June Fan Art Battle - VOTE!




... I liked Aprosaath's art/idea better but the style didn't make me think movie it made me think late '70s young adult fiction. ...

[/ QUOTE ]I think you pinned down what I felt about Apro's entry but couldn't figure out...

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Projectionnist for me



Gonna go with TrickyTacky here. It's the only image that really stuck with me after walking away and coming back to this thread a few hours later.



I liked Aprosaath's art/idea better but the style didn't make me think movie it made me think late '70s young adult fiction. I could see S.E. Hinton writting that story.

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I think you pinned down what I felt about Apro's entry but couldn't figure out...

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Hey, wow! I see what you mean! That's ..actually kinda cool! Thanks!



Juggy's got my vote, although I ahve to say it took me some time to decide between his and Lousy's and Tacky's. Lousy's really had that simple Iron Man piece appeal and the helmet so remided me of the base item. Tacky's has a simple red black and white piece of Recluse that reminded me of how simple but effective the recent Star Trek poster of the blurred Enterprise was so well done, but yeah Juggy's blend of the City of Heroes and City of Villains themes in one poster sold it for me, along with how the little kid staring up at it made me think of the kid like wonder and excitement I'd feel to ward seeing the poster.

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I vote for Juggy. I love the color scheme, and of course that kid with a balloon. I happened to watch Up a day or two before I saw Juggy's entry, and it made me think of how much I loved that movie. He did something really mean, though. With the movie still a year away, that kid is going to be crying about it for a long time.

I am surprised and disappointed by the way Alex went out this month. I would have expected him to be one of the last to be eliminated.

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My vote goes with Tartyrsauce, it was a really wild direction to go in, but it looks JUST like an old 70's move poster and it's so unique between all the other entries.

I'm actually surprised that Juggy got so many votes, considering he basically just copied the CoX logo and then put a scene around it. As far as I understood, that was to be frowned upon because it was copying a pre-existing poster. If people made a stink about Shia's use of celebrity names in his entry then I don't get why everyone else can overlook something else this blatant.

Opinions never cease to amaze me in this group.

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My vote goes with Tartyrsauce, it was a really wild direction to go in, but it looks JUST like an old 70's move poster and it's so unique between all the other entries.

I'm actually surprised that Juggy got so many votes, considering he basically just copied the CoX logo and then put a scene around it. As far as I understood, that was to be frowned upon because it was copying a pre-existing poster. If people made a stink about Shia's use of celebrity names in his entry then I don't get why everyone else can overlook something else this blatant.

Opinions never cease to amaze me in this group.

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YAY.. I got a vote ...

btw, I vote for me also..

YAY.. I got two votes



I vote Aprosaath, with Projectionist coming in a close second.

Nice jobs, artists!

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I'm going to have to go with Juggertha this time around. Love the little kid, gazing up in wonder.



Tartyrsauce It reminds me of old Swedish 'pilsnerfilm' (beer-movie). It's hilarious and different.



Close one for me, tough choice between two serious ones: Lousy Day and Projectionist, and two funny ones: Tartyrsauce and Toxic Shia

My vote goes to Lousy Day for a great iconic pose and style for a remarkable teaser poster better than many real movie teaser posters I've seen.

My wife's favorite is Fusionette the Movie by Toxic Shia.



This month my vote goes to:


I think it looks the most like a movie poster, and the art is fantastic. Plus... Ghost Widow and Golden Roller? That is pure win.

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Voting for Juggertha. I like the simple style, and the boy looking up is a great touch.



I got to go with Juggertha



Going with Shia.




Bah, tough call.

I liked Juggertha's, but it strikes me more of a picture of someone LOOKING at a movie poster, rather than a poster itself. Being technical, perhaps, but that was a part of this. I do like the picture quite a bit, however... hehe, and the humor (eat your hear out, Statesman!). At least, I assume that's supposed to be poke at the developer formally known as Statesman, having to look on at the great stuff developers like Matt Miller and Bianca Jones are doing. If not, maybe I'm reading into it too much.

Aprosaath's is nice as well. I think it kind of feels like an SE Hinton novel cover as well, but maybe that's the look of the covers I've seen? Not sure.

I'm down between Lousy Day and Tricky Tacky. I think I have to go with Tricky Tacky just because that image really pops. Lousy's text looks great, but the helmet doesn't quite pop out as much as I'd like. Hard call, though. Lousy does such great work!

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Seems like this is going to be an interesting month. I was just glancing through the votes and it doesn't seem like there's any clear frontrunner this month. Lots of votes getting spread around. Definately getting some good entries here.




Great work.



Wow tough vote this month. Hmmmm after studying each image the one that leaves the most lasting impression on me as a movie poster is the little kids reaction in Juggertha's piece. I would totally have that "Kid-In-Awe" reaction if I knew a CoH movie was coming... hold up it's not till 2010???? WTFUWT grrrr!
Yeah Juggy gets my vote this month. Awesome job man.

