what's your favorite scrapper build? and why?

Ars Valde



I'm really nostalgic for Martial Arts/WP.

Flashy attacks as the average of scrappers, coupled with no-thought-required secondary. I get to constantly think about how to take enemies down, rather than worry about my own survival.

This combination really clicks in my head for what a scrapper should be, whether secreat agent, ninja, or REALLY IRATE videogame crossover due to the overflowing Matrix. Or the badassery that is Watchmen.



DB/EA, cause that energy drain makes a slashing energizer bunny out of you!!!




ALL FLIPPIN SWEET! Though SR is a lil difficult to raise and Regen you hafta remember it's based mainly on Regen and not Defense...Then WP is like a cross of SR and Regen, which makes it my favorite! :P

And what makes MA tend to be more of a favorite is that EC doesn't take too long to recharge and none of the powers have a weapon, so there is no pause to draw one. BS does seem to be or at least "feel" stronger though, and is sweet too. Then Claws...well, claws are just kewl!



I love every scrapper I have played, pretty much and I have taken DM/Inv, MA/SR, Kat/Reg, Fire/WP, DB/SR, and BS/Fire all to lvl 40 or above.
My current fave project is my lvl 41 Fire/WP. I was surprised at how 'scrappy' it feels. I do feel that /Fire, /Reg and /Shield secondaries match better with high-mitigation primaries (DM/Kat/BS) than with MA or Fire, but that shouldn't be a deal killer if that is your concept.



Fond of my BS/Regen, especially now that I have permanent dull-pain. I don't' really die unless I'm one-shot in some spectacular way.

Rather enjoy DB/WP as well, though Rise to the Challenge and the overall AOE nature of Dual Blades tends to not mesh so greatly all the time.

DM/SR was a lot of fun as well. Just dodge friggin' everything. What's that? You got a hit in? That's okay, I'll just borrow your HP for a second.



I've only got one scrapper, Spines/SR, and man is he fun! I love the insanely spazzy AoE of spines. I've tried other scrappers, but they all tend to bore me when I compare them to spines. While they are good, they're just not as fun to me. Although, I've tried out DB and Claws, and they're pretty cool too.



Fiery/Fiery is my favorite Scrapper because it's the Scrapper that thinks it's a Blaster...and it's right.

Honorable mention goes to MA/SR because that combo is thematically beautiful and it's TOTALLY SWEET! And remember, your Health bar is your Awesome bar. The redder it gets, the more awesome you become until you become so awesome you have an awesome containment failure and you are killed by your own sheer awesomeness exploding all over you.

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