Thinking of Returning




Did you miss the "Log-out protest" monday? or was that just a Justice thing?

[/ QUOTE ]
No clue what you are talking about. I have yet to hear even a murmur of ill-content in-game. The only place I see any of the issues you mention are in the angry ranting posts on this forum.

So, to the OP... my advice? Re-subscribe to the game and stay FAR away from the forums to maximize your enjoyment of this still quite fantastic game!



Did you miss the "Log-out protest" monday? or was that just a Justice thing?

[/ QUOTE ]How many people did this? Was it even 1% of the player base?

[/ QUOTE ]

honestly Lisar, i don't know, it was organised through the forums., And let's face it most regular players don't use the forums, just some of the more dedicated.

But the fact it was even organised to begin with means something, and this is what I'm talking about.



So...7 people didn't play?



So...7 people didn't play?

[/ QUOTE ]
Lol, don't encourage him/her. Apparently, there is no real need.

Besides, this detracts from the point of this thread: getting another person to join the CoH community!



I had two members of my sg do the no log in thing. Not cuz they agree or disagree but because a friend felt passionett and wanted to do it and tried to bring as many as possible... which was two, lolz.

As for people on the forums... the main people on the forums are the ones who are upset over all this. Seeing posts like Posi's and stuff they just cant let go. That protest unfortunatly was completely unnoticed and will be forgotten even quicker.

Anyways, so "key" figures in the community leave. They have done that so many times over the last 5 years. There will eventually be someone new to pick up those hami rolls.

I mean heck, already my sg is talking about filling in and helping the community by doing hami raids and stuff each week.

I've played this game since it went live. People leave, they leave. They stay, they stay. It'll eventually heal itself like it always does.

Anyways, guys, this guy asked about he game, not about this whole topic. So please cut it out. Its over with and we can all get on with our RL and play lives (whether its with coh or without). So unless you yourself is being banned or hurt by all this, drop it, at least for this thread...
and if you are being hurt by this, take it up with customer service and its against the whatever you call it and frankly is none of our business. Make a new thread if you really want to share about your woes but not here.

jwb80 I want to apologize for the way this thread is going. It is a hot topic for many. In the end it is a good time to try the game again but probably not the best time for the forums

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,



The4 game's always been a blast for me, so if you've enjoyed it in the past I think you will now, only more so because there's more content these days.

Oh, and ignore the cranky posters. The devs made a couple of small PR slip-ups and the cranky posters treat it like the second coming of the Third Reich.



The4 game's always been a blast for me, so if you've enjoyed it in the past I think you will now, only more so because there's more content these days.

Oh, and ignore the cranky posters. The devs made a couple of small PR slip-ups and the cranky posters treat it like the second coming of the Third Reich.

[/ QUOTE ]M. Bison is coming though!




I think Reyne_Maker brought up valid points--there's no reason to get all COH IS PERFECT on us. We all know that isn't true, and that there has been some dissent recently.

That being said, I can say that I'm still very much enjoying this game, and that if you RP, not much has changed...except the addition of the wonderful story-telling tool known as AE. I think it's worth resubscribing even for just a month to check it out.



Come on in! The water's great!
CoH has changed a lot... for the BETTER!
And with a new Expansion in the near future and a new update imminent, I honestly think the Dev's are JUST GETTING STARTED!

So, come on in, and welcome back to Paragon City!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Oh, and ignore the cranky posters. The devs made a couple of small PR slip-ups and the cranky posters treat it like the second coming of the Third Reich.

[/ QUOTE ]

Pshaw. My crankiness is far more longstanding and genuine than that. And as regards this thread, said crankiness only reflects personal observance of the current gaming environment without assuming that said observance is a universal fact. And I made no allusions to any Dev PR situations.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



So is it Worth coming back?

[/ QUOTE ]
If you're interested enough to spend fifteen bucks, it's worth coming back. Much new stuff to see and do, new costume options, new creative outlets, and, at least on my home server (Guardian, to be precise), the lowbie zones are jumping- I've seen more newbies cruise past in the last couple of weeks than I have in several years... to the point that I've made something of a habit checking vet badges as I wander about out of nothing more than simple curiousity.

How is it now? Is the pvp any count? How is the PVE now? How is the RP community now in this game?