Lousy Day - Loved the textures and the font for the word Positron but the helmet looks nothing like posi to me. Wrong shape, the visor shouldn't dip down at the sides (it's straight across), the receivers are too thick and the base where they attach to the helm should be more squared, and the "lighted veins" happen at the cheek, jaw and cranium... pretty much everywhere except the mouth area where it's lit in his poster... is this artistic license? Is there perhaps an earlier version of Posi's helm I'm unaware of? You definately nailed the "teaser poster" aspect though.

Juggertha - While someone else pointed out already it's basically the coh logo I still love the look of this piece and the dramatic angle of the little kid looking up at it is so convincing I can almost hear the kid say WOAHHHSWEEEET! Great Work Juggy

Tricky Tacky - Simple, stark and very high contrast this one really pops out at ya. Nice!

Toxic Shia - Ahhahahah Fusionette the Movie lol! Ok you gotta love a girl who fights crime, throws bolts of energy from her hands, has blue hair aaand can kick it old school with Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)... Brilliant!

Crestent - Love the concept and i'm dying to know what GW just did (or is about to do) that she is shushing me about so great job grabbing the viewers attention and drawing me in. The image itself needs a few finishing touches it appears... a little rushed.

Tatrysauce - Funny idea and a few have mentioned it reminds them of a certain type of classic movie poster but I've not seen one like that so I cant say for sure. Chuckle worthy though.

Projectionist - This one to me does the best job of "looking" like a movie poster right down the the font size and all caps for the actors names in the footer text... nicely done. The only thing is detracting from it is the likeness to either Sister Psyche as she is portrayed in the comics (or in my head for that matter) or any resemblance to Eliza Dushku just isn't there for me. Zena the warrior princess as GW though... that my friend is pure genius!

Foo - Great concept, I would totally see a movie about the origin of GW. I'm not sure what the significance of the red lettering under the title is though but if you remove it then the title would blend into the background... too much use of black and purple perhaps? If I were to suggest something maybe make the lettering itself red with a white shadow to make it stand out more and do away with the marking under the lettering. The likeness is a bit off on the face too.

Aprosaath - Hah this one made me laugh several times I kept finding more things to like the more I studied it. Go hug kiss skulls LOL. Great look for the Bone Daddy and Longbow too I almost chose this outright but then I remebered we are supposed to be choosing which would make the best movie poster not favorite image and this does kinda remind me of a story more than a movie poster... you should totally have stolen the style of small text from bottom of Projectionist piece and you'd have it.

Juggy gets my vote this time but great work all around and I can't wait to see next months results... whatever happened to Alex btw anyone know??? Sucks not getting to see his entrant.

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Lousy Day - Loved the textures and the font for the word Positron but the helmet looks nothing like posi to me. Wrong shape, the visor shouldn't dip down at the sides (it's straight across), the receivers are too thick and the base where they attach to the helm should be more squared, and the "lighted veins" happen at the cheek, jaw and cranium... pretty much everywhere except the mouth area where it's lit in his poster... is this artistic license? Is there perhaps an earlier version of Posi's helm I'm unaware of? You definately nailed the "teaser poster" aspect though.

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Your observations, while accurate, are not necessarily what I thought was the most important for this piece. I was going for a very dark and solemn mood, to set the stage for an impending grim future, and the challenges a hero must face to prevent that future. Lighted veins running through "pretty much everywhere except the mouth area where it's lit" just didn't work for me to accomplish that. I could have just said the helmet wasn't powered on since he is not wearing it and used no blue lighting at all, but then it would have been too dark and looked like mars with horns. So I moved the lighting to his mouthguard to more clearly define the form as well as create a connection between the logo and the helmet. Grey Pilgrim said it didn't pop out enough for him, but personally I wouldn't have minded the light areas(where you see the receivers and the top of his helmet) being even darker. What I was interested in wasn't revealing accurate detail as much as building anticipation, which I think is sometimes better accomplished by showing just enough, but not everything.

I am sorry if it looks nothing like Posi to you, because it comes across to me as something he could have easily worn at some point. I think I mentioned that my movie was set during the time of Rikti War, which I believe to be some time ago. So think of this version as my impression of Posi, rather than a poor replica of the one he is supposed to be wearing in Steel Canyon. When I think of Posi, I think of the dark orange helm with those receivers. I hope there are enough similarities to remind others of Posi, because I would have failed completely otherwise.

I just wanted to explain some of my thought processes in making of this piece, since Chris decided to point out all the inaccuracies in detail, which weren't the focus of my piece. He would have been completely right if this month's theme was to render a CoH character as accurately as you can. I do appreciate when someone evalutes all the pieces, like he did this month and Alex last month.

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