I am an unabashed Leeroy.
It really depends on how accurately you can judge the situation in front of you. Inexperienced tankers who don't know what the limit of their character like to stand around hoping someone else will initiate combat. Some lead, some follow. Scrappers just want to kill.
I feel your pain. Was in a group where the "tank" wanted to heard every spawn even though they were pretty tight groups to begin with. He would plan out what group to heard and where he was going to heard them.
So I jump in the middle of a group and say "hearding to here" and start killin.
I ran an ice/em tank into the high 30s before deletion. I had all the binds in place for proper herding. After deleting that character, I moved the "herding to here" bind to both my main scrapper and main brute. Never use them much, but it's nice to do as a joke from time to time.
Be well, people of CoH.

Sometimes I charge, sometimes I take the opportunity to look at websites or do RL stuff while waiting. I've found it's good to alternate both so your teammates don't get frustrated at the crazy scrapper rushing all the time.
A good Tank is pushing the pace of the mission constantly, and should be grabbing aggro ahead of the team if at all possible.
Of course, most of my Scrappers have a two speeds... Go and GO FAST! If the Tank isn't pacing the team, I will.
I had this happen on the Lady Grey Task Force. We hit the 4 horsemen (or whatever those EBs are called) and the team just stopped and started farting around. I got fed up, popped a couple oranges and a red and charged... The team freaked out. The Tank in particular shot me a tell saying "Don't expect me to come save you..."
After soloing the combined spawns of Rikti and just going ape with Shockwave, Evsicerate, and Spin the the packed melee of rikti I shot a tell back...
"Not looking to be saved, champ"
The team joined the fight shortly thereafter.
A soft-capped Scrapper is hell on wheels and I subscribe to the Billzbubba school of fighting arts. Card carrying member. Scrappers are built to just go nuts.
Oh yeah, totally, Tanks are ALWAYS too slow.
And I'm just as impatient and always itching to start on the next mob, the way I figure it i'm just feeding targets to the AoE machines right?
Sure, for a while I'd gotten a reputation with my SG mates as perma veng bait. They'd tease me about "not being a tank" but now I spend a bit more Inf on my scrappers, and build for survivability.
Which means I CAN dictate the speed, herd quickly, and just generally do a better job of lead tank than most tanks do anyway.
Tanks can eat my dust, and the rest of the team can mop up whatever's left over by the time they get there (If anything is left over)
Leeroy FTW!!!
Ok, time's up, let's do this! *charges in while the group stands around*
How many of you use the durability of your scrapper to help dictate the speed of the group? I usually play a tank in MMOs, and I get frustrated with slow-moving tanks very quickly. To alleviate this frustration, I charge right in to the next group. If people follow me, cool, if they don't, meh, it's only an 8 man spawn, what's it going to do (other than get shredded by my claws)?
Not all tanks are too slow, of course. Some tanks are ahead of me 99% of the time. But many seem to want to just fart around for 10-20 seconds between easy groups. RAGE! Things should be getting stabbed, not standing there unstabbed! Travesty!
So, who else tends to dictate the group's speed on their scrapper?
p.s. I also do this on my blaster and defenders, with much less successful results. I just can't stand standing around doing nothing!
[/ QUOTE ]
I stopped inviting tankers and just went looking for folks that could buff my scrapper to tankish survivability levels instead.
Most tanks are too slow. (Yes, I also MT'd for raiding groups in other MMO's)
I am an unabashed Leeroy.
[/ QUOTE ]
No no, there is a difference. Leeroy was a nut job who was intent on screwing over his party. (granted the party were morons as well, but that's beside the point)
Scrappers are Chaos incarnate, and letting them loose is a GOOD thing, provided you aren't a target.
And it sounds like we need a reclarification on the 6-second rule.
Those other seven people stealing my kills are on my TEAM?!?
I thought they were just there to distract my enemies so I could kill them easier.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I feel your pain. Was in a group where the "tank" wanted to heard every spawn even though they were pretty tight groups to begin with. He would plan out what group to heard and where he was going to heard them.
So I jump in the middle of a group and say "hearding to here" and start killin.
[/ QUOTE ]
... lmao. Love it.
I've invited tanks to pugs that I've run with my scrappers (sometimes you just need a filler!) and had them leave after they realize that I'm already doing their job.
Funniest memory along those lines,
Newly Invited Tank (to steamroller pug): "I am preparing to herd! I will bring mobs here. Please wait."
Teammate1: "No herding."
Teammate2: "Uh... why?"
Teammate3: "Just follow the star."
(3m later tank quits)
Those other seven people stealing my kills are on my TEAM?!?
I thought they were just there to distract my enemies so I could kill them easier.
[/ QUOTE ]
Been there, done that. I do my damdest to try and pull mobs off the tank from damage alone.
So, who else tends to dictate the group's speed on their scrapper?
