided to make time specifically to create custom animations in some cases...
4. ...specifically for a couple of the unarmed melee sets because their color/tinting options are lower, and to introduce the fact that I16 now allows for alternate animations for your powers

Of course, when you look at it that way, its obvious how you could come to the mistaken conclusion that I16 vindicates your position. For at least this definition of vindicates:

To get revenge for; to avenge

It does look like I16 is specifically designed to take revenge on your posts, but that's entirely a coincidence.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



The i16 info actually vindicates me.

[/ QUOTE ]

What a surprise. Let's review:

Allow me to clarify.

Knowing that:

-You've implied in the past the animation and power systems effects were held together by Elmer's glue and thumbtacks, and that changing animations was cumbersome.

-Cast times for animations are not standard, greatly cutting down what animations could be swapped around without impacting power balance. Unless a system was created to auto re-time them and assuming they still looked OK...or unless you created dozens of versions of the KO Blow animation to fit every conceivable cast time, I wouldn't see the work involved being worth it just for something as minor as every attack having one alternate animation.

-You're already swamped with work doing just the particle effects tinting aspect of power customization, which as far as we know is the extent of the customization i16 will offer(the already existing weapon customization system not withstanding).

-Melee sets without weapons are the minority. There's more bang/buck ratio for putting work in to custom weapons and tinting particle effects.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you assert that:

1. The code that connects powers to animations is fragile enough to make changing it unlikely.
2. Cast times would be a problem or restriction for alternate animations
3. There's too much work with color tinting to allow for the creation of custom animations
4. Melee sets without weapons are a minority not worth working on.

I16 proves you correct that we'd have to be astronomically lucky for I16 to "allow alternate animations for our powers" because in I16:

1. They added relatively simple code to allow for powers to call alternate animation and FX sequences
2. They did so in a manner that always preserves cast time
3. They decided to make time specifically to create custom animations in some cases...
4. ...specifically for a couple of the unarmed melee sets because their color/tinting options are lower, and to introduce the fact that I16 now allows for alternate animations for your powers

Of course, when you look at it that way, its obvious how you could come to the mistaken conclusion that I16 vindicates your position. For at least this definition of vindicates:

To get revenge for; to avenge

It does look like I16 is specifically designed to take revenge on your posts, but that's entirely a coincidence.

[/ QUOTE ]

From the person that suggested ED, you need to understand that you are trying to argue against a person's empathic response which is worthless.

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



Yeah, but you know we were all thinking that exact thing



Or to admit that he is wrong.

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Like Dr. House, minus the wit and utterly devoid of humor.

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Like the Fonz, minus the cool.



Yeah, but you know we were all thinking that exact thing

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ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



I would think the code in CoH is also effected by the constant revisions. ...

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I agree, from my experience [and working with developers] they still work to a core set of code. It's a reason why issues/problems reappear time to time and quickly need to be repatched. The company will try to push the developers to reuse much code as possible versus new pure development as anything else will cut into profits.

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



The i16 info actually vindicates me.

[/ QUOTE ]

What a surprise. Let's review:

Allow me to clarify.

Knowing that:

-You've implied in the past the animation and power systems effects were held together by Elmer's glue and thumbtacks, and that changing animations was cumbersome.

-Cast times for animations are not standard, greatly cutting down what animations could be swapped around without impacting power balance. Unless a system was created to auto re-time them and assuming they still looked OK...or unless you created dozens of versions of the KO Blow animation to fit every conceivable cast time, I wouldn't see the work involved being worth it just for something as minor as every attack having one alternate animation.

-You're already swamped with work doing just the particle effects tinting aspect of power customization, which as far as we know is the extent of the customization i16 will offer(the already existing weapon customization system not withstanding).

-Melee sets without weapons are the minority. There's more bang/buck ratio for putting work in to custom weapons and tinting particle effects.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you assert that:

1. The code that connects powers to animations is fragile enough to make changing it unlikely.
2. Cast times would be a problem or restriction for alternate animations
3. There's too much work with color tinting to allow for the creation of custom animations
4. Melee sets without weapons are a minority not worth working on.

I16 proves you correct that we'd have to be astronomically lucky for I16 to "allow alternate animations for our powers" because in I16:

1. They added relatively simple code to allow for powers to call alternate animation and FX sequences
2. They did so in a manner that always preserves cast time
3. They decided to make time specifically to create custom animations in some cases...
4. ...specifically for a couple of the unarmed melee sets because their color/tinting options are lower, and to introduce the fact that I16 now allows for alternate animations for your powers

Of course, when you look at it that way, its obvious how you could come to the mistaken conclusion that I16 vindicates your position. For at least this definition of vindicates:

To get revenge for; to avenge

It does look like I16 is specifically designed to take revenge on your posts, but that's entirely a coincidence.

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From the person that suggested ED, you need to understand that you are trying to argue against a person's empathic response which is worthless.

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Actually that was just Arc stretching her retorting legs.

I think she actually saves these up for stress relievers



Hey, if we're really lucky, i16 will allow alternate animations for our powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Knowing BaBs, we would have to be astronomically lucky.

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Goodbye "Johnny_Butane", hello "Astronomically_Lucky"!

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The comment still stands.

They are delivering only two sets with alternate animations for i16, as opposed to every set.

"For our powers" in this case doesn't apply to anything that's not SS or MA, which is the case for MOST of the powers in the game.

So if you're not SS or MA, they are not providing alternate animations to you powers in i16.

If I instruct someone to "stack the boxes on the floor" and they only stack two of the ten boxes on the floor, the job is not complete. You shouldn't have to specify "stack ALL the boxes on the floor". It's implicit.

In this case, it should have been implicit I was referring to all the attack animations in the game, not just MA and SS.

The i16 info actually vindicates me. We're only getting a couple sets with alternate animations for i16. Even if we get some later, that still wont be for i16.


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Are you actually arguing semantics to put this one in the win column? Does Clinton call you padawan?

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



J_B: "We would have to be astronomically lucky for the sky to become blue for I16."

BABs: "You're wearing tinted sunglasses. The sky has always been blue, dude."

J_B: "BABs's assertion vindicates my point. Since the sky has always been blue, it cannot become blue for I16."



Arguing with J_B is like arguing with a conspiracy theorist. Any evidence at all, even that which directly contradicts his point, is held as evidence for it. While I understand that there's a necessity to opposing intellectually worthless ideas so as to prevent them from garnering traction amongst the innocent, I can't imagine it's worth the bother to try and be thorough.



Arguing with J_B is like arguing with a conspiracy theorist.

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Arguing with J_B is arguing with a conspiracy theorist.



Arguing with J_B is like arguing with a conspiracy theorist.

[/ QUOTE ]
Arguing with J_B is arguing with a conspiracy theorist.

[/ QUOTE ]I wouldn't go that far. Conspiracy theorists dedicate their effort to dealing with information-bound conspiracies that affect things that actually matter*. They don't sit in the restauraunt and continue eating while whining about the quality of the food and asking for a second serve.

* Or would, if they existed.



Arguing with J_B is like arguing with a conspiracy theorist. Any evidence at all, even that which directly contradicts his point, is held as evidence for it. While I understand that there's a necessity to opposing intellectually worthless ideas so as to prevent them from garnering traction amongst the innocent, I can't imagine it's worth the bother to try and be thorough.

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Whoa, I just heard this exact thing said on the Daily Show (or was it Colbert...) good stuff!



Arguing with J_B is like arguing with a conspiracy theorist.

[/ QUOTE ]
Arguing with J_B is arguing with a conspiracy theorist.

[/ QUOTE ]I wouldn't go that far. Conspiracy theorists dedicate their effort to dealing with information-bound conspiracies that affect things that actually matter*. They don't sit in the restauraunt and continue eating while whining about the quality of the food and asking for a second serve.

* Or would, if they existed.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd call him more of a low-grade conspiracy theorist. After all, he's proposed that the devs have been conspiring against tanks, the invuln set, and comic books in general for some time now.

All conspiracy theories, just not of any real significance to the rest of us.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



I'd call him more of a low-grade conspiracy theorist. After all, he's proposed that the devs have been conspiring against tanks, the invuln set, and comic books in general for some time now.

All conspiracy theories, just not of any real significance to the rest of us.

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Oh dear, look what I started.

Let's talk KO blow! Woo!

I do love the corny windup punch, but am still psyched to see what the alternate animation is. I have more that one toon with KO Blow, and a 'less corny' look would be sweet for my villain.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Hey, if we're really lucky, i16 will allow alternate animations for our powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Knowing BaBs, we would have to be astronomically lucky.

[/ QUOTE ]
Goodbye "Johnny_Butane", hello "Astronomically_Lucky"!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oops, how'd that slip out.

"The i16 info actually vindicates me. We're onl..............................................., it's funny, but not worth my time to dissect the backpedaling.

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Why dissect? You could just quote all that and it would be clear as day to anyone. Seriously, some people just want to make the Baby Jesus cry.

At any rate, I'm just glad Tankers got some of these options (though I'm already benefiting from animation proliferation in part because I have a Shield/SS), and I'll be keen on seeing where they go from there. I've been more dissatisfied with the overlapping of animations in game than with a lack of power customization, actually, so hopefully this will provide a means out of that problem. Good stuff, for sure!

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



The i16 info actually vindicates me.

[/ QUOTE ]
... its obvious how you could come to the mistaken conclusion that I16 vindicates your position. For at least this definition of vindicates:

To get revenge for; to avenge

It does look like I16 is specifically designed to take revenge on your posts, but that's entirely a coincidence.

[/ QUOTE ]
That last sentence made me literally laugh out loud. Then look around guiltily. When I was alone in the room.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



I finally got KO Blow six-slotted with Kinetic Crash, and spent some time wandering around Galaxy City after a Rikti Raid, punching level 1s and trying to scroll the screen out far enough to see how high they went.

I lold.



As a joke I once slotted footstomp for max KB and ran around getting into groups (especially farm groups) just to see their reaction and blaming it on "the patch".

I'm easily amused.



You still do this and blame it on PB's and nrg blasters.



Maybe the devs will take out KB in Kheld powers.

It worked for SS