What would be a good Hero Mastermind?




The way I explained necromancy leaves it pretty open for good or evil.

The soul enters the world with a body in which to interact with the physical world. As the body begins to degrade, the soul must eventually release itself from the body, and thus the body is mostly a tool, albeit, one necessary to interact with the physical realm. With enough force of will, a soul can manifest itself to interact with the physical world without the need of a body, often resulting in a Spirit, Spectre, Ghoul, Ghost, whatever you wish to call it. Others can re-enter uninhabited bodies, and the most powerful can enter and even force out the soul of another.

Necromancy works on the principal of binding souls to the will of the necromancer, and then forcing them into uninhabited bodies so that they can use them to whatever purpose they need. More powerful souls that do not need bodies take a more talented Necromancer to bind to them. A good Necromancer might only bind willing souls to him, or 'evil' souls to not only keep them in check, but force them under them to do good. Evil Necromancers would just bind whoever and do whatever. Therefore, Necromancers are a prime example of 'What you do with power defines who you are.'

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, the whole "good Necromancer" things doesn't really fly with me, binding is binding.



A Hero Mastermind presents a bit of a difficulty because they work just the opposite way: they don't treat their men like expendables, they treat them with care and dignity.

[/ QUOTE ] Zapp Brannigan would disagree. From War is the H-Word when Zapp is talking to the soldiers about the planet they are attacking:

It's a desolate, ugly little planet
with absolutely no natural resources
or strategic value. Questions?

Why is this godforsaken planet worth
dying for?

Don't ask me, you're the one who's going
to be dying.

[/ QUOTE ]




Mercs...aka Soldiers would be a perfect fit.

Generals, Commanders...even the President (sometimes) are considered heroes.
They deploy Soldiers to war and look at them as expendable.



The way I explained necromancy leaves it pretty open for good or evil.

The soul enters the world with a body in which to interact with the physical world. As the body begins to degrade, the soul must eventually release itself from the body, and thus the body is mostly a tool, albeit, one necessary to interact with the physical realm. With enough force of will, a soul can manifest itself to interact with the physical world without the need of a body, often resulting in a Spirit, Spectre, Ghoul, Ghost, whatever you wish to call it. Others can re-enter uninhabited bodies, and the most powerful can enter and even force out the soul of another.

Necromancy works on the principal of binding souls to the will of the necromancer, and then forcing them into uninhabited bodies so that they can use them to whatever purpose they need. More powerful souls that do not need bodies take a more talented Necromancer to bind to them. A good Necromancer might only bind willing souls to him, or 'evil' souls to not only keep them in check, but force them under them to do good. Evil Necromancers would just bind whoever and do whatever. Therefore, Necromancers are a prime example of 'What you do with power defines who you are.'

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, the whole "good Necromancer" things doesn't really fly with me, binding is binding.

[/ QUOTE ]
My necromancer comes from a family of "good" necromancers. She's evil now, but that's from 1000 years of insanity.

Originally her family practiced dark arts, but not to hurt people. They used necromancy to animate dead bodies or parts as tools, like puppets. They could piece together parts of corpses, like flesh and bones, to create new "creatures" for various tasks. Like a doglike creature that can run fast, for scouting and recon. Or they could just animate a corpse to use for free labor, like to build a house.

Creepy, but not evil.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



How about a legion of heroes unleashed? Men and women in capes with special powers killing mobs.

Roman soldiers like in Cimemora, maybe.
Army type soldiers.
Maybe an animal trainer type person with animal pets. (Ace Ventura, lol. )

The imagination is limitless. Not just villians should have MM's, imo. Blueside could possibly have even better ones than redside, with some though process.



My good necro MM will be raising the bodies of the villains she "defeats" and naming them as such. There will be nothing more praise worthy than seeing a body claw itself into being and then the green-name "Frostfire" appears over it.



An elementalist MM heroside would be fun! Earth, air, fire, water.

Queen of the Amazons, WP/DB
Sound Judgement Son/Son
Cobra Lily Plant/Kin
Celestia, FF/Psy
Nefertiri, Storm/Elec
Pixie, Ill/Rad
Guardian Server



I prefer one of his earlier quotes... About how he defeated the Killbots, by sending wave after wave of his own men after them until they reached their kill limit and shut down.

[/ QUOTE ]
Stop exploding, you cowards!

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Well, first off, one nice thing about the Going Rogue concept is that Reformed Villains are NOT Heroes. They are Reformed Villains. So there's nothing wrong with them enslaving the bodies of the dead or blowing up their henchmen in the cause of good, because THEY'RE VILLAINS. They're villains who have switched sides, but there's likely still something wired up a little crazy in their brains...

OTOH, my Ninjas Masterminds is switching back over to the Hero side, because according to my backstory, that's where she came from. She was a private detective in Paragon City who was helped by a villain that she assumed was trying to rob her. Instead, it turned out he was breaking up a Mob hit. She tracked the "villain" back to the Rogue Isles and found out he had gone underground because a worse villain was hunting him. He'd been forced to become a petty thief to survive.

When Going Rogue comes out, her friend will switch sides, and she will too. Her Ninjas are trained martial artists, that she's helped with her detective work, in the past. And they don't die, they have the same Emergency Transporter access she does, so when they're defeated, they just teleport away, just like she does. Sometimes one gets hurt bad enough that he's out of commision for a few weeks, but that's why she has extras in reserve...

Also, she's got Force Fields (a techological gadget developed by another former client of her detective agency) so she can do a fairly good job of keeping even Ninjas on their feet.



I prefer one of his earlier quotes... About how he defeated the Killbots, by sending wave after wave of his own men after them until they reached their kill limit and shut down.

[/ QUOTE ] I agree, unfortunately that one didn't pop into my mind until about five minutes ago.




Deadly Girl from The Specials would be a hero necromancer.

Onibi---Fire/Fire/fire Blaster

I'm ready to burn it all.

Lets Fight!

ParadigmX City help the city.



What about Dr. Orpheus from the Venture brothers? Compared to the other heroes (Brock the Swedish Murder Machine and Dr. Venture the negligent and cynical scientist) he's one of the most moral and caring people on the show AND a necromancer. Magic including necromancy is simply a power that can be used for good or evil and all mages wielding such power are in a constant struggle to use it based on their moral compass.



Wasn't The Green Hornet considered to be a criminal by both the public and the police? Batman seems to be headed that way in the new films as well. Spiderman is vilified in the press, and I think most police would treat him as just another villain unless they had had a personal encounter.

Necros can be a force for good, even if the public at large fails to acknowledge it.

My Necro was a girl that was spending a "semester at sea" for college credit. He bot sank in a freak storm caused by a depraved little necro/storm guy on a small island in the Caribbean. He raised her (to be his wife), and this time he got the spell right. He had killed his mentor for not teaching him fast enough.

Now that had a perma undead "wife" he gave her some boots and gloves he found in the mentor's house. These were made of bone and had absorbed a bit of the life force from the mentor. This life force seeped into the girl's mind and began to awaken her free will. It was another year before she was strong enough to act on her own, but by then, the mentor's quest for revenge had gotten mixed up with the feeling that the people on the boat had abandoned her to this life; maybe even sacrificed her to the little freak in exchange for their survival.

She eventually convinced the little man to let teach her necromancy so that she could kill him, then raise him, and they could be together forever. Not being overly bright, he agreed. She is currently seeking revenge on the rest of the world for turning her over to him.

In time, and if she meets the right people, it's possible that she might see the truth, and realize that only the little man was to blame. She was a good person once, and might be again. If she can make that switch, she would not stop using her abilities. She would apply a bit of psychology to their use though. How many people would join a gang that was actively being targeted by waves of undead?

Or maybe I'll keep her evil.

Her story

My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.



Well, first off, one nice thing about the Going Rogue concept is that Reformed Villains are NOT Heroes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Woot, already have strong "side-switch-racism" going on!

"I have forsaken all my evil ways, atoned as best I could and fight now for the light of all sentient beings everywhere!"

"Too bad, you still have to ride the back of the Green Line, you switcher!!"



Woot, already have strong "side-switch-racism" going on!

[/ QUOTE ]
Have you done the Lost Curing Wand arc and noticed how the "Heroes" treated the Rikti that was helping them? Calling him a "thing" and suggesting something bad should happen to him?

Heroes don't like anyone butting in on their little club.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Woot, already have strong "side-switch-racism" going on!

[/ QUOTE ]
Have you done the Lost Curing Wand arc and noticed how the "Heroes" treated the Rikti that was helping them? Calling him a "thing" and suggesting something bad should happen to him?

Heroes don't like anyone butting in on their little club.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's cannon now!



Hero side MMs in film & pop culture;

Necro = Frank Bannister (Frighteners) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Frighteners

Mercs = Col John "Hannibal" Smith (The A-team) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_team

Thugs = Curtis Sliwa (Guardian Angels) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_Sliwa

Ninjas = Splinter (TMNT) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenage..._Ninja_Turtles

Robots = Johhy Sokko Though he only had 1 BIG robot (Which is how I envisioned Blue Side Robot MMs anyways) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_Robo_(tokusatsu)

"Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is." Josey Wales



Hero side MMs in film & pop culture;

Necro = Frank Bannister (Frighteners) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Frighteners

Mercs = Col John "Hannibal" Smith (The A-team) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_team

Thugs = Curtis Sliwa (Guardian Angels) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_Sliwa

Ninjas = Splinter (TMNT) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenage..._Ninja_Turtles

Robots = Johhy Sokko Though he only had 1 BIG robot (Which is how I envisioned Blue Side Robot MMs anyways) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_Robo_(tokusatsu)

[/ QUOTE ]

Some of the most ridiculous stretches I've ever seen.



Hero side MMs in film & pop culture;

Necro = Frank Bannister (Frighteners) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Frighteners

Mercs = Col John "Hannibal" Smith (The A-team) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_team

Thugs = Curtis Sliwa (Guardian Angels) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis_Sliwa

Ninjas = Splinter (TMNT) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teenage..._Ninja_Turtles

Robots = Johhy Sokko Though he only had 1 BIG robot (Which is how I envisioned Blue Side Robot MMs anyways) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_Robo_(tokusatsu)

[/ QUOTE ]

Some of the most ridiculous stretches I've ever seen.

[/ QUOTE ]

Go troll someone else’s posts, especially if you’re not going to give any explanation to a comment like that...

The OP asked for "ideas" about Hero MMs...My examples were neither "stretches" nor "ridiculous" they're simply examples...

"Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is." Josey Wales



Masterminds dispose of their minions without a second thought. They are seen as completely expendable and this is properly reflected in the Villain Masterminds. A Hero Mastermind presents a bit of a difficulty because they work just the opposite way: they don't treat their men like expendables, they treat them with care and dignity. They care about their troops' fate.

[/ QUOTE ]

Remember that in CoX we don't actually die, we get "defeated" and go to the hospital. Conceptually, that idea could be extended to MM minions.

On another point, Hero MMs in comics (some already mentioned):

- Nick Fury. A master tactician who often send others into battle. He knows that there's a chance that they won't come back, but does what needs to be done.
- Splinter (TMNT). Very rarely engages directly, instead send out the turtles to battle evil.
- Charles Xavier. When he was in charge of the X-Men, he more-often-than-not stayed in the mansion or blackbird as the team went out to fight.
- Cyclops. This one is close... but I'd say he could be thought of as a MM since he develops plans & gives tactical orders during battles as he stands in the back blasting. Sometimes he jumps right in, too.
- Oracle. She coordinates various team members simultaneously from a distance with no risk to herself.
- Charles Gunn. Starting in the Angel TV series and now in the comic (as a vampire), he organized a group of street punks to launch coordinated attacks on evil, especially vampires.
- Anita Blake. Reanimates the dead to help solve cases. Non-combat to my knowledge, though...
- Will Magnus. Creator and leader of the Metal Men.



Heroic Bots.

And as said above, on either side of the game it's not hard to imagine that pets have the same access to Hospital Teleporters as we do.



You may argue Top Cow's "The Darkness" is a Necromancy or Demon Summoning MM.

And, for the most part, he does... good things.

I think that's the idea. Outside of some exceptions, alot of characters with "Dark" powers are in the grey area of good.

Ex - Spawn, Darkness, Ghost Rider, etc.



"Animals" is what comes to mind when I think of Hero Masterminds. Aquaman, Ant Man, and to some extent The Falcon controlled waves of animal pets at one time or another.

I would also think that elemental golems could work -- rock soldiers, water spirits, etc.

A form of self-duplication could even be included, as per Multiple Man, with the duplicates being decidedly weaker and task-oriented copies.

You can't go wrong with robots.

The Nick Fury analogy is also a good one, in regards to leading troops or mercenaries.

As far as demon summoning goes, I always thought Magik/Illyana Rasputin from the New Mutants came close to fitting that bill -- a hero with demonic control powers.