[/ QUOTE ]
PvP is... suffering, a little. It was revamped heavily, and much of the tiny PvP community foreswore it, if they didn't leave entirely. It's worth a look, though- I've heard a few positive reviews on the new direction from people who didn't PvP before, so who knows? It may be more accessible now.

There's some great new stuff for PvE- see if you can arrange a spoiler-free story run of the Imperious Task/Strike Force, that's an absolute blast, and the story is fun too. The Lady Grey Task/Strike Force is another good one- the Rikti Crash Site got completely revamped to become the (co-op) Rikti War Zone, with some interesting new zone events, an intriguing story (hey, remember those glowering-eyes billboards that said "They are still among us. Report suspicious activity to the Vanguard"? Well, you can finally see 'em, work with 'em, and beat the snot out of 'em. The Vanguard, that is).

I'm not sure if you would have seen the Statesman Task Force/Lord Recluse Strike Force... Lesse... you can now "Flashback" to old content (auto-exemplared down) via the Ouroboros system/zone (which is also handy for transportation, since you can pop out a portal anywhere you like)- there's also some cool Task Force/Strike Forces in that zone...

And, of course, there's the Mission Architect, which has loads and loads and loads of... well, Sturgeon's Law. But there's also that 10% that isn't head-explodingly bad, and enough stuff that's really, really good to keep you going for a good long while after you've tried all the other new toys

It looks like they may have consolidated servers when I was last here, but I'm not really sure. It's been so long I don't even remember the server I was on. If this is the case and you were on one of the servers that was closed what happened to your chars? Thanks for your feedback.

[/ QUOTE ]
No server mergers... or if they did, I didn't notice, and nobody's mentioned it >.>

It keeps getting suggested every few months by people who think that because the server load isn't red all the time (which means that the server's about to explode, not that there's 'enough people') they should jam all the servers together, but it hasn't actually happened.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



No server merges and no servers have been shut down. Even if some people dont want to admit it, this game is still going strong.

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,



no servers were merged, nor were any closed, i should know, i tend to play on the least popular ones. and guy, if you want to come back, the best advice is, give it a shot for a month. If you left around the launch of cov, then there is quite a lot new for you to see, and then you can decide if its right for you. one thing you will notice, if you played a blaster or a stalker, is that they play a little differently now, blasters no longer have the version of defiance they once had, but they now can attack with their lower tier attacks while mezzed and build a damage bonus by attacking from range. stalkers as well have a quite a lot of benefits and play far better than you may remember, particularly in teams. doms got one buff, where they get mez protection while in domination, as well as a bonus to domination building in groups, but they are going to be getting another look through, so if you have one, it may get stronger.



and guy, if you want to come back, the best advice is, give it a shot for a month.

[/ QUOTE ]

Even pessimistic me would agree with this advice. There are far worse things to blow $15 on.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Please note, the legitimate character deletions/account bans were for people who grossly abused an oversight in the MA that let them go 1-50 in single digit hours.

Some in less than a handful of hours.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



and guy, if you want to come back, the best advice is, give it a shot for a month.

[/ QUOTE ]

Even pessimistic me would agree with this advice. There are far worse things to blow $15 on.

[/ QUOTE ]

And Pessimistic old me agrees too,
all I'm saying if the choice is between dropping 15$ today on June, or 15$ in two weeks, in time for I15, then wait the two weeks.
But please do drop the 15$ and join us



Please note, the legitimate character deletions/account bans were for people who grossly abused an oversight in the MA that let them go 1-50 in single digit hours.

Some in less than a handful of hours.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's been mentioned that this isn't the place to talk about this, and I agree. But it's important to remember we're not talking about legitimate exploiters, they deserved the ban stick, we're talking about the innocent affected.
People, generally veterans, who have two accounts and level pact between them. That's not exploiting, that's twice the risk. So to watch them lose perfectly legitimate characters on account of the developers actions is frustrating to say the least, and should have any sane player asking if the same could happen to them.
That's all.

Now can we talk about the awesome new features that are coming?
The new I15 taskforces perhaps?



