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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
    this is my favorite thread

    And Im going to quote something I found on your boards that fits this thread perfectly


    Edit - The more I read this article, I see CoH pre i13 and post i13 in complete clarity
    Some quotes from the article to think about if you refuse to read it
    A common call of the scrub is to cry that the kind of play in which ones tries to win at all costs is "boring" or "not fun."
    Let's consider two groups of players: a group of good players and a group of scrubs. The scrubs will play "for fun" and not explore the extremities of the game. They won't find the most effective tactics and abuse them mercilessly. The good players will. The good players will find incredibly overpowering tactics and patterns. As they play the game more, they'll be forced to find counters to those tactics. The vast majority of tactics that at first appear unbeatable end up having counters, though they are often quite esoteric and difficult to discover. The counter tactic prevents the first player from doing the tactic, but the first player can then use a counter to the counter. The second player is now afraid to use his counter and he's again vulnerable to the original overpowering tactic.
    Throwing together some circus act of a win isn't nearly as satisfying as reading your opponent's mind to such a degree that you can counter his ever move, even his every counter.
    The experts were playing the actual game while the scrubs were playing their own homemade variant with restricting, unwritten rules.
    I've talked about how the expert player is not bound by rules of "honor" or "cheapness" and simply plays to maximize his chances of winning. When he plays against other such players, "game theory" emerges. If the game is a good one, it will become deeper and deeper and more strategic.
    and finally

    The point is that if a game becomes "no fun" at high levels of play, then it's the game's fault, not the player's.
  2. Dallas offense looked good - Defense had me raising an eyebrow
  3. I might as well post mine.

    Guide: How Hardcore gamers would do a Hami-raid Post i9:

    *Disclaimer* The guide below is assuming the following:
    1. That everyone at the raid is on a voice chat server
    2. That everyone at the raid is skilled at all aspects of the game
    3. That everyone at the raid not only understands their role, but the roles of others at the raid
    4. That everyone at the raid has a good connection and computer to handle the lag

    The above disclaimer might sound elitist, and it is. This guide is for the most epic players who want to get a raid done quickly, without the use of nukes/shivans/Rikti heavies.

    Teams - 7 raiders
    [u]Main taunt team[u]
    2 WP tanks - If WP is unavailable, use the following order: Stone, Invul, Ice, Shield. Fire and DA should not be used here.
    3 Empaths for Heal bots
    1 Empath as CM bot - this empath isn't tied to 100% to the taunt team - its just the easiest place to put them. This is your most skilled empath at the raid, their job is to keep CM on every member of the taunt team and every Empath they can find. They also do AB on the tank
    1 Kin - so AB is perma without IOs
    Team is self explanatory - tank taunts hami, other tank taunts blues and hami if he dies. Rinse repeat

    Yellow taunt team * 6 - 12 raiders
    1 Tank - Preferred WP, Stone, Invul, Ice in that order
    1 Empath controller
    Each tank gets one yellow mito - No EoEs are needed with perma AB + Personal Healbot
    This team can be broken up into 3 tanks 6 emps - assuming light on tanks. Each tank would get 2 yellows and the double healbot would be enough to not need EoEs

    Damage team 1 - Scrappers - 8
    6 Scrappers - In this order: BS, Fire, Spines, Kat - Secondary: anything with KB protection,
    1 Empath
    1 Kin
    Used just like normal raids

    Damage team 2 *2 - Blasters - 16
    6 Blasters: Primaries in this order - Ice, Fire, Psi. Secondary must be /EM
    1 emp
    1 kin
    Blasters will Total Focus yellows in concert with scrappers. With PB+Aim+BU+Fort, ranged attacks can hit yellow mitos for follow up

    Controller team - Remaining 7
    Secondary doesn't matter, but anything that offers -res is best. Primary should be fire/ice/earth
    Hold spiking in same order as damage team, just in case of a failed spike.

    Raid Flow
    In a simplified format, here is the order of things
    00:00 - Hami Spawns - One minute gather time
    01:00 - Initial buffing starts - One minute
    02:00 - Tanks to positions
    02:10 - Controller team hold spikes closest green
    02:15 - Damage teams 1 & 2 & 3 spike first yellow - One shot
    02:20 - Damage teams 1 & 2 & 3 spike second yellow - One shot
    02:25 - Controller team hold spikes closest green to third yellow
    02:30 - Damage teams 1 & 2 & 3 spike third yellow - two shot (aim + BU are down now)
    02:45 - Damage teams 1 & 2 & 3 spike forth yellow - two shot
    02:46 - Controller team hold spikes closest green to 5th yellow
    03:00 - Damage teams 1 & 2 & 3 spike fifth yellow - One shot
    03:05 - Damage teams 1 & 2 & 3 spike sixth yellow - One shot
    03:06 - Controller team hold spike first green
    03:07 - Damage teams 1 & 2 spike green
    03:07 - Damage team 3 attempts to spike + Follow up on a blue - this might not be successful
    03:10 - Controller team hold spike first green
    03:11 - Damage teams 1 & 2 spike green
    03:15 - Controller team hold spike first green
    03:16 - Damage teams 1 & 2 spike green
    03:20 - Controller team hold spike first green
    03:21 - Damage teams 1 & 2 spike green
    03:25 - Rest of Blues are cleared out by damage teams
    04:00 - Attack hami to 3/4s life
    05:00 - Hami is 2000 HP above 3/4 - Tanks to taunt spots, Everyone huddle in middle for RA cast, Everyone who doesn't have CM pop EoE's, Tanks pop EoE's
    05:05 - Mito's spawn - emps to their tank Damage teams to Spike target one, Hold teams to Spike target one
    Repeat the rest of the raid from 02:10
    20:00ish - Hami is dead

    Spike with your heaviest attack available, get its recharge down to under 7 seconds. Listen to your target callers, Always follow up.

    *The above is done tongue-in-cheek and is a look at how old Hardcore PvPers would do a hami raid. i9 hami raids are as close to PvP as PvE can get, in terms of intense buffing, cordinating attacks, and team focused game play.

    Although the above is possible, I doubt it will ever be done this way. *
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by slax View Post
    i just want everyone in game to give me all their purples and lotg 7.5s. This is more reasonable than your request.
  5. Even amongst the hardcore, stacking vengence wasn't done. Its the reason vengence was/is banned for most arena matches.

    It is an exploit and its not that difficult to do if youre good and practiced. Why people would do it in zone PvP is beyond me. PvP now is like shooting fish in a barrel, Im not sure how you can make it any easier.
  6. You're right - this ain't the old days.

    And its stupid to do in the new days because of DR - thus it is a stupid PvP tactic, old or new days

    It is epic to see done still in PvE.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hindenburg View Post

    as far as how...those with venge standing next to each other can target a dead teammate (out of range), que Veng, and have someone tp the fallen to your group..

    of course all the que'd Vengeance's will trigger at the same time
    In the old days, people would get nuked hardcore if they tried that little tactic.
  8. Has anyone done a 7 stack veng cast to see how badly DR hits it? Considering it capped a ton of stuff before and caused 208-1 blow outs, It would be intesting to see how much DR rapes it.
  9. Every issue you pointed out with PvP can be solved by teaming.

    I wish we had some kind of Queue system similar to Warhammer where newer people would get randomly matched on teams with experienced PvPers. They would learn the ropes and eventually migrate into the zones to try it out by themselves or with their own team.

    But 1v a team isn't the problem with PvP, its the "1" part thinking that they should even stand a chance by themselves against a team.

    I do like your ideas though
  10. moving tonight, computer is down, CoH just barely exceeds the min requirements of my Blackberry
  11. I contradict myself later in this post, but to enhance the discussion:

    Its not
    brutes = tanks
    stalkers = scrappers

    Stalkers = blasters
    Brutes = scrappers

    Why stalkers are more like blasters:
    They are squishy just like blasters
    Their burst damage is more similar to blasters than scrappers
    They have an unresisted component to their damage

    Brutes are also more like scrappers because they are less survivable than tanks and they have a much higher damage cap than tanks

    Or, since this game wasn't setup with 2 factions by default, you can take each faction as is. There are no holes in the factions because they shouldn't be compared in that fashion
  12. The only account I have active has one 50 on it, and it is a cold sonic, so we're set
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sabin View Post
    Step 1 - Hire Arcanaville as the pvp dev
    Step 2 - ???
    Step 3 - profit
    Id rather see someone with extensive PvP experience from All MMO's to have that job. Arcana is good with numbers and makes sense sometimes, but Castle is as well and he knows the layout of the game a little better (as he should)

    I think they need a Project manager PvP Dev. Doesn't have to be someone who can program, but someone who can visualize a balanced PvP and describe it to the programmers to make it happen.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    Good post.

    It unfortunately misses one issue: no matter what is done some folks will NEVER like pvp.

    There are folks that just don't like competition at all.

    Trying to lure those folks to pvp has been one of the epic mistakes in this game's history.
    very good point, I missed that part. Yes, there are some who will exist outside the curve (Upper right corner area). Trying to cater to people who are well outside the balance of the curve is probably the quickest way to have this game sunset.
  15. That's a loaded question.

    By the time Going Rogue hits live, Im REALLY hoping PvP changes to the point where this guide is pointless, but here goes

    Easy mode team:
    As of right now, a team of stalkers is good, but if you don't have those, Masterminds, Dominators can also do damage. Support is really non-existant in PvP, but if you happen to have a paindom or therm on your team and the other players don't then your ahead.

    If you want easy, just get a team of 8 stalkers and you can fishy spike crit from hide. The hard part will be actually finding stalkers competent enough to do a spike
  16. Everytime I have logged in I haven't seen anybody I know in the channel, so I usually log out.

    Maybe we should schedule something
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    as long as the badgers aren't in there again. the other night was rediculous with one side yelling at the other to stay in their base until they were done getting pill boxes.
    tell me again why you have to listen to badgers?
  18. EmpYou

    Dear Warhamster

    I just have to say this:

    Infinity Pre-i13 - RV and sirens would have some action in it every evening. You had dUmb, Integrity, and several others who transfered over for Infinity PvP leagues.

    Now? Its just fiteklub and a few scattered people.

    Freedom might have more PvPers on it now, but as a whole, most servers' PvP population has dropped.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Lith_ View Post
    I think a day of that scalar would be quite interesting, but not for the sake of the stalker alone. They are mostly a nuissance anyway.

    But with the amount of Doms floating around it would be all hell.

    It would be quite something actually. They should just have a weekend a month where the zones go all i12. Screw the work needed to code that plus the patches etc. They owe us something by now.
    I don't think it would be that much work, PvP 1.0 still exists outside in normal zones. When the devs made a glitch that put an unfinished zone live, we had PvP 1.0 in there.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TXB03B View Post

    The majority of players do not like PvP at all and very content sticking with PvE content. So, the $64000 question is why don't more people like PvP in CoX?
    I think the problem is that no one has been able to answer that 64000 dollar question. From top down view, here is my take (And I can post pictures now too..I like these new forums):

    Captain obvious statement: All MMO players are drawn into the game by what appeals to them. Their appeal of said game and what it can offer may change over time, but it mostly follows the bell curve below:

    Most people fall within the middle of the curve, either preferring PvP a little more than PvE or the opposite. The two extreme ends, Those that only PvP (See Test server Ladder players in i12 for details) vs the People who live and breathe their character in game to a point of borderline insanity (See Virtue Pocket D for details)

    PvP 1.0 favors the left, no doubt (See point 1 in diagram above). I think the devs tried to make PvP right smack dab in the middle (See point 2). Its an admirable and Ambitious goal, but very hard to achieve and can cause your changes to be not liked by either side.

    Where the devs failed (In my opinion) was they tried to take a point on the right (See point 3) and say "If we can make PvP appeal to this group of people, it should move the balance up to the middle and we can then add in rewards/innovations because more people will enjoy it" Again, An admirable goal, but the logic is flawed.

    In this scenario, if PvP was moved to the middle, it's really only going to appeal to the casual. The people who didn't like it before might try it out, but the reasons they didn't like it might still remain. The root cause of people not liking PvP was because its not PvE.

    PvE is linear. you click your enemies, assess their weakness and attack. Debuff AVs, AoE hold big groups, its all linear. The only difficulty is what you make for yourself - as in "How many mobs you take at once" or "The level of the mobs" or "What teammates should I bring". The player is in complete control.

    PvP is dynamic. You still click you enemies and assess their weaknesses and attack, but the enemies are doing the same to you. Your enemies are intelligent and will learn. Their is only one difficulty and it's already set to hard. The player is only in control of themselves.

    Some people don't like that. If you are on the PvE side of the curve down towards the hardcore area, you picked your character because you had an idea you wanted to explore. In the world where you are in control, he may be an unstoppable juggernaut. But when you have an enemy that is analyzing your weaknesses, you may find your character inferior.

    This is why fight club has become so popular among the new PvP crowd. People want to see themselves fight someone else just like the fight PvE mobs. They make rules, stand and fight, one wins. You're still in control because you can pick when you fight, you have a say in what rules are laid out and you have the ability to pick who you fight.

    What the devs did was make it so the players have some control of the pace of PvP. They can control when their opponent is forced to fight (Suppression), they can control how long they can sustain a fight (Heal decay) and they can control how much negative effects are put on them at any given time (DR). The reason this failed, in my opinion, is because people who are on the left don't want to be controlled. They don't want others to be controlled either, they want a dynamic opponent. They want an opponent who can adapt to what they are doing and counter. There was a certain rush in countering an opponent in the old PvP, now its almost like Im watching a movie at 1/4th the speed. This also failed because people on the right don't want the controls changed when they are "set." If a group of people attacks a fight club match in a zone, that is breaking the controls they set. They will get mad and not want to PvP because their controls are being broken.

    All of the above is just my opinion based on nearly 10 issues of PvP. I have drawn on my experiences from being a newbie who hated PvP because his tank died really quickly, to a person who was willing to try it out because we had nothing better to do, to a person who leveled up a new character specifically for pvp, to a person who lead a PvP group on test, to a person who beta'd the new PvP, and finally, to a person who is disappointed in how something that was so fun has turned into something not. As a nerd, I lived and breathed the old PvP. I would sit at work and think of crazy lineups to run. My group would mentor people in zones and switch sides if things got unfair (Sometimes dividing us amongst both teams so that it was fun for everyone). I wasn't the best, but I still enjoyed it.

    Most of my posts will come off as "high and mighty" when I talk about the old PvP because I have seen it all. Their isn't a single PvP situation in this gamethat someone can describe that I haven't personally experienced. I have a hard time taking people's reasoning for disliking the old PvP system when their statements are completely counter to what I have experienced. Its the same reason other old time PvPers come off as jaded and "Rude," Because its impossible for us, as experienced players, to understand the statements that are blatantly ignorant.

    Ill close with this question: If you like the new PvP over the old, state why?
  21. Avoiding stalkers was probably the easiest thing to do in the old PvP. How hard is it to to push space bar and forward?

    Stalkers should have their damage modifer increased. They are supposed to be the 'Blasters' of Villains, they need a little better damage.

    Damage mods also need to be looked at for All Pool and Epic sets. I just think its wrong that flurry, jumpkick, and fossilze should be doing more damage than a blasters Blaze or Bitter Ice Blast...Maybe im Missing something as to how that makes sense?

    Mac's post was spot on what I agree with, I just didn't want to type a big ole blog again.
    On the knockback issue I personally think they should move Acro's knockback protection back to 100 MAG 10000 resistance but give knockback powers a chance to critical knockback. Maybe 20% chance to knockback through ANY protection if the person hasn't been knocked back within the last 20 seconds. Procs should follow the same rules.

    My other Mez suggestion idea was to allow the mez resistance to provide protection at a certain threshhold. For example, if someone has above 100% resistance to mez, they should have mag 3 protection. Cap the resistance at 400%, so, mag 12 protection. Each mez has their hold component to it, which would need to be increased to 10 seconds unenhanced, and each hold would debuff the resistances by 100% for each hold.

    Scenario: Tank with Empath. Tank has 3 CMs on him plus his mez sheild
    Tank = 390% Mez resistance = 11.xish protection
    Ill Controller = Blind 1.1 cast time 2 sec recharge

    Controller can hold tank for 1 second by spamming blind

    Why this works:
    The controller, 2 v 1 is using his AT's primary ability to hold the tank. The tank, able to take a lot of damage, is only held for 1 second. 2v1 the Tank should still win, even though the controller can do his job.
    Why SHOULD it work like this:
    Any battle 2v1 should be one by the team with 2. If you remove the empath, the tank has only 100% mez resistance. This allows the controller to put up a fight and, in an evenly skilled match, the odds of each person winning if 50/50. By allowing the controller to gain containment, his damage is increased inorder to overcome the higher HP of the tank. The tank has the higher base damaging attacks and utility ( -range from taunt to keep the person close + either -defense or knockdown or stun from his attacks) to whittle the controller down.

    We need to stop balancing for 1v1, a team should ALWAYS win against solo, unorganized people.
  22. Heres the quick list on how to fix PvP:

    1. Supression needs to be buffable again - Playing a Kin should be something people would want to do.

    2. Buffs and heals need to not supress or decay- Target the freakin empath, he's squish as hell. Once he's dead, you can kill the team.

    3. Mez resistance buffs need to grant actual protection, why else cast them when you're going to get mezzed anyways?

    4. Pick one of the following:
    a. global resists are removed from squishies
    b. An unresistable damage component is added back into blasters/stalkers (Outside of their crit

    5. Slowcap and range caps removed so that debuffing classes can actually debuff and survive.

    Why play any of the toons that are effected by the broken things in the new PvP? Is it fun to constantly have re-toggle a debuff because ANY and EVERY AT shut it down? Is it fun to be constantly slowed to a crawl because you are actually good at healing your teammates?

    Why play ranged classes now?
  23. I beleive WoW is the only MMO to have sponsered PvP tournaments where you can win cash. Not just like 100 giftcards or a 6 month time card - we're talking like 30k for the winning team.

    CoX PvP was so much more dynamic, fast, and interesting than WoW PvP currently is. If it had been fixed from the begining, CoX PvP could have possibly been the "Next Big Thing" That comes along to change MMO's.

    But it was decided that CoX would be marketed as it is now. A Laid back, RP friendly PvE game that has PvP in it. Its work so far, but now that other RP friendly, laidback games are coming out (Not just CO, but others), this game will fade out eventually. How long? Who knows.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Firi_ View Post
    Correct me if im wrong.. but pre-i13 ladder pvp did ANYONE ever use fly?
    Yes, I think SW had a fly/SS specced empath. And I think Lastol had Fly/TP on his sonic.

    Was fly the best option? no. But it could be useable. Most of my team would have the temp fly pack and would fly straight up on open maps if their phase was down and they needed to evade a little. With the 63month vet badge, it would have been easier to fit fly into builds.
  25. The main difference between SJ and swinging is SJ is already in the game. Does it work thematically for everyone? No, not really - but if you take Kitsunes analysis, it makes more sense then "Sky hooks"

    And yes, spiderman could travel anywhere with his web in the cartoons and comics, but its a question everyone asks "Where does his web go when he shoots it into the air?"

    Perhaps we could see a youtube video of how it looks from CO - if it looks as bad as it sounds I wouldn't want it anywhere near this game.