[/ QUOTE ] Why in the world would I let 7 fillers dictate the speed for me?
I am an unabashed Leeroy.
[/ QUOTE ]
No no, there is a difference. Leeroy was a nut job who was intent on screwing over his party. (granted the party were morons as well, but that's beside the point)
Scrappers are Chaos incarnate, and letting them loose is a GOOD thing, provided you aren't a target.
And it sounds like we need a reclarification on the 6-second rule.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, this is a misconception. (Adressing only the leeroy thing.) The whole thing was staged to be funny. His guild came forward later and admitted that which makes the whole leeroy popularity thing really stupid. Similar situations have happened in countless other mmos without being staged but no one cares about them. The only reason the whole Leeroy thing is popular was because it happened on wow. Had it happened on any other mmo no one would have cared.
But that's going way off topic. I've been in similar situations as the original poster where I felt the group was moving too slow and I'd rush from mob to mob. However, I can't recall many instances where the parties actually wiped. My dps, with the support of the rest of the party, is typically enough to wipe out the group of mobs before they do much damage.
I love doing this. The only time I hold back is either if it'd wipe the team (I don't like showing off too much by taking out the spawn(s) that killed them) or if friends are asking me to wait. Remove those two and I'll be rushing in to kill everything, albeit I can't kill a mob as fast as some of you all since my main psycho Scrapper only has single-target attacks. But they aren't going to kill me. And yes, like the OP, I do this on all of my toons if the pacing is too slow, even if the character in question usually dies as a result. The only other times on other toons I don't rush in is if I need to use Rest or if I know I wouldn't succeed in doing anything before dropping.
And though she's not a Scrapper, one time on my Controller I woke a slow team up by using Wormhole to bring the mob to them. Of course, as horribly squishy as that toon is and the fact she had full aggro, she died, but so did the mob. It was, more or less, the opposite of a Scrapper moment. My Scrappers would have succeeded though.
I don't team much, so I get to Leeroy every spawn every mission, other than not having a team behind me freaking out.
Oh, and anyone that didn't realize Leeroy was staged completely missed half of the joke. Staging it doesn't make it a bad joke, or its popularity stupid.
On the rare occasions I team with people outside of a few friends, I'm sometimes respectful of the pace the team is setting, but sometimes not. If all of the spawns are spawns I could solo, then I'm probably going to tear them apart just like I'm soloing, and the team can follow or not.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
I run into the most problems in the second mission of the ITF. I don't like to wait for the ambushes, so most of the time I just run from cyst to cyst. Most of the team usually dies while I solo the mission. That pisses people off sometimes.
If I was team leader and you were running unnecessarily quickly into battle and putting the rest of the team to any kind of risk, I would give you three warnings before kicking you from the team.
I can almost guarantee that one or more other members of the party would then congratulation me on my patience in allowing you the opportunity to curb your impulsive behavior.
I know, because I have had to do this on more than one occasion.
If I wasn't leader, and I saw you repeatedly putting the team at risk. I would say something. If there wasn't a change, then I would simply quit the team and find/start another one.
Once you are on a team, it isn't just about you. You aren't solo. You are part of a team. Act like it.
you were running unnecessarily quickly into battle
[/ QUOTE ] That's what scrappers were made for
If I was team leader and you were running unnecessarily quickly into battle and putting the rest of the team to any kind of risk, I would give you three warnings before kicking you from the team.
I can almost guarantee that one or more other members of the party would then congratulation me on my patience in allowing you the opportunity to curb your impulsive behavior.
I know, because I have had to do this on more than one occasion.
If I wasn't leader, and I saw you repeatedly putting the team at risk. I would say something. If there wasn't a change, then I would simply quit the team and find/start another one.
Once you are on a team, it isn't just about you. You aren't solo. You are part of a team. Act like it.
[/ QUOTE ]
And this is part of why I mostly solo. Lots of people have VERY specific ideas about what a team should do and what powers team members should have, and often, these ideas are VERY different from person to person. You can get kicked from a team for doing what the last team insisted you do.
Screw it. I can kill almost everything in this game solo. So that's what I do. Or play with people I know that have complementary teaming styles. The small teams I'm more routinely on don't talk (at least about what we're doing) and don't slow down. We know how each other play. We know exactly what to expect. We don't rush into battle because we're impulsive. We rush into battle because we're experienced.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
If I was team leader and you were running unnecessarily quickly into battle and putting the rest of the team to any kind of risk, I would give you three warnings before kicking you from the team.
I can almost guarantee that one or more other members of the party would then congratulation me on my patience in allowing you the opportunity to curb your impulsive behavior.
I know, because I have had to do this on more than one occasion.
If I wasn't leader, and I saw you repeatedly putting the team at risk. I would say something. If there wasn't a change, then I would simply quit the team and find/start another one.
