Thinking of Returning
Post deleted by Moderator 08
And there's always new and exciting ways to approach existing content, like naked ITF runs.
Which aren't nearly as creepy as that sounds.
RP community is as good as ever. Stick to Virtue and you'll be fine. PvP isn't my thing, can't answer that. PvE is the same as ever; tactically fluid, lots of mobs, and with the AE, even more enemy types to challenge your ability to adapt.
I don't think they closed any servers. I'd recommend starting a new character from scratch, though, just so you don't miss anything good.
No, I wouldn't say now is a good time to return, sure theres lots of new content, but be careful, because if you choose the wrong content or level too quick, that's an exploit, and you'll be hit with a Ban stick.
Whats the "wrong content" or "too quick"? No one knows.
It's a minefield.
And this has seen a lot of Veterans leave.
The community is in disarray, and any of the bigger events, Hami raids etc, are unlikely to be seen for a while (because the veterans who organised them are gone)
most of the smaller servers don't have enough players to form decent teams, so you'll need to rely on your supergroup and friends list for teaming
which comes full circle back to, most of them just left, so theres noone there either.
(And forget about PvP it's been empty for a while)
I'd say wait a month, then hopefully equilibrium will have been restored, of course by that time, you'll be able to make the choice between this, Champions Online or the Marvel MMORPG.
PvP was recently revamped in i13. Currently, there's less PvP now than there ever was since i6. RP is the same as it ever was on Virtue, so groovy. PvE is PvE. If you liked it then, you should like it now.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
Don't listen to the "Doomslingers". Reup for a month, see how you like it. There haven't been any servermelds, Virtue is still the "unofficial" RP server, MA has jazzed the game anew, with your ability to make your own enemies to fight. PvP is still being worked on, PvE is easier, there is no more grind, and to me, the games still fun.
No, I wouldn't say now is a good time to return, sure theres lots of new content, but be careful, because if you choose the wrong content or level too quick, that's an exploit, and you'll be hit with a Ban stick.
Whats the "wrong content" or "too quick"? No one knows.
It's a minefield.
And this has seen a lot of Veterans leave.
The community is in disarray, and any of the bigger events, Hami raids etc, are unlikely to be seen for a while (because the veterans who organised them are gone)
most of the smaller servers don't have enough players to form decent teams, so you'll need to rely on your supergroup and friends list for teaming
which comes full circle back to, most of them just left, so theres noone there either.
(And forget about PvP it's been empty for a while)
I'd say wait a month, then hopefully equilibrium will have been restored, of course by that time, you'll be able to make the choice between this, Champions Online or the Marvel MMORPG.
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The "you'll get banned" thing is crap. Nobody I know has gotten banned. All of them have farmed a bit, most of them have even run some Rikti meow farms. Everyone knows what not to do; some people have trouble realizing that the rules aren't there to be broken.
I've been able to get teams regularly at a number of levels, without my SGs help (my SGs are generally no help, since most of my alts aren't in one). I've done paper missions and AE missions and story arcs and TFs/SFs lately.
There are whiners, there always are. The AE has shaken things up some, but in my opinion, it doesn't hurt to have a line between the OMGLVL50MUSTGRIND4EVA people and those who enjoy the journey, not just the destination.
None of my "veterans" have left. We're still good here. Just had a nice RP session last night with one of my older characters. Both mine and the other bloke had our "Celebrant" badges up, meaning the characters had been around back at the first anniversary. Now it's the 5th. Both the players and the characters had been around for years.
As you might have noticed, there's a bit of ...discontent... at the moment.
Overall though, it's a good time for new/returning players. Beta is just about to start <soon> on i15, so more content is coming around. Also, you might have heard that the next major expansion has been announced. Release on that isn't confirmed yet but later this year is the current opinion.
The RP community is in good shape if that's your thing, and there's plenty to do in PvE for team or solo.
I think you'll find something to your liking.
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.
Now would be a good time to come back, the Archetype system is really awesome, lots of fun stuff to do there.
Yes now is a great time to come back. Content is at an all time high with the AE and great storytelling through missions made by players, and if you've been gone since early COV... woah there is a LOT you've missed out on! A LOT!
More powers, more places, costumes costumes costumes... Plenty to do and see.
Ignore the doom bots. They're busy having a hissy fit.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
As you might have noticed, there's a bit of ...discontent... at the moment.
[/ QUOTE ]
Pfff, discontent my [censored]! I'm having a ball! Mission Architect is great, lots of awesome stuff going on in CoH World. Jump back in, we'll welcome you back with open arms!
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
The "you'll get banned" thing is crap. Nobody I know has gotten banned.
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Oh well hey then, it's all good!
to OP:
the game's a lot like it ever was with some incremental improvements.
If you liked it before, you'll probably like it more now. If you didn't' like it before, I doubt anything they've done will change your mind.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
The "you'll get banned" thing is crap. Nobody I know has gotten banned.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh well hey then, it's all good!
to OP:
the game's a lot like it ever was with some incremental improvements.
If you liked it before, you'll probably like it more now. If you didn't' like it before, I doubt anything they've done will change your mind.
[/ QUOTE ]
Basically, this.
There have been bans based upon how fast one has leveled using the MA system, but your chances of getting booted are still relatively low. If you hit 50 within two weeks of rolling the character, you might want to be a bit cautious, regardless of the fact that you could have done so faster outside of MA.
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
Play now for a awhile until you get bored. Then stop playing like you did last time.
Then wait a few months and come back when Going Rogue expansion comes out and have alot of fun again.
Or you can just play now and keep playing until Going Rogue expansion comes out and then keep playing some more!
I dont know which server you went on but if you are Justice, look me up for a good team. My global is @Sin Stalker.
