Non-PvP way to get Shivans, Nukes, etc.




I don't PvP. Period. I'm not interested in combat with other players, and the attitude of trash talk and "leetness" poisons the entire concept for me. (I realize that not all PvPers are like that, but the bad apples have spoiled the entire barrel.)

I just wish there was a way to get Shivans and Nukes without going into a PvP zone. It would obviously have to be more difficult than in the PvP zones, to compensate for the lack of PvP risk. Just so long as I could do it without going into a PvP zone.

I'm not asking for some kind of immunity, so I can safely run the tasks in the zone, because if I'm not going to accept the risk, I shouldn't be in the zone. I'm asking for a completely alternate way to earn the temp powers.

I know the zones are frequently "dead", especially in the mornings. I know the tasks are in PvP zones in order to draw more people in. It doesn't matter. I'm not going in there.

I just wish there was an alternative.



*The below text is the standard answer I would give before i13*


I wish they would invent a way for me to go 1 to 50 so I can skip the repetative content of PvE.

You hate PvP. Period. Then live with the fact that there are certain things that you won't have. I hate PvE, but I have to do it to play this game the way I want to play it (Which is PvP)



Eh, I agree and disagree with you on this one Tripp.

It would be nice if it were possible to get them without PvPing.


The Shivans and Nukes are part of the reward specifically for entering the PvP zones. Removing that risk would damage the risk/reward ratio, likely resulting in the temp powers themselves getting nerfed. Less risk = less reward.

That said, I used to like PvP. It prevented a challenge in not knowing what my opponent was going to do, whereas in PvE I can predict with 99.99% accuracy what a mob will do when I use a particular power on it.

The attitude and behavior in PvP zones is what turned me off of it. I'll still go in there to get temp powers, but I have very little interest in fighting anyone anymore. It seems that someone's pixels being able to beat up my pixels makes them better than me somehow. Who'd have figured?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Would you pay 1000 merits?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



PvP zones need a mini-game to differentiiate them from straight out arena type fighting.

Those are the mini-games, in each case an individual can get the shards/codes exclusively from PvP others. (someone has to get the code form a meteor to start the chain, but you can get them from otehrs who have).

So any chance of having them as rewards outside of those mini-games is slim.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



And its not like you cant sneak around to get a Shiv or a nuke anyways. Its not that hard to do, just do it quietly and dont announce yourself. Going on /hide helps too.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



I hate exploring I want a way to get all the exploring and history badges without having to travel around.



I hear you, Tripp. I haven't entered a PvP zone since Issue 6 went live. I'm not about to now. It just sucks that because I don't PvP, I'm also being kept from doing PvE content, like getting villain accolades and Lord Recluse Strike Forces.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Even though I never PvP I dont think i could support a change like this as I feel they're (extra mini games with rewards) pretty much part of the reason for those zones existing.

And PvP has stopped me from getting a nuke every now and then but I dont think thats a reason to have them outside of PvP zones.



I hear you, Tripp. I haven't entered a PvP zone since Issue 6 went live. I'm not about to now. It just sucks that because I don't PvP, I'm also being kept from doing PvE content, like getting villain accolades and Lord Recluse Strike Forces.

[/ QUOTE ]

How does PvP stop you from doing the Lord Recluse Strike force? No pvp their I assure you.



Because people won't invite you to do it unless you've come prepared with Shivans and nukes.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



I'm asking for a completely alternate way to earn the temp powers.

[/ QUOTE ]IIRC, Castle has said that the only reason Shivans and Nukes remain as overpowered as they are is because of the PvP risk. If there was a way to get them outside of PvP, I'd expect them to be nerfed heavily.



Run Master of LRSF then. No nukes or shivs allowed. =)

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Because people won't invite you to do it unless you've come prepared with Shivans and nukes.

[/ QUOTE ]I've seen many advertised, on many different servers, and never once have I seen "Shivans and nukes mandatory". And the runs I've been on did just fine without them, too.



I hear you, Tripp. I haven't entered a PvP zone since Issue 6 went live. I'm not about to now. It just sucks that because I don't PvP, I'm also being kept from doing PvE content, like getting villain accolades and Lord Recluse Strike Forces.

