what's your favorite scrapper build? and why?

Ars Valde



Got 2 scraps at 50 (and several more in the 20-30 range). Out of all of them, hands down my DB/SR gets the most play. It was a very tough, and rewarding, road to 50 with him, and I've taken a lot of pride in his build and slotting along the way.

As a scrapper, you'll probably have fun with whatever you choose - so many great sets and combinations thereof...you really can't go wrong.

MA Arcs:
"Bloodlines" - 40810
"Bloodlines: Part 2" - 176139
Feedback & Rating Trades Welcome!



My recently completed DM/Sheild gets lots of admiration for out-tanking tanks but this could just be the influx of crazy xp and leveling with MA is putting out poor quality tanks

That said it was a lot of fun at all points of its life with no flat spots, highly recommended



I have to pick ONE?!

Claws/Regen, BS/DA, Spines/Fire, DM/DA, Katana/SR

The Claws/Regen and BS/DA are pretty much tied.

Hang on a sec, lemme flip a coin.

Claws/Regen (I really did flip a coin )

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



My BS/WP is the most laughable thing ever. I did a RWZ Challenge x2, solo'd 15 some odd AV's, and tank half the map when the Tanker gets lazy and slow.

BS/WP = srsbzns.

[/ QUOTE ]

Seconded. Tons of fun and survivability without the micromanagement of Regen. Lots of fun. No end issues and nice big orange numbers. DM/Regen follows as my second fav.



My Katana/INV scrapper. It's fun to play and none of the folks I team with complain about him not pulling his weight. But my Fire/WP scrapper is a close second. If only we had the tanker epics....



If they're even bothering to look at it, Castle and Positron are probably loving this thread.

The fact that there are so many different combinations out there that are good enough to be *somebody's* favorite, speaks volumes about the balance and quality of the Scrapper powersets.

It's already been said by several people, but it bears repeating. If you're looking to play a good scrapper, just pick whichever one sounds fun to you. You can't go wrong that way.



My favorite scrapper?

The one I'm currently playing...



My first 50 was a Scrapper BS / Inv. He can tank he can hit and the big orange numbers still impress. I have stuck with him through the highs and lows of Invul and still play him to this day.

I have also been impressed with Fire / Regen. My Gf who had played about a month at this point soloed an archvillain with one before she knew what that meant.

Claws Dark The bag of tricks scrapper. You have a click for every occassion

Spines / Invul or Spines / willpower
Invincibility + spines equals living blender.



Everything you've been told is right.

My favorite scrapper usually gets built around concept really. Just about any powerset combination works well. If I have a fun backstory and I like his costume it's a go!

If I had to choose just one based on the playability of the sets alone I'd go with my DM/SD at the moment but he's just newer to me. My Claws/SR is right behind him.



I'm absolutely loving my new DM/SD scrapper and the backstory surrounding him.

On top of that, I love my Fire/WP scrapper (Just got her to 43 last night. She's a solo beast, minus AVs at this point due to no sets, etc.)

Lastly, I still love my old DM/Regen scrapper from before the IH switch.



Kat/WP, of course.

I've solo'd some of the nastier AVs on a reliable basis and the only ones I haven't, I can't access easily.

That reminds me, I need to go do the Ouro TF again and see how many of them I can down (Most important, LR, who I'm assuming still rapes me).

Proud Member of Fusion Force.



Mine would have to be Spines/SR, my first 50 scrapper, but like powerforge, it was a concept that i wanted and went with. Can I solo AV's, i have tried a couple of times always goes south real quick, but i dont know that spines can deal out enough Single target DPS to get the job done, but man can I mow down mobs...lol



I fell in love with Broadsword, just for the sheer CRUNCH of its attacks. No kidding, it's the sfx that hooked me. Well, that and the big orange numbers. After you've critted an AV for 1600 damage with Headsplitter, other sets start to feel ticky-tack.

Granted, those other sets can add up their ticky-tack hits to do more damage than Broadsword can do, but man, those big hits and one-shotters with all the knockdown and knockup... they feel real macho.

I paired it with shield for concept (sword&board), but it turns out that Shield Defense is made of pure awesome.



My Broadsword/Dark.

I took me many different scrappers to settle on him but Darks Flexibility and the recent released IOs have let me do something Ive always wanted:

Extreme Damage with Extreme Survivability. I dont care what anyone says, Dark in the hands of a competent player will outlast anyone, and Adding parry to that mix makes you godlike and you have a big friggen sword.

Who doesnt want a big friggen sword?!?



mah kat/wp

laughs at pylons and 99% of everything else in the game,

and yea, just fun to play.



DM/FA its an attack machine two heals two end recovers two attack buffs and a rez. it just makes you want to punch someting i love it



DM/WP So far. If scrappers got Elec though I would totally be all over that.



After you've critted an AV for 1600 damage with Headsplitter, other sets start to feel ticky-tack.

[/ QUOTE ]

1600? That's, what, critting on a built up hit? Moments like that are proof positive there is a God, and that he loves me.



After you've critted an AV for 1600 damage with Headsplitter, other sets start to feel ticky-tack.

[/ QUOTE ]

1600? That's, what, critting on a built up hit? Moments like that are proof positive there is a God, and that he loves me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Build Up, with -Resist debuffs on the opponent, and maybe against an already Lethal weak AV (like Carnies).

Rising to the Challenge: Spines/Willpower



-res debuffs, and Buildup with the Gaussian proc




I've tried a lot of different scrapper builds, but only 3 have survived long enough (for whatever reason) to still be on my character list after three or four purges...my DB/SR, my Claws/WP, and my MA/SD.

The MA/SD is my favorite right now. It looks cool, it plays cool, it's got higher survivability than I thought it did, and the attacks are literally kickass. Plus, I love that there are so many shields to choose from and so many ways to customize them (even if I do stick with the Dark elemental shield for rp purposes).

It doesn't hurt that for some reason MA/SD makes people go "WTF?", either...I guess it's an unexpected combo?

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@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Mine right now is my Spine/DA yes end heavy, a bit squishy (Could be my play style as well) but had more fun with it over the Kantana.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



BS/Regen here.

Love the clickieness of /Regen, and I love the sound effects of BS.

*smack smack*



three different 50's for three different moods or situations:

Damage heavy / reckless? Fire Fire - I kill a lot and get killed a lot. Really fun if you don't care about the latter. BU + FE + Attack Chain... like having your own personal Fulcrum Shift.

Tanking? DB/WP - surrounded by 10-20 bosses in one of the AE boss farms, watching multiples of "Sweep" and "Vitals" rise to the top of the screen, with Everything Knocked Down constantly, and tank level HP and Regen level regen... Awesome feeling.

Soloing - hard to kill - Katana/WP. Hi Def, Hi HP/Regen, decent Resistance. Never having to worry about single targets. AV Killah. Didn't do so well in the RWZ challenge...