Once you are on a team, it isn't just about you. You aren't solo. You are part of a team. Act like it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Usually I give some kind of warning to the rest of the team, such as "Don't follow the psycho Scrapper if you can't take hits" or something like that. Most of the team is usually close behind and happy that someone is taking the alphas. The only ones I'm generally at odds with are tanks, since they always seem to insist doing things their way. I've never actually been kicked or warned by a team leader for doing things the Scrapper way nor have I had anyone quit over it. In general, people like high performance toons.
Then again, I don't play on the lower IQ servers.
If I was team leader and you were running unnecessarily quickly into battle and putting the rest of the team to any kind of risk, I would give you three warnings before kicking you from the team.
I can almost guarantee that one or more other members of the party would then congratulation me on my patience in allowing you the opportunity to curb your impulsive behavior.
I know, because I have had to do this on more than one occasion.
If I wasn't leader, and I saw you repeatedly putting the team at risk. I would say something. If there wasn't a change, then I would simply quit the team and find/start another one.
Once you are on a team, it isn't just about you. You aren't solo. You are part of a team. Act like it.
[/ QUOTE ]
A good leader recognizes their assets and uses them to the full potential. If you invited a scrapper to the team, as a good leader you should recognize a scrappers needs and the scrappers role on the team.
A good team doesn't mean patting yourself on the back for 2 minutes for defeating each and every spawn. If seven of my teammates are beating on the last mob of a spawn, I feel that's 5 too many.
I don't need to wait for your end bar to fill to continue on the the next, you go ahead and rest. I'm saving you endurance by killing stuff you won't need to attack.
Scrappers are perfectly willing to let tankers take alphas and hold aggro, just don't make us wait for it. The scrapper wouldn't be taking the alpha is the tanker got in there first.
If a scrapper runs into a spawn, no danger should come to the team. If you run in behind the scrapper, that doesn't make the scrapper responsible to you face planting. If the scrapper gets in over their head, and then drags aggro to the team they're a disgrace and should be ridiculed at the least, kicked from the team if necessary. The appropriate action for a teamed scrapper that gets in over their head is to die with dignity.
If I was team leader and you were running unnecessarily quickly into battle and putting the rest of the team to any kind of risk, I would give you three warnings before kicking you from the team....
Once you are on a team, it isn't just about you. You aren't solo. You are part of a team. Act like it.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've never actually been kicked or warned by a team leader for doing things the Scrapper way nor have I had anyone quit over it. In general, people like high performance toons.
Then again, I don't play on the lower IQ servers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ayup. I've been the team leader without being the alpha taker and had a scrapper (or BLASTER) start super-ceding the regular alpha. I don't get my undergarments wet over it. I think, and if they're genuinely trying to move the group faster, I suggest letting them lead. If they're not doing a good job, I suggest not following them. Things usually work themselves out.
Leadership is not about using the star like a hammer.
If I was team leader and you were running unnecessarily quickly into battle and putting the rest of the team to any kind of risk, I would give you three warnings before kicking you from the team.
I can almost guarantee that one or more other members of the party would then congratulation me on my patience in allowing you the opportunity to curb your impulsive behavior.
I know, because I have had to do this on more than one occasion.
If I wasn't leader, and I saw you repeatedly putting the team at risk. I would say something. If there wasn't a change, then I would simply quit the team and find/start another one.
Once you are on a team, it isn't just about you. You aren't solo. You are part of a team. Act like it.
[/ QUOTE ]
People with your playstyle bore the crap out of me and cause me to quit teams.
This is a game to be played for fun. 99% of the content is a joke we can breeze through with our eyes closed.
So when you're on a team, remember that this is a game and that some folks don't have fun when the "leader" is playing pretend that certain doom will happen if the scrapper goes off ahead of the team.
Be well, people of CoH.

Ok, time's up, let's do this! *charges in while the group stands around*
I just can't stand standing around doing nothing!
How many of you use the durability of your scrapper to help dictate the speed of the group? I usually play a tank in MMOs, and I get frustrated with slow-moving tanks very quickly. To alleviate this frustration, I charge right in to the next group. If people follow me, cool, if they don't, meh, it's only an 8 man spawn, what's it going to do (other than get shredded by my claws)?
Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't always bounce from group to group immediately. Sometimes things go bad and the group is all half dead when the spawn is finished, so a rest period is necessary. Sometimes there's a patrol or nearby group that needs to be taken into consideration, and pulling is better than galloping in. But usually, the tank just likes to stand around for a bit for absolutely no reason.
Not all tanks are too slow, of course. Some tanks are ahead of me 99% of the time. But many seem to want to just fart around for 10-20 seconds between easy groups. RAGE! Things should be getting stabbed, not standing there unstabbed! Travesty!
So, who else tends to dictate the group's speed on their scrapper?
p.s. I also do this on my blaster and defenders, with much less successful results.