Ignoring the rest of the thread, yes, it is well worth coming back. The game is better than it ever was, and despite the Architect seemingly not offering anything that isn't bad in more ways than it is good, it's still a major improvement in ever way. For me, if I had to list the good stuff that happened since CoV launched, I'd have to say Mayhem and Safeguard missions, the Blaster, Stalker and Kheldian improvements, and I'd probably say the upcoming Dominator improvements, proliferation of old powersets to new ATs. New content, plenty of new costume pieces, several new powersets, and even Inventions. There's a lot of stuff to do and a lot of stuff that's better, and despite what people say, nothing that's actually gotten worse that I've seen. Well, except the Matla group who only ever seem to get worse and worse.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.




The "you'll get banned" thing is crap. Nobody I know has gotten banned.

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh well hey then, it's all good!


to OP:
the game's a lot like it ever was with some incremental improvements.

If you liked it before, you'll probably like it more now. If you didn't' like it before, I doubt anything they've done will change your mind.

[/ QUOTE ]

Basically, this.

There have been bans based upon how fast one has leveled using the MA system, but your chances of getting booted are still relatively low. If you hit 50 within two daysof rolling the character, you might want to be a bit cautious, regardless of the fact that you couldn't have done so faster outside of MA.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thought I'd fix the hyperbole to reflect the reality.



Please note, the legitimate character deletions/account bans were for people who grossly abused an oversight in the MA that let them go 1-50 in single digit hours.

Some in less than a handful of hours.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's been mentioned that this isn't the place to talk about this, and I agree. But it's important to remember we're not talking about legitimate exploiters, they deserved the ban stick, we're talking about the innocent affected.
People, generally veterans, who have two accounts and level pact between them. That's not exploiting, that's twice the risk. So to watch them lose perfectly legitimate characters on account of the developers actions is frustrating to say the least, and should have any sane player asking if the same could happen to them.
That's all.

Now can we talk about the awesome new features that are coming?
The new I15 taskforces perhaps?

[/ QUOTE ]

The sane player should note that the devs have indicated that this undertaking was an accident. The people handed the instructions on who to ban didn't take level-pacts into account. IIRC anyone who petitioned had/will have the issue rectified. Now anyone who does nothing but complain... probably won't get noticed by the devs lol.

Anyway new issue on test within possible days/week, new expansion coming out, several planned free issues beyond that. Awesome time to be subbed.



I came back after a hiatus similar to what the OP described, and I'm glad I did. There is the good ole content and some new shiny stuff that can keep you busy for quite a while.

Some new Power Sets and ports, and my very favorite tweak, the Stalker overhaul. Now they are a joy to play, and not one-trick ponies anymore.

Population is good (I play Champion), but that depends on what you want to do.

I don't prod PVP with a 10' pole.

Like most things in life, Shakespeare describes the situation quite aptly:

"...But, in faith,
Kate, the elder I wax, the better I shall appear:
my comfort is, that old age, that ill layer up of
beauty, can do no more, spoil upon my face: thou
hast me, if thou hast me, at the worst; and thou
shalt wear me, if thou wear me, better and better:..."

From Henry V

Jump back, take a look, and see if things are to your liking. I'm glad I did.




The "you'll get banned" thing is crap. Nobody I know has gotten banned.

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh well hey then, it's all good!


to OP:
the game's a lot like it ever was with some incremental improvements.

If you liked it before, you'll probably like it more now. If you didn't' like it before, I doubt anything they've done will change your mind.

[/ QUOTE ]

Basically, this.

There have been bans based upon how fast one has leveled using the MA system, but your chances of getting booted are still relatively low. If you hit 50 within two daysof rolling the character, you might want to be a bit cautious, regardless of the fact that you couldn't have done so faster outside of MA.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thought I'd fix the hyperbole to reflect the reality.

[/ QUOTE ]

No hyperbole. It's quite possible to 50 in under two weeks both in and out of MA, yet there were two characters I know of (and possibly more that I don't) that were removed for hitting 50 in two weeks' time using MA.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Most of those in-error deletions should have been fixed with a single petition and some investigation. It's an honest mistake, and complaining is pointless.



Did you miss the "Log-out protest" monday? or was that just a Justice thing?

[/ QUOTE ]
Considering that if you log out you aren't in the game, it would be difficult to NOT miss it. That's like being picketed by the Invisible Man.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth