5 days away...oo i'm so anxious!
oh yea i got a 32 gig black one coming my way, so i'll finally be able to fit abour 1/4 of my music on it, better than my old 8 gig iphone.
nope i dont find much need in all that...im happy with the envy
What's an iPod? *Still listen to 8 Track.*
Toons found here.
Gamer cards found here.
Proud member of Angels of Wrath and South of Heaven.
MA#: 65131 Play it today.
I hate cell phones, they are annoying expecally when you get people that can't dettach the stupid thing from there ear while driving, I leave my phone at home so when I am out some where people can't bug me
I had one cell phone, busted it into a million peices after a few months, I didn't want it anymore caused to many problems
How's it feel to know that you'll probably be buying a cell phone that is just know getting features others have had for years now? Or that it still cannot do some simple things?
What's an iPod? *Still listen to 8 Track.*
[/ QUOTE ]
My first car, that I drove to high school in the early 90s, was a 1978 Mercury Grand Marquis and it had a functioning 8 track player. It was later given to one of my uncles who turned it into a shrimp boat (the car, not the 8 track player.) I've always assumed he did this by simply attaching some nets to it, since it was already fairly boat-like.
Some may wonder..."BABs! What the heck are you posting this for, here in the Guardian forums?"
The answer is, cause some of the people over in Justice are getting all cocky about the number of viewers their section has right now, and I'm proving a point that maybe that has more to do with a link to their section through the dev digest than how awesome Justice is. Don't get me wrong...Justice is awesome. But all the servers are awesome in their own way.
"But BABs...why change the title of the subject line?"
Cause I really want to prove the point. *waves to all the people looking for details about the expansion*
"But BABs...that's cheating!"
*give BABs a cookie*
*gnaw BABs' forehead*
I play all my toons like a blaster: I die a lot.

global handle: @Pepsiman
Wii Code: 5292 9629 8964 1440
XBL: IndyBanzai
So tells more about HeroCon. Oops wrong thread.
On Guardian!
Mike Halo
& a few dozen others.
Our SG: Stars of Paragon
Fiction: Training Day
What's an iPod? *Still listen to 8 Track.*
[/ QUOTE ]
My first car, that I drove to high school in the early 90s, was a 1978 Mercury Grand Marquis and it had a functioning 8 track player. It was later given to one of my uncles who turned it into a shrimp boat (the car, not the 8 track player.) I've always assumed he did this by simply attaching some nets to it, since it was already fairly boat-like.
Some may wonder..."BABs! What the heck are you posting this for, here in the Guardian forums?"
The answer is, cause some of the people over in Justice are getting all cocky about the number of viewers their section has right now, and I'm proving a point that maybe that has more to do with a link to their section through the dev digest than how awesome Justice is. Don't get me wrong...Justice is awesome. But all the servers are awesome in their own way.
"But BABs...why change the title of the subject line?"
Cause I really want to prove the point. *waves to all the people looking for details about the expansion*
"But BABs...that's cheating!"
[/ QUOTE ]
You made me sad and lol in the same post. Well done?
First... er... fifth after a red name!
*gives BABs some cookies from Ulli's stash*
*waves to everyone visiting the thread from the Dev Digest*
Yup, this cements it. I don't care what happens in the future now, we have and always had the coolest Devs and this is and has always been the coolest game.
Thanx for stoppin by, BABs
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
How's it feel to know that you'll probably be buying a cell phone that is just know getting features others have had for years now? Or that it still cannot do some simple things?
[/ QUOTE ]How's it feel wishing you had n iPhone? No other phone I've seen comes close.
*gives BABs a Cookie Gift Basket Platter*
I'll post more when the tears dry up and I stop laughing...
(lolJustice )
You should post in the ban thread.
[/ QUOTE ]
Babs! Doooo eeeet! Cookies are healthy for brawlers everywhere, dontchaknow!
Basically too many 50's to count, but I'm generally a brute/scrapper/tank kind of guy.
What's an iPod? *Still listen to 8 Track.*
[/ QUOTE ]
My first car, that I drove to high school in the early 90s, was a 1978 Mercury Grand Marquis and it had a functioning 8 track player. It was later given to one of my uncles who turned it into a shrimp boat (the car, not the 8 track player.) I've always assumed he did this by simply attaching some nets to it, since it was already fairly boat-like.
Some may wonder..."BABs! What the heck are you posting this for, here in the Guardian forums?"
The answer is, cause some of the people over in Justice are getting all cocky about the number of viewers their section has right now, and I'm proving a point that maybe that has more to do with a link to their section through the dev digest than how awesome Justice is. Don't get me wrong...Justice is awesome. But all the servers are awesome in their own way.
"But BABs...why change the title of the subject line?"
Cause I really want to prove the point. *waves to all the people looking for details about the expansion*
"But BABs...that's cheating!"
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd like to point out that nowhere near enough narwhals were mentioned in the subtext of this non-post. Three is never the right number.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
The answer is, cause some of the people over in Justice are getting all cocky about the number of viewers their section has right now, and I'm proving a point that maybe that has more to do with a link to their section through the dev digest than how awesome Justice is. Don't get me wrong...Justice is awesome. But all the servers are awesome in their own way.
[/ QUOTE ]
Betcha won't post in the Triumph forum...
(lolJustice )
[/ QUOTE ]
*gives BABs some cookies from Ulli's stash*
[/ QUOTE ]
BABs nerfed my cookies...

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
The answer is, cause some of the people over in Justice are getting all cocky about the number of viewers their section has right now, and I'm proving a point that maybe that has more to do with a link to their section through the dev digest than how awesome Justice is. Don't get me wrong...Justice is awesome. But all the servers are awesome in their own way.
[/ QUOTE ]
Betcha won't post in the Triumph forum...
[/ QUOTE ]
BaB baiting? Trying to taunt BaBs? **duck and cover**
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.
*gives BABs some cookies from Ulli's stash*
[/ QUOTE ]
BABs nerfed my cookies...
[/ QUOTE ]
Y'know, he could animate you permanently as not eating cookies.
talk about dev thread jack, babs needs to go preorder his new iphone 3gs, its better than his blackberry storm.
I knew a guy once who hung out in alleys. He also hit the hooch pretty early in the day, if you know what I mean.
"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler
*gives BABs some cookies from Ulli's stash*
[/ QUOTE ]
BABs nerfed my cookies...
[/ QUOTE ]
Y'know, he could animate you permanently as not eating cookies.
[/ QUOTE ]
No, that would be animating me eating cookies faster than your framerate can render.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
yea thats right were 5 day's out from me getting my new cellphone, the iPhone 3GS. anyone else allready pre-order or planning on getting it soon?