what's your favorite scrapper build? and why?

Ars Valde



what's your favorite scrapper build? and why? i'm thinking of playing as a scrapper. i want to know from ppl who have played as a screapper what their favorite build for a scrapper is. then i'm gonna pick a design for a scrapper that sounds best to/for me.



what's your favorite scrapper build? i'm thinking of playing as a scrapper. i want to know from ppl who have played as a screapper what their favorite build for a scrapper is. then i'm gonna pick a design for a scrapper that sounds best to/for me.

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DM/Regen for me. I love the single target specialization and the skill based reactive survivability design.



DM/Regen! Immortality!



I'm partial to Claws/Willpower, personally. I'm pretty dang new to the game (Had a trial a long while back, so that is why my forum name is old).

I tried Claws/Regen, but it has taken me a while to learn that some of my click heals are not "Oh S***" buttons and should be used regularly! I'm used to other MMOs still, and find that the toggles on Willpower are quite simple for beginners!

I don't know if you're new or not, but you should definitely give XXXX/Willpower a try.




It's not the best at anything, but it's so good at everything that I don't care.

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Most fun is Fire/Fire cause there is nothing like FE+BU+Fire Melee attacks chain but my favorite is a defense capped DM/SR since it can take anything I throw at it

Once side switching takes place however they will both be replaced by a def capped DM/SD Brute SoulDrain+Fury+AAO+Shield Charge = WIN



DB/SR here, awesome Def and damage output



First scrapper I got to 50 is Fire/Regen. That character was fun to play at every level.

Also enjoying Martial Arts/Shields and Dark Melee/Super Reflexes.

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My Katana/Invul scrapper is a tank on a budget and she has amazing damage potential too.

And let's face it, /invul looks too good to pass.



My two L50 scrappers are my DB/SR and (very recently) my BS/SD. I have a great time with both of them. For a first scrapper, I'd probably steer you to the BS/SD combo. Great burst damage, and with the mini-nuke from Shields it's also a strong AOE combo. Shield defense is solid, and a smoother ride from 1-50 than /SR. SR is a better defensive set once you get past level 35 or so, but /SD also gives you a great damage boosting power, and Shield Charge is a fabulous aoe attack.

These two toons have a very different feel to them. The DB/SR is exciting to play, because everything feels so up-tempo. Quick attacks, fast run speeds, and steady damage output. The BS/SD goes at a slower pace, and does damage in big bursts, whether against solo targets or swarms.



When it's all said and done, I've got to say DM/Regen. What can I say? I like the whappity-whap nature of the punches, and /regen fits my spastic keyboard pounding to a tee.

Having said that, though, I've been addicted to my four newest ones lately: DM/Fire (Two heals, two build-ups, and two DC's ftw!) - Claws/SR (Love the Focus. It's my precious.) - Fire/Dark (more survivable than I'd ever imagined, and as an old Shadow Maul fan, I LOVE breath of fire) and BS/Shield ('cause everyone needs a shield scrapper).

They're all only in their mid-20's right now, and I'm sure one will rise to the top, but right now I'm all about leveling the four horsemen more or less simultaneously. I'm weird. I know.

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i love spine, and for the secondary, i tried several but i really like invul too.

So spine/invul !



DM/SR is mine. It fits my concept for MunkiLord perfectly, and its a really strong combo.



Fire/Fire for me. I second the FE+BU+Attack chain.



All of them?

I have 2 at 50, another in the 40's and another up and coming in the teens. It's like asking which of your children is your favorite - you love them all for their different qualities.

If I had to pick one, it'd probably be my Martial Arts/Super Reflexes. He was my very first 50 and MA is teh sexeh.



Tough call, so many fun combos really.

DB/Dark is fun, because you just don't see them around. Though I never did get mine to 50 (concept reasons).

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Katana/Regen. Refusing to die never looked so sexy.



My BS/WP is the most laughable thing ever. I did a RWZ Challenge x2, solo'd 15 some odd AV's, and tank half the map when the Tanker gets lazy and slow.

BS/WP = srsbzns.



You really can't go wrong with any combo, just pick any combo that best fits your concept. This gets stated over and over, but it simply the truth.

As for me, over four years now and I still love to play my DM/DA. Big part of the appeal, is rarity. Despite significantly improved public opinion, few players chose to level anything paired with Dark Armor. I still think DM is the past primary for Dark Armor.

Mind you, I play scrappers more than any other AT. Any scrapper primary or secondary I haven't played to 50 is simply a limitation of time.

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Only Scrapper I've gotten to 50 is Katana/Regen, but I like it a lot. I recently respecced into a build that gives me a good shot at killing a Pylon within a reasonable time period. Katana isn't as flashy as Dual Blades or FWOOSHUNK like Broadsword, but it's effective and it looks nice. It also meshes well with Regeneration, a good set in its own right but even better when paired with Divine Avalanche.


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I'd say my favorite is my MA/Shield scrapper, although I am very fond of my MA/Regen as well. I just find martial arts to be the most comic-booky scrapperish set of the bunch. It's a lot of fun to play and the animations rock.

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Spines/dark because it was a real [4kids] to get to 50 with it, but with heavy investment, it's become an awesome living AoE. Spines/dark scrappers are pretty rare at level 50, too, so it has a bit of a unique factor.

Global - @Seigi no Akuma | Freedom mains:
Galvanized Justice - Electric Melee/Shield Scrapper
Overclocked Justice - Fire Blast/Traps Corrupter
Insanguinato - Fire Blast/Kinetics Corrupter
Insanguinata - Night Widow/Fortunata