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  1. The Natural Booster needs loinclothes for the junglemen/women, barbarians and cave people among us!
  2. There's a tricky way to do it, but it isn't certain to work just right.

    1) Make your custom group with just AV/EB in it.

    2a) Tie the group to a patrol. At least 2 will spawn. I have not experienced duplicates in this fashion, but do not count it out.

    2b) Create an ambush with this group, depending on the difficulty, that number of AV/EBs will ambush you. Do it tied to attacking an AV and that's one more. I can confirm this works as I once had 4 Dr. Vhaziloks attacking me. What I really want is the option to tell it to only spawn one of them.

    3) Profit! (If you can live through it)
  3. After this is posted I will place this in Sexy Jay's thread.

    I would love to see loincloths added for the very fact that some of the most iconic natural heroes have used them for decades and we do not truly have them.

    Red Sonya
    Another take on woman loinclothes
  4. What color hair does Lord Recluse sport under that helmet of his?
  5. Arc 251363: Undead in the Big City
    Villains: Hellions, Vhazilok and 2 custom bosses.
    Difficulty: Fairly average with difficult bosses towards the end and several ambushes. Team suggested. Beware of mission 4.
    Length: 4 missions, 1 of which is very easy

    Allies Apex, War Witch and Horus will be there to assist you in most missions.

    Alignment: Heroic

    Help the heroes from the original CoH comic book by Blue King in their very first adventure together! Constructive criticism is appreciated!
  6. scherherazade

    Apex Available?

    I am currently polishing the finishing touches on a translation of the the first story arc "Undead in the Big City" intended for characters 1-20. I should finish with it this weekend and post in a new thread when it's ready.
  7. My good necro MM will be raising the bodies of the villains she "defeats" and naming them as such. There will be nothing more praise worthy than seeing a body claw itself into being and then the green-name "Frostfire" appears over it.
  8. A */dark scrapper with flight and teleport a friend. Allows for maneuverability, lazy team travel, resistance (psionic ftw), stealth for collecting kora fruit, and damage mitigation through opressive gloom or cloak of fear when outnumbered or outdamaged.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd really like to see small, medium and large variations on the Terra Volta reactor, complete with core.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The fact that we have the Thorn Tree map but not the reactor boggles my mind.
  10. I got up through the award bracket with the arachnos helmets as well as the V.I.P. badge. I figured someone behind the scenes just finally realized how important I was.
  11. scherherazade


    It would be cool to help defend Independence Port from the 5th's attack while making Atlas a roaming ally like the Jade Spider. If they could, restrict his movement to the water and only animate him from the waist up, similar to how tentacles and Lusca are animated. Just put some GM battleships in the harbor and make him move from one to another. You could be responsible for taking out the guns on the ships, mitigating the damage being dealt to him.
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    The Breakfast PUG (Jock as Tank, Brain as Defender, Beauty Queen as Blaster, Thug as Scrapper and Freak as Controller, guest starring Lord Recluse as the Principal)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "You mess with the spider you get the web!"
  13. A boxed in version of one of the islands in North Talos.
  14. scherherazade

    Drops II

    As I'm swamped with work I haven't had the time to read this through and see the evolving thought process (but I will at home) but I did want to add one thing (if not already out there):

    I saw and agree with the disdain for Story Arc salvage. What if instead of Pool B coming from Stroy Arcs, it instead came from combiding the draps from the other 3 pools.

    This would cause us to still experience Pools A, C and D with great vigor as we must re-complete them for duplicate drops so that they may be combined to form recipies in Pool B, making Pool B an almost meta-game experience.

    If this is not feesable, simply create new salvage that drops in all instances and make that craftable into Pool B items.

    So in essence you are inventing components with which you will later use to invent a larger goal (Pool B).
  15. scherherazade

    COP questions

    /e Pokes thread with stick....
  16. scherherazade

    COP questions

    Any news on if this will be fixed for Issue 8? It's getting harder and harder to convince my SG to earn prestige for a bigger base without a reason to do so.
  17. Then you need to hop into the Comics forum and look at the Alien Symbiote post, I think it's nigh near 6 to 7 Necros old.

    I firmly believe that Necro posting is a tell-tale sign of the forthcoming issues immnent rise. I have watched the signs as 8 issue cycles have come and gone now... and always the red-name posts migrate home just before the settling of Dooooooom and the riseing of cheers.
  18. Bounce huh...? I must mull this over...
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    If I can kick around a forklift I see absolutely no excuse that they could use now to say why we can't kick around a ball.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think that it is the context in which you are kicking said forklift. From what I understand and have read from Dev comments the collision system is computed client side. Meaning that when you kick said forklift or whatever the other players are seeing your computer will calculate it's travel path and ending position differenetly than your friend's. So when your friend goes to kick the forklift/item/BRB that they see it may in fact be five feet to the left of where you are actually seeing it. This would be problematic in that people would eventually be seeing thier BRB in completely different spots than other character, by whole zone distances then.
    But that is just my understanding of it.
    A possible solution and by all means Dev's correct me if I'm wrong; but why don't they just take a spherical object and dress it onto a small shaped, i.e. Natterling sized bone model. Then give it no attacks, an agro level and movement ability the same as the infamous wall-leaning Hellion, and GM health levels, but not resistence or defense (allowing the ball to eventually pop). Then, and here's the hardest part that I'm not sure exactly how it would be done, but give the new villian labeled BRB a line of code in behaviors that tells it to treat all attacks with knockback equal to the brawl index of a given attack unless that attack was a hard hold or immobilize. ID the BRB, give it a spawn point, and play away.
    See it's my (probibly flawed logic) that the game does not use the same collision code with summoned items as it does with ragdoll, since ragdolled villians MUST always appear in the same location to all players.
    And maybe this has already been suggested since I failed to read the entirety of so many pages. If so I appologize. But a BRB would real add cohesion to the down time in Paragon...
  20. I just want to add my voice to the countless others. Thank you for everything you've done here in Paragon City and the forums, you will never be matched (No offence to Cricket). You will be dearly missed for you have so much good (and just a tad of evil), but the best of wishes go with you where ever you go in life!

    To quote a great movie, "Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die."

    So passes the legend of CuppaJo. /e salute
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Obviously, you've never tried building a fully functional base.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No I have... but I did it alone, because my Supergroup is full of half-hearted players. So to me? Yeah that's a lot!
  22. Per person? OMG... That's a lot of free prestige.
  23. I knida wondered this too. I noticed over the weekend that my Titan Criten Shard was giving my Soul Drain a boost in defense.