If you dont remember how to message that you type in
/t @Sin Stalker, Hi and other txt here!
Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,
I would like to weigh in as saying that this game is poised to move in a very positive direction in my opinion. The release of two rather content heavy issues is immenent, and brand new options are going to be available.
Visit here and here for more information.
Disregard the nay-sayers and the overly negative folks. Plus, even if they are right, and the game is horrid now, once the so-called crisis passes, it can only get better.
Reyne_Maker is lying through their teeth.
Anyway, back on topic. Now would be a good time to come back, the Archetype system is really awesome, lots of fun stuff to do there.
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I think he/she means Architect, not Archetype.
Now would be a good time to come back, the Archetype system is really awesome, lots of fun stuff to do there.
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But it's fair you've got all the facts if you're thinking of returning- The community is upset.
The Dev's have been heavy handed in response to 'farming (without defining the term)
This isn't the place to discuss the whole issue, but lets just say that in an attempt to fix some bugs and address the issue of 'exploiting' with those guilty, many innocent people have been caught in the crossfire.
So, over on Justice at least, some our most prominent community leaders (Mermoine who is the regular Hami leader, and Philly who was a prominent member of PERC to name just a few) have up and left.
[u] Server numbers are currently down and morale is low. [u]
But yes, I15 is coming, and will herald a wealth of new players, new issues always do.
And that's scheduled to be very, very soon, So all I'm saying is that today is very definitely a bad time to return,
But wait a while, time your return with the release of I15 and it will be a very different place indeed
Peak into a server and see for yourself what is going on. I doubt you'll have any issues finding a team or RP group especially on Virtue. No servers have closed.
PvP might be iffy....
If you need information on anything try .
Did you miss the "Log-out protest" monday? or was that just a Justice thing?
I'm not sure I'd say now is a good time to return. But I thrive on blind invites to PuGs in this game, and in my experience those have been rather lacking since AE came along unless I just happen to be playing the right AT. I've had poor luck with low level controllers, blasters, and tanks, but a recently created Defender shot up to level 33 in what is record time for me.
Also, every zone other than Atlas Park that I've been in seems much emptier these days as everyone congregates in Atlas to do AE missions.
On the other hand, the mission creator is almost a neat tool to play with.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Did you miss the "Log-out protest" monday? or was that just a Justice thing?
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Everybody I know missed it.
Apparently I'm to stupid right now to make an awesome link with a picture and stuff but neverthelss sign the petition! [u][u]

Did you miss the "Log-out protest" monday? or was that just a Justice thing?
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What does a log-out protest even set out to do? You all paid the sub fee for the month didn't you? Was this a thoughtful gesture by many to give other players less lag?
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

It's a FINE time to come back. The things that some SMALL fraction of the player-base are currently dramatized over are things that you would have no familiarity with anyhow, so shouldn't enter into your consideration. It sounds from your questions that Virtue might be the best server to return to as it has the most RP focus and is one of the more populous servers.
The quantity of changes (good) and additions (great) that have come to the game since your departure are vast and I actually suggest NOT waiting until I15 in order to avoid having most of the player-base focused on the new shiny (to them) stuff while (at least temporarily) forsaking much of the other new shiny (to you) stuff. Welcome back!
Did you miss the "Log-out protest" monday? or was that just a Justice thing?
[/ QUOTE ]How many people did this? Was it even 1% of the player base?
So is it Worth coming back? How is it now?
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I think you can give it a second try. There are quite a lot of new stuffs since CoV release, I don't think I want to list them here. I think the main things are the invention system and the mission architect. I would like to mention the weapon customization as well if that sounds interesting to you.
Is the pvp any count?
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The pvp system was revamped last issue. You have to try it out yourself to see if you like it or not.
How is the PVE now?
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The gameplay is still pretty similar to the past. But since you took a pretty long break, the PvE game should be refreshing to you for a while. Overall, PvE is fast-paced with some thrill sometimes. I think the developers are not quite successful in making the mob bashing less deja vu.
It looks like they may have consolidated servers when I was last here, but I'm not really sure. It's been so long I don't even remember the server I was on. If this is the case and you were on one of the servers that was closed what happened to your chars?
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There is no server merge. If there is one, I believe it would be pretty messy moving all the characters.
Did you miss the "Log-out protest" monday? or was that just a Justice thing?
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Everybody I know missed it.
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And aren't you the same troll who's been baiting the Farewell Threads in the Justice Forums?
So Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.
The fact that there even is a "Farewell" thread should be a indication of the state of current morale.
there were unhappy people, some were guilty, some were innocent, some of those innocent were veterans and are leaving, (MrDead knows many of the people I'm talking about, but I'm sure he'll only have rude things to say, just as he has ruined what were solemn goodbye threads in the justice forums)
On the scale of Catastrophes it's not Star Wars Galaxies, but it's at least comparable to ED, and sure, CoX recovered from ED, and there have been a lot of fun times since. But right now, today, is a bad day, so, if you've waited this long, wait another two weeks, things will have settled down, equilibrium will be reestablished, and I15 looks promising.
So here's hoping that tomorrow is a better day, and if you end up on Justice, we will make you very welcome.
Well it's been a long time since I've played this game. Last time I played was when CoV released. I played for a few months after that and moved to other games. I'm pretty much getting fed up with WAR and am considering returning to this game. So is it Worth coming back? How is it now? Is the pvp any count? How is the PVE now? How is the RP community now in this game? It looks like they may have consolidated servers when I was last here, but I'm not really sure. It's been so long I don't even remember the server I was on. If this is the case and you were on one of the servers that was closed what happened to your chars? Thanks for your feedback.