[/ QUOTE ]

Being kept from getting PvE content because you don't PvP is your choice.

People need to either embrace areas of the game they don't like inorder to get the things the want, or understand they may never have them.

My previous example was a little extreme. This is a PvE game after all with PvP in it, therefore being asked to PvE inorder to PvP isn't that big of a deal.

If there was a way to get hero/villain accolades that involved PvP, I would be happy. I hate badging, its the biggest waste of time this game has to offer. But, I do it because I need those badges to get some of the really neat accolades.

People shouldn't be able to bypass areas of the game just because you want the shiny that is offered by doing that portion of the game.



Can't agree with this, sorry. These rewards were and are designed to be obtained against the risk of pvp. If you want them, you have to take that risk. Just like if you want mayhe mission temp. powers, you have to do mayhem missions. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Because people won't invite you to do it unless you've come prepared with Shivans and nukes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats an issue with those people, not with the game. Neither are needed at all.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Because people won't invite you to do it unless you've come prepared with Shivans and nukes.

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't want to be on a team that needs those to complete the TF or SF. If they believe those things are mandatory, then they are doing it wrong or just plain lazy.

Shivans/nukes are not needed for to them.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."




Besides the zones are so dead now on most servers this is not an issue.

Besides there is no PvE content that needs nukes or shivans. Granted they are fun.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Well, you know the standard answers about PVP, time of day, don't advertise, go in with a group, etc. so I won't go there.

If there were a PVE way to get these, I'd expect (a) you'd end up with the minions, or the LT at best, and (b) like the warwolf whistle, it'd be non-repeatable outside of Ouro.



Would you pay 1000 merits?

[/ QUOTE ]

no, but i would pay 1 mill inf for one, maybe up to 5 mill. merits stink!



Because people won't invite you to do it unless you've come prepared with Shivans and nukes.

[/ QUOTE ]I've seen many advertised, on many different servers, and never once have I seen "Shivans and nukes mandatory". And the runs I've been on did just fine without them, too.

[/ QUOTE ]




Well, you know the standard answers about PVP, time of day, don't advertise, go in with a group, etc. so I won't go there.

If there were a PVE way to get these, I'd expect (a) you'd end up with the minions, or the LT at best, and (b) like the warwolf whistle, it'd be non-repeatable outside of Ouro.

[/ QUOTE ]You might be onto something here. A non-PvP, non-repeatable way to get a Shivan, or ONE of the nukes. Give us a taste and I might be more willing to take the chance in the PvP zone.

Intro to Ouroboros Arc: defeating the meteor gives everyone a Shivan of their own. (I'd call mine "George".) Only once per character, just like safeguard temp powers.

Nuke: ???



I don't PvP. Period. I'm not interested in combat with other players, and the attitude of trash talk and "leetness" poisons the entire concept for me. (I realize that not all PvPers are like that, but the bad apples have spoiled the entire barrel.)

I just wish there was a way to get Shivans and Nukes without going into a PvP zone. It would obviously have to be more difficult than in the PvP zones, to compensate for the lack of PvP risk. Just so long as I could do it without going into a PvP zone.

I'm not asking for some kind of immunity, so I can safely run the tasks in the zone, because if I'm not going to accept the risk, I shouldn't be in the zone. I'm asking for a completely alternate way to earn the temp powers.

I know the zones are frequently "dead", especially in the mornings. I know the tasks are in PvP zones in order to draw more people in. It doesn't matter. I'm not going in there.

I just wish there was an alternative.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know the rules. If you do not wish to go into the zone to get the shivs or nukes, don't. But don't expect the devs to make an alternate path for pve carebears.



I hear you, Tripp. I haven't entered a PvP zone since Issue 6 went live. I'm not about to now. It just sucks that because I don't PvP, I'm also being kept from doing PvE content, like getting villain accolades and Lord Recluse Strike Forces.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you cannot do the LRSF without every single member having nukes and shivs then you have other problems that making them available to all will not fix. It is your choice to not go into those zones. The only accolade tied to a pvp badge requires you to go into sirens, hop into the hospital and sit for 5 hours. Your choice again if you want to avoid that.

Edit to add: Oops there were some exploration badges too but that has since been covered.