This Week at Paragon Theater
11) Land of the Lost (no plot; just 2 hours of the Lost beating the tar out of Will Ferrel)
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I would pay good money to see this.
"Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is." Josey Wales
The Malta's Falcon
Mr. Magorium's Enhancement Emporium
Ghost Ship: On the Rock
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
An American War Wolf in London
Sky Raiders and the World of Tomorrow
Max Payne Domination
Paragon Vice
Dr. Aeon Flux
Manticore Begins
The King's Row and I
The Lost Samurai
(Where are all the) Children of Men
Once Upon a Time in Mercy Island
Unbreakble: The Citizens of Paragon (documentary)
The League of Exemplared Gentlemen
Sky Skiff Down
Spawn Point
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Terra Volta Syndrome
Faster Catgirl! Kill! Kill!
Zeus Titan A. E.
Last Man Standing (Better Have a Rez Power)
Jerk Hackers
Arbeiter Dredd
The First Redeemer: Captain Paragon
The Towering Infernal
Mission Invincible
Dr. Vahzilok's Sing-Along Blog
3 Men in spandex and a Baby New Year
Citizen Krylov
Saving Private Jenkins
Force 10 from Nerva
The Malta Candidate
Snakes in a Cave
The Wizard of Ouroboros
Million Inf. Baby
Warwolf Afternoon
The Day Synapse Stood Still
Saving Private Jenkins
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Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!
21) Synapse and His Lover: The Fast and the Furious
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Ok... now I've spit coffee all over my keyboard. ROFL
I hate you guys. I'm trying not to laugh out loud in my calc2 problem session class
A Beautiful Brain
- The story of a young man employed by the government for his psychic control over clockwork. But is it real, or it just the effects of his refusal to take anti-psychosis meds and his last encounter with Blue Steel?
12 Rikti Monkeys
- In the year 2035, humans on Earth Prime have undergone the same mutations that created the Rikti. Prisoners travel backwards in time with the consent of the Ouroboros Menders in echange for reduced sentences. Mistakenly sent to 2003 instead of 2009, J'ms C'le is arrested and locked up in a psychiatric hospital, where he meets Dr. Ann-Marie Engles and Buck Salinger.
For what it's worth the movie title was from a contest way back when. Can't recall if there were any prizes associated with it or not.

21) Synapse and His Lover: The Fast and the Furious
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ROFLMAO. Serious genius.
Free Fire Zone Willy
The Wizard of Ouroboros
Gone with the Gale
Resident Evil: Dark Astoria
The Tale of Two Cities - A Documentary of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles
Atlas Shrugged
Hard Boiled - The Story of "Heroic"
Flight Boys
In the Line of Full Auto
Training Day in Atlas Park
V for Vendetti
The Rikti Watchmen
The Wedding Wailer
Role Models - the Story of a Mentor
The Magnificent Seven-Member Team
Faster Catgirl! Kill! Kill!
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You owe me a new keyboard.
The Blue Steel Ultimatum
Planet of the Catgirls
Ed Woodsman
There's Something About Madeleine Casey
To Kill a Swan
Drag Me to the Shadow Shard
Becky the Tarantula Mistress Wears Prada
Silos & LazarusÂ’ Excellent Adventure
The Brothers Hansen
The Night of the Badge Hunter
The Perfect Ravenstorm
Weekend at Barracuda's
Enemy at the PvP Gates
Dial M for Moonfire
Wild Wild Willy Wheeler
Shark Tale - A Mako love story
Men in Black - A Malta Recruitment Film
Flight Club
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Arena.
Warshade and Peacebringer
Dr. Smythe goes to Atlas Park
The Blob!: The story of Hamidon
Awaken Ned Devine
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
great post.
11) Land of the Lost (no plot; just 2 hours of the Lost beating the tar out of Will Ferrel)
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I would pay good money to see this.
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Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Glowie
Sleepy Hollows with Ichabod Wincott
Charlie and the Gold Brick Factory
007 James Bond: Gold Bricker
The Lost Boys (Young homeless mutants meet Council Vampyri; starring Cory Feldman)
Disney's The Little Coralax
Disney's Beauty and the Beast (starring Ghost Widow and Wretch)
(THERE'S a video challenge for you! I challenge someone to make a video of Wretch and Ghost Widow set to the "Beauty and the Beast" song from the movie soundtrack.. heh)
Enemy of the Statesman
Give me Miss Liberty or Give Me Death!
Dirty Dance Emoting
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Thorns
The Breakfast PUG (Jock as Tank, Brain as Defender, Beauty Queen as Blaster, Thug as Scrapper and Freak as Controller, guest starring Lord Recluse as the Principal)
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
The Breakfast PUG (Jock as Tank, Brain as Defender, Beauty Queen as Blaster, Thug as Scrapper and Freak as Controller, guest starring Lord Recluse as the Principal)
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"You mess with the spider you get the web!"
Disney's The Little Coralax
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Damn you, I laughed.
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
Disney's The Little Coralax
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Damn you, I laughed.
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That'll be $1.95 please.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
So I was on my way to King's Row PD to get my Atlas Park safeguard with my newest character today and took the time to peruse the marquis at the movie theater. Council: Broken Column.
Heh, cute. Too bad they never change them, I thought. Then I got to wondering how hard it would be to get a program to change the marquis every week like the ones do in the real world.
Then I wondered: What if the developers of City of Heroes were foolish enough to let Steelclaw provide the list of movies...
1) Never Ending Story: The Positron Task Force
2) An Orange Clockwork
3) Hellion Raiser
4) Jurassik Lark: A Giant Monster Holiday
5) Indiana Jones and a Skull Named Crystal
6) Circle of Thornbirds
7) The Clockwork King and I: Penelope's Tale
8) Devouring Earth Tragedy: Taken for Granite
9) Space Wars: Use the Force Mage
10) Blues Brothers: The Endurance Come Back Tour
11) Land of the Lost (no plot; just 2 hours of the Lost beating the tar out of Will Ferrel)
12) City of Heroes Origins: Generic
13) Terminator: Menders' Migrane
14) Harry Potter and Azuria's Vault
15) Four Weddings and a Hospital Port
16) Finding Nemo-sis
17) Twilight: The Sparkle Aura
18) Young Freddy Krueger: Croatoa College Days
19) Sex in the City of Heroes (Rated PG-13)
20) Sex in the City of Villains (Rated NC-17)
21) Synapse and His Lover: The Fast and the Furious
Feel free to add